Elementary - The Opera (B0099)

A:  Tengo entradas para ir a la ópera, ¿quieres venir conmigo?
I have tickets to go to the opera; do you want to come with me?
B:  ¿Ópera? No gracias, es muy aburrido.
Opera? No thanks, it's very boring.
A:  ¿No te gusta? La música es hermosa.
You don't like it? The music is beautiful.
B:  No, es horrible, sólo escucho gritos.
No, it's horrible; all I hear is screaming.
A:  Pues tú te lo pierdes.
Well, you're missing out.

Key Vocabulary

óperaNoun (f)opera
entradaNoun (f)ticket
irVerbto go
venirVerbto come
gritoNoun (m)shout
conmigoPronounwith me

Supplementary Vocabulary

conciertoNoun (m)concert
asistirVerbto attend
asientos numeradosPhrasereserved seats
contigoPronounwith you
