3800 иероглифов частотного списка Wenlin

3800 иероглифов частотного списка Wenlin с определениями.
汉子 繁体字 Пиньинь Значение
1 de (grammatical particle) 2) [] 目的 goal 3) [] 的确 4) [] cab
2 one; 一定 certain; 一样 same; 一些 some
3 shì to be
4 not
5 le (particle) [liǎo] 了解 comprehend [liào] (=)
6 rén person; 人类 rénlèi humankind; 有人吗? anybody here?
7 zài at; 现在 xiànzài now; 存在 cúnzài exist
8 I, me; 我们 men we
9 yǒu have; there is; 没有 haven't; 有的 some 2) [yòu] (=)
10 zhōng middle; in; 中国 Zhōngguó China 2) [zhòng] hit (a target)
11 zhè [zhèi] this
12 big; 大家 jiā everybody 2) [dài] 大夫 dàifu doctor
13 guó (国家) country; 中国 China; 美国 USA
14 shàng over; top; (go) up; last, previous 2) [shǎng] 上声
15 [ge] (measure word); 个人 personal 2) [] 自个
16 lái come; 起来 get up; 原来 it turns out
17 he, him; she, her; it; (其他 ) other
18 wèi for, on account of 2) [wéi] be, become
19 dào to, towards, until
20 earth 2) [de] -ly (adverbial particle)
21 and; with; harmony 2) [huo] 暖和
22 shí (时间 shíjiān, 时候 shíhou) time; 小时 hour
23 men (pluralizing suffix:) 我们 men we; 人们 people
24 nián year; (,) this (next, last) year
25 shēng give birth; life
26 huì meet; can, able 2) [kuài] 会计 kuài accounting 3) [huǐ] 会儿 moment
27 chū go out, emit; 出现 chūxiàn appear, emerge
28 jiù just, simply, right away
29 child 2) [zi] (noun suffix:) 桌子 zhuōzi table
30 yào want; will 2) [yāo] 要求 yāoqiú demand
31 also; 也许 perhaps 3) []
32 using; so as to; as well as; 可以 may; 所以 suǒ so 3) []
33 shuō say, speak 2) [shuì] try to persuade; 游说
34 xué study, learn; 学校 school; 学生 student
35 de (grammatical) 2) [] get, reach, achieve 3) [děi] should
36 duì correct; yes; mutual; pair; 对不起 excuse me
37 xià under; (go) down; next (as opposed to previous/last)
38 [nèi] that 2) [nuó] 禅那 3) [nuò] 无那 4) [] (=) [něi] (=)
39 (可以 ) can; (可是 shì) but; 可能 kěnéng maybe
40 guò pass, go by, exceed; 过马路 cross the street
41 于於 (surname); (F) in, at, to, from, by, than
42 zhī s (similar to de); it (classical pronoun)
43 后後 hòu queen; (F) after, behind
44 着著 zhe (grammatical particle) [zháo] [zhuó] touch
45 zhǔ lord, master; (主要 zhǔyào) main; 主义 zhǔ -ism
46 néng can, be able; 能够 be capable of; 可能 maybe
47 里裡 village; half kilometer; (F) inside
48 duō many, much; how
49 xiǎo small; 大小 xiǎo size
50 ér (而且 érqiě) and, furthermore; (然而 rán'ér) yet
51 you; 你们 men you (plural)
52 tiān heaven; day; (天空 tiānkōng) sky; 天气 tiān weather
53 jiā home, house; family; 国家 nation; 大家 everybody
54 go (opposite of lái)
55 gōng (工作 gōngzuò) work; 工人 gōngrén worker
56 shí ten; 十三 shísān thirteen; 五十 shí fifty
57 yòng use; 好用 useful; 不用 there's no need
58 zuò do; make; 工作 work; 作业 homework 2) [zuō] 作坊 [zuó]
59 fēn divide; fraction; minute 2) [fèn] limits of rights or duty
60 發髮 (F) emit 2) [] (F) hair 3) [fa] (F) 头发 hair
61 (自己 ) self; from, since; 自然 rán nature
62 chéng (成为, 变成) become; 成功 succeed; 完成 perfect
63 dōu all 2) [] (首都 shǒu) capital city
64 fāng side; square; 地方 fang place; 方面 fāngmiàn aspect
65 mín (人民 rénmín) people; 民主 mínzhǔ democracy
66 hǎo good 2) [hào] to like 3) [hāo] 好好儿 hǎohāor
67 sun; day; 日记 diary; 日光 guāng sunlight
68 hái still, yet 2) [huán] return, give back
69 jīng longitude; scripture; ...; 已经 already; 易经 I Ching
70 méi (没有) not have 2) [] sink; overflow; disappear; confiscate
71 同衕 tóng same, with; 同志 comrade 2) [tòng] 胡同 tòng lane (F)
72 (如果 guǒ) if; 如此 like this
73 she, her
74 me (suffix:) 什么; 怎么 2) [] 3) [yāo] (S) small
75 rise, start; 起来 get up; 对不起 excuse me
76 běn basis, origin; volume (book); 日本 Japan
77 xíng go; ok; 行动 action 2) [háng] line; 行业 háng profession [hàng] 树行子 [héng] [xìng]
78 xīn heart; 小心 be careful; 心理 psychology; 中心 center
79 suǒ place; 所以 suǒ so, therefore; 所有 suǒyǒu all
80 rán 虽然 although; 忽然 suddenly; 当然 of course; 自然 nature
81 shì thing, event; 事情 shìqing situation
82 xiàn appear; 现在 now; 发现 discover; 现代 modern
83 sān three; 第三世界 Third World
84 jiā add; 参加 cānjiā join; 增加 zēngjiā increase
85 xiǎng think, feel, consider
86 面麵 miàn face, surface; (F) wheat flour; (面条 miàntiáo) noodle
87 kāi open; 开始 kāishǐ begin
88 diàn (闪电 shǎndiàn) lightning; electricity; 电话 phone
89 zhǒng kind; seed 2) [zhòng] to plant; cultivate
90 qián before, front
91 dāng serve as; (F) ding-dong 2) [dàng] (F) (当作) regard as
92 měi beautiful
93 èr two; 二月 Èryuè February
94 wài outside; 外国人 wàiguórén foreigner; 意外 unexpected
95 dào way, path; say; 知道 zhīdao know; 道教 Taoism 2) [dǎo] (=)
96 cóng from, since 2) [cōng] 黑从从
97 dòng move; 动物 animal; 活动 activity; 运动 sports
98 kàn look 2) [kān] tend; 看守 kānshǒu guard
99 商业 commerce; 工业 industry; 作业 homework
100 gāo high, tall; 提高 gāo improve; 高兴 gāoxìng happy
101 zhě one who...; 作者 zuòzhě author; 和平主义者
102 (法律 ) law; (办法 bàn) method
103 dàn (但是 dànshì) but
104 its; 其他 other; 尤其 yóu especially 2) [] (=)
105 principle; 理论 lùn theory; 管理 guǎn manage
106 xiē some; (plural measure word:) 这些人 these people
107 shí true, real; 事实 fact; 实际上 actually; 实在 really
108 只隻 zhǐ only 2) [zhī] (F) (measure word): 一只猫 a cat
109 lǎo old, venerable; 老师 teacher; 老虎 tiger
110 cháng long 2) [zhǎng] grow up; chief, head
111 yuè month; (月亮 yuèliang, 月球 yuèqiú) moon
112 and 2) [] 参与 cān participate in
113 liǎng two; 50 grams
114 zhèng 政府 zhèng government; 政治 zhèngzhì politics
115 wén language, literature; 文化 wénhuà culture
116 (部分 fen) part; 西部 western part; 全部 entire
117 zuì most; 最近 recently/soon; 最喜欢 favorite
118 yàng manner; 这样 like this; 怎么样 how
119 (意思, 意义) meaning; 愿意 willing; 意见 opinion
120 jìn enter; go forward; 进步 jìn progress
121 hěn very; 很不错 pretty good
122 (机器 ) machine; 收音机 shōuyīn radio
123 gōng public; 公里 kilometer; 办公室 office; 公司 company
124 grasp, hold; handle 2) [] 把子 zi, 把儿 r handle
125 yòu again; both...and...
126 (力量 liang) strength; force
127 quán whole, entire; 完全 completely; 安全 safety
128 diǎn dot (); a little, bit; (点火) light a fire
129 four; 四周 zhōu all around
130 tóu head; first; 头发 tóufa hair 2) [tou] 石头 stone
131 (已经 jīng) already
132 yīn cause; 因为 because; 原因 reason
133 děng equal; class; wait; et cetera (etc.)
134 wèn ask; 问题 question, problem; 访问 visit
135 xīn new; 重新 chóngxīn again; 新闻 xīnwén news
136 this; 如此 like this (=这样); 此地 here (=这里)
137 míng (名字 míngzi) name; 著名 zhùmíng famous; 名词 noun
138 (自己 ) self; 6th Heavenly Stem
139 dìng fix; 一定 dìng definite; 决定 juédìng decide
140 zhèng right, straight, correct 2) [zhēng] 正月, 新正
141 zhī (知道 zhīdao) know; 知识 zhīshi knowledge 2) [zhì] (=)
142 qíng (感情 gǎnqíng) feeling, emotion; 爱情 àiqíng love
143 without; nothingness 2) [] 南无
144 huí return; 回来 come back; 回去 go back; 回答 answer
145 míng bright; 明白 míngbai clear, understand; 明天 tomorrow
146 jiān room; between 2) [jiàn] gap, interval
147 shǒu hand; 挥手 wave; 拍手 clap; 握手 shake
148 number, -th; 第三世界 Third World; 第一次 1st time
149 chǎn (产生 chǎnshēng) produce; 产品 chǎnpǐn product
150 air, vapor; vital energy; 天气 tiānqi weather
151 huà speech; 说话 shuōhuà talk, speak 2) [huo] 白话
152 zhòng (沉重) heavy; 重要 important 2) [chóng] again
153 几幾 small table; (F) 几乎 almost 2)[] (F) how many; a few
154 表錶 biǎo show; list, table; (F) (wrist-)watch
155 yóu from; (由于) due to; (理由) cause, reason; 自由 freedom
156 it
157 jiāng shall; 将来 future 2) [jiàng] general; (chess piece)
158 huà (变化 biànhuà) change 2)[huā] (=) spend
159 (女人 rén, 妇女 ) woman
160 five; 五月 yuè May
161 dài (代表 dàibiǎo) represent; (时代 shídài) generation
162 xiāng each other, mutual 2)[xiàng] look at; appearance; photo
163 huá magnificent; China 2) [Huà] (surname); 华山
164 píng level, even; 水平 shuǐpíng level; 和平 píng peace
165 huò (或者 huòzhě) or; (或许 huò) perhaps
166 jiǔ nine
167 shuǐ water; 水平 shuǐpíng level; 水果 shuǐguǒ fruit
168 shè (社会 shèhuì) society
169 compare; ䷇; 比较 jiào relatively; 比如 e.g.
170 nèi inside; 内容 nèiróng content
171 wèi position; () (polite measure word for people)
172 jūn army, military
173 chē car, vehicle with wheels 2)[] (a piece in 象棋)
174 使 shǐ make, cause to
175 制製 zhì (制度) system; (控制) control; (F)(制造) manufacture
176 degree, extent; 制度 system 2) [duó] 猜度 cāiduó surmise
177 向曏 xiàng towards (direction); (F) formerly
178 并併並 bìng (F) combine, merge; (F) and; equally; truly 2) [bīng] 并州
179 huó live; 生活 shēnghuó life; 活动 huódòng activity
180 guān shut; (关系 guānxi) connection; 关于 concerning
181 (身体 shēn) body; 具体 concrete
182 zǒng general; sum; always
183 gěi give 2)[] 供给 provide
184 (进入 jìn) enter; 收入 shōu income
185 shén 什么 shénme what 2)[shí] ( = ten)
186 yuán member; 委员会 committee; 人员 personnel
187 shēn (身体 shēn) body
188 jiàn (看见) see; 意见 opinion; 听见 hear
189 cháng often; constant; ordinary; 非常 fēicháng extremely
190 bèi quilt; by; (indicates passive voice)
191 西 west; 东西 dōngxi thing
192 occurrence, time; second; inferior
193 (时期) time period; 星期 week; 长期 long term
194 each; 各有千秋 each has its merits 2) [] 自各
195 and; 以及 as well as; 及时 shí promptly
196 shǎo few, little 2) [shào] young; 少年 shàonián juvenile
197 hit; get; play; etc.; 打算 suan intend 2) [] dozen
198 (特别 bié) special; 特点 diǎn characteristic
199 xiàng appearance; (大象 xiàng) elephant
200 kǒu mouth; 门口 ménkǒu doorway; 人口 rénkǒu population
201 yīng (应该 yīnggāi) should 2)[yìng] 应用 apply
202 dōng (东方) east; 东西 dōngxi thing
203 tài great; very; too; 太太 Madame; 太阳 Sun
204 bào (报告) report; 报纸 newspaper; 电报 telegram
205 hǎi (海洋 hǎiyáng, 大海 hǎi) sea, ocean
206 台臺檯颱 tái you; (F) platform; 台湾 Taiwan; (F) table; (F) 台风 2)[tāi] 天台
207 shut; (结合 jié) combine; 合作 zuò cooperate
208 fǎn turn over; (反对 fǎnduì) oppose; 反映 fǎnyìng reflect 2)[bǎn] 反反 proper
209 wàn ten thousand, myriad; 万岁 long live 2)[] 万俟
210 (利益 ) benefit, profit; 利用 utilize; 胜利 triumph
211 zài again; 再见 zàijiàn goodbye
212 guǒ fruit; (结果 jiéguǒ) result; 如果 guǒ if
213 thing; 动物 animal; 植物 plant; 物理 physics
214 zhēn true; really
215 stand; 建立 establish; 立刻 right away; 立方体 cube
216 bié separate, other; don't 2) [biè] 别扭 bièniu awkward
217 chǎng site, field, court 2)[cháng] threshing ground; ()
218 shān mountain; 火山 volcano; 山脉 mountain range
219 tōng (通过) go through; 交通 traffic 2)[tòng] (measure word)
220 shēng (声音 shēngyīn) sound
221 xìn (相信 xiāngxìn) believe; letter; 信封 envelope
222 eight; 八月 yuè August
223 mìng (生命) life; destiny; 命令 command; 革命 revolution
224 lift, raise; 提高 improve; 提供 provide 2)[] 提防
225 shì (市场 shìchǎng) market; (城市 chéngshì) city, town
226 bǎi hundred
227 jiàn item; 条件 tiáojiàn term, condition
228 xìng sex; nature; -ness
229 shù number; 数学 math 2)[shǔ] count
230 shū book; 书记 shūji clerk; 图书馆 library
231 mén door; 门口 doorway; 部门 department; 门铃 doorbell
232 gèng more 2)[gēng] night watch
233 topic; 问题 question, problem; 题目 title
234 (道路 dào) road
235 xiān first; 先生 xiānsheng; 祖先 xiān ancestor
236 měi every; 每天 měitiān every day
237 jiāo teach 2)[jiào] teach; 教育 jiào education
238 fàng put; release; 解放 jiěfàng liberate
239 liù six; 六月 Liùyuè June
240 (计算) count, calculate; 统计 statistics
241 zhì to, until; 甚至 shènzhì even; 至少 zhìshǎo at least
242 zuò do; make; 叫做 jiàozuò be called; 做法 zuò method
243 yuán originally; 原来 it turns out; original; 原因 cause
244 shì generation; (世界 shìjiè) world; 世纪 shì century
245 zhǎn spread out; 发展 develop; 展览 exhibit
246 biān (旁边 pángbiān) side; 这边 zhèbiān over here
247 rèn appoint; no matter; 任务 task; 任何 any 2)[Rén] (surname)
248 jiě separate; explain 2)[Xiè] (surname) [jiè] 解送
249 干乾幹 gān stem; 干涉 gānshè interfere; (F) dry 2)[gàn] (F) do
250 cái talent; only then; 刚才 gāngcái just now
251 expenses; 资本主义 capitalism; 投资 invest
252 shòu receive; 接受 jiēshòu accept; 难受 nánshòu unhappy
253 jiè boundary; 世界 shìjiè world
254 qīn kin; kiss; 母亲 mother; 亲自 in person 2)[qìng] 亲家
255 allow; 许多 duō a lot; 也许 perhaps
256 chù place 2)[chǔ] deal with
257 duì team; 部队 duì army; 队伍 duì troops
258 justice; 主义 zhǔ -ism; 意义 meaning
259 系係繫 (系统) system; (F) 关系; (F) 联系 2)[] (F) tie
260 běi north; 东北 dōngběi northeast; 北京 Běijīng
261 qǐng please; invite; 请求 request
262 ān still, quiet; 安全 ānquán safe; 安排 ānpái plan
263 jié tie; 结果 jiéguǒ result; 结婚 marry 2)[jiē] bear fruit
264 lùn theory 2) [Lún] 论语 Lún Analects of Confucius
265 guāng light; merely; 阳光 sunlight; 光荣 glory
266 zhǐ finger; point; 指头 zhǐtou finger; 指甲 zhǐjia nail
267 jīn now, this; 今天 jīntiān today
268 zǒu go, walk, leave
269 eye; 目前 qián at present; 目的 goal
270 liú to flow; stream; 电流 electric current; 交流 to exchange
271 yuán primary; dollar
272 liàng amount; 量词 classifier 2)[liáng] measure
273 便 biàn convenient 2)[pián] 便宜 piányi cheap
274 seven
275 gòng share; 一共 in all; 共产 communist; 公共 public
276 jiē connect; (接受) accept; 接着 catch; next; 直接 direct
277 (记得 de) remember; (记录 ) record
278 jīn (金子 jīnzi) gold (Au); (金属 jīnshǔ) metal
279 nán difficult 2)[nàn] disaster
280 fēng wind
281 (颜色 yán) color; 脸色 liǎn facial expression
282 what; 任何 rèn any; 如何 how; 几何 geometry
283 biàn change; 变成 become; 变化 variation; 改变 alter
284 zhí straight; directly
285 (地区 ) area; 区别 difference [Ōu] (surname)
286 yǎn (眼睛 yǎnjing) eye; 眼镜 yǎnjìng glasses
287 bái white; 明白 clear; 白天 daytime; 白菜 cabbage
288 dǎng (political) party; 共产党; 国民党
289 lián unite, join; 联系 lián contact
290 wàng look; full moon; 希望 wàng hope
291 rèn (认为) consider; (认识) recognize
292 leather; 革命 mìng revolution; 改革 reform; ䷰ 2)[] 病革
293 jiàn construct; establish; 建议 jiàn suggest
294 jiāo join; 交通 jiāotōng traffic; 交换 jiāohuàn exchange
295 dài belt; zone; carry, bring, take
296 zhàn (战争 zhànzhēng) war
297 ài (爱情 àiqíng) love; 爱人 àirén spouse; lover
298 yùn transport; 运动 sports; 运气 luck
299 shōu gather; 收拾 put in order; 收获 harvest; 收音机 radio
300 tīng listen; 听见 hear; 听不懂 not understand
301 zhāng spread; sheet of paper; 紧张 tense, nervous
302 zhì govern; cure; punish; 政治 government
303 jué perceive 2)[jiào] (睡觉) sleep; 午觉 nap
304 (conjunction); 原则 yuán principle; 否则 fǒu or else
305 huā flower; spend; 花生 huāshēng peanut
306 (思想 xiǎng) thought 2) [si] 意思 si meaning 3) [sāi] 于思 richly bearded
307 tǒng 系统 system; 统治 dominate; 统一 unify
308 què however
309 任务 rènwu task; 服务 service
310 tiáo twig; strip; item; 条件 tiáojiàn condition
311 gǎi (改变 gǎibiàn) change; 改革 gǎi reform
312 nán south; 西南 xīnán southwest
313 xíng (形式 xíngshì) form; shape; 形成 xíngchéng to form
314 fēi not, non-; 非常 fēicháng unusually
315 经济 jīng economy; 救济 jiù help disaster victims
316 reach, arrive
317 bǎo (保护 bǎo) protect; 保证 bǎozhèng ensure
318 (必须) must; 不必 needn't
319 (议论 lùn) discuss; 会议 conference; 建议 suggest
320 jīng capital; 北京 Běijīng; 南京 Nánjīng; 东京 Tokyo
321 chéng 过程 process; 工程 engineering; 程度 extent
322 qiú seek, ask; 要求 yāoqiú demand; requirement
323 bàn do; 办法 bàn method; 办公室 bàngōngshì office
324 yuǎn far
325 qiáng strong 2)[qiǎng] strive 3) [jiàng] 倔强 juéjiàng stubborn
326 shè set up; 建设 construct; 设计 design; 设备 equipment
327 hòu (时候 shíhou) time; wait; situation
328 yán words; 语言 yán language
329 gào (告诉 gàosu) tell; 报告 bàogào report 2) [] 告朔
330 wán finished, complete
331 wǎng to, toward; 往往 wǎngwǎng often
332 guān view; ䷓ Contemplation 2) [guàn] 道观 temple
333 department; 科学 xué science; 外科 wài surgery
334 chuán pass; pass on; 传统 tradition 2)[zhuàn] Confucian classic
335 shī (老师) teacher; 师傅 shīfu master; ䷆ The Army
336 gǎn (感觉) feel; (感情) emotion
337 shù skill; (艺术 shù) art; 技术 technique
338 horse; 马上 shàng right away
339 gāi (应该 yīnggāi) should
340 lǐng to lead; collar; 领导, 领袖 leader; 本领 ability
341 jué 解决 jiějué resolve; 决定 juédìng decide
342 chī eat
343 xiě write; 描写 miáoxiě describe 2)[xiè] 写意
344 dǎo lead; 领导 lǐngdǎo leader
345 namely, that is; even if; (立即 ) immediately
346 pǐn (产品 chǎnpǐn) product; 商品 shāngpǐn merchandise
347 hóng (红色 hóng) red; 东方红 2) [gōng] 女红
348 jìn near; 附近 jìn vicinity; 最近 zuìjìn recently; soon
349 基础 chǔ foundation; 基本 běn basic
350 zhù live (in a place)
351 qiān thousand
352 广 guǎng wide, extensive 2)[yǎn] radical 53
353 take, get, fetch
354 qīng (清楚 qīngchu) clear; 清洁 qīngjié clean
355 qiě for the time being; 而且 érqiě furthermore
356 jiǎng speak
357 quán right, power
358 yǐng shadow; image; 电影 movie
359 ér child; 儿子 son; 女儿 daughter 2)[r] (noun suffix) 2)[rén] radical 10
360 jié joint; section; ䷻; (节日 jié) holiday
361 guǎn tube; (管理 guǎn) manage; 不管 guǎn no matter
362 kōng empty; sky 2)[kòng] leave empty; free time
363 jiào cry out; call; 叫做 jiàozuò be called
364 yīng 英雄 yīngxióng hero; 英国 Yīngguó England
365 ràng let, allow
366 yuàn courtyard; 学院 college; 医院 hospital; 法院 court
367 shí know; 认识 know, recognize; 识别 tell apart
368 step; 进步 jìn progress; 散步 sàn go for a walk
369 滿 mǎn full; 满足 mǎn satisfied
370 organize; group; 组织 zhī organization
371 yǒu (朋友 péngyǒu) friend; 友好 friendship
372 shén spirit, god; 精神 jīngshén spirit; essence
373 suàn (计算 suàn) compute; 算了 forget it, never mind
374 bàn half
375 chí hold; 坚持 jiānchí persist; 保持 bǎochí keep
376 zhuǎn turn, transfer 2)[zhuàn] rotate 3)[zhuǎi] 转文
377 yuè (…) the more...the more...
