A: | ¿Por qué tiene hambre de nuevo? |
Why is she hungry again? | |
B: | Porque es vegetariana y comió muy poco. |
Because she’s vegetarian and she ate very little. | |
A: | ¿Entonces no come nada de carne? |
So she doesn’t eat meat at all? | |
B: | No, es vegetariana, sólo come vegetales. |
No, she’s vegetarian, she only eats vegetables. | |
A: | ¡Muy saludable!, ¡pero yo sin carne me muero! |
Very healthy, but without meat, I’m dead! | |
vegetariana | Adjective | vegetarian |
comer | Verb | to eat |
carne | Noun (f) | meat |
saludable | Adjective | healthy |
morir | Verb | to die |
sin | Preposition | without |
hambre | Noun (f) | hunger |
alimentarse | Verb | to feed |
vegetariano estricto | Adjective | vegan |
dieta macrobiótica | Noun (f) | macrobiotic diet |
productos lácteos | Noun (m) | dairy products |
verdura | Noun (f) | vegetable |
proteína | Noun (f) | protein |