Elementary - My computer is not working (B0079)

A:  ¡No puede ser!
It can't be!
B:  ¿Qué pasa?
What happened?
A:  Mi computadora no está funcionando.
My computer is not working.
B:  ¿Qué le pasó?
What happened to it?
A:  El monitor no enciende.
The monitor does not come on.
B:  Reiníciala.
Restart it.
A:  Ya lo intenté y nada.
I already tried and... nothing.

Key Vocabulary

funcionarVerbto work
pasarVerbto happen
monitorNoun (m)monitor
encenderVerbto switch on
reiniciarVerbto restart
intentarVerbto try
computadoraNoun (f)computer

Supplementary Vocabulary

tecladoNoun (m)keyboard
ratónNoun (m)mouse
pantallaNoun (f)screen
memoriaNoun (f)memory
arreglarVerbto fix
garantíaNoun (f)guarantee
ordenadorNoun (m)computer
bloquearseVerbto freeze
