Are you ready yet?
Birthday Party
At the Bar
She's not Mexican
Take a Picture
How's it going?
Where are you from?
How do you say...?
I'm hungry
Call me
Doing the Laundry
Table for Two
I feel sick
How do you spell "beige?"
I'm sleepy
Going to the Market
The Neighbor
Call back later
It's expensive!
Is anyone in there?
The baby is sleeping
Coffee time
Smells good
What time is the train?
At the Bank
Bottle of Water
Here is my card
My name is...
Are you single?
How old are you?
I am allergic
Pay Phone
Do you want an empanada?
More Meatballs
Where do you live?
Going to the Movies
Have you seen Emilio?
Taking a Taxi
What a hassle!
Light my cigarette?
Apply for college
Shopping For Clothes
Cleaning the House
What's your favorite pastime?
Invitation for dinner
Great Song
Rent a car
It might rain
Bad Mood
She likes you
She's a vegetarian
Let me pay
Text me
My computer is not working
Do you remember her?
Credit Card
Too spicy
The Opera