Elementary - What a hassle! (B0026)

A:  Salí al supermercado y olvidé la cartera.
I went out to the supermarket and I forgot my wallet.
B:  ¿De verdad? ¿Entonces qué hiciste?
Really? And then what did you do?
A:  No pude hacer mis compras.
I couldn’t do my shopping.
B:  ¿Y vas a regresar de nuevo?
Are you going back again?
A:  No, qué lío, regreso mañana.
No, what a hassle, I’ll go back tomorrow.
B:  Mejor, así voy contigo.
Even better, I’ll go with you.

Key Vocabulary

salirVerbto leave
supermercadoNoun (m)supermarket
olvidarVerbto forgot
carteraNoun (f)wallet
poderVerbto be able
comprasNoun (f)shopping
regresarVerbto return
líoNoun (m)hassle
contigoPronounwith you

Supplementary Vocabulary

flojeraNoun (f)laziness
mercadoNoun (m)market
tiendaNoun (f)shop
