A: | Déjame pagar. |
Let me pay. | |
B: | No, yo te invito. |
No, I'm treating you. | |
A: | No por favor, yo pago. |
No please, I'll pay. | |
B: | No gracias, la próxima la pagas tú. |
No thanks, you pay it next time. | |
A: | ¡Qué no, deja que yo te invite! Lo hago con mucho gusto. |
No way, let me treat you! It's my pleasure. | |
B: | Vale, gracias. |
All right, thanks. | |
dejar | Verb | to let |
pagar | Verb | to pay |
invitar | Verb | to invite |
próximo | Adjective | next |
hacer | Verb | to make |
gusto | Adverb | pleasure |
vale | Interjection | all right |
deber | Verb | to owe |
cuenta | Noun (f) | bill |
mecero | Noun (m) | waiter |
efectivo | Noun (m) | cash |
propina | Noun (f) | tip |