378 wáng king; 王国 wángguó kingdom 2)[wàng] (rare:) rule
379 yán grind; (研究 yánjiū) study
380 (服务) serve; (衣服) clothes 2) [] dose
381 piàn slice; 照片 photo; 片刻 moment; 卡片 card 2)[piān] film
382 grade, level; 阶级 jiē (social) class
383 shāng discuss; business
384 lín (森林 sēnlín) forest; (surname); 桂林 Guìlín
385 (语言 yán) language; 汉语 Chinese; 语法 grammar [] tell
386 shí (石头 shítou) stone, rock 2) [dàn] unit of grain
387 lián connect; including; 连忙 right away; 连续 continuous
388 zhēng contend; dispute; 战争 zhànzhēng war; 斗争 struggle
389 shì look; 电视 diànshì T.V.
390 tán talk
391 dān alone; single; sheet 2) [chán] 单于 2)[Shàn] (surname)
392 shēn deep; 深刻 shēn profound; 深夜 shēn late at night
393 歷曆 (F) 历史 shǐ history; 经历 experience; (F) 日历
394 qián money
395 zhōu circuit; circumference; cycle; week
396 written character; 汉字 Chinese character; 名字 name
397 政府 zhèng government
398 shì (形式) form; 方式 way, pattern; 正式 formal, official
399 公司 gōng company; 司令 lìng commander
400 zhào shine; 照相 zhàoxiàng photo
401 virtue; 道德 dào ethics; 德国 Germany (Deutschland)
402 seize; depend on; (根据 gēn) according to 2)[] 拮据
403 wèi have not, did not; 未来 future; 地支八
404 (边际 biān) boundary; 实际 reality; 国际 international
405 qīng green (blue, black); 青年 youth; 青蛙 frog
406 extreme; pole; 太极 Tài
407 线 xiàn line, thread; 光线 light ray; 电线 wire
408 (离开 kāi) leave; from; ☲ ䷝ The Clinging
409 róng contain; 容易 róng easy; 内容 nèiróng content
410 zhèng prove; 图书证 library card
411 hold; 拿来 bring; 拿去 take; 拿给 hand over
412 shǐ (历史 shǐ) history; (surname)
413 hot
414 tuán ball, lump; group; 团结 unite
415 zǎo early; 早饭 breakfast; 早晨 zǎochen morning
416 kuài fast; sharp; (快乐, 愉快) happy
417 bāo bag; wrap
418 yīn (声音 shēngyīn) sound; 音乐 yīnyuè music
419 zhuāng dress up; load; install; (假装 jiǎzhuāng) pretend
420 hái (孩子 háizi, 小孩儿 xiǎoháir) child; 女孩儿 girl
421 調 diào shift; tone 2)[tiáo] adjust
422 nóng (农民 nóngmín) farmer, peasant; 农业 agriculture
423 准準 zhǔn allow; (F) certainly; precise; 准备 prepare; 标准 standard
424 lèi category, kind, type; 类似 lèi similar
425 yuē approximately; arrange; appointment 2) [yāo] weigh
426 hào name, number, mark 2)[háo] yell
427 (收集 shōu) collect; 集中 zhōng centralize
428 克剋 (克服 ) overcome; gram; (F) 克期 set time limit 2)[kēi] (=)
429 máo hair
430 shì scholar; 博士 Ph.D; 女士 lady, Ms.; 战士 soldier
431 (夜晚 wǎn) night; 半夜, 午夜 midnight; 夜里 at night
432 cloth; spread
433 jiào relatively; quite; 比较 jiào compare; relatively 2)[jiǎo] (jiǎo = jiào)
434 xuǎn (选择 xuǎn) choose, select; 选举 xuǎn election
435 xiào laugh
436 pleasure; 快乐 kuài happy 2)[yuè] 音乐 yīnyuè music
437 zào (制造 zhìzào) manufacture; (创造 chuàngzào) create
438 zhěng (整个) whole; 调整 tiáozhěng adjust; 整齐 zhěng neat
439 (thus; now used mostly for sound:) 法西斯 Fascist
440 wǎn late; 晚上 evening; 夜晚 night; 晚饭 dinner
441 qiē to cut 2)[qiè] correspond to; 一切 qiè all
442 chēng weigh; name 2)[chèn] 对称 duìchèn symmetric
443 check, pattern, standard; 格外 wài especially
444 jīng perfect; 精神 spirit, essence; 酒精 alcohol
445 similar; 似乎 hu it seems 2) [shì] 似的 shìde alike
446 shī lose; 失败 shībài be defeated
447 pull, drag, haul 2)[] 半拉 bàn half 2)[] slit [] [] [la]
448 breath; stop 2)[xi] 消息 xiāoxi news; 休息 xiūxi rest
449 die, death
450 zěn (怎么 zěnme) how
451 liào (材料 cáiliào) material; expect, anticipate; 资料 data
452 fáng (房间 fángjiān) room; (房子 fángzi) building
453 (容易 róng) easy; change; 易经 Book of Changes
454 céng (曾经 céngjīng) in the past 2)[zēng] great- (grandmother)
455 shǐ (开始 kāishǐ) begin, start; 始终 shǐzhōng all along
456 (需要 yào) need; ䷄; 必需 essential
457 qīng light (cf heavy)
458 zhuān (专门) special; (专家) expert; 专政 dictatorship
459 wěi 委员会 committee; 委托 entrust 2) [wēi] 虚与委蛇
460 zhǎo look for, seek
461 chǎng (工厂 gōngchǎng) factory 2)[hǎn] radical 27
462 xiǎng sound; 影响 yǐngxiǎng influence
463 man; 丈夫 husband; 工夫 skill; 大夫 dàifu doctor
464 xiào (学校 xuéxiào) school 2)[jiào] (校对,校正) proofread
465 cān 参加 participate 2)[shēn] 人参 ginseng 2)[cēn] 参差 2)[sān] (=)
466 hēi (黑色 hēi) black; 黑暗 hēi'àn dark
467 (母亲 qin) mother; 父母 parents; 字母 ABC
468 huǒ fire; 火车 train; 火柴 match; 火焰 flame
469 志誌 zhì (意志) will; (标志) mark; 同志 comrade; (F) 杂志 magazine
470 bèi (准备) get ready, prepare; 设备 equipment
471 raise, educate; 教育 education 2) [yō] 杭育 heave-ho
472 department; situation; 邮局 yóu post office
473 pài faction; send; 党派 dǎngpài political parties 2)[] 派司
474 shì (表示 biǎoshì) show, indicate; 指示 point out
475 gēn root; 根本 gēnběn foundation; (not) at all
476 技术 technology, technique; 科技 science & technology
477 inferior, second; 亚洲 zhōu Asia
478 kuàng 情况 circumstances; 况且 moreover
479 shǒu head; 首先 first of all; 首都 capital (of country)
480 mat; seat; banquet; 主席 chairperson
481 jià (价值) value; (价钱) price 2)[jie] (F) 3)[jiè] servant
482 picture; 地图 map; 图书馆 library
483 yán severe, stern
484 mǎi buy
485 zhī branch; support; 支持 zhīchí sustain
486 xīng star; 火星 huǒxīng Mars; 星期 xīng week
487 (李子 zi) plum; (surname)
488 guān official; 官僚 guānliáo bureaucrat
489 luò fall 2)[] be missing 3)[lào] 落色 làoshǎi fade 4) [luō] 空落落
490 zhòng crowd; many; 群众 the masses; 听众 audience
491 jiū 研究 yánjiū study, research; 究竟 after all
492 suí follow; ䷐ Following; 随便 suíbiàn as you like
493 bìng sick; 毛病 máobing malfunction
494 復複覆 (F) ䷗; 恢复 recover; (F) 复杂 complex; (F) cover
495 guī 规律 guī regular pattern; 规定 guīdìng regulations
496 xìng 高兴 gāoxìng glad 2)[xīng] 兴奋 xīngfèn excited
497 huáng (黄色 huáng) yellow
498 (民族) people, nationality; (种族) race
499 nán (男人 nánrén) man
500 xiāo disappear; 消息 xiāoxi news; 消灭 xiāomiè perish
501 bitter; 艰苦 jiān arduous; 痛苦 tòng suffering
502 fèi cost; spend; 学费 tuition
503 ne (sentence final particle) 2)[] woolen cloth
504 lìng other; 另外 lìngwài other; besides
505 foot; (足够 gòu) enough; 满足 mǎn satisfy
506 chá examine, investigate; 检查 inspect 2)[Zhā] (surname)
507 yàn (经验 jīngyàn) experience
508 xiàng resemble; (肖像 xiàoxiàng) portrait; image
509 () batch, lot, group; slap; 批评 píng criticize
510 low; 降低 jiàng reduce; 低级 elementary; 高低 height
511 chéng (城市 chéngshì) city; wall; 长城 chángchéng Great Wall
512 raise; 举行 hold (a meeting); 选举 election; 举例
513 qiú ball; 足球 football (soccer); 地球 the Earth
514 wān harbor; 台湾 Táiwān
515 skill; (艺术 shù) art; 文艺 literature and art
516 須鬚 (F) (必须 ) must; (F) (胡须 ) beard
517 ěr (archaic:) you; 尔后 thereafter; 高尔夫 golf
518 huān (欢乐 huān) happy, joyous; 喜欢 like
519 chú get rid of; divide; (除了 chúle) except
520 xiāng perfume; fragrant; 香港 Xiānggǎng Hong Kong
521 gōng achievement; 成功 chénggōng succeed; 功夫 gōngfu
522 què true; 正确 correct; 确实 indeed; 明确 explicit
523 zēng (增加 zēngjiā, 增长 zēngzhǎng) increase
524 suì years old; 岁数 age; 万岁 long life
525 zhù pour; (F) notes; 注意 zhù pay attention; 注视 gaze
526 (客人) guest; 客观 guān objective; 客气 qi polite
527 shí eat; (食物 shí, 食品 shípǐn) food 2) [] feed
528 gōng supply 2) [gòng] confess
529 工具 tool; 具有 possess; 具体 concrete; 玩具 toy
530 jiāng river; 长江 Yang-tse; 江山 landscape
531 yóu oil; 汽油 yóu gasoline; 酱油 jiàngyóu soy sauce [yōu] [yòu]
532 qún crowd, group; 群众 qúnzhòng The Masses
533 似乎 hu it seems; 几乎 almost
534 duàn cut off; 不断 duàn unceasing; 判断 pànduàn judge
535 cún (存在 cúnzài) exist; 保存 bǎocún preserve
536 bottom; 彻底 chè thorough; 到底 dào after all
537 fēi fly; 飞机 fēi airplane
538 ma interrogative particle
539 wēn (温暖 wēnnuǎn) warm; 温度 wēn temperature
540 fèn () portion, share, copy
541 jǐn (仅仅 jǐnjǐn) only, barely
542 réng (仍然 réngrán, 仍旧 réngjiù) still, yet, as before
543 yuàn wish
544 bān sort, kind; 一般 bān ordinary 2) [pán] happy 3) [] 般若
545 suī (虽然 suīrán) although
546 sòng see somebody off; deliver; give
547 (古代 dài) ancient
548 duàn section; paragraph; 手段 means (to an end)
549 yǐn draw, stretch; (引起 yǐn) cause; (吸引 yǐn) attract
550 earth; (土地 ) land; (土壤 rǎng) soil
551 (继续 ) continue; 连续 lián continuous
552 wéi 纤维 xiānwéi fiber; 维护 safeguard; 思维 think
553 bǎn printing plate; edition; 出版 publish
554 àn desk; (law) case; 答案 'àn answer or solution to a problem
555 lìng make, cause; 命令 mìnglìng command 2) [lǐng] ream
556 bīng (士兵 shìbīng) soldier; 兵力 bīng military strength
557 bāng (帮助, 帮忙) help; gang
558 gāng firm; (刚才 gāngcái) just (a moment ago)
559 shì power; 形势 circumstances; 姿势 posture
560 法律 law; 律师 lawyer; 纪律 discipline; 旋律 melody
561 ba at end of sentence, indicates suggestion 2) [] snap!
562 mǒu certain, some; 某人 mǒurén somebody
563 jué cut off; absolute
564 (医学) medical science; 医生 doctor; 医院 hospital
565 jǐn tight; 紧张 jǐnzhāng tense; 要紧 yàojǐn important
566 划劃畫 huá row (a boat) (F) scratch [huà] (F) (计划 huà) plan (F)
567 希望 wàng hope; 希奇 rare, strange
568 chūn (春天, 春季) spring; 春卷 spring roll; 春夏秋冬
569 xiǎn appear; 显然 xiǎnrán obvious
570 yóu (游泳 yóuyǒng) swim; (旅游 yóu) travel
571 yǎn (表演 biǎoyǎn) perform, act, performance
572 苏醒 revive; 苏州 zhōu; 苏联 lián USSR
573 beat
574 (居住 zhù) live, reside; 居民 resident; 居然 unexpectedly
575 tài form; 态度 tàidu manner; 状态 zhuàngtài state
576 dǎo fall down 2) [dào] backwards; pour; contrary to expectations
577 zhàn stand; 火车站 train station
578 (例子 zi) example; 例如 for instance
579 happiness; 喜欢 huan like
580 zuǒ left; 左边 zuǒbiān left side
581 fǒu no; 是否 whether 2) [] ䷋ Standstill
582 wéi surround; 围棋 wéi (Go)
583 fàn rice; food
584 liè column; line up; 列车 lièchē train; 排列 páiliè arrange
585 xuè [xiě] blood
586 tuī push
587 cause; therefore; 故事 shi story; 故意 on purpose
588 练习 practice; 学习 study; 习惯 habit
589 (父亲 qin) father; 父母 parents 2) [] old man
590 zuò sit; 请坐 please have a seat; 坐公共汽车 ride the bus
591 liú stay; 保留 keep; 遗留 hand down; 拘留 arrest
592 river; 河南省 Henan Province; 运河 canal
593 niàn miss; read aloud; 观念 guānniàn concept; 念书 study
594 chuán boat, ship; 渡船 chuán ferry; 宇宙飞船 spaceship
595 jiǔ long time
596 shǔ belong to 2) [zhǔ] enjoin
597 pái arrange; row, line 2) [pǎi] 排子车 handcart
598 (保护 bǎo) guard, protect; 护士 shi nurse
599 致緻 zhì send, convey; 一致 zhì identical; (F) 细致 zhì careful
600 chū beginning; 初步 chū preliminary; 起初 chū at first
601 gēn heel; follow; with; and
602 zhí duty; 职工 staff; 职业 zhí occupation
603 shuāng pair, twin, double; 双方 both sides
604 sentence
605 péng 朋友 péngyǒu friend
606 mother, mom; 妈妈 ma mama
607 cūn village; rustic; 农村 nóngcūn countryside
608 huà draw; picture
609 gòu enough; 能够 nénggòu be capable of
610 尾巴 wěiba tail; 嘴巴 zuǐ mouth; 巴西 Brazil
611 zhù (帮助 bāngzhù) help
612 dài treat; entertain; wait for 2) [dāi] (=) stay
613 xiāng countryside; home town
614 biāo mark; 标准 biāozhǔn standard
615 shěng province; economize; omit 2) [xǐng] 反省 introspection
616 采採埰 cǎi pick, gather (F) 2) [cài] (F) 采地 cài fief
617 láo (劳动 láodòng) labor
618 tóu throw; 投票 tóupiào vote
619 yòu right; 右边 yòubiān right side
620 yáng opposite of yīn ☯; 太阳 tàiyáng the sun
621 fast; 速度 speed
622 utensil; (机器 ) machine; 武器 weapon
623 press; pressure
624 zhí (值得 zhíde) be worth; (价值 jiàzhí) value
625 kǎo (考虑 kǎo) consider; (考试 kǎoshì) exam
626 read 2) [dòu] pause in reading
627 shuí [shéi] who
628 céng layer, level, storey
629 piào ticket
630 世纪 century; 纪念 memento; 纪律 discipline
631 jiǎo horn; corner; dime 2) [jué] actor, role
632 jìng still, quiet; 静电 static electricity
633 [něi] what; 哪儿 r where 2) [na] (= a)
634 yáng (海洋 hǎiyáng) ocean; 太平洋 Pacific Ocean
635 chuàng 创造 chuàngzào create 2) [chuāng] 创伤 trauma
636 zhāng chapter; seal, stamp; medal, badge; rules
637 yún say; (F) (云彩 yúncai) cloud
638 yìn (印刷 yìnshuā) print; (印章 yìnzhāng) seal
639 tíng (停止 tíngzhǐ) stop; 停车场 parking lot
640 (衣服 fu) clothing 2) [] () wear
641 shù tree; 树林 woods; 树木 trees; 树干 trunk
642 xiū repair, decorate; 修改 xiūgǎi revise
643 gǎng harbor; 香港 Xiānggǎng Hong Kong
644 duty; 责任 rèn responsibility
645 zhī weave, knit; 组织 organize; 纺织 spin & weave
646 jiǎn 简单 jiǎndān simple; 简体字 simple form character
647 zhì (物质 zhì) matter, substance; 质量 zhìliàng quality; mass
648 nǎo (脑子 nǎozi) brain; 脑袋 head; 脑壳 skull
649 kān periodical, publication: 报刊 the Press
650 àn press; (按照 ànzhào) according to; 按摩 àn massage
651 盡儘 jìn (F) use up 2) [jǐn] (F) to max extent; 尽管 even though
652 smash; 破坏 huài ruin; 破烂 làn worn out
653 告诉 gàosu tell; 诉讼 sòng lawsuit
654 hài harmful; 害虫 hàichóng destructive insect; 厉害 hai fierce
655 qiāng gun 2) [chēng] 欃枪 chánchēng comet
656 mài sell: 苹果怎么卖? How much are the apples?
657 shì room; 教室 classroom; 卧室 bedroom; 办公室 office
658 dǒu 10 liters; 烟斗 pipe; 北斗星 Dipper 2) [dòu] (F) fight
659 hàn Chinese ethnicity; 汉语; 汉字; 老汉 old man
660 (波浪 làng) wave; 波长 wavelength
661 only, alone; 独立 independent
662 xuān (宣布) declare; 宣传 propaganda
663 (米饭 fàn) rice; meter; 玉米 corn
664 shèn very; 甚至 shènzhì even, go so far as to 2) [shén] (S)
665 carve; quarter hour; moment
666 wēi tiny, micro; 微笑 wēixiào smile
667 沖衝 chōng (F) rinse; rush; (F) rush 2) [chòng] (F) towards
668 wén smell; hear; 新闻 news
669 bān class; work; 上班 go to work; 值班 zhíbān be on duty
670 (害怕 hài) to fear; 可怕 horrible
671 chāo (超过 chāoguò) go past, exceed; (超级 chāo) super
672 xiàng (项目 xiàng) item
673 shāng wound, injury; injure
674 bèi back 2) [bēi] carry on the back
675 shout, exhale; 呼吸 breathe; 欢呼 cheer
676 thin; 仔细 careful; 细胞 bāo cell; 详细 detailed
677 zhǐ (停止 tíngzhǐ) stop
678 (哥哥 ge) older brother
679 xíng mould; type; 典型 diǎnxíng typical
680 charge forward; stick out; 突然 rán suddenly
681 (回答) answer 2) [] 答应 ying respond; promise
682 xiào (效果 xiàoguǒ) effect; 有效 yǒuxiào effective
683 (继续 ) continue; 继承 chéng inherit
684 (依靠) depend on; comply with; according to; 依然 still
685 shèng (胜利 shèng) victory, triumph, win
686 píng criticize
687 father; 爷爷 ye grandpa
688 kuài piece
689 chén to sink; 沉重 chénzhòng heavy 2) [chēn] 黑沉沉 pitch-black
690 zhōng end; 终于 finally; 始终 all along; 终身 life-long
691 chōng fill; 充分 chōngfèn full, ample; 充满 chōngmǎn full of
692 (富有 yǒu) rich; 丰富 fēng abundant; 财富 wealth
693 jìng finish; (竟然) unexpectedly; 究竟 after all
694 獲穫 huò (F) (获得 huò) get, obtain; (F) 收获 harvest
695 xié 协作 xiézuò cooperate
696 nín you (polite)
697 ruò seem; as if; 假若 if; 若干 ruògān how much 2) [] 般若
698 marvellous, rare, strange 2) [] odd (not even)
699 zhān fortune telling 2) [zhàn] occupy; 占领 zhànlǐng capture
700 chén display; explain; stale; (dynasty: 557-589)
701 luó (罗网) birdnet; 罗马 Rome; 罗盘 compass
702 carry on shoulder; suffer; negative
703 ā 阿拉伯 Arab 2) [ē] 阿弥陀佛 merciful Buddha
704 cuò (错误 cuò) mistake
705 xià (夏天 xiàtiān) summer; 春夏秋冬 chūnxiàqiūdōng
706 plan; 政策 zhèng policy
707 chà differ; wrong 2) [chā] 差别 difference 3) [chāi] 出差
708 song
709 tòng painful; 痛苦 tòng suffering; 痛快 tòngkuai delighted
710 bǎn board; hard; (F) 老板 lǎobǎn shopkeeper
711 zhōu prefecture; 广州 Guǎngzhōu Canton
712 (皮肤 ) skin
713 yuán (来源 láiyuán) source, origin; 资源 yuán resources
714 inhale; 呼吸 breathe; 吸收 absorb; 吸引 attract
715 vapor, steam; 汽油 yóu gasoline; 汽车 chē car
716 thick, dense
717 cái wealth; 发财 get rich
718 liàng shine
719 企业 enterprise; 企图 attempt; 企鹅 penguin
720 writing implement; 毛笔 brush; 钢笔 pen; 铅笔 pencil
721 yíng camp; 营火 campfire; 营业 do business
722 yǎng raise, nourish; 营养 yíngyǎng nutrition
723 yuán (花园 huāyuán) garden; (公园 gōngyuán) park
724 liǎn face
725 huàn change, exchange
726 jǐng scene, scenery
727 liè (强烈 qiángliè) intense; 热烈 ardent; 烈士 martyr
728 yāng entreat; center; 中央 central; 央求 beg, plead
729 zuò (座位 zuòwèi) seat; (measure word for mountains etc.)
730 assist; vice-; 副词 adverb
731 chá 观察 guānchá observe; 警察 jǐngchá police
732 (照顾 zhàogu) look after; 顾客 customer
733 jìng border, territory; 环境 huánjìng environment
734 jiē (台阶) steps; 阶级 class; 军阶 rank; 阶段 phase
735 chàng sing; 唱歌
736 zhǐ paper; 报纸 bàozhǐ newspaper
737 diàn (商店 shāngdiàn) store, shop; 饭店 fàndiàn restaurant
738 biān weave; organize; (编辑 biān) edit
739 pǎo run 2) [páo] paw the earth
740 I, me; (F) left-over, extra; 其余 the rest; 余弦 cosine
741 kuò 包括 bāokuò include; 概括 gàikuò generalize
742 jīng surprise
743 surge, dash; (激动 dòng) excite; 激烈 liè intense
744 tián field; 田野 tián open country
745 dìng conclude (cf )
746 shì 合适 shì suitable, appropriate
747 jiǎ false 2) [jià] (假期 jià) vacation
748 gòu 结构 jiégòu structure; 构成 constitute; 构造 gòuzào structure
749 wèi 保卫 defend; 卫生 sanitary; 卫星 satellite
750 military; 武器 weapon; 武术 shù martial arts
751 rain; 雨水 rainwater; 暴风雨 bàofēng rainstorm
752 tree; (木头 tou) wood
753 (利益 ) advantage, profit; ䷩ Increase
754 kào lean on; rely on; keep close to; come up to; near
755 xiàn limit, bounds; 有限 limited; 限制 restrict
756 pàn judge; 批判 pàn criticize
757 shì try; test; 考试 kǎoshì test, quiz
758 fáng embankment; guard, protect; anti-
759 jiān hard, solid; firmly; 坚持 persist; 坚定 firm
760 yǒng (永远 yǒngyuǎn) always, forever
761 urgent; 着急 zháo anxious; 急忙 máng in a hurry
762 jiǎn (检查 jiǎnchá) inspect
763 shī poem; 诗人 shīrén poet
764 wèi (味道 wèidao) flavor, taste
765 普通 tōng common; 普遍 biàn universal
766 yōu excellent; 优良 fine; 优秀 outstanding; 优越 superior
767 huò (货物) goods; 货币 huò money, currency
768 shēng liter; rise, ascend; ䷭ Pushing Upward
769 shè shoot, fire; send out; 注射 inject; 射箭 archery
770 (F) leaf (of a plant) 2) [xié] harmonize
771 shā sand; 沙漠 shā desert; 沙丘 shāqiū dune
772 blessing; 幸福 xìng happy; 福建 jiàn
773 lěng cold; 冷静 lěngjìng calm
774 duǎn short (opposite of cháng)
775 pèi match; deserve; 分配 distribute; 配合 pèi cooperate
776 gǎo do
777 mixed; 复杂 complicated; 杂志 magazine
778 kuǎn fund
779 cǎo grass; herb; 草莓 cǎoméi strawberry
780 yín silver (Ag); 银行 yínháng bank
781 jiǔ wine; 啤酒 jiǔ beer; 喝酒 jiǔ drink wine
782 jiù old (not new) (cf old, not young; new)
783 (弯曲 wān) curved 2) [] melody
784 plain, white; vegetarian; 因素 yīn factor, element
785 cháo towards; dynasty; 朝鲜 Cháoxiǎn Korea 2) [zhāo] (morning)
786 huán ring; 环境 huánjìng environment, surroundings
787 Liú (surname)
788 land; 大陆 continent 2) [liù] six ( = )
789 a [ā] [á] [ǎ] [à] ah--, ah?, ah..., ah!
790 accumulate; 积极 positive; 面积 area
791 record; 记录 take notes; 录音机 tape recorder
792 sàn break up; distribute; dispel 2) [sǎn] fall apart; scattered
793 jiē street; 街道 street, neighborhood; 街头 street-corner
794 tiě iron (Fe)
795 miǎn exempt; 避免 miǎn avoid; 免费 miǎnfèi free
796 tíng 家庭 jiātíng family; 法庭 court; 庭院 courtyard
797 lóu story, building; 大楼 mansion; 楼梯 lóu stairs
798 zhōu continent; 亚洲 Asia; 欧洲 Europe; 非洲 Africa
799 jiǎo foot; 赤脚 barefoot; 脚趾 toe 2) [jué] (=)
800 block; calory; card
801 预备 prepare; 预先 beforehand; 预报 forecast
802 shàn good; 改善 gǎishàn improve; 善于 be good at
803 jūn even; 平均 píngjūn average
804 fēng to seal; 封建 feudal; 信封 envelope
805 drama, play, opera; 剧烈 liè severe
806 dùn to pause; meal
807 zhù write; book 2) [zhe](S) [zháo](S) [zhuó](S) [zhāo](S)
808 táng hall; 食堂 dining hall; 课堂 classroom 2) [tāng] 亮堂堂
809 jiàn (渐渐 jiànjiàn, 逐渐 zhújiàn) gradually; ䷴
810 xuě snow; 雪花 xuěhuā snowflake; 滑雪 huáxuě to ski
811 chéng 承认 chéngrèn admit; 继承 chéng inherit
812 模范 model; 模仿 imitate 2) [] 模样 appearance; 模子
813 zhuàng (状态, 状况) condition, state of affairs
814 luàn chaotic, disorderly, messy; 混乱 hùnluàn chaos
815 dān carry on a shoulder pole 2) [dàn] two buckets full; 50 kg.
816 lesson; 课本 běn textbook
817 jiǎn subtract; 减少 jiǎnshǎo decrease
818 wēi 威胁 wēixié threaten, imperil; 示威 demonstrate
819 wàng (忘记 wàng) forget 2) [wáng] 忘八
820 (弟弟 di) younger brother 2) [] (=)
821 shā kill
822 yào medicine, drug
823 shǒu guard; 保守 bǎoshǒu conservative
824 怀 huái bosom; cherish; 怀疑 suspect; 怀念 cherish memory
825 互相 each other; 相互 reciprocal
826 since; already; 既然 rán since, now that
827 travel; 旅馆 inn; 旅行社 travel agency; ䷷
828 zhōng (F) bell; clock; 三点钟 3 o'clock; (F) 钟爱 dote on; (surname)
829 dàn 炸弹 bomb; 子弹 bullet 2) [tán] 弹吉他 play guitar
830 jiě (姐姐 jiějie) older sister; 小姐 xiǎojie young lady
831 (露水 shui) dew; show, reveal, betray 2) [lòu] reveal
832 guì expensive; valuable
833 jiè 介绍 jièshào introduce; 介词 preposition
834 zuì crime, guilt
835 bǎo treasure
836 lán 兰花 lánhuā orchid
837 zhì put, place; 位置 wèizhi position
838 fān turn over; 翻译 fān translate
839 毕业 graduate; 毕竟 jìng after all
840 (妇女 ) woman; 夫妇 married couple
841 xiè thank; 谢谢 xièxie thanks; 非常感谢
842 emperor; 帝国 guó empire; 上帝 Shàng God
843 shù state, narrate; 描述 describe; 上述 above-mentioned
844 dēng climb
845 shī carry out; 措施 cuòshī measure, step; 施工 construction
846 cái (材料 cáiliào) material; 教材 jiàocái teaching material
847 穿 chuān penetrate; wear
848 to mail; 寄生虫 parasite
849 wán play; 玩具 wán toy; 好玩儿 hǎowánr fun
850 lüè brief, slight; 略微 lüèwēi slightly
851 tǎo (讨论 tǎolùn) discuss; 讨厌 tǎoyàn digusting
852 cài vegetable, dish
853 yān (F) smoke; cigarette; mist 2) [yīn] (=)
854 ceremony; 婚礼 hūn wedding; 礼貌 mào polite
855 niáng mother; aunt 2) [niang] 姑娘 gūniang girl
856 lóng dragon; 恐龙 kǒnglóng dinosaur
857 different; 异常 cháng unusual
858 door; household; 窗户 chuāng window
859 kàng (抵抗) resist; 反抗 revolt; 抗议 protest
860 gōng (进攻, 攻击) attack; 专攻 specialize in studying
861 fàn violate; 犯罪 fàn=zuì commit a crime; 罪犯 criminal
862 访 fǎng (访问 fǎngwèn) visit; 采访 gather material
863 困睏 kùn (困难 kùnnán) difficult; ䷮ Oppression; (F) tired
864 pái tablet; brand; cards; dominoes: 牌子 sign
865 zhuī pursue
866 松鬆 sōng pine tree; 松鼠 squirrel; (F) loose
867 shuì (睡觉 shuìjiào) sleep
868 diào drop, fall
869 中午 noon; 上午 morning; 下午 afternoon; 午饭 lunch
870 (移动) move; 转移 shift; transform; 移植 transplant
871 zhāo beckon; recruit; attract; 招待 entertain (guests)
872 jiàng fall, descend 2) [xiáng] 投降 tóuxiáng surrender
873 gài 大概 roughly, most likely; 概念 concept; 气概 spirit
874 màn slow
875 nìng (宁愿, 宁可) prefer, rather 2) [níng] 宁静 tranquil
876 (祖先 xiān) ancestor; 祖母 grandmother
877 liáng (优良 yōuliáng, 良好) good; 良心 liángxīn conscience
878 ròu flesh, meat; 肌肉 ròu muscle
879 biàn everywhere; 普遍 universal; () 再说一遍
880 rate, proportion; 频率 frequency 2) [shuài] 率领 lead
881 liàn white silk; (练习 liàn) practice
882 尼姑 Buddhist nun; 尼加拉瓜 Nicaragua; 尼龙 nylon
883 xìng good fortune, luck; 幸福 xìng happy
884 fēng good-looking 2) (F) ䷶ Abundance; 丰富 fēng abundant
885 pay
886 huī wave, wield; command an army; 挥手 wave (one's hand)
887 kòng (控诉 kòng) accuse; (控制 kòngzhì) control
888 gǎn dare; 勇敢 yǒnggǎn brave
889 dēng lamp
890 (跳舞 tiào) dance
891 máng hurry; busy; 帮忙 help; 连忙 right away
892 (私人) personal; (私有) private; (自私) selfish
893 shùn along, in the same direction as; obey; suitable
894 huài (F) bad [] (=) [péi]
895 xiǎn (危险 wēixiǎn) danger; 保险 bǎoxiǎn insurance
896 eldest brother; uncle 2) [bǎi] 大伯子 3) [bai] 叔伯 shūbai 4) [] (=)
897 jià frame, rack, shelf; put up; (): 一架飞机
898 jǐng 警察 jǐngchá police; 警告 jǐnggào warn
899 xiàn county; 县长 xiànzhǎng county magistrate
900 yáng raise; 发扬 yáng develop, promote
901 niú ox, cow, bull; 牛奶 niúnǎi milk
902 kěn be willing to; consent; 肯定 kěndìng definitely
903 meet; 遇到 dào encounter
904 yìng shine
905 interest, fun; 兴趣 interest; 趣味 interest; taste
906 wèi call; 所谓 so-called
907 shū transport; lose (cf win)
908 zhí hold in hand; 执行 zhíxíng carry out
909 guǎn building; 饭馆 restaurant
910 qiān 签订 conclude & sign (treaty, etc); 签名 signature; 标签 label
911 退 tuì go backwards; (后退 hòutuì) retreat; 撤退 chètuì withdraw
912 shú cooked, ripe, familiar; 熟悉 shú know well
913 quē (缺乏quē) lack, be short of; 缺点 quēdiǎn shortcoming
914 dad; 爸爸 ba daddy
915 绿 (绿色 ) green 2) [] (in some place names)
916 thigh; section
917 bài (失败 shībài) lose, be defeated; 腐败 bài corrupt
918 pán dish, tray; 算盘 suànpán abacus; 棋盘 chessboard
919 zhú expel; pursue; 1 by 1: 逐渐 gradually; 逐步 step by step
920 fish; 金鱼 jīn goldfish; 鲨鱼 shā shark
921 xiān fresh 2) [xiǎn] few, rare; 朝鲜 Korea
922 lín overlook; be adjacent to; ䷒ Approach; 临时 temporary
923 cry, weep
924 lake; 湖泊 lakes; 湖南 Hunan; 湖北 Hubei
925 tào set; cover; 手套 glove; 一套衣服 a suit
926 (戏剧 ) drama, play; 游戏 yóu game
927 jiù help, rescue; 救命 jiùmìng! Help!
928 (屋子 zi) room; (房屋 fáng) building; 屋顶 roof
929 hūn (结婚) marry; 婚礼 wedding; 婚姻 marriage
930 líng clever; spirit; elf; 灵活 línghuó nimble, easy
931 chǔ 基础 chǔ foundation, base, basis; 础石 chǔshí plinth
932 zuǐ (嘴巴 zuǐba) mouth; 嘴唇 zuǐchún lip
933 dǐng top; () 一顶帽子 a hat
934 làng (波浪 làng) wave; 浪费 waste
935 líng zero; 零件 língjiàn spare part; 零钱 spare change
936 亿 100 million
937 guài blame; (奇怪 guài) strange; 怪物 guàiwu monster
938 lèi (眼泪, 泪水) tear; 泪珠 teardrop
939 shēn explain; 9th 地支 Earthly Branch
940 tòu penetrate; thorough; 透镜 tòujìng lens; 透明 transparent
941 è evil 2) [] (厌恶) hate 3) [ě] (恶心) nauseous
942 zhèn battle array; (): 一阵风
943 胡鬍衚 recklessly; 胡说 nonsense (F) (胡子 zi) beard (F) 胡同
944 pāi clap; paddle; 乒乓拍
945 (错误 cuò) mistake
946 é (前额) forehead; 定额 quota
947 gǎn catch up
948 shào 介绍 jièshào introduce
949 zài carry, be loaded with 2) [zǎi] 记载 put down in writing
950 美丽 beautiful; 壮丽 majestic 2) [] Korea
951 征徵 zhēng journey; 长征 Long March; attack; (F) evidence; levy
952 wěi (伟大) great, mighty; 宏伟 hóngwěi, 雄伟 xióngwěi grand
953 wēi 危险 dangerous; 危机 crisis; 危害 endanger
954 yíng (欢迎 huānyíng) welcome
955 háo long fine hair; milli-; 毫不 not at all
956 tuō take off; 脱离 tuō break away
957 huáng 皇帝 huáng emperor; 皇后 huánghòu empress
958 zōng ancestor; clan; faction; 宗教 religion; 祖宗 ancestry
959 tuō hold in the palm; rely on; 委托 wěituō entrust
960 yáng poplar tree; 三角叶杨 cottonwood
961 cǎi (色彩 cǎi) color; 彩色 cǎi multicolor
962 nòng do 2) [lòng] 里弄 alley
963 yáo shake
964 (怀疑 huái) doubt, suspect; 迟疑 chí hesitate
965 zhuā grab; arrest; attract; scratch
966 lún wheel
967 ōu 欧洲 Ōuzhōu Europe; 欧姆 ōu ohm
968 piān sheet of paper; piece of writing
969 háng sail; fly; 航行 hángxíng navigate; 航空 aviation
970 qiū autumn, fall; 春夏秋冬 chūnxiàqiūdōng
971 hòu thick; deep; kind; rich (food) 2) (cf báo thin)
972 (季节) season; 冬季 winter; 四季 four seasons
973 zhǎng palm of the hand; 掌握 zhǎng grasp
974 xióng powerful; male; 英雄 hero; 雄伟 grand; 雄鸡 rooster
975 kǒng (恐怕 kǒng) I'm afraid; 恐怖 kǒng terror
976 shuì tax
977 chuāng (窗户 chuānghu, 窗口) window; 窗帘 curtain
978 ruò weak; 微弱 wēiruò faint; 软弱 ruǎnruò feeble
979 jīng eye 2) [jing] 眼睛 yǎnjing eye
980 sài contest; 比赛 match, race
981 guī return
982 秘密 secret; 秘书 secretary 2) [] 秘鲁 Peru
983 bèi times; 三倍 three times (as much)
984 sow, seed; 广播 broadcast; 传播 disseminate
985 àn (黑暗) dark; 暗暗 secretly; 阴暗 gloomy; 暗示 hint
986 jiè borrow, lend
987 end; minor details; 末儿 r powder; 周末 weekend 2) [me] (=]
988 (玉石 shí) jade; 玉米 corn
989 receive; accept; enjoy; pay; sew
990 Dèng (surname)
991 páng (旁边 pángbiān) side 2) [bàng] (=)
992 tiào jump; 跳伞 tiàosǎn parachute; 跳舞 tiào dance
993 way, route; 前途 prospect; 途经 via
994 xiū stop; (休息 xiūxi) rest; 退休 retire; 休养所 rest home
995 wéi 唯物主义 materialism
996 (巨大 ) huge
997 shěn 审判 shěnpàn bring to trial; 审问 interrogate
998 duān hold sth. level with both hands; extremity, end
999 compel; 压迫 oppress; 被迫 bèi be compelled
1000 shù bundle; 束缚 shù tie up; 结束 jiéshù finish
1001 () 两码事; 码头 wharf, dock; 号码 number
1002 mend
1003 Buddha; 佛教 jiào Buddhism 2) [] 仿佛 fǎng seem
1004 tàn (探索 tànsuǒ) explore
1005 àn shore
1006 hemp; numb; (芝麻 zhīma) sesame; 麻烦 fan bother
1007 drum
1008 (surname); he or she; 伊斯兰 lán Islam
1009 (sound of laughter, etc)
1010 zòu play music; 演奏 yǎnzòu perform music; 节奏 jiézòu rhythm
1011 dǎo island
1012 沼泽 marsh, swamp; 色泽 color and lustre; 毛泽东
1013 silent; 默默 silently; 沉默 reticent; 幽默 humor
1014 彙匯 huì (F) gather together; 汇报 to report; 词汇 vocabulary; (F) converge; remit
1015 also; 反之亦然 and vice-versa
1016 huǒ () group of people; 家伙 fellow; 伙伴 partner
1017 chóng worm, insect; 爬虫 chóng reptile
1018 shàng esteem; 高尚 noble, lofty [shang] 和尚 shang monk
1019 róng (光荣, 荣誉) glory, honor
1020 yuán round; circle; (sometimes used for dollar)
1021 fàn (surname); (F) 范围 scope, range; 模范 model, fine example
1022 tóng 儿童 értóng children
1023 ya (sentence final like ) [] ah, oh
1024 bīng ice; 冰箱 bīngxiāng refrigerator; 冰凉 bīngliáng ice-cold
1025 xìng family name, surname; 姓名 full name (first & last)
1026 (牙齿 chǐ) tooth
1027 zhé fold; break; change direction [shé] break [zhē] turn over
1028 chicken; 宫保鸡丁 Kung Pao Chicken
1029 nothing; not; 莫大 greatest; 莫名其妙 baffling
1030 mài wheat, etc; 麦片 màipiàn oatmeal
1031 wild
1032 dǒng understand
1033 word; 词典 dictionary; 动词 verb; 词汇 vocabulary
1034 sūn grandchild; 子孙 descendants; 孙悟空; 孙中山
1035 (毒物) poison; (毒品) drug; 病毒 virus
1036 chuáng bed; 床单 chuángdān sheet; 河床 river bed
1037 kāng 健康 jiànkāng health; 康熙字典 Kāng diǎn
1038 shāo roast, cook; burn (cf chǎo stir-fry)
1039 zhù build, construct; 建筑学 architecture
1040 cáng store; conceal, hide [zàng] (西藏 zàng) Tibet
1041 chá tea; 茶叶 chá tea leaves; 红茶 hóngchá black tea
1042 shì 解释 jiěshì explain; 释放 shìfàng release
1043 kuān wide, broad; extend; relax
1044 xǐng become sober, wake up; 提醒 remind
1045 jūn (君主) monarch, sovereign; (君子) gentleman; 暴君 tyrant
1046 yìng hard; 硬件 yìngjiàn hardware
1047 xiāo melt (metal); remove; sell; 脱销 sold out
1048 gǒu dog; 猎狗 liègǒu hound; 疯狗 fēnggǒu mad dog
1049 suǒ rope; 思索 think deeply; 索性 simply, just
1050 整齐 zhěng neat; 一齐 together [zhāi] (=) [] (=)
1051 jiǎng prize, award; 奖金 bonus; 奖学金 scholarship
1052 enclose, attach; 附近 jìn vicinity, nearby
1053 wash; 洗澡 zǎo bath, shower [Xiǎn] (surname)
1054 bǎi put, arrange; sway, wave; 摇摆舞 rock 'n' roll
1055 shèng holy; 圣人 sage, saint; 圣诞节 Christmas
1056 qiáng (墙壁 qiáng) wall
1057 hán keep in mouth; contain
1058 xún (寻找 xúnzhǎo) seek [xín] 寻思 xínsi
1059 zhào (召开 zhàokāi) convene
1060 qìng 庆祝 celebrate; 庆贺 congratulate; 庆幸 rejoice
1061 (选择 xuǎn) choose [zhái] choose
1062 博士 Ph.D.; 博爱 universal love; 博物馆 museum
1063 fēn 纷纷 one after another; 纠纷 jiūfēn dispute; 纷乱
1064 ěr (耳朵 ěrduo) ear; 耳机 earphone, headphones
1065 zhèn town; press down; calm; cool
1066 silk; thread
1067 xiàn donate; 贡献 gòngxiàn contribution
1068 gài cover, shell; 盖子 lid
1069 秩序 zhìxu order; 程序 procedure; 次序 order
1070 dīng 4th 天干 heavenly stem
1071 bào hug, embrace
1072 be lost; 我迷了路 I am lost; 迷信 superstition
1073 qiáo bridge
1074 hùn mix up; 混乱 hùnluàn chaos
1075 chu 清楚 qīngchu clear [chǔ] 苦楚 chǔ misery
1076 chéng fill; contain [shèng] flourishing; 茂盛 luxuriant
1077 drink [] shout
1078 cháo tide; (潮湿 cháoshī) moist; 高潮 gāocháo climax
1079 quān circle [juàn] pen, sty [juān] shut up in a pen
1080 chōu take out; shrink; whip; 抽烟 smoke tobacco
1081 监督 jiān supervise
1082 dōng (冬天, 冬季) winter; 冬眠 hibernation; 春夏秋冬
1083 rěn endure, tolerate; 忍不住 can't bear; can't resist
1084 (妻子 zi) wife
1085 hold, grasp; 掌握 comprehend
1086 liáng (粮食 liángshi) grain, food
1087 piān slanting, leaning; stubbornly; unfortunately
1088 (避免 miǎn) avoid; 逃避 táo escape, evade
1089 chén (早晨 zǎochen) morning
1090 disregard; (忽然 rán) suddenly; (忽而) now...
1091 guà hang, put up
1092 xùn lesson
1093 gāng steel; 钢笔 fountain pen; 钢琴 piano [gàng] sharpen
1094 xiǎng (享受 xiǎngshòu) enjoy
1095 巩固 gǒng consolidate; 固定 dìng fixed
1096 zhuāng village; 庄稼 zhuāngjia crops; 庄严 solemn
1097 wěn (稳定 wěndìng) stable, steady; 稳当 wěndang reliable
1098 fèn 奋斗 fèndòu struggle; 兴奋 xīngfèn excited
1099 遗传 chuán inherit; 遗憾 hàn regret [wèi] give
1100 méi coal; 煤油 kerosene
1101 in place of; (代替 dài) replace, substitute
1102 jìn (禁止 jìnzhǐ) prohibit [jīn] endure; 不禁 can't resist
1103 姑娘 gūniang girl
1104 (考虑 kǎo) consider; 忧虑 yōu worry about
1105 yán (延长 yáncháng) prolong
1106 zāo meet with disaster
1107 gòu (购买 gòumǎi) purchase
1108 desire, wish; 欲望 wàng desire, lust
1109 (骨头 tou) bone [] 骨碌 lu roll
1110 bào violent, sudden; 暴露 expose [] (=)
1111 qióng poor; 无穷 qióng infinite
1112 chún (纯洁 chúnjié) pure; (单纯 dānchún) simple
1113 jiān 监狱 prison; 监督 supervise
1114 zhèn shake, shock; 地震 earthquake; ☳ ䷲ The Arousing
1115 wáng flee; lose; die
1116 héng horizontal [hèng] perverse
1117 dāo knife
1118 yóu fault; outstanding; 尤其 yóu especially
1119 (敌人 rén) enemy; 敌军 enemy troops
1120 móu scheme; 阴谋 conspiracy
1121 (测量 liáng) survey, measure; 观测 guān observe
1122 pào cannon; 炮弹 shell [bāo] quick-fry [páo] 炮制 concoct
1123 累纍 lèi tired; work hard [lěi] 积累 accumulate [léi] (F)
1124 lotus; 荷花 lotus flower [] carry; load
1125 (予以 , 给予 ) give, grant [] () I
1126 táo (逃跑 táopǎo) escape, flee
1127 (surname)
1128 qiāo 悄悄 qiāoqiāo quietly [qiǎo] 悄声 qiǎoshēng quietly
1129 kuò 扩大 kuò enlarge, expand
1130 zhuō table; 一张桌子 one table
1131 sǔn decrease; damage; ䷨; 损失 sǔnshī lose, loss
1132 yǐn hidden; 隐约 yǐnyuē faint, indistinct
1133 (surname); (鲁莽 mǎng) rude; dull
1134 贊讚 zàn (F) 赞成 approve of; (F) 称赞 praise
1135 (山谷) valley; (F) (谷物) grain; 谷子 millet
1136 jiàn 健康 jiànkāng health
1137 沿 yán along; 沿海 yánhǎi coastal; 沿儿 yánr water's edge
1138 diǎn 典型 diǎnxíng typical; 古典 classical; 词典 dictionary
1139 bāng 城邦 chéngbāng city-state; 乌托邦 tuōbāng utopia
1140 dòu bean; 豆腐 dòufu tofu; 大豆 soybean; 豌豆 pea
1141 tóng copper (Cu); 青铜 qīngtóng bronze
1142 卷捲 juǎn roll; 春卷 spring roll (F) [juàn] volume, book, exam paper [quán] (=)
1143 gather, get together; 核聚变 nuclear fusion
1144 chuī blow
1145 tàn sigh
1146 táng (surname); Tang Dynasty; (唐突 táng) rude
1147 curtain; act (of play); 屏幕 píng screen
1148 separate, stand between; 隔壁 next door
1149 lucky, auspicious
1150 努力 try hard
1151 chéng (诚实) honest
1152 ēn kindness; 周恩来 Zhōu Ēnlái
1153 dàn thin, light; 淡蓝 ( = 浅蓝) light blue
1154 tǎn 平坦 level; 坦然 calm; 坦克 tank
1155 bēi 悲哀 grieved; 悲观 pessimistic; 悲剧 tragedy
1156 zhēn needle; 方针 policy; 针刺 zhēn acupuncture
1157 jìng (镜子) mirror; lens; 眼镜 yǎnjìng glasses
1158 fán ordinary; (凡是 fánshì) every; 非凡 extraordinary
1159 flag
1160 shǎng reward; admire; 欣赏 xīnshǎng enjoy, appreciate
1161 fǎn (返回 fǎnhuí) return, go back
1162 cān meal
1163 (适宜 shì) suitable [yi] 便宜 piányi cheap
1164 hán (寒冷) cold
1165 文雅 wén cultured, refined; 雅致 zhi elegant
1166 jiān point, tip; 尖锐 sharp
1167 jiǎ helmet; 1st 天干; 指甲 zhījia fingernail; 甲虫 beetle
1168 mèng dream
1169 ruǎn soft; 软件 ruǎnjiàn software
1170 kǒng hole; 孔子 Kǒng Confucius; 面孔 miànkǒng face
1171 yīn opposite of yáng; 阴沉, 阴天 cloudy; 阴暗 gloomy
1172 heal, get better; … (like yuè)
1173 chǐ ruler; one-third of a meter; 英尺 foot [chě] 工尺
1174 nào (热闹) noisy; 闹钟 alarm clock
1175 liáng bridge; roof beam; 桥梁 bridge; 脊梁骨 backbone
1176 qiǎo clever; coincidentally; 巧妙 qiǎomiào ingenious
1177 nǎi breasts; milk
1178 mèi (妹妹 mèimei) little sister; 姐妹 jiěmèi sisters
1179 urge; urgent; 促进 jìn promote; 促使 shǐ impel, urge
1180 (翻译 fān) translate
1181 xùn 迅速 xùn rapid, swift
1182 zhuàng robust, magnificent; 壮丽 majestic; 壮族
1183 shòu award, give; teach; 教授 jiàoshòu professor
1184 fán be vexed; 麻烦 trouble, bother; 不耐烦 impatient
1185 tōu steal; 小偷 xiǎotōu thief
1186 yǒng 勇敢 yǒnggǎn brave; 勇气 courage; 勇士 brave warrior
1187 guàn be used to; 习惯 guàn be used to; habit; custom
1188 稿 gǎo stalk of grain; draft, sketch; manuscript
1189 huǎn (缓慢 huǎnmàn) slow
1190 xíng punishment
1191 fǎng spin yarn; 纺织 spin and weave; 纺车 spinning wheel
1192 貿 mào 贸易 mào trade
1193 chù touch; 接触 jiēchù get in touch; 触角 antenna
1194 shēn stretch
1195 zhàng (length:) 3 1/3 meters; 丈夫 zhàngfu husband
1196 rén benevolence, humanity
1197 width of cloth; size; (): 一幅画 a picture
1198 suō shrink
1199 xiù (袖子) sleeve; 领袖 leader; 袖珍 pocket-sized
1200 common, rustic, vulgar; custom; 俗话 proverb, saying
1201 miào wonderful; subtle; 莫名其妙
1202 fán numerous; 繁殖 fánzhí breed; 繁荣 flourishing; 繁体字
1203 (痕迹 hén) mark, trace, vestige; 奇迹 miracle
1204 wǎng net; 网球 wǎngqiú tennis
1205 liàng 车辆 car; 三辆车 three cars
1206 rub, wear down [] mill, grind(stone)
1207 péi 培养 foster, train, develop; 培育 cultivate, breed
1208 slowly, gently; (surname)
1209 fěn powder; 洗衣粉 laundry detergent; 粉红色 pink
1210 duó force one's way; 夺取 seize, capture; 争夺 fight for
1211 kuàng (矿石) ore; (矿山) mine; 矿物 mineral
1212 chéng ride (a vehicle); multiply [shèng] chariot
1213 miè extinguish; 消灭 eliminate; perish; 歼灭 annihilate
1214 hǎn (喊叫,呼喊,叫喊) shout, cry out
1215 tiāo (挑选) choose [tiǎo] poke; 挑战 challenge
1216 shòu sell; 售货 sell goods
1217 chuān river; 四川省 Sichuan Province; 冰川 glacier
1218 xiù 优秀 yōuxiù excellent; 秀才 xiùcai scholar
1219 money, currency; 硬币 coin; 人民币 rénmín RMB.
1220 jìn strength, energy, spirit [jìng] 强劲
1221 xīn 欣赏 xīnshǎng enjoy
1222 qīng lean; 倾向 tendency, prefer; 倾斜 slant
1223 Zhào (surname)
1224 tiē stick, paste, glue; stay close to
1225 xùn interrogate; 通讯 tōngxùn news report
1226 on foot; follower; 徒弟 apprentice; 匪徒 gangster
1227 bēi cup; 干杯 gānbēi cheers
1228 bēn run fast; flee [bèn] go straight towards
1229 thorn; prick, stab; irritate; (刺杀) assassinate [] wham
1230 bào (爆炸 bàozhà) explode; 爆发 erupt; 爆竹 firecracker
1231 dùn shield; 矛盾 máodùn contradiction ("spear-shield")
1232 zhū (珠子 zhūzi) pearl; bead; 眼珠子 eyeball; 泪珠 teardrop
1233 shǎn (闪开) get out of the way; flash; 闪电 lightning
1234 cāo conduct; grasp; 操纵 cāozòng operate
1235 fèi waste
1236 catch; 逮捕 dài arrest
1237 xián idle; free time; 闲话 digression; complaint
1238 gǔn roll; boil
1239 sāi fill in, stuff; cork [] 堵塞 block up
1240 kuáng (疯狂 fēngkuáng) crazy
1241 méng to cover; ䷃; ignorant [mēng] cheat [Měng] 蒙古
1242 book; registry; native place; membership; 国籍 nationality
1243 xuán spin; 旋转 xuánzhuǎn rotate [xuàn] whirl; lathe
1244 (放弃 fàng, 抛弃 pāo) abandon, give up
1245 xiōng (elder) brother; 兄弟 xiōng brothers
1246 huī shine; 光辉 radiance, glory; 辉煌 -huáng brilliant
1247 dàng swing, sway; loaf about; 扫荡 wipe out; 震荡 shake [tāng]
1248 zhū vermilion, bright red
1249 tuǐ leg; 腿脚 ability to walk; 腿腕子 ankle; 大腿 thigh
1250 quite, rather
1251 tīng hall; 餐厅 cāntīng dining room
1252 ào 奥秘 ào secret, mystery; 奥妙 àomiào profound, secret
1253 jìng (尊敬 zūnjìng) respect
1254 yuè leap
1255 píng lean on; based on; no matter ( = 不论)
1256 mud; 泥土 soil [] putty
1257 huá slip, slide; smooth, slippery; 滑冰 ice-skate
1258 old lady; 老婆 wife
1259 support; (抵抗 kàng) resist
1260 dàn egg; 鸡蛋 chicken egg; 蛋白质 protein
1261 shut
1262 宇宙 zhòu cosmos; 庙宇 miào temple
1263 máo spear; 矛盾 máodùn contradiction ("spear-shield")
1264 cán injure; barbarous; incomplete; remnant
1265 léi thunder; 雷雨 thunderstorm; 雷达 radar
1266 jìng 竞争 jìngzhēng compete; 竞赛 contest
1267 xiāng box
1268 dài put on; 戴眼镜; 戴上帽子
1269 dài bag, pocket
1270 分析 fēn analyse
1271 spread, unfold; pave [] shop, store; plank bed; 卧铺
1272 mào emit; risk; pretend to be; 感冒 catch a cold
1273 side [zhāi] 侧歪 zhāiwai slant
1274 zán (咱们 zánmen) we [zan] (from 早晚 zǎowǎn)
1275 la (like le plus a)
1276 yuán hold; help; 支援 support; 援助 help
1277 warehouse; 数据库 database
1278 nǎi be; so; only then; you
1279 é very soon; suddenly; 俄语 É Russian (language)
1280 jìng clean, complete; only; 干净 gānjìng clean
1281 liǎ two, both; 我们俩 the two of us [liǎng] 伎俩 trick
1282 shū 特殊 shū special, particular
1283 (珍惜) cherish; 可惜 it's too bad; 不惜 not hesitate
1284 huī dust; grey
1285 chā insert, stick in; 插头 plug
1286 chè 彻底 thorough; 贯彻 carry out, implement
1287 仿 fǎng 仿佛 seem; 模仿 imitate, copy; 仿造 copy
1288 empty, void; 谦虚 modest; 虚心 open-minded; 空虚 hollow
1289 shū stretch; 舒服 shūfu comfortable; 舒畅 shūchàng carefree
1290 bài honor, worship; 礼拜 bài week [bái] 拜拜 bye-bye
1291 舍捨 shè 宿舍 shè dormitory [shě] (F) give up, abandon; 舍不得
1292 lán (蓝色) blue
1293 pín (贫苦, 贫穷) poor
1294 hàn (汗水 hànshuǐ) sweat, perspiration [hán] 可汗 hán
1295 yōng embrace; crowd; 拥护 support; 拥挤 crowded
1296 zhé 哲学 zhéxué philosophy
1297 成绩 grade, achievement; 功绩 merits & achievements
1298 five (same as ); (surname); 队伍 duì troops
1299 rotten; 豆腐 tofu; 腐蚀 corrode; 腐败 corrupt
1300 stop; 罢工 strike; 罢了 le that's all [] (=)
1301 guǐ ghost; (魔鬼 guǐ) devil; 鬼子 guǐzi foreign devil
1302 (仪表) appearance; (仪器) instrument
1303 hèn hate
1304 (math:) field; 领域 territory; 流域 valley; 区域 region
1305 háo not at all
1306 yán 颜色 yán color; 颜面 yánmiàn face
1307 zhū pig; 猪年 12th year
1308 lún 伦理 lún ethics
1309 píng (瓶子 píngzi) bottle
1310 dàn () dawn; 一旦 in one day; once; 元旦 New Year's Day
1311 tuō pull, drag; procrastinate
1312 xiè 机械 xiè mechanical; 器械 xiè apparatus
1313 xīn 8th 天干; suffering; 辛苦 xīn work hard
1314 shè wade, ford; go through; involve; 干涉 gānshè interfere
1315 fēng 锋利 sharp; 冲锋 charge, assault; 先锋 vanguard
1316 open; start; enlighten; 启发 arouse, inspire
1317 dāi stupid; stay; 呆板 dāibǎn stiff [ái] 呆板 áibǎn stiff
1318 zūn (尊重, 尊敬) respect
1319 zhì 智慧 zhìhuì wisdom; 智力 zhì intellegence
1320 wǎn bowl
1321 luò net; twine (also [lào])
1322 (距离 ) distance
1323 liáo treat, cure; 疗法 therapy
1324 suì smash to pieces
1325 wěi (尾巴 wěiba) tail [] 后尾
1326 rent; 出租汽车 chūchē taxi
1327 duī pile, heap [zuī] 归里包堆
1328 xié shoe
1329 fàn flood; 广泛 wide, extensive; 泛滥 fànlàn overflow
1330 liáng cool, cold [liàng] make cool
1331 rǎn to dye; catch (disease); 染料 dye; 污染 pollution
1332 ruì auspicious, good omen; 瑞雪 timely snow
1333 guàn 贯彻 guànchè carry out; 一贯 consistent
1334 qín musical instrument; 钢琴 piano; 小提琴 violin
1335 zhēn (珍宝) treasure: 珍珠 pearl; 珍贵 precious
1336 dǎn guts
1337 huǐ destroy; 毁灭 huǐmiè exterminate
1338 xiōng (胸膛, 胸脯) chest; (胸怀) heart, mind
1339 shè absorb; photograph; 拍摄 take a picture
1340 wéi 违反, 违背 violate; 违法 break the law
1341 líng (年龄) age; duration
1342 niǔ 纽扣儿 niǔkòur button; knob, handle; tie
1343 zhā prick [zhá] 挣扎 zhēngzhá struggle [] 包扎
1344 yāo waist
1345 block; 阻止 zhǐ prevent; 电阻 diàn resistance
1346 feel, stroke; 摸索 suo grope; 捉摸 zhuō fathom
1347 yuán 缘故 cause, reason; 边缘 edge; 绝缘 insulate
1348 biàn (辩论 biànlùn) debate, argue; 辩证 diagnosis
1349 yóu 邮局 yóu post office; 邮票 yóupiào stamp
1350 zhī branch [] (=)
1351 zhà (爆炸 bàozhà) explode, blow up [zhá] deep fry
1352 nóng dense, thick, concentrated; 浓度 consistency
1353 hūn dusk; dark; to faint
1354 (记忆 , 回忆 huí) remember, recall; memory
1355 guō pot; wok, frying pan; 锅贴 guōtiē pot sticker
1356 piāo float in the air, flutter; 飘扬 flutter, wave
1357 shèng be left over, remain; (剩余 shèng) surplus
1358 shāo (稍稍, 稍微) a little, a bit, slightly [shào] 稍息
1359 féi (肥胖) fat; fertile; (肥料) fertilizer; 肥皂 féizào soap
1360 dòng hole, cave
1361 jiē all (bookish)
1362 paste; 糊涂 tu muddled [] plaster [] paste
1363 táng sugar; (糖果 tángguǒ) candy; 糖醋 táng sweet & sour
1364 bàn accompany; 伙伴, 同伴 companion
1365 cái cut cloth or paper; reduce; decide; sanction
1366 zhǐ 地址 zhǐ address
1367 jiē uncover
1368 jiān 艰苦 jiān arduous, 艰难 jiānnán difficult
1369 juān contribute; relinquish; tax
1370 xún 询问 xúnwèn ask about, inquire
1371 dān cinnabar; red; 丹田 dāntián pubic region
1372 熟悉 shú know well, be familiar with
1373 jīn (ferry crossing; saliva); 津津有味 with pleasure
1374 xiàn 宪法 xiàn constitution; 宪兵 military police
1375 yǒng gush; 汹涌 xiōngyǒng turbulent
1376 qià (恰当 qiàdàng) appropriate, suitable; 恰好 just right
1377 zhú bamboo
1378 pit; nucleus; 核桃 tao walnut [] 核儿 r () pit
1379 tǐng quite, very; endure, stand; 挺立 stand upright
1380 jìng path, way; (直径 zhíjìng) diameter; 途径 through
1381 cuò 措施 cuòshī measure, step
1382 gān sweet; 甘蔗 gānzhe sugarcane; 甘肃 Gān
1383 báo thin [] slight; 薄弱 weak [] 薄荷 peppermint
1384 grain, granule; 粒子 particle (physics)
1385 bīn guest; 宾馆 bīnguǎn hotel
1386 sǎo sweep; 打扫 clean up [sào] 扫帚 broom
1387 thick, rough, coarse
1388 符合 conform to; 符号 hào mark, symbol
1389 bāo 细胞 bāo cell
1390 jīn half a kilogram; 公斤 gōngjīn kilogram
1391 màn overflow; 漫长 endless; 浪漫 romantic
1392 pīn (拼凑 pīncòu) piece together; 拼音 pīnyīn; 拼写
1393 zhū all, various; (surname)
1394 编辑 biān edit; 逻辑 luó logic
1395 measure word for small round things: 珠子, etc.
1396 (缺乏quē) lack; 疲乏 tired; 贫乏 pín poor
1397 pèng bump into; 碰见 happen to meet
1398 liè split, crack: 分裂 fission
1399 miáo trace; touch up; 描写 miáoxiě describe
1400 méi plum, prune; 梅花 plum blossom; 梅林 plum grove
1401 湿 shī moist
1402 zuó (昨天 zuótiān) yesterday; 昨晚 zuówǎn yesterday evening
1403 cōng 匆匆 cōngcōng, 匆忙 cōngmáng in a hurry
1404 zāi (灾难 zāinàn, 灾害 zāihài) disaster
1405 jiāo burnt; (焦炭) coke; 焦急 jiāo anxious; 焦点 focus
1406 zhí to plant; 植物 zhí plant
1407 resist; (拒绝 jué) refuse
1408 yóu still, yet; 犹豫 yóu hesitate; 犹如 yóu as if
1409 Hán (surname); (old name for Korea)
1410 fēng mountain peak
1411 liàn smelt, refine; temper metal; 锻炼 exercise
1412 情绪 qíng mood, depression; 头绪 lead, clue
1413 shū (叔叔 shūshu) uncle
1414 mulititude; (surname); 黎明 míng daybreak
1415 jiè (measure word for regular sessions)
1416 nài be able to endure; 有耐心 patient; 不耐烦 impatient
1417 (老虎 lǎo) tiger [] 马马虎虎 [] 虎不拉
1418 squeeze; crowd; push, jostle; 拥挤 yōng crowded
1419 玻璃 li glass; 琉璃 liú colored glaze
1420 yǎng face upward; 信仰 xìnyǎng (religious) faith
1421 (液体 ) liquid
1422 nuǎn (温暖 wēnnuǎn) warm; 暖和 nuǎnhuo nice and warm
1423 zhàng 障碍 zhàng'ài obstruct; 保障 bǎozhàng ensure
1424 bèi shellfish; cowrie; (money); 贝壳 bèi shell
1425 huāng desolate; wasteland; famine; 荒谬 huāngmiù absurd
1426 (鼻子 zi) nose; 鼻孔 kǒng nostril
1427 tāng hot water, soup [shāng] 汤汤
1428 yuè experience, pass through; review; (阅读 yuè) read
1429 mián cotton
1430 suān sour; acid
1431 curse; 妈妈骂马吗? Does mama curse the horse?
1432 wall, cliff; 墙壁 qiáng wall (la pared)
1433 dose
1434 pagoda, tower [] 泥圪塔; 树圪塔
1435 gōng palace; temple; (surname); 子宫 gōng womb
1436 qīn (侵略 qīnlüè, 侵入) invade
1437 huī 恢复 huī recover, restore
1438 菩萨 bodhisattva, benevolent being; (surname)
1439 xiǎo dawn; (晓得 xiǎode) know
1440 slope, hillside; 坡度 slope, gradient
1441 jié 纯洁 chúnjié pure; 洁白 pure white; 清洁 clean
1442 zòng longitudinally; 操纵 operate; 纵对 column, file
1443 guān hat, crown [guàn] first place; 冠军 guànjūn champion
1444 估计 estimate, guess [] 估衣 yi
1445 yǔn 允许 yǔn permit, allow
1446 róng (融化) melt (ice or snow; cf róng)
1447 zhù express good wishes; 庆祝 qìngzhù celebrate; 祝贺 congrat.
1448 (肚子 zi) stomach [] tripe
1449 Jiǎng (surname)
1450 diū lose, misplace
1451 gòng 贡献 gòngxiàn contribute
1452 zhèn shake, stimulate; 振动 vibration; 振奋 inspire
1453 xiáng 详细 detailed; 端详 details; 安详 serene
1454 宿 stay overnight [xiǔ] 住一宿 stay one night
1455 jiān double; simultaneously: 兼容 compatible
1456 彼此 each other
1457 jié 杰出 outstanding; 杰作 masterpiece
1458 lán fence, railing
1459 mould; 塑料 plastic; 塑像 statue
1460 bèi generation; 先辈 older generation, ancestors
1461 严肃 serious, solemn; 肃清 eliminate
1462 zhōng faithful
1463 pín 频率 pín frequency
1464 鼓励 , 激励 encourage; 奖励 reward
1465 yāo (邀请 yāoqǐng) invite
1466 āi grief; 悲哀 sorrowful; 哀求 entreat
1467 qiǎng rob; snatch; scrape [qiāng] 呼天抢地
1468 alone; 孤儿 orphan; 孤立 isolated; 孤独 lonely
1469 shǐ (驾驶 jiàshǐ) drive
1470 poke, turn, stir; 拨钟 set a clock; 拨电话 dial a phone
1471 anger, rage
1472 sēn 森林 sēnlín forest
1473 péi (陪同 péitóng) accompany; 陪嫁 péijià dowry
1474 耀 yào 照耀 zhàoyào shine; 闪耀 shǎnyào dazzle; 炫耀 xuànyào show off
1475 xiàn pit, trap; cave in; 陷入 sink/fall into
1476 guō outer wall of city; (surname)
1477 lín (邻居 lín) neighbor
1478 Luò name of a river in 河南 and 陕西
1479 jǐng (water) well; ䷯
1480 huì 恩惠 ēnhuì favor, kindness; 贤惠 xiánhuì virtuous ()
1481 chí tardy; 迟到 arrive late; 迟疑 hesitate; 推迟 put off
1482 lēi tie or strap tightly [] 勒索 suǒ
1483 jiā good, beautiful
1484 shì family name, surname; 氏族 shì clan [zhī] 阏氏
1485 scarce; watery; 稀饭 gruel
1486 zhuàng collide, run into
1487 pào soak; bubble; 泡菜 pickle; 泡沫 foam [pāo] spongy
1488 cross (river, etc); 渡船 ferry
1489 bān move; 搬家 move house
1490 piāo float [piào] 漂亮 beautiful [piǎo] 漂白 bleach
1491 téng jump, gallop; vacate; 沸腾 boiling [tēng] thump
1492 zàn (暂时) temporary
1493 zhèng (surname); 郑重 zhèngzhòng serious, solemn
1494 tái lift; carry
1495 bǎo full (after meal)
1496 róu yielding; 柔软 róuruǎn soft; 柔和 róuhe gentle
1497 drip, drop
1498 měng fierce
1499 (surname); 杜鹃 cuckoo; azalea; 杜绝 stop
1500 kuò wide; 广阔 vast; 宽阔 broad; 辽阔 extensive
1501 chí (池塘 chítáng) pool; 游泳池 swimming pool; 电池 battery
1502 float
1503 cùn inch
1504 bend over; subside; 伏天 hot summer days; 起伏 rise & fall
1505 ào bay, inlet (used in place names); 澳门 Aomen; 澳大利亚
1506 yǐn drink [yìn] give animals water to drink
1507 dūn ton (from English)
1508 wèi 安慰 comfort, console; 慰问 express sympathy for
1509 huàn unreal, imaginary, magical; 科幻小说 science fiction
1510 yòu young; children; 幼稚 yòuzhì childish; 幼儿 child
1511 hand over, pass, give; 递交 present, submit
1512 foul; 污染 rǎn pollution
1513 diē dad; 爹爹 diēdie daddy
1514 xià frighten, scare [] (恐吓) threaten; (interj.)
1515 chì red; bare; 赤道 chìdào equator; 赤脚 chìjiǎo barefoot
1516 page
1517 寂寞 lonely; 寂静 quiet (place); 沉寂 quiet
1518 xiáng (吉祥 xiáng) auspicious; 慈祥 xiáng kindly
1519 gāng fishing net rope; guiding principle; 纲领 program
1520 jiān (肩膀 jiānbǎng) shoulder; (肩负 jiān) take on
1521 zhù stay, halt; be stationed
1522 jīng bright; 水晶 crystal; 晶体管 transistor; 晶营 sparkling
1523 cōng 聪明 cōngming clever, intelligent, bright
1524 cāng dark green or blue (苍天, 苍松); 苍蝇 fly; 苍白 pale
1525 chuí hang down, droop; 垂直 chúizhí vertical, perpendicular
1526 gǒng 巩固 gǒng consolidate
1527 pēn spurt; spray; 打喷嚏 sneeze [pèn] in season
1528 ǒu (偶然 ǒurán) by chance; even number (cf. odd)
1529 Sòng the Song dynasty (960-1279); 宋体字 Song typeface
1530 bend; submit; injustice; 屈服 yield; 委屈 feel wronged
1531 yīn marriage; 婚姻 hūnyīn marriage; in-law
1532 按摩 àn massage; 摩擦 rub; friction [] 摩挲 sa gently stroke
1533 magnetism; 磁铁 tiě magnet; 磁带 dài (magnetic) tape
1534 chóu chip, counter; prepare, plan
1535 rùn 湿润 moist; 利润 profit; 润滑 lubricate
1536 làn messy; 灿烂 cànlàn splendid
1537 ride (horse/bike) [] 乘骑 chéng saddle horse; rider
1538 put up; hang over; lift together
1539 lawsuit; (监狱 jiān) prison, jail
1540 chāng prosperous
1541 (乌鸦) crow; (乌黑) black; 乌龟 tortoise
1542 tài ䷊ Peace; 泰国 Thailand; 泰山
1543 raise, pull; 提拔 promote; 海拔 elevation
1544 cut; 收割 shōu to harvest
1545 guā melon, gourd; 西瓜 watermelon; 傻瓜 idiot; 黄瓜 cucumber
1546 dàn 诞生 dànshēng be born; 圣诞节 Christmas
1547 duǒ hide (oneself), avoid, dodge
1548 qiǎn shallow; light
1549 héng 衡量 héngliang weigh, measure, judge
1550 nuò 诺言 nuòyán a promise
1551 zuān drill; get into; study [zuàn] drill (noun)
1552 chái firewood; 火柴 huǒchái match; 柴油 cháiyóu diesel oil
1553 zōng 综合 zōng synthesize [zèng] heddle
1554 to fish; 渔民 fisherfolk; 渔业 fishery
1555 玻璃 li glass
1556 níng 混凝土 concrete; 凝视 stare; 凝固 solidify
1557 màn prolonged; graceful
1558 lián 可怜 lián poor, pitiful
1559 lǎng 爽朗 shuǎnglǎng, 明朗 bright & clear; 朗诵 recite
1560 qián 潜水艇 submarine; 潜力 latent ability
1561 kòu button up; 纽扣儿 niǔkòur button; 扣子 kòuzi knot, button
1562 jiàn key; 键盘 jiànpán keyboard (piano or typewriter)
1563 chǔ 储量 chǔliàng reserves; 存储 cúnchǔ memory
1564 step on; (also used for in 糟蹋 zāota 'waste') [] (=)
1565 qín (勤劳 qínláo) diligent, hardworking
1566 niǎo bird [diǎo] (=)
1567 jié cut, stop; section, length; 半截 half a section
1568 zhāi pick; take off; select
1569 take leave; diction, poetry, language
1570 fèn (气愤, 愤怒) angry
1571 (裤子) pants
1572 huàn worry; anxiety; disaster; 患病 fall ill
1573 shì decoration; dress up; impersonate
1574 chén subject; (大臣 chén) minister
1575 chè remove; withdraw
1576 qiàn owe; 哈欠 qiàn yawn
1577 mǐn 敏捷 mǐnjié agile; 敏感 sensitive; 敏锐 acute
1578 spread on; 涂料 coating [tu] 糊涂 tu muddled [] 糊里八涂
1579 fān (measure word); 番茄 fānqié tomato [Pān] 番禺
1580 go to, attend
1581 (惩罚 chéng) punish; (罚款 kuǎn) fine
1582 táo pottery; 陶瓷 táo ceramics
1583 hóng (洪水) flood; vast; (surname); 洪亮 magnanimity
1584 zhǎng rise, go up [zhàng] swell
1585 crawl; climb [] 矮爬爬
1586 zhàng curtain; 蚊帐 mosquito net; 帐篷 tent; account
1587 míng cry of birds, animals, insects; ring, sound; express
1588 kuī lose (money); 吃亏; treat unfairly; 幸亏 fortunately
1589 duǒ 朵儿 flower; (): 一朵花; 一朵云 [duo] 耳朵 ear
1590 shēng 牺牲 shēng sacrifice; 牲口 beasts of burden
1591 jiā press, squeeze; clip [jiá] lined (clothing)
1592 tile; (瓦特 ) Watt [] to tile a roof
1593 (疾病 bìng) illness; 疾苦 hardship
1594 yán salt
1595 méng (联盟 liánméng) alliance, pact [míng] 盟誓
1596 jiàn sword; 宝剑 bǎojiàn double-edged sword
1597 féng meet
1598 realize; 觉悟 consciousness; 孙悟空
1599 lóng 隆重 lóngzhòng grand; 隆起 lóng swell
1600 mào (面貌) appearance; 礼貌 polite
1601 qiāo knock; strike; 敲门 (door); 敲锣 (gong)
1602 tián sweet; 甜菜 tiáncài beet
1603 zūn obey; 遵守 comply with; 遵照 obey, conform to
1604 zhèng struggle; earn [zhēng] 挣扎 zhēngzhá struggle
1605 guàn pour; 灌溉 guàngài irrigate; 灌木 guàn bush
1606 walk fast, hurry; (趋向) tend, incline to; 趋势 tendency
1607 mēn stuffy [mèn] bored, depressed
1608 cast, let go [] scatter, sprinkle
1609 láng 新郎 bridegroom; (surname) [làng] 屎壳郎
1610 lài rely; hang around; blame falsely; deny error
1611 tǎng lie down
1612 qiān lead along (by hand, halter, etc.); 牵牛下地
1613 chóng worship; high, sublime
1614 board game; 象棋 chess; 围棋 Go; 跳棋 Checkers
1615 mài vein; pulse; 山脉 mountain range [] 脉脉 lovingly
1616 髒臟 zāng (F) dirty [zàng] (F) 心脏 heart
1617 仔细 careful [zǎi] young animal [] 仔肩
1618 厉害 terrible; formidable [lài] (name of ancient country)
1619 yuē say
1620 máng 茫茫 vast, boundless & indistinct
1621 寿 shòu longevity; 寿命 shòumìng life-span
1622 praise; 荣誉 róng honor; 名誉 míng fame
1623 qiáo (surname); 乔木 qiáo arbor
1624 quán spring; (喷泉 pēnquán) fountain; 源泉 yuánquán source
1625 suǒ lock
1626 shuā brush, to brush, to paint, swish
1627 mào (帽子 màozi) hat
1628 guì laurel (bay) tree; 桂林 Guìlín
1629 wān curve, bend
1630 ào (骄傲 jiāo'ào) proud, arrogant
1631 rán (燃烧 ránshāo) burn; 燃料 ránliào fuel
1632 jiū 纠正 jiūzhèng rectify; 纠缠 jiūchán get entangled
1633 dài 贷款 dàikuǎn lend; loan
1634 rào wind, coil; move around; 围绕 surround
1635 hào (消耗,耗费) consume; 耗子 mouse, rat
1636 yíng win
1637 xiōng terrible; 凶恶 xiōng'è fiendish; 凶猛 ferocious
1638 chuàn string together; bunch, cluster
1639 ruì 尖锐 jiānruì sharp pointed, acute; 锐利 sharp, keen
1640 饿 è hungry
1641 jià (驾驶 jiàshǐ) drive, fly, sail; 劳驾 láojià excuse me...
1642 láo firm, durable; (牢房 láofáng) prison; 牢固 láo sturdy
1643 fēn fragrance; 芬芳 fēnfāng fragrant; 芬兰 Finland
1644 spit [] (呕吐 ǒu) vomit
1645 jiù 舅舅 jiùjiu uncle (mother's brother)
1646 (恶魔 è, 魔鬼 guǐ) demon; 魔术 shù magic
1647 fèng accept; offer; 奉命 receive orders; 奉承 flatter
1648 xiá (峡谷) gorge, canyon; 海峡 strait, channel; 三峡
1649 pāo throw; 抛弃 abandon; 抛锚 drop anchor; 抛物线 parabola
1650 jié rob; disaster
1651 yáng sheep; 山羊 goat; 羊年 Year of the Sheep (8th year)
1652 (盒子 zi) box
1653 gōu gulley; trench
1654 táng dike; 池塘, 水塘 pool
1655 nest; 窝棚 peng shack
1656 wèi hey, hello; (喂养) feed, raise
1657 (F) sprinkle [xiǎn] 洒如; (F) 洒然
1658 2nd Heavenly Stem (天干: 甲乙丙丁戊…)
1659 kǎi 凯歌 kǎi song of triumph
1660 wén lines, veins, (wood) grain
1661 cǎn tragic; savage
1662 xióng bear; 熊猫 xióngmāo panda
1663 bāo shell, peel [] 剥削 xuē exploitation; ䷖
1664 ài Chinese mugwort; 艾绒 àiróng moxa [] 怨艾 yuàn resentment
1665 tān spread out; take a share in; vendor's stall; ...
1666 hào 浩荡 hàodàng vast, mighty; 浩大 hào huge
1667 méi eyelash; 眉头 brows; 眉毛 eyebrow; 眉目 looks
1668 fēng crazy
1669 monarch; 复辟 [] 开辟 open up, start
1670 沈瀋 Shěn (surname); (F) 沈阳 Shěnyáng; 墨沈未干 [chén] (=)
1671 tián fill, stuff; fill in (form)
1672 bǐng cake; 饼干 cracker, cookie
1673 rub, wipe, scrape
1674 force, compel; close in on
1675 niǔ twist; turn around; seize; 别扭 bièniu awkward [niū] 吱扭
1676 mái bury, cover up [mán] 埋怨 mányuàn blame, complain
1677 hōng BANG, BOOM! 轰轰烈烈 grand, spectacular
1678 quàn advise
1679 yǎo bite; bark; pronounce
1680 (墨水 shuǐ) ink; 墨子 (a philosopher)
1681 chén (灰尘 huīchén) dust
1682 huàn (叫唤) call out
1683 xié upper part of side of person's body; coerce
1684 鸿 hóng (鸿雁 hóngyàn) swan, wild goose; vast
1685 sàng 丧失 forfeit [sāng] 丧事 funeral arrangements
1686 厘米 centimeter
1687 chǎo stir fry, saute; 炒饭 fried rice; 炒面 chow mein
1688 shòu thin, lean, frail, skinny
1689 yōu long, drawn-out, leisurely; 悠久 yōujiǔ age-old
1690 yǎn hide; sneak attack; 掩护 to shield; 掩盖 conceal
1691 zhài debt
1692 chǎo make noise [chāo] 吵吵 chāochao make noise
1693 丑醜 chǒu second 地支 Earthly Branch; (F) 丑陋 chǒulòu ugly
1694 xuán hang; unresolved; worry; 悬崖 xuán cliff
1695 láng wolf; 狼狈 lángbèi in a difficult position
1696 tān 海滩 hǎitān beach
1697 shǎ stupid, idiotic; 傻子 shǎzi, 傻瓜 shǎguā idiot
1698 chóu worry
1699 愉快 kuài delighted
1700 purple, violet
1701 (鸭子 zi) duck; 唐老鸭 Donald Duck
1702 fēn 气氛 fēn atmosphere
1703 nurse; 汤姆 Tāng Tom
1704 shǔ 署名, 签署 sign one's name; 部署 deploy
1705 jiāo glue; gum; rubber; stick; sticky
1706 cuì brittle, crisp; 干脆 simply; 清脆 clear; 脆弱 fragile
1707 (手臂 shǒu) arm [bei] 胳臂 bei arm
1708 姿 appearance; gesture; (姿势 shì, 姿态 tài) posture
1709 rǎo harass, bother, trouble; 扰乱 disturb
1710 xún follow, abide by; 循环 xúnhuán circulate, cycle
1711 zuì drunk
1712 友谊 yǒu friendship
1713 pàn (盼望 pànwàng) hope for, look forward to
1714 ài 障碍 zhàng'ài get in the way; 妨碍 fáng'ài hinder
1715 book; 手册 shǒu handbook; 地图册 atlas
1716 miǎo second (1/60th of a minute)
1717 疲劳 láo exhausted, fatigued; 疲倦 juàn tired
1718 liáo just; slightly; 无聊 liáo bored; silly; 聊天儿 chat
1719 xuē 剥削 xuē to exploit [xiāo] 切削 qiēxiāo cut
1720 祝贺 congratulate; 庆贺 celebrate
1721 āi dust; angstrom; 埃及 Egypt
1722 qiáo look
1723 shā yarn; 绵纱 miánshā cotton yarn
1724 táo (桃子) peach; 桃花 peach blossom; 樱桃 yīngtáo cherry
1725 xún patrol; 巡视 xúnshì make a tour of inspection
1726 fog; 烟雾 yān smoke, mist
1727 驱逐 zhú drive out, expel
1728 diào hang; lift up, let down with rope; crane; mourn; revoke
1729 dòng freeze
1730 gǎng mound; sentry [gāng] 花岗石 huāgāngshí granite [gàng] 岗口
1731 qiāng cavity; tune, pitch; accent; speech
1732 suddenly; 勃勃 vigorous
1733 huǐ (后悔 hòuhuǐ) regret, repent
1734 piàn (欺骗) deceive; cheat, swindle; 骗局 hoax; 骗子 swindler
1735 fear, dread
1736 shí pick up from the ground; ten (=); 收拾 put in order
1737 yuàn resentment; complain
1738 yōu worry; grieve; 忧郁 yōu sad; 忧虑 worry about
1739 xié slanting; 斜边 hypoteneuse; 斜率 slope
1740 mèng eldest son; first month of season; (surname)
1741 support with the hand; help
1742 lǐng (山岭) mountain range, ridge; 峻岭 jùnlǐng high mountains
1743 dǎng ward off, block; gear (of car) [dàng] 摒挡
1744 shá (啥子 sházi) what ( = 什么) [shà] (obsolete/dialect pronunciation)
1745 fāng perfume; (芳香) fragrant; 芳龄 woman's age
1746 hěn ruthless
1747 māo cat; 熊猫 panda; 猫头鹰 owl [máo] 猫腰
1748 drape over one's shoulders; open
1749 téng sore, painful
1750 qiān move; change; 变迁 biànqiān changes; 迁就 yield to
1751 yán (炎热) burning hot; (发炎) inflammation
1752 tān corrupt; 贪心 greedy
1753 jiàn 鉴定 jiàndìng appraise; 借鉴 jièjiàn draw lessons from
1754 (雇佣 yōng) hire, employ; 雇主 employer; 雇员 employee
1755 kuā brag; 夸大 kuā exaggerate
1756 guǐ track, rail; course, path; 轨道 orbit
1757 () enlighten, guide
1758 press down, restrain; 抑制 zhì restrain, inhibition
1759 mài step, stride; old
1760 ma [] (particle)
1761 fèng male phoenix (fabulous bird of good omen)
1762 shuāi 衰弱 weak, feeble; 衰老 decrepit; 衰退 fail, decline
1763 huì 智慧 zhìhuì wisdom
1764 chāo copy; search & confiscate...; 抄写 transcribe
1765 (炉子 zi) stove, oven, furnace
1766 zhàng (膨胀 péngzhàng) swell, expand
1767 tāi foetus; birth; (轮胎) tire (of a wheel)
1768 hún (灵魂 línghún) soul, spirit; mood
1769 cháng 赔偿 compensate, pay for
1770 liáo 辽阔 liáokuò vast, extensive; 辽宁 Liáoníng
1771 li [] (used for sound) [] (used for 英里)
1772 (梯子 zi) ladder; (楼梯 lóu) stairs
1773 make a surprise attack; carry on as before
1774 症癥 zhèng disease; 健忘症 amnesia [zhēng] (F) 症结
1775 huàng (摇晃 yáohuang) shake, sway [huǎng] dazzle
1776 pounce on; flap wings; 扑灭 extinguish; 扑克 Poker
1777 féng sew [fèng] seam, crack
1778 tiān add, increase
1779 liǔ willow
1780 沙漠 shā desert; 漠然 rán apathetically
1781 shān (衬衫 chènshān) shirt
1782 lóng (笼子) cage, coop [lǒng] 笼罩 shroud, envelop
1783 残酷 cán cruel
1784 jūn fungus, bacterium; 细菌, 病菌 germ [jùn] mushroom
1785 héng permanent; ䷟ Duration
1786 cháng taste
1787 yáo distant, remote; long
1788 wing
1789 store, save; grow; 积蓄 save; 储蓄 chǔ deposit
1790 chat; (叙述 shù, 叙事 shì) narrate, relate
1791 jià (of a woman:) marry
1792 (F) (朴素 ) simple [Piáo] (surname) [] 朴树 [] 朴刀
1793 chéng to present; 呈现 appear; 呈报 submit a report
1794 evening; sunset; 夕阳 yáng the setting sun
1795 lái 莱菔 lái radish; 文莱 Wénlái Brunei
1796 hún 浑身 húnshēn from head to foot, all over
1797 xiān fairy, saint, immortal celestial being; 仙女 fairy maiden
1798 chú 厨房 chúfáng kitchen
1799 xián string of musical instrument
1800 huì paint, draw; 绘画 huìhuà drawing, painting
1801 bǎng 翅膀 wing; 肩膀 shoulder [pāng] swell
1802 dào (盗窃 dàoqiè) steal; 强盗 qiángdào robber
1803 dig; excavate
1804 shī (radical 44); (F) 尸体 shī dead body, corpse
1805 bàn dress up as, disguise as; put on an expression
1806 smelt (metal)
1807 (椅子 zi) chair
1808 chàng smooth; free; 舒畅, 畅快 carefree; 畅通 unimpeded
1809 withered; dried up; dull
1810 yàn (燕子 yànzi) swallow (bird) [Yān] (surname)
1811 dào growing rice, paddy
1812 (娃娃 wa) baby
1813 lǎn 展览 zhǎnlǎn exhibition; 游览 yóulǎn go sightseeing
1814 jiāo (郊区, 郊外) suburbs, outskirts
1815 (覆盖 gài) cover; 顛覆 diān subvert; (S) 反覆 fǎn
1816 牺牲 shēng sacrifice
1817 cāi guess; 猜想 cāixiǎng suppose
1818 sōu search; 搜集 collect; 搜查 search; 搜索 look for
1819 gān pole [gǎn] (F) shaft
1820 cāng warehouse
1821 yōu 幽静 secluded; 幽默 humor; 幽暗 gloomy; 幽灵 ghost
1822 xiāo desolate
1823 dǒng director; 古董 antique
1824 jǐn brocade; 什锦 shíjǐn fancy; 素什锦 assorted vegetables
1825 zhuàn gain, profit [zuàn] cheat
1826 kuà step, stride; straddle; go beyond
1827 pavilion; cabinet
1828 cóng crowd; 丛书 cóngshū series of books; 丛林 jungle
1829 yán rock, cliff; 岩石 rock; 砂岩 sandstone; 熔岩 lava
1830 zhù pillar, post
1831 tíng (亭子 tíngzi) pavilion
1832 liàn 恋爱 love (as in love affair)
1833 áng (昂首 ángshǒu) hold one's head high; high, soaring
1834 shū sparse, scanty; 疏忽 carelessness
1835 (欺骗) cheat, deceive; (欺负) bully
1836 lǎn lazy, sluggish; 伸懒腰 stretch
1837 tūn swallow, gulp down; annex; 吞没 tūn embezzle
1838 máng 盲目 máng blind; 盲动 act blindly
1839 pat; soothe; foster; 抚摸 stroke
1840 pén basin; 盆地 pén basin (of land)
1841 (皮肤 fu) skin; 肤色 color of skin
1842 wán 顽强 indomitable; 顽固 obstinate
1843 wěi false; 虚伪 false, hypocritical; 伪币 counterfeit money
1844 zhī 油脂 yóuzhī; oil, grease; 脂肪 zhīfáng fat, grease
1845 zhàng battle, war; 打仗 fight
1846 hóng 宏伟 magnificient; 宏大 great; 宏观 macroscopic
1847 羡慕 xiàn envy; admire; 爱慕 ài adore
1848 lòu (漏水 lòushuǐ) leak
1849 zhuō clutch, grasp; catch; 捉迷藏 hide & seek
1850 jiàn (军舰) warship; 航空母舰 aircraft carrier
1851 chóu revenge; 报仇 bàochóu get revenge [qiú] mate; (surname)
1852 herd, tend; 牧场 pasture; 牧民 herdsman
1853 kūn 昆虫 kūnchóng insect; 昆明 Kūnmíng
1854 yàn (讨厌 tǎoyàn, 厌恶 yàn) detest; 厌烦 boring [yān] (=)
1855 () I, me
1856 yàn (宴会 yànhuì) banquet
1857 zhēn 侦察 scout, reconnoitre; 侦探 detective
1858 at anchor; moor; berth [] 湖泊 lakes
1859 kǎi 慷慨 kāngkǎi generous; vehement
1860 滋味 wèi flavor; 滋长 zhǎng grow
1861 temple, Buddhist monastery
1862 jìn soak
1863 overlord; tyrant; dominate; 霸占 zhàn sieze
1864 (rhetorical adverb); 岂有此理 preposterous
1865 cháng intestine
1866 canal, ditch, channel; 渠道 irrigation ditch
1867 wèi stomach; 胃口 wèikǒu appetite
1868 慈祥 xiáng kindly; 慈爱 love, kindness; 慈悲 mercy
1869 郁鬱 (surname); fragrant; elegant; (F) luxuriant; 忧郁 yōu melancholy
1870 nài 无可奈何 kěnài have no alternative
1871 yàn gorgeous; amorous; 鲜艳 xiānyàn bright (color); 艳丽
1872 wipe; 抹布 rag [] apply; smear; 抹杀 obliterate
1873 shǔ (老鼠 lǎoshǔ) mouse, rat; 鼠年 Year of Rat (1st year)
1874 table, chart; manual; music score; (谱写 xiě) compose music
1875 guì (F) (柜子) cabinet; 柜台 counter; 掌柜 shopkeeper
1876 all; 俱乐部 club [] together
1877 chì 排斥 páichì reject; 驳斥 chì, 斥责 chì denounce
1878 Cáo (surname)
1879 弥漫 fill the air; 弥补 make up for, remedy
1880 Yuán (surname)
1881 师傅 shīfu master (term of respect)
1882 xié (携带 xiédài) carry, take along; 携手 hand in hand
1883 mián (睡眠 shuìmián) sleep; 冬眠 dōngmián hibernate
1884 tuǒ appropriate; ready
1885 dīng stare at
1886 xián 贤惠 virtuous (woman); 贤人 virtuous person
1887 (surname); hertz
1888 breathe out (mouth open); scold; 呵欠 yawn
1889 zōng 跟踪 follow closely; 失踪 be missing; 踪迹 trace
1890 yún to divide evenly; to spare; even
1891 guàn (罐头 guàntou) can; jar
1892 xiàng lane, alley [hàng] 巷道 hàngdào tunnel (in a mine)
1893 tǒng tube; 电筒 diàntǒng flashlight
1894 (of roads:) fork, branch; divergent; 歧视 discriminate
1895 quàn ticket, certificate; 入场券 [xuàn] 拱券 arch
1896 liè bad, inferior, minor
1897 dàng shelves; 档案 dàng'àn files, archives
1898 wāng 汪汪 tearful; bow-wow; 汪洋 boundless (ocean)
1899 zhēng open the eyes
1900 huāng flustered, confused; 慌忙 huāngmáng in a flurry
1901 diē fall, tumble
1902 Qín the Qin (Ch'in) Dynasty, 221-207 B.C. (Qín --> China)
1903 亲戚 qīn relative; 休戚 xiū- joy and sorrow
1904 jǐn (谨慎 jǐnshèn) cautious; sincerely
1905 lie down; 卧室 shì bedroom
1906 shà 大厦 shà tall building, mansion [Xià] 厦门 Xiàmén Amoy
1907 bud, sprout
1908 jiè forbid; 戒严 jièyán enforce martial law; 戒指 jièzhi ring
1909 nǎo 恼火 nǎohuǒ angry, annoyed
1910 奴隶 slave
1911 kuàng frame; case; circle
1912 肌肉 ròu muscle
1913 zhí 繁殖 breed, reproduce; 殖民地 colony ([shi] 骨殖)
1914 yíng full; 盈利 yíng profit; have a surplus
1915 kick; 踢足球 play football
1916 zhuān brick
1917 (战役) battle; 兵役 military service; 奴役 enslave
1918 (溪流 liú) brook, small stream
1919 diāo vulture; (雕刻 diāo) carve, engrave; 浮雕 diāo relief sculpture
1920 (surname); 觚卢 calabash
1921 shì 逝世 shìshì pass away, die; 消逝 xiāoshì fade away, elapse
1922 shé snake [] 虚与委蛇
1923 (spicy) hot; 辣椒 jiāo hot pepper; 毒辣 sinister []
1924 jiǎn (剪刀 jiǎndāo) scissors
1925 咨询 xún consult, seek advice from
1926 刮颳 guā scrape; 刮胡子 shave; (F) (wind) blow
1927 bǎo 堡垒 bǎolěi fortress; 城堡 chéngbǎo castle [] 堡子 walled village
1928 āi get close to, be next to; in sequence [ái] suffer
1929 pěng hold, carry in both hands; 捧着一个西瓜
1930 pàn 叛徒 pàn traitor
1931 Zhè 浙江省 Zhèjiāngshěng Zhejiang Province
1932 diān jolt; fall; summit; 颠倒 diāndǎo turn upside down
1933 green jade; bluish green; 碧绿 dark green; 碧蓝 dark blue
1934 chàn quiver; 颤抖 chàndǒu tremble; 颤动 vibrate
1935 membrane, film; 角膜 jiǎo cornea (of eye)
1936 lián lotus (flower)
1937 shé (舌头 shétou) tongue
1938 (口渴 kǒu) thirsty; 渴望 thirst for, long for
1939 齿 chǐ (牙齿 chǐ) tooth
1940 chàng 倡议 chàng propose [chāng] 倡优 entertainer
1941 jiāng ginger
1942 aunt (mother's sister); sister-in-law (wife's sister)
1943 jiāo 骄傲 jiāo'ào arrogant, proud
1944 (拟定) draft; 比拟 comparison; 模拟 imitate
1945 sprinkle; rude & unreasonable; 活泼 huópo lively
1946 lín pour, drench; 冰淇淋 ice cream [lìn] strain, filter
1947 liū slide, sneak away [liù] swift current of water
1948 lāo dredge for, fish for, scoop up out of water
1949 péng shed, shack, canopy; 窝棚 shack
1950 zhào cover
1951 miáo seedling, young plant; vaccination; 火苗 flame
1952 belly, stomach, abdomen; 腹地 hinterland
1953 sāng mulberry tree; 桑蚕 silkworm; 桑叶 mulberry leaves
1954 líng bell
1955 kǎn cut, chop, hack; 砍柴
1956 xiá rosy clouds
1957 pìn engage; 聘请 pìnqǐng engage, invite
1958 fell, cut down; attack
1959 quán box (with fists); 太极拳
1960 呼吁 appeal [] 吁吁 (panting) [] Whoa!
1961 miào temple
1962 yōng usual, ordinary; 中庸 Doctrine of the Mean
1963 zhěn 诊断 zhěnduàn diagnose; 诊所 zhěnsuǒ clinic
1964 chě pull; tear; chat
1965 jié 敏捷 quick, agile; 轻捷 nimble
1966 liáo (官僚) official; (同僚) colleague
1967 bǐng third 天干 Heavenly Stem
1968 cuī urge, hurry, hasten
1969 jiàn 实践 put into practice; 践踏 trample
1970 sǎo (大嫂 sǎo) elder brother's wife, sister-in-law
1971 jiāng 边疆 biānjiāng border region; 新疆 Xīnjiāng
1972 líng insult; encroach; draw near; 凌晨 língchén before dawn
1973 kēng hole, pit
1974 huò misfortune
1975 chēng prop up, support, keep up, fill to bursting
1976 (羽毛 máo) feather; 羽毛球 badminton
1977 lián honest, clean; low-priced
1978 shài roast in sun
1979 wāi crooked, askew; devious
1980 shàn a fan; (): 一扇门 [shān] to fan; incite
1981 bàng stick, bat; excellent; 棒球 bàngqiú baseball
1982 biàn distinguish, differentiate
1983 zhòu 宇宙 zhòu cosmos
1984 Confucianism; scholar; 儒家 jiā Confucianists
1985 píng 屏幕 píng screen [bǐng] 屏息 bǐng hold breath [bīng] 屏营
1986 suì satisfy, fulfil; succeed; 遂心 [suí] 半身不遂
1987 Cài (surname)
1988 còu gather together; happen by chance
1989 fortune telling [bo] 胡萝卜 luóbo carrot
1990 stop up, block; () 一堵墙 a wall
1991 xiān 纤维 fiber [qiàn] rope for towing boat
1992 zhòu to wrinkle; 皱纹 wrinkles
1993 qiáo 华侨 Huáqiáo overseas Chinese; 侨胞 compatriots abroad
1994 qíng (晴朗 qínglǎng) fine, sunny; 晴天霹雳 qíngtiān
1995 bīn 海滨 seashore; 滨临 be close to (body of water)
1996 zhǔ boil, cook
1997 侮辱 insult, humiliate; 耻辱 chǐ shame
1998 zhái residence, house
1999 kudzu vine; grass-cloth (pueraria) [] (surname)
2000 hén 痕迹 hén mark, trace, vestige; 伤痕 shānghén scar
2001 qiǎn 派遣 pàiqiǎn send, dispatch; 先遣 sent in advance
2002 contradict; 驳斥 chì denounce; 反驳 refute
2003 shéng (绳子, 绳索) rope, cord
2004 Péng (surname)
2005 娱乐 amuse; amusement, recreation
2006 qīng minister or high official in ancient times
2007 envy; avoid; quit; 忌讳 hui taboo
2008 péi compensate, pay for; lose money; 赔不是 apologize
2009 zèng (赠送 zèngsòng) give as a present
2010 fáng (妨碍) hinder, impede; harm; 不妨 no harm in...
2011 dǒu (发抖 dǒu, 颤抖 chàndǒu) shiver, tremble
2012 péng 膨胀 péngzhàng expand, swell
2013 tǐng light boat
2014 xiè leak, drain; divulge [] 泄沓
2015 bǎi (柏树) cypress [] 柏林 Berlin [] ()
2016 zāo rotten; 糟糕 zāogāo bad luck! 糟踏 zāota waste, spoil
2017 nèn tender, delicate; light; inexperienced
2018 méi () (measure word for small objects)
2019 ǎi short (not tall); low; 矮子 ǎizi dwarf
2020 shuāi fall down; 摔交 shuāijiāo wrestling
2021 kuì (惭愧 cánkuì) ashamed
2022 yuè (喜悦 yuè) happy, joyful
2023 chèn take advantage of; while; 趁机会
2024 lacquer, paint; 油漆 paint; 漆黑 pitch-black
2025 liàng (原谅 yuánliàng) forgive
2026 綿 mián 连绵 unbroken; 海绵 sponge [miān] 软绵绵 soft
2027 yuān injustice; 冤枉 yuānwang do wrong, treat unjustly
2028 gùn (棍子) rod, stick; 拐棍 guǎigùn walking stick
2029 chāi take apart, dismantle
2030 starve, be hungry; famine; 饥饿 hunger, starvation
2031 pawn; detain; 押送 send under escort; 押韵 yùn rhyme
2032 tāo great waves
2033 nuó 婀娜 ēnuó graceful (woman) [] 安娜 Anna (name)
2034 xián suspicion; dislike
2035 luǎn (卵子) egg, ovum; 卵巢 luǎncháo ovary
2036 壇罈 tán (F) altar; raised plot of ground; (F) jar, jug
2037 páng 庞大 páng colossal, huge
2038 bān spot, stripe; 斑马 bān zebra
2039 pèi (ornament); 佩服 pèifu admire; 敬佩 jìngpèi esteem
2040 luó 逻辑 logic
2041 () stalk, branch; (surname)
2042 yàn to swallow [yān] pharynx [] 呜咽 sob, whimper
2043 pàng fat, plump [pán] () easy and comfortable
2044 péng 蓬勃 péng vigorous; 蓬松 fluffy
2045 huáng bright; 敦煌石窟 Dūnhuáng Shí Gansu Caves
2046 葡萄 tao grape
2047 zhào omen; million, mega
2048 gāng jar, vat
2049 guǒ bind, wrap; 包裹 bundle, package
2050 yòu guide, lead, lure
2051 拘留 arrest; 拘束 restrict; 拘谨 overcautious
2052 wàng absurd; rash; ䷘ 无妄; 妄想狂 paranoia
2053 biāo young tiger
2054 cuī (摧毁 cuīhuǐ, 摧残 cuīcán) destroy
2055 () measure word for horses: 三匹马 3 horses
2056 一棵树 a tree
2057 tíng royal court
2058 rēng throw, toss; 扔球 throw a ball (cf 接球)
2059 dūn 敦厚 dūnhòu honest, sincere; 敦煌 Dūnhuáng [duì] ancient vessel
2060 sòng praise; song, ode; 歌颂 sòng sing the praises of
2061 jiàng sauce, paste, jam; 酱油 soy sauce; 花生酱 P.B.
2062 zhū tree-trunk; 守株待兔
2063 jiā good, fine; praise
2064 chrysanthemum
2065 càn 灿烂 cànlàn splendid, magnificent
2066 táo 葡萄 tao grape
2067 zhān moisten, soak; touch
2068 hóu marquis; (surname)
2069 御禦 imperial; (F) 防御 fáng defense; 抵御 resist
2070 sǎng 嗓子 throat; 嗓门儿 sǎngménr, 嗓音 sǎngyīn voice
2071 畜牧 raise animals [chù] 畜生 chùsheng beast
2072 fèi (肺脏 fèizàng) lung
2073 毅力 willpower; 坚毅 jiān determined
2074 zhì 秩序 zhì order, sequence
2075 niàng brew, ferment; wine; (酿成) result in
2076 zhēng (蒸汽 zhēng) steam
2077 zhǐ 意旨 zhǐ intention
2078 chí gallop, speed; spread; 驰名 well-known
2079 gōu cross out; evoke; gang up with [gòu] 勾当 gòudang deal
2080 huò 疑惑 huò uncertain [huo] 迷惑 huo perplex
2081 xiá (狭窄 xiázhǎi, 狭隘 xiá'ài) narrow
2082 shī (狮子 shīzi) lion
2083 dié pile up, repeat; (折叠 zhédié) fold
2084 lán basket; 篮球 basketball
2085 fěi 菲薄 humble [fēi] luxuriant; 菲律宾 Philippines
2086 jiān treacherous; traitor; (F) adultery; 强奸 qiángjiān rape
2087 chán to wind; tie up; tangle; bother
2088 (赋于) bestow on; compose; 赋税 taxes
2089 chòu stinking [xiù] sniff, smell
2090 jīn tendon; 脑筋 brains; 橡皮筋 rubber band
2091 玛瑙 mǎnǎo agate; 玛雅 Maya
2092 xiāng wing of a house; side; railway carriage
2093 qiè 窃听 qiètīng eavesdrop; 盗窃 dàoqiè steal
2094 (坟墓 fén) grave, tomb
2095 jié 竭力 jié do one's utmost; 竭尽 jiéjìn use up, exhaust
2096 wàng prosperous, flourishing; 旺盛 vigorous, exuberant
2097 dīng a nail; to follow closely [dìng] to nail
2098 méi mold, mildew; 倒霉 dǎoméi have bad luck
2099 骨碌 roll; 忙碌 busy; 碌碌 mediocre [liù] 碌碡
2100 輿 chariot; area; 舆论 lùn public opinion
2101 鹿 deer
2102 gān liver
2103 zàng (埋葬 máizàng) bury (the dead); 葬礼 funeral
2104 shì (发誓 shì) swear; 誓言 shìyán oath
2105 xiào filial piety
2106 shoes; ䷉ Treading
2107 jiàn arrow; 火箭 rocket; 箭头 arrowhead
2108 契约 yuē contract [qiè] 契阔
2109 gamble
2110 轿 jiào sedan chair; 轿车 jiàochē car
2111 chuǎng rush, charge
2112 sixth of an acre (0.0667 hectares)
2113 juàn (疲倦 juàn) tired, weary
2114 duì ☱ ䷹ Joyous, Lake; 兑换 duìhuàn convert, exchange
2115 廿 niàn twenty (same as 二十 èrshí)
2116 tin (Sn)
2117 tāo pull out, fish out (from pocket, etc.); dig
2118 lín () beautiful jade
2119 zhōu porridge, gruel, congee [] (=)
2120 挽輓 wǎn draw, pull; roll up; 挽救 rescue; (F) pull (cart/carriage); lament
2121 tǒng bucket
2122 chuǎn (喘气 chuǎn) pant, gasp; 气喘 chuǎn asthma
2123 (=) (used for sound)
2124 yǒng 游泳 yóuyǒng swim
2125 kān may; endure; 不堪 kān can't stand; 难堪 intolerable
2126 yùn (押韵 yùn) rhyme; 韵文 yùnwén verse
2127 lán block the way
2128 xiào 肖像 xiàoxiàng portrait [Xiāo] (surname)
2129 sōu (measure word for boats:) 两艘油船 two tankers
2130 chèn 衬衫 chènshān shirt
2131 rǎng 土壤 rǎng soil
2132 shèn cautious; 许慎 Shèn author of 说文解字
2133 shù vertical, perpendicular; vertical stroke ""
2134 zéi thief
2135 huò suddenly
2136 bàng be close to; 傍晚 toward evening, at nightfall
2137 恐怖 kǒng terror
2138 gōng respect; 恭贺新禧 Happy New Year
2139 (grammatical particle)
2140 strike, smash, break
2141 cold; 凄凉 liáng desolate; 凄惨 cǎn wretched
2142 xiān lift (a cover, etc.)
2143 jīn piece of cloth; 毛巾 towel; 餐巾 napkin; 围巾 scarf
2144 máo (茅草 máocǎo) cogongrass; 白茅 báimáo edible wild grass
2145 富裕 rich, wealthy, opulent
2146 chéng chastise, punish, correct, repress; restrain oneself
2147 shùn wink; 瞬间 a moment; in the twinkling of an eye
2148 xiā shrimp; 龙虾 lobster; 虾炒饭 shrimp fried rice [] (=)
2149 hóu (喉咙 hóulóng) throat, larynx
2150 zhàng account; credit; debt
2151 cǎi step
2152 wax; (蜡烛 zhú) candle
2153 base of a fruit; 烟蒂 cigarette butt; 阴蒂 clitoris
2154 Tán (surname)
2155 míng 铭刻 míng inscription; engrave on one's mind
2156 zào dry; 干燥 dry; dull; 枯燥 zào boring
2157 fēng bee, wasp; 蜜蜂 fēng honeybee; 蜂房 fēngfáng beehive
2158 zhǒng swollen; 肿瘤 zhǒngliú tumor; 红肿 red & swollen
2159 wēng old man; (surname)
2160 chóu 酬谢 chóuxiè thank with a gift; 报酬 bàochou reward
2161 wéi 惟一 wéi only; sole (same as 唯一)
2162 shuǎng 爽朗 shuǎnglǎng bright, clear; frank; 凉爽 nice & cool
2163 xiā become blind; pointlessly; 瞎子 xiāzi blind person
2164 Wèi (one of the Three Kingdoms); (surname)
2165 (F) (腊月) 12th month; 腊肠 sausage [] dried meat
2166 xián all; ䷞; (F) salty; 咸菜 salted vegetables
2167 zhī 芝麻 zhīma sesame
2168 chāo (钞票) bank note, paper money; collected writings
2169 guǎ few; 寡妇 guǎfu widow; 沉默寡言 habitually silent
2170 zhǎi narrow
2171 tàng (measure word) trip; row [tāng] ( = )
2172 昔日 former times; 往昔 wǎng in the past
2173 cuì emerald green; 翠鸟 cuìniǎo kingfisher
2174 do not!
2175 xié evil; (interrogative sentence final particle) [] (=) (=)
2176 (蜂蜜 fēng) honey; 蜜蜂 fēng honeybee
2177 hóng (彩虹 cǎihóng) rainbow [jiàng] rainbow
2178 tǎng (倘若 tǎngruò) if, supposing
2179 diàn place under; 垫子 diànzi cushion, pad, mat
2180 xiē have a rest; 间歇 jiànxiē intermission
2181 zāi to plant
2182 wèi fear; respect; 畏惧 wèi dread; 畏缩 flinch
2183 dài 逮捕 dài arrest [dǎi] catch; 猫逮老鼠
2184 媳妇 daughter-in-law; 童养媳 tóngyǎng child bride
2185 ䷏ (16) Enthusiasm; 犹豫 yóu hesitate
2186 huáng 惶恐 huángkǒng alarmed; 惶惑 apprehensive; 惊惶 scared
2187 jǐng (颈项 jǐngxiàng) neck [gěng] 脖颈儿 gěngr nape
2188 rip, tear; 撕毁 huǐ tear apart [] 提撕
2189 shòu beast
2190 milk, breast; 哺乳 breast-feed; 乳酪 lào cheese
2191 shèn ooze, seep; 渗透 osmosis; permeate; infiltrate
2192 zhā sediment, dregs, residue, bits, crumbs; 残渣余孽
2193 zhāo clear, obvious; 昭雪 zhāoxuě rehabilitate
2194 xuán black, dark; profound, abstruse; 玄学 metaphysics
2195 bēng (崩溃 bēngkuì) collapse, fall apart; burst
2196 chì (翅膀 chìbǎng) wing
2197 fān sail; 帆布 fān canvas; 帆船 fānchuán sailboat
2198 垃圾 garbage
2199 xùn 谦逊 qiānxùn modest
2200 fàn 贩子 dealer; 贩卖 deal in, traffic, peddle
2201 chún (嘴唇 zuǐchún) lip; 唇膏 chúngāo lipstick
2202 尿 niào [suī] urine, urinate
2203 静穆 jīng solemn and quiet; (surname); 穆罕默德 Mohammed
2204 shuāng (霜冻 shuāngdòng) frost
2205 offend; ask for (trouble); 惹麻烦
2206 zhì 旗帜 zhì banner, flag; stand, position
2207 ài (interj.) oh! [āi] yes?
2208 bēi upright stone tablet (monument, etc); 墓碑 tombstone
2209 pīng 乒乓 pīngpāng pingpong
2210 沐浴 take a bath; 浴室 shì bath/shower room
2211 shēn 绅士 gentleman; gentry
2212 () (final interrog. particle) [] 耶稣 Jesus
2213 gāo (蛋糕 dàngāo) cake
2214 dūn squat
2215 huī emblem, badge; insignia; 安徽省 Anhui Province
2216 xīn 薪水 salary
2217 líng 玲珑 línglóng clever & nimble
2218 lún black silk ribbon; fishing line; synthetic fiber [guān] 纶巾
2219 jiǎo hand in, pay
2220 辅导 coach, tutor; 辅助 assist, auxiliary; 辅音 consonant
2221 (屡次 ) repeatedly; 屡教不改
2222 xié in harmony
2223 cháo 嘲笑 ridicule; 嘲讽 sneer at; 嘲弄 mock
2224 xué cave, hole; acupuncture point
2225 huá (喧哗 xuānhuá) noise, clamor [huā] (sound)
2226 gāng ridge of a hill
2227 zhuó tall; (surname); (卓越 zhuóyuè) outstanding
2228 zhē cover, hide, block
2229 píng 浮萍 píng duckweed
2230 dèng open (one's eyes) wide, stare, glare; 瞪眼
2231 gēng to plough, till
2232 náng bag; 鼓鼓囊囊 gunāngnāng bulging [nāng] 囊膪 nāngchuài pork near the pig's nipples
2233 overflow; 洋溢 yáng be permeated with
2234 垃圾 garbage
2235 哭泣 cry, weep; 抽泣 chōu sob
2236 hán letter; 函件 correspondence; 函数 (math) function
2237 què sparrow [qiāo] 雀子 freckle [qiǎo] 雀盲眼
2238 (carpenter's square); 矩阵 zhèn matrix
2239 táo wash, clean; 淘气 táo naughty; 淘汰 eliminate
2240 zhǔ (嘱咐 zhǔfu) advise, enjoin, urge, exhort
2241 kǎo bake, roast, toast
2242 mào 茂盛 màoshèng luxuriant; 茂密 mào dense
2243 漿 jiāng syrup; starch [jiàng] ( = )
2244 喇叭 musical wind instrument; 喇嘛 lama
2245 kettle, pot; bottle
2246 ǎn I, we; 俺们 ǎnmen we (refers to speakers only)
2247 bright, splendid; 康熙字典 Kangxi dictionary (1716 A.D.)
2248 yīng 婴儿 yīng'ér baby, infant
2249 méng 朦胧 ménglóng dim moonlight; obscure
2250 zhài stockade, camp
2251 chǐ 耻辱 chǐ shame, humiliation; 可耻 shameful; 无耻 shameless
2252 huǎng lie, prevaricate
2253 屁股 gu buttocks
2254 沫儿 r, 泡沫 pào foam, froth; 唾沫 tuòmo saliva
2255 ancient Chinese weapon (dagger axe? halberd?)
2256 jià 庄稼 zhuāngjia crops
2257 寂寞 lonely
2258 guǎi (拐弯) turn; limp; 拐棍 walking stick
2259 dōu pocket, bag
2260 shuài commander in chief; graceful
2261 xiū (羞耻 xiūchǐ) shame; shy; 羞愧 xiūkuì feel ashamed
2262 biān whip
2263 hóu (猴子 hóuzi) monkey
2264 shuǎ play
2265 xún a period of ten days; 上旬 first ten days of a month
2266 làn (泛滥 fànlàn) overflow; 滥用 lànyòng abuse
2267 róng down; velvet; floss
2268 chā (叉子 chāzi) fork; 交叉 intersect
2269 hēng successful; go smoothly; henry (SI unit of inductance)
2270 zhú 蜡烛 zhú candle
2271 bamboo flute; whistle
2272 qiān 谦虚 qiān, 谦逊 qiānxùn modest; ䷎
2273 ái (癌症 áizhèng) cancer
2274 yīng hawk, eagle
2275 liè 打猎 hunt; 猎人 hunter; 猎狗 hound
2276 cuì 纯粹 chúncuì pure, unadulterated
2277 dǐng ancient cooking vessel; tripod; ䷱ The Caldron
2278 make rubbings from stone/bronze [tuò] open up, develop
2279 jiǎo (搅拌) stir, mix, agitate; disturb, annoy
2280 xiāo night; 通宵 tōngxiāo throughout the night; 元宵节 Lantern Festival
2281 rǎng shout, yell [rāng] 嚷嚷 rāngrang shout
2282 marry (a woman), take a wife, get married
2283 fěi (土匪 fěi) bandit; 匪徒 fěi gangster
2284 yuè high mountain; wife's parents; (surname)
2285 be contrary to; 汉英逆引词典 Reverse C-E dict.
2286 wa (sentence final, like ) [] wah! (sound of crying)
2287 riverside; river mouth (mostly used in place names); (surname)
2288 bēi 卑鄙 bēi base, vulgar; 卑劣 bēiliè despicable
2289 diàn (ancient) suburb; pasture [diān] 沉甸甸 chéndiāndiān heavy
2290 殿 diàn hall, palace
2291 zhòng second, middle (of 3 months or brothers); 仲春; 仲兄
2292 pōu 解剖 jiěpōu dissect; 剖面 section; 剖析 analyse
2293 luó 萝卜 radish; 胡萝卜 carrot; 菠萝 pineapple
2294 bow, bend down; 俯冲 chōng dive; 俯瞰 look down at
2295 píng swift-running horse [Féng] (surname)
2296 chéng 澄清 transparent; clear [dèng] settle
2297 mute, dumb; hoarse [] (same as )
2298 butcher; kill
2299 shell; case [qiào] shell; hard surface
2300 (崖壁 ) precipice, cliff
2301 yín chant; recite [yīn] 笑吟吟 smilingly
2302 清晰 qīng clear, distinct
2303 xiàng (橡树) oak; rubber tree; 橡胶 rubber; 橡皮 eraser
2304 láng hall
2305 yūn 头晕 dizzy [yùn] 红晕 blush
2306 zhì young, immature, childish; 稚气 zhì childishness
2307 tán deep pool, pond
2308 chán meditation, Zen, Dhyana [shàn] 禅让 abdicate
2309 jùn handsome, pretty; 英俊 brilliant, talented
2310 cuò 挫折 cuòzhé frustrate, defeat; setback
2311 bǎng posted list of names; notice; 榜样 example, model [bàng] (=)
2312 máng awn; beard; arista [wáng] 麦芒 màiwáng awn of wheat
2313 gǒng arch; cup one hand in other before chest; push with no hands
2314 lüè (掠夺 lüèduó) pillage, plunder; (掠过) sweep past [lüě]
2315 píng 苹果 apple
2316 kuí 奎宁 kuíníng quinine
2317 dòu stop, pause; tease, play with; 逗号 comma
2318 zhōu boat
2319 líng hill, mound; tomb; 十三陵 the 13 Ming tombs
2320 cōng (葱头) onion, scallion; green
2321 愚蠢 chǔn stupid
2322 qún (裙子 qúnzi) skirt
2323 zhōng 衷心 zhōngxīn wholehearted; 无动于衷 unconcerned
2324 () not
2325 lián flag as shop sign; (F) curtain
2326 aluminum (Al)
2327 pāng 乒乓 pīngpāng pingpong
2328 miǎn make an effort; 勉强 miǎnqiǎng force; with difficulty
2329 female (bird); 雌雄 xióng male and female
2330 bān 颁发 bān promulgate, issue
2331 狐狸 li fox
2332 Pān (surname)
2333 diàn shallow water; (F) form sediment; settle; precipitate; 淀粉 starch
2334 Háng 杭州 Hángzhōu
2335 jiàng artisan [jiang] 木匠 carpenter; 铁匠 blacksmith
2336 dyke; (堤岸 'àn) embankment
2337 陌生 shēng strange; 陌生人 stranger
2338 lóng 朦胧 ménglóng dim moonlight; obscure
2339 zhī (汁液 zhī) juice; 果汁 guǒzhī fruit juice
2340 乌鸦 crow; 鸦片 piàn opium
2341 porcelain, china; 陶瓷 táo ceramics
2342 fén grave, tomb
2343 弊病 bìng malady, evil; drawback; 利弊 pros and cons
2344 hēng groan, snort; hum [hng] humph
2345 jiāo graceful, delicate; 娇嫩 jiāonèn tender and lovely
2346 yáo ballad; 谣言 yáoyán rumor, hearsay
2347 péng fabulous (mythical) giant bird
2348 miè 轻蔑 qīngmiè scornful
2349 kěn 诚恳 chéngkěn, 恳切 kěnqiè sincere; 恳求 plead
2350 搏斗 dòu fight, wrestle; 脉搏 mài pulse
2351 kuì (dam) burst; break through; 崩溃 collapse; 溃疡 ulcer
2352 jìn promote; a dynasty (265-420); ䷢ Progress
2353 róng fuse, smelt, (熔化 rónghuà) melt; 熔岩 róngyán lava
2354 shì 侍候 shìhòu wait upon, look after
2355 dèng stool, bench; 板凳
2356 jiàn recommend; () grass, straw
2357 脊梁骨 liang backbone; 屋脊 ridge of roof
2358 spleen; 脾气 qi (bad-) temper
2359 gōu (钩子 gōuzi) hook
2360 hǎn rarely, seldom [han] 希罕 han rare; cherish
2361 xuān 喧闹 make noise; 喧呼 xuān shout loudly
2362 chǒng love, bestow favor on
2363 (surname)
2364 liàn (链子 liànzi) chain; 拉链 zipper; 铰链 hinge
2365 ó [ò] Oh! [é] softly chant
2366 yǐng 新颖 xīnyǐng new & original, novel
2367 yùn 怀孕 pregnant; 受孕 conceive; 避孕 contraception
2368 jué dig, excavate
2369 天涯 tiān edge of world; 生涯 shēng career, profession
2370 build; (stone) steps; 砌砖 lay bricks [qiè] 砌末
2371 (兔子 zi) rabbit
2372 fěng 讽刺 satirize, mock
2373 pān climb; pull down; 攀登 pāndēng clamber up
2374 zhòu gallop; 步骤 zhòu procedure; 骤然 zhòurán suddenly
2375 Shǎn 陕西省 Shǎnshěng Shaanxi Province
2376 shū (梳子) comb; to comb
2377 () this; now; year [] 龟兹
2378 qióng beautiful jade; 琼脂 agar
2379 bǎng bind, tie; 绑架 bǎngjià kidnap
2380 hāi hey [] 咳嗽 sou cough
2381 róng (溶化) dissolve; 溶液 (chemical) solution
2382 tāo 滔滔 tāotāo torrential; 滔滔不绝 talk on and on
2383 pēng 烹调 pēngtiáo cook
2384 shā (刹车) brake, stop [chà] 刹那 instant
2385 nuó (挪动 nuódong) move; remove
2386 sǒng towering, lofty; alarm, shock; 高耸 gāosǒng stand tall
2387 zào stove; kitchen
2388 zhì stagnant, sluggish
2389 qiàn 道歉 dàoqiàn apologize; 抱歉 regret, be sorry
2390 luó 螺旋 spiral; 螺丝 screw; 螺母 nut; 螺栓 bolt
2391 jiāng stiff; numb; deadlocked; 僵硬 stiff, rigid
2392 zhuāng adorn oneself; 妆奁 bride's trousseau
2393 shǔ 红薯 sweet potato, yam; 马铃薯 potato; 木薯 cassava
2394 guāi clever; (乖乖 guāiguāi) obedient, well-behaved
2395 gāo 牙膏 gāo toothpaste; 油膏 ointment [gào] lubricate
2396 bàn mix; 搅拌 jiǎobàn stir, mix, agitate
2397 sacrifice; 祭器 sacrificial utensil
2398 fall forward [] (F) 仆人 rén servant
2399 xiàn 羡慕 xiàn envy, admire
2400 fèi 沸腾 fèiténg boiling; 沸点 boiling point
2401 é goose; 企鹅 'é penguin
2402 yǎng itch
2403 jiāo irrigate, water; pour liquid on; 浇花
2404 qiú 囚禁 qiújìn imprison; 囚犯 qiúfàn prisoner
2405 气魄 boldness [] 落魄 [tuò] 落魄
2406 chī idiotic; 痴心 infatuation
2407 zhuì fall; weigh down; 坠子 zhuìzi weight; ear pendant; ballad
2408 jùn 严峻 yánjùn stern; 峻岭 jùnlǐng high mountains
2409 xiù embroider; 绣像 embroidered portrait
2410 shū () kind & gentle
2411 dié 蝴蝶 dié butterfly; 蝶蛹 diéyǒng chrysalis
2412 yàn 火焰 huǒyàn flame
2413 téng cane, rattan; vine
2414 guì kneel
2415 zǎi slaughter, butcher; govern; 宰割 zǎi invade & oppress
2416 ráo rich, plentiful; have mercy; give extra
2417 dǒu steep; suddenly; 陡峭 dǒuqiào precipitous
2418 hàn 遗憾 hàn regret; sorry
2419 厕所 suǒ toilet [si] 茅厕 máosi latrine
2420 hǒu roar, howl
2421 xiàn gland; 汗腺 sweat gland
2422 shào whistle; chirp; sentry post
2423 jiǎn pick up, gather, collect
2424 (嘻嘻) sound of giggling; exclamation of surprise
2425 () smooth; wipe out, raze; 明夷
2426 hut, cottage
2427 niē hold between the fingers; knead; fabricate
2428 shí lose; erode, corrode
2429 tǎn (毯子 tǎnzi) blanket; (地毯 tǎn) carpet, rug
2430 merchant [Jiǎ] (surname)
2431 shǔ hot weather; 暑假 (shǔjià) summer vacation
2432 yìn shady [yīn] (=)
2433 芦苇 wěi reed; 葫芦 lu gourd
2434 jiǎn choose, select, pick out
2435 seize, arrest [] make small stiches
2436 shū 蔬菜 shūcài vegetable
2437 (倚靠 kào) lean on; rest against; rely on
2438 脖子 zi neck
2439 zhuàng () (for buildings) [chuáng] pennant; Buddhist pillar
2440 Yáo (surname)
2441 茉莉 li jasmine; 茉莉花茶
2442 dīng sting, bite; say/ask again, verify
2443 zhǎn chop
2444 irrigate; (肥沃 féi) fertile; 沃野 fertile land
2445 惊讶 amazed
2446 zào rash, impetuous
2447 powerful person; valve
2448 give, grant; gift (from superior to inferior)
2449 qīn 钦佩 qīnpèi admire; 钦差 qīnchāi imperial envoy
2450 hōng hubbub [hǒng] fool, coax [hòng] horseplay
2451 tàng hot (burning hot to the touch, cf. )
2452 duàn forge; 锻炼 duànliàn exercise
2453 miǎn remote, long ago; 缅甸 Miǎndiàn Burma
2454 sǎn (雨伞) umbrella; 跳伞, 降落伞 parachute
2455 lǒng approach; hold together; comb (hair)
2456 yān flood; 淹死 drown
2457 reside, live; 寓所 suǒ residence; 寓言 fable, allegory
2458 luǒ 裸体 luǒ nude; 赤裸裸 stark-naked; 裸露 exposed
2459 wěn kiss
2460 four ( = ); (肆意 ) wantonly; () shop
2461 shi 钥匙 yàoshi key [chí] spoon
2462 qiū mound; grave; 丘陵 qiūlíng hills; 沙丘 shāqiū dune
2463 róu rub, knead
2464 (栗子 zi) chestnut; (F) tremble
2465 kuài (筷子) chopsticks
2466 áo boil, stew; endure [āo] boil, cook in water
2467 chǎn 阐明 chǎnmíng clarify; 阐述 chǎnshù expound
2468 lǒng ridge or raised path in field; 垄断 monopolize
2469 méi go-between, matchmaker; 媒介 medium, intermediary
2470 shuǎi swing back & forth; toss; get rid of
2471 zào 噪声 zàoshēng noise
2472 cover, shelter, hide; 隐蔽 yǐn conceal oneself; covert
2473 zhòu daytime
2474 zhān to glue, to paste [nián] ( = )
2475 gěng 耿耿 gěnggěng brilliant; dedicated; 耿直 gěngzhí upright
2476 fèn excrement, manure
2477 tie up, bind
2478 禿 bald, bare; blunt; incomplete
2479 chén 5th of 12 Earthly Branches (地支); 2-hr period; 星辰 star
2480 sāo 骚动 sāodòng, 骚乱 sāoluàn disturb
2481 xiè fragments, bits and pieces; minute; trivial
2482 hàn writing brush; writing
2483 máng 流氓 liúmáng hoodlum [méng] common people
2484 tún (屯子) village; collect [zhūn] ䷂ Difficulty at Beginning
2485 kuàng vast; to waste time; 旷野 wilderness
2486 káng carry on the shoulder [gāng] lift with both hands
2487 xiè unload, discharge; remove; shirk
2488 āi (interjection:) hey; 哎呀 āi; 哎哟 āiyō
2489 咖啡 fēi coffee [] 咖喱 curry
2490 fēi 咖啡 fēi coffee
2491 bàn petal, clove (of garlic)
2492 kuǎ collapse, break down
2493 妮儿 r girl
2494 bèn stupid; clumsy; cumbersome; 笨重 heavy, cumbersome
2495 chǎng spacious; open
2496 dǎo pound, beat; harass; 捣乱 dǎoluàn make a disturbance
2497 gōng bow; bend; 弓箭 gōngjiàn bow & arrow
2498 whisk; go against; 拂晓 before daybreak [] (=)
2499 qiè (胆怯 dǎnqiè) timid; cowardly; 羞怯 xiūqiè shy
2500 chún 乙醇 chún ethanol, alcohol
2501 手帕 shǒu handkerchief
2502 jiāo (礁石 jiāoshí) reef; rock (at sea or seashore)
2503 (膝盖 gài) knee
2504 mèi no sun; dark; obscure; hidden; to feign
2505 zhuàn write, compose
2506 xīn rush pith [xìn] 岩芯 core
2507 guàng stroll, ramble, roam
2508 zhì throw, cast
2509 gap; crack; rift; loophole
2510 zhī 肢体 zhī limbs; 四肢 the Four Limbs; 前肢 forelimb
2511 zuó 琢磨 zuómo ponder [zhuó] 琢磨 zhuó polish
2512 lie prone; lean over
2513 (轮辐 lún) spoke; 辐射 shè radiation
2514 biē check, restrain, suppress; suffocate, feel depressed
2515 guī [gui] 玫瑰 méigui rose
2516 qián ☰ ䷀ The Creative [gān] (S) dry
2517 chǔn (愚蠢 chǔn) stupid
2518 coo, cluck (bird sounds)
2519 dòng ridgepole
2520 (sound of coughing or vomiting)
2521 diào (钓鱼) to fish; 钓钩 diàogōu fish hook
2522 dǎo skip; step; 舞蹈 dǎo dance
2523 dào 追悼, 悼念, 哀悼 mourn, grieve
2524 put [] endure
2525 免疫 miǎn immunity; 瘟疫 wēn pestilence
2526 yīn rich; (surname) [yān] (殷红) blackish red
2527 僻静 jìng secluded; 偏僻 piān out-of-the way
2528 wàn (手腕) wrist; 腿腕子 tuǐwànzi ankle
2529 wéi soft leather; (surname)
2530 xiáng circle in the air
2531 tàn charcoal
2532 mán 野蛮 mán barbaric; 蛮横 mánhèng unreasonable
2533 leisure; escape; 安逸 ān comfortable, leisurely
2534 wán pill; pellet; ball
2535 jīn front of garment; bros. in law; 衣襟 front of Chinese jacket
2536 huì hide; avoid; name of deceased person
2537 qiǎn 谴责 qiǎn condemn
2538 zhēn (坚贞, 忠贞) loyal; virgin; ancient fortune-telling
2539 shān 珊瑚 shān coral; 珊瑚礁 coral reef
2540 zhóu axle; axis; spool
2541 I, my; vulgar; 鄙视 shì despise, disdain
2542 qiān lead (Pb); 铅笔 pencil
2543 huǎng suddenly; as if
2544 náo scratch; hinder; yield; 阻挠 zǔnáo obstruct
2545 raise, recruit
2546 sòng 诉讼 sòng lawsuit; ䷅
2547 zhù (铸造) casting, founding
2548 jiǎn (俭朴 jiǎn) frugal; 勤俭 industrious & thrifty
2549 jiān to fry
2550 méi 玫瑰 méigui rose; 黄刺玫 yellow rose
2551 āo concave; 凹透镜 concave lens; 凹凸 āo uneven [] (=)
2552 zhá sluice; brake; dam up
2553 shū 枢纽 shūniǔ pivot, axis
2554 zhěn (枕头) pillow
2555 (sound:) bang
2556 collapse; sink; calm down
2557 侮辱 insult, humiliate
2558 companion, associate
2559 fāng lane [fáng] workshop, mill
2560 miù 荒谬 huāngmiù absurd; 谬论 miùlùn fallacy
2561 (氯气 ) chlorine (Cl)
2562 xián hold in mouth; hold inside; rank; 军衔 military rank
2563 kuò 轮廓 lúnkuò outline, rough sketch
2564 biǎn flat; inscription; 扁担 biǎndan carrying pole [piān] 扁舟
2565 pear; 凤梨 pineapple
2566 jiāo 辣椒 jiāo hot pepper; 胡椒 jiāo pepper
2567 hold on to; dig up; rake; strip [] rake up; stew, braise
2568 吩咐 fēn tell, instruct; 嘱咐 zhǔfu enjoin, tell
2569 kǎn bank, ridge; ☵ ䷜ The Abysmal (Water)
2570 execute (kill); 枪毙 qiāng execute by shooting
2571 xiǔ 腐朽 xiǔ decayed, rotten
2572 yàn 大雁 yàn wild goose
2573 讥笑 xiào mock; 讥讽 fěng ridicule
2574 Xiāng ( = 湖南 Húnán); 湘江 a river in Hunan
2575 shuò shining; 闪烁 glimmer, twinkle
2576 wǎng crooked; pervert; 冤枉 yuānwang do wrong, treat unjustly
2577 you, thou
2578 mèi 妩媚 mèi lovely; 明媚 radiant & enchanting
2579 hēi hey
2580 lòu 丑陋 chǒulòu ugly
2581 xiè 倾泻 come down in torrents; 泻药 laxative
2582 cāng (ship) cabin
2583 身躯 body, stature; 躯体 body
2584 yùn 蕴藏 yùncáng contain, hold in store
2585 zhū 蜘蛛 zhīzhū spider
2586 xiá leisure; 空暇 kòngxiá spare time; 不暇 xiá be too busy
2587 yōng 佣人 servant; 雇佣 hire [yòng] 佣金 commission
2588 乞丐 gài beggar; 乞讨 tǎo beg
2589 Shào (surname)
2590 vinegar; 吃醋 be jealous (in love affair)
2591 jiàn inexpensive, cheap, lowly, humble, worthless
2592 kāng high-spirited; 慷慨 kāngkǎi fervent; liberal, generous
2593 péng sail; 帐篷 zhàngpéng tent
2594 mán 馒头 mántou steamed roll with meat filling
2595 jiǎo twist; 绞杀 strangle; 绞刑 death by hanging
2596 fork, bifurcation; 丫头 tou girl
2597 shān China fir [shā] 杉篙 shāgāo fir scaffold-pole
2598 dāo 叨叨 dāodao chatter [tāo] 叨光 tāoguāng much obliged
2599 婿 son-in-law
2600 lěi build by piling up stones etc.; 垒球 softball
2601 greasy, oily; smooth; (腻烦 fan) disgusted, fed up
2602 grain; 禾苗 miáo seedlings
2603 贿 huì (贿赂 huì) bribe; 行贿 give a bribe
2604 yàn man of virtue & ability
2605 bīn 彬彬 bīnbīn () refined, urbane
2606 look at, observe; 目睹 see with one's own eyes
2607 yáo kiln; (窑洞) cave dwelling
2608 lèng distracted, stupified
2609 pàn border of a field; shore, side, bank
2610 lín (霖雨) continuous heavy rain
2611 yān 心不在焉 absent-minded
2612 xìng apricot; 杏仁 almond
2613 () only; curtesy name
2614 seal, cover, muffle [] 枝捂
2615 gěng 梗概 gěnggài outline, gist
2616 chóu (丝绸 chóu) silk
2617 zhuāng stake, pile; (): 一桩大事
2618 奴隶 slave; 隶书 shū official script
2619 lóng (耳聋 ěrlóng) deaf
2620 胳膊 bo arm; 胳臂 bei arm [] 胳肢 tickle
2621 (谜语 ) riddle [mèi] 谜儿 riddle
2622 guī (乌龟) tortoise; 海龟 turtle [jūn] 龟裂 [Qiū] 龟兹
2623 knock against; 磕头 kowtow; 磕碰 collide with
2624 譬如 for instance, for example
2625 xiāng inlay; edge
2626 泌尿系统 urinary system
2627 zhǎ wink, blink
2628 bīn (variant of bīn)
2629 zào 肥皂 féizào soap
2630 比喻 analogy; 隐喻 yǐn metaphor
2631 musical instrument with 25 strings
2632 yuān 深渊 shēnyuān abyss
2633 蝴蝶 dié butterfly
2634 zhà cheat, swindle; pretend, feign
2635 zhèn irrigation ditch; 深圳 Shēnzhèn (place name)
2636 chǎn shovel
2637 瀑布 waterfall
2638 lǎn cable; 缆车 cable car
2639 táng (胸膛) chest; chamber
2640 zuǒ assist
2641 qiào hold up; 翘尾巴 [qiáo] raise one's head; become warped
2642 biàn braid
2643 thread; strand; 蓝缕 lán shabby, ragged
2644 啤酒 jiǔ beer
2645 xùn 防汛 fángxùn flood control
2646 xiào 呼啸 xiào whistle, scream, whizz
2647 liáo few, empty, vacant, lonely
2648 extinguish, put out, go out; 熄灭 miè go out, die out
2649 dam; dyke, embankment
2650 duò fall, sink; 堕落 duòluò degenerate, sink low
2651 hàn dry land; drought
2652 xīng flesh; fishy; 腥臭 xīngchòu rancid, stinking
2653 jué 咀嚼 jué chew [jiáo] chew [jiào] 倒嚼
2654 lún sink; 沦陷 lúnxiàn fall (to enemy); 沦为 be reduced to
2655 miǎo 渺小 tiny, negligible; 渺茫 miǎománg distant & indistinct
2656 lǒu hug; drag, pull [lōu] hold in the arms
2657 chuò 绰号 chuòhào nickname [chāo] grab; take up
2658 sòng 背诵 recite from memory
2659 () descendents, posterity; borderland
2660 dié small plate or dish; 茶碟 saucer; 飞碟 frisbee; UFO
2661 hán (涵洞) culvert; 涵养 hányǎng self-control; conserve
2662 dǎi bad, evil, vicious
2663 zhǎo claw, talon [zhuǎ] 爪子 claw, paw, talon
2664 nán 喃喃 nánnán mutter
2665 páo (袍子) robe, gown
2666 shū express, convey; 各抒己见
2667 狼藉 láng () in disorder [jiè] ( = )
2668 屿 岛屿 dǎo islands
2669 seek; look for; demand
2670 () how ( = 怎么) [] () bite [zhā] 咋呼 [zhà] 咋舌
2671 bàng pound (unit of weight) [páng] 磅礴 páng permeate [bāng] 砰磅
2672 apply (powder, ointment, etc.); spread; 敷眼 to elaborate
2673 hàn 震撼 shake, shock, vibrate
2674 zhāi vegetarian religious diet; give alms; room or building
2675 dēng to pedal [deng] 踢蹬 deng [dèng] 蹭蹬
2676 ń [ň] [ǹ] [ńg] [ňg] [ǹg] (a non-verbal exclamation)
2677 () honorable woman; concubine; (surname)
2678 qiàn 镶嵌 xiāngqiàn inlay, set, mount
2679 diàn establish; give offerings to the dead
2680 辜负 let down, disappoint
2681 sēng monk
2682 luó gong
2683 chuí hammer
2684 tǎng drip (water or blood), shed (tears), trickle (sweat)
2685 zhǎn () towering; 崭新 zhǎnxīn brand-new, completely new
2686 fén (焚烧 fénshāo) burn, set on fire
2687 sháo spoon
2688 xūn merit; 勋章 medal; 功勋 meritorious service
2689 suō 哆嗦 duōsuo tremble, shiver
2690 píng level ground; 草坪 cǎopíng lawn
2691 xiōng 汹涌 xiōngyǒng turbulent
2692 黄埔 Huáng; 柬埔寨 Jiǎnzhài [] 大埔 Da
2693 zhāng obvious, apparant; showy; 表彰 biǎozhāng commend, cite
2694 迄今 jīn hitherto, up to now, so far
2695 yāo (妖魔 yāo) demon; 妖娆 yāoráo charming, enchanting
2696 jué nobility; 爵士 knight; 爵士音乐 jazz
2697 chop, split [] divide, split
2698 cattail; (surname)
2699 chǒu see, look at [qiu] 溜瞅
2700 liáng fine millet [liang] 高粱 gāoliang sorghum
2701 ō Oh (interjection)
2702 jiǎo 狡猾 jiǎohuá treacherous, cunning
2703 jīng (plant) stem, stalk; 阴茎 yīnjīng penis
2704 kǔn tie; bundle
2705 jiū hold tight; pull, tug
2706 kuí chief; eminent; 魁梧 kuí well built (person)
2707 guǐ 诡计 guǐ plot, scheme, trick
2708 旋涡 xuán whirlpool; 涡轮 lún turbine
2709 zhuó burn; 焦灼 jiāozhuó anxious; 灼热 scorching hot
2710 hōng dry, toast; to warm; 热烘烘 very warm
2711 wěi latitude; weft, woof (knitting terms)
2712 breathe out slowly; burn; hush... [shī] hush, shhh (quiet!)
2713 jiàn splash, splatter
2714 huáng 凤凰 fènghuáng phoenix
2715 菩萨 bodhisattva, benevolent being
2716 xiá linchpin; govern; (管辖) have jurisdiction over
2717 诬陷 xiàn frame (for a crime); 诬告 accuse falsely
2718 Niè (surname)
2719 kuāng basket
2720 biǎn demote; devalue; 贬低 biǎn belittle, depreciate
2721 鼻涕 nasal mucus
2722 níng twist, wring; pinch
2723 (斧子 zi, 斧头 tou) axe, hatchet
2724 severe, exacting
2725 葫芦 lu bottle gourd, calabash
2726 jiǎo feign, force
2727 yòu assist, protect, bless
2728 呐喊 hǎn shout loudly
2729 rèn 坚韧 jiānrèn tough & tenacious; 韧性 toughness
2730 shāi sift; 筛子 shāi sieve, sifter, screen
2731 lún logical consequence; (mostly used as phonetic)
2732 suǒ 琐碎 suǒsuì trivial; 烦琐 loaded down with trivia
2733 shā (used in names) [suō] 莎草 (a kind of plant)
2734 伺候 hou wait upon, serve [] await, watch
2735 jīng chaste tree, vitex (thorn bush)
2736 xiá 侠客 xiá chivalrous warrior; 侠义 chivalrous
2737 shà evil spirit; 煞白 deathly pale [shā] stop; kill ( = , )
2738 yǐn addiction
2739 háng throat [kēng] utter a sound
2740 zhī (sound of door creaking) [] (squeak, chirp, peep)
2741 xié hold under one's arm; coerce
2742 juàn 眷属 juànshǔ family dependants
2743 Oh! [yāo] ouch
2744 guān 棺材 guāncai coffin
2745 huái 徘徊 páihuái hesitate [huí] ( = in 低回 huí)
2746 zhǎn small cup
2747 záo chisel [zuò] (old variant pronunciation)
2748 zhà at first; suddenly; spread
2749 奕奕 radiating power and vitality
2750 liú pomegranate; 手榴弹 hand grenade
2751 (逾越 yuè) exceed, go beyond
2752 暮色 twilight, dusk
2753 fine jade
2754 zhuó 污浊 zhuó muddy (water), dirty (air)
2755 qíng prop up, hold up, lift up
2756 yīng 樱桃 yīngtáo cherry
2757 liě grin [liē] 大大咧咧 daliēliē careless
2758 警惕 jǐng guard against
2759 () hope; (surname); ( = 河北)
2760 piě throw; left curving stroke (丿) [piē] cast aside
2761 pèi 充沛 chōngpèi abundant; plentiful; full of
2762 lǎn pull into one's arms; fasten with rope
2763 qié 茄子 qiézi eggplant [jiā] 茄克 jiā jacket
2764 bèng leap, jump; 蹦蹦跳跳 bouncing and vivacious
2765 yíng jade-like stone; glittering [yīng] 绿莹莹
2766 gàng (杠子) thick stick; delete
2767 Yáo (surname); a legendary emperor (2200 B.C.)
2768 zhòu 咒骂 zhòu, 诅咒 zhòu swear, curse; 赌咒 take oath
2769 qià be in harmony; agree; consult with
2770 dān 耽误 dānwu delay
2771 concord; complaisant; pleased
2772 yǎng (氧气 yǎng) oxygen (O)
2773 huàn 焕发 shine, glow
2774 guā sound of frog, crow, etc. [] sound of baby crying [guǎ] 拉呱儿
2775 cuō rub with hands, twist
2776 cuàn flee, scurry; exile; change wording
2777 缔造 found, create; 缔结 conclude, establish
2778 hàn (焊接) weld, solder; 焊条 welding rod
2779 gōng () personally; bend at the waist
2780 船舶 chuán shipping; boats & ships
2781 xiù rust; 生锈 to rust; rusty
2782 Zōu (surname)
2783 suō 梭子 shuttle; 梭子鱼 barracuda
2784 jiāo 香蕉 xiāngjiāo banana
2785 qǐng 公顷 gōngqǐng hectare; 顷刻 qǐng in an instant
2786 shàn 擅自 do without authorization; 擅长 be good at
2787 wén (蚊子) mosquito; 蚊香 anti-mosquito incense
2788 yǎn spread out, extend; superfluous; 敷衍 yan perfunctory
2789 crane (emblem of longevity)
2790 (F) (袜子) sock [] 袜腹
2791 pái 徘徊 páihuái hesitate; fluctuate; ramble
2792 huō slit, crack; give up [huò] open, spacious; generous [huá] 豁拳
2793 qǐn sleep; bedroom; imperial tomb
2794 zǎn accumulate [cuán] assemble
2795 dié alternate, change; repeatedly; 不迭 in a hurry; incessantly
2796 quǎn dog
2797 suàn (大蒜 suàn) garlic
2798 waste [] blown away by the wind
2799 donkey, ass
2800 yóu uranium (U)
2801 yín excessive, over; wanton; licentious
2802 shān 删除 shānchú delete, erase
2803 chāng 猖狂 chāngkuáng savage; 猖獗 chāngjué be rampant
2804 [bo] 胳膊 bo arm
2805 zhāng jade tablet
2806 máo 时髦 shímáo fashionable, stylish
2807 a rock projecting at the water side
2808 chuī 炊事 chuīshì cooking; 炊烟 chuīyān kitchen smoke
2809 (巫婆 ) witch, sorceress; shaman; wizard; (surname)
2810 嘟囔 dūnang mutter to oneself, mumble
2811 neigh
2812 Huái a river in 河南 and 安徽
2813 warf, pier; port
2814 huái 槐树 locust tree; pagoda tree
2815 lán 波澜 lán great waves, billows
2816 dūn (土墩) mound; block; cluster
2817 zhuō (笨拙 bènzhuō) clumsy
2818 cháo nest; 卵巢 luǎncháo ovary
2819 capture; 俘虏 prisoner, captive; capture
2820 mán hide the truth from
2821 chú (锄头 chútou) hoe; to hoe
2822 伶俐 líng clever
2823 zhēng terrified, panic-stricken [zhèng] 发怔 stare blankly
2824 yíng (萤火虫 yínghuǒchóng) firefly, glow-worm
2825 zhí brother's son, nephew; 侄女 brother's daughter, neice
2826 yín the third 地支 Earthly Branch
2827 芭焦 jiāo banana; 芭蕾舞 ballet
2828 zhuì sew, stitch; 音缀 syllable; 后缀 suffix [chuò] (=)
2829 gǒu herb, greens; if; (Surname); 不苟 gǒu not lax; conscientious
2830 zōng (棕色 zōng) brown
2831 hàn 捍卫 hànwèi defend, guard, protect
2832 to envy, be jealous of
2833 zēng (憎恶 zēng) hate
2834 é pretty woman; 娥眉 delicate eyebrows
2835 tàn carbon (C)
2836 (sound: crack, quack, etc.) [] 粗嘎 raucous
2837 bunch, cluster; bouquet; 簇拥 yōng cluster round
2838 wàn tendrilled vine [màn] 蔓延 mànyán spread
2839 chà 诧异 chà surprised
2840 zhī 蜘蛛 zhīzhū spider
2841 yán 屋檐 yán eaves
2842 rǎn () slowly
2843 wēi 巍峨 wēi'é towering, lofty
2844 zhēn to pour tea or wine
2845 [fu] 包袱 bāofu (bundle wrapped in) cloth wrapper; burden
2846 soldier, private; pawn; servant; finally; finish; die [] suddenly
2847 xiè (螃蟹 pángxiè) crab
2848 lǎo 姥姥 () maternal grandmother [] () old lady
2849 bēng stretch tight; spring; 绷带 bandage [běng] 绷脸
2850 cotton; catkins; talkative
2851 cán 惭愧 cánkuì ashamed
2852 bào 鲍鱼 bào abalone
2853 lo () [] 咯吱 zhī [luò] 吡咯 luò [] cough
2854 shěn wife of father's younger brother, aunt (婶婶)
2855 yǒng chant
2856 shēn 呻吟 shēnyín moan, groan
2857 cuī (surname); 崔嵬 cuīwéi, 崔巍 cuīwēi towering
2858 liú (硫磺 liúhuáng) sulphur (S)
2859 (马蹄; 蹄子) hoof
2860 guà gown
2861 shèn (肾脏 shènzàng) kidney
2862 jiǎo 剿灭 exterminate [chāo] 剿袭 chāo plagerize
2863 è clutch; guard; 扼杀 èshā strangle; 扼要 èyào to the point
2864 wēng (嗡嗡 wēngwēng) buzz (sound of bees)
2865 zhì 真挚 zhēnzhì true, sincere
2866 mǎng wild grass; rude; 莽撞 reckless; 莽苍 misty (scenery)
2867 rèn (刀刃 dāorèn) blade; sword
2868 shang 衣裳 shang clothing [cháng] skirt (ancient China)
2869 chuāi carry in ones clothes [chuǎi] 揣摩 [chuài] 挣揣
2870 fēng Chinese sweet gum (tree); maple
2871 lǐn cold; strict; afraid; shiver, tremble with cold or fear
2872 bào (豹子 bàozi) leopard; panther
2873 hài 12th 地支 Earthly Branch
2874 chá crop, batch; stubble (of crops)
2875 bèng pump
2876 lěi (蓓蕾 bèilěi) bud
2877 chán cicada
2878 piān 翩翩 piānpiān lightly (flutter); 翩然 lightly
2879 竿 gān pole, rod
2880 crispy; soft; butter; cheese; weak (of limb)
2881 tài wash out, clean
2882 jiù chronic disease; sorrow; 内疚 nèijiù guilty conscience
2883 name for 上海 Shanghai
2884 shǐ arrow; swear, vow; 矢量 shǐliàng vector
2885 luò 骆驼 luòtuo camel
2886 (wash); 涤纶 lún polyester fiber
2887 (靶子 zi) target
2888 shā sand; 砂石 sandstone (compare as in 沙漠 desert)
2889 examine; 滑稽 huáji funny [] 稽首 shǒu kowtow
2890 pēng bang (sound)
2891 róng ( = 城都 Chéng); 芙蓉 róng lotus
2892 duò pile, stack [duǒ] 垛子 duǒzi buttress; battlements
2893 zhuó () pour/drink wine; think over, consider
2894 栖息 (of birds) perch; dwell, stay; 两栖 amphibious [] 栖栖 jumpy
2895 to hide
2896 chú 踌躇 chóuchú hesitate
2897 chóu 踌躇 chóuchú hesitate
2898 官衙 guān (old:) government office
2899 jìng 绥靖 suíjìng pacify; appease
2900 chóu (田畴) farmland; former; 范畴 fànchóu category
2901 jué rhymed formula; (诀窍) knack; tricks of the trade
2902 饲养 yǎng raise; 饲料 forage, feed, fodder
2903 Yuè 粤语 Yuè Cantonese; 粤剧 yuè Guangdong opera
2904 yáo precious stone, green jasper
2905 páo dig, excavate; (spoken:) except [bào] plane (wood flat)
2906 li 狐狸 li fox [] racoon dog
2907 drop, trickle; 沥青 qīng asphalt
2908 kàng heatable brick bed
2909 chirp
2910 jiào 发酵 jiào ferment, leaven
2911 (sound of whistling, zooming); 呜咽 sob, whimper
2912 kěn cultivate land
2913 kěn gnaw, nibble
2914 shì 嗜好 shìhào hobby; addiction, habit
2915 měi magnesium (Mg)
2916 (娼妓 chāng) prostitute
2917 Yán 阎王 Yama, King of Hell
2918 bān pull, turn; 扳机 trigger; 扳手 wrench [pān] (=)
2919 pick, scrape meat from a bone with a knife
2920 lín 麒麟 lín Chinese unicorn
2921 cuō scoop up; extract; () pinch [zuǒ] tuft (of hair)
2922 hài 骇人 hàirén horrible; 骇怕 hài be afraid
2923 bǐng handle
2924 jiǎn card, note, letter; 柬埔寨 Jiǎnzhài Cambodia
2925 shāo tip, end of a twig
2926 zhǎo 沼泽 zhǎo marsh
2927 earnest; seriously ill; 笃笃
2928 puckery, astringent; unsmooth