Newbie - Coffee time (A0047)

A:  Oye, ¿te apetece un café?
Hey, would you like a coffee?
B:  Claro que sí.
Of course I would.
A:  ¿Solo o con leche?
With or without milk?
B:  Con un poco de leche, por favor.
With a little milk, please.

Key Vocabulary

oírVerbto listen
apetecerVerbto appetize
el caféNoun (m)coffee
la lecheNoun (f)milk

Supplementary Vocabulary

el café con lechePhrasecoffee with milk
el café soloPhraseblack coffee
el café cortadoPronounsmall coffee with a dash of milk
el azúcarNoun (m)sugar
la sacarinaNoun (f)saccharine
la cafeteraNoun (f)coffee maker