A: | Come más albóndigas. Te sirvo más. |
Eat more meatballs. Look, I'll give you more. | |
B: | Gracias, tía. Pero una nada más. |
Thanks, auntie. But just one more. | |
A: | ¿Que no te gustan? |
You don't like them? | |
B: | ¡Sí me gustan! Es que estoy lleno... |
I do like them! It's just that I'm full... | |
A: | ¿Cómo vas a estar lleno si casi no comiste? |
How can you be full if you hardly ate? | |
B: | Lo que pasa es que comí un pedazo de pastel por la tarde. |
The thing is, I had a piece of cake this afternoon. | |
A: | Con razón. |
That's why. | |
comer | Verb | to eat |
albóndiga | Noun | meatball |
tía | Noun | aunt |
servir | Verb | to serve |
pero | Conjunction | but |
nada más | Phrase | just |
gustar | Verb | to like |
lleno | Adjective | full |
pasar | Verb | to happen |
pedazo | Noun (m) | piece |
pastel | Noun (m) | cake |
salchicha | Noun | sausage |
chorizo | Noun | highly-seasoned pork sausage |
encantar | Verb | to be enchanting |
apetecer | Verb | to like |
disgustar | Verb | to dislike |
vacio | Adjective | empty |