A: | Me da la cuenta, por favor. |
Bring me the check, please. | |
B: | Se la doy enseguida. |
I'll bring it to you right away. | |
B: | Perdón señor, pero no aceptamos tarjeta. |
Sorry sir, but we don't take cards. | |
A: | ¿No aceptan ninguna tarjeta de crédito? |
You don't take any credit cards? | |
B: | No, ninguna, disculpe pero sólo aceptamos efectivo. |
No, none, sorry, but we only take cash. | |
A: | Muy bien, tome. |
Fine, here. | |
tarjeta | Noun (f) | card |
crédito | Noun (m) | credit |
cuenta | Noun (f) | bill |
aceptar | Verb | to accept |
efectivo | Adjective | cash |
dar | Verb | to give |
pagar | Verb | to pay |
deber | Verb | to owe |
comisión | Noun (f) | commission |
en números rojos | Phrase | in the red |
tener cambios | Verb | to have change |
dinero | Noun (m) | money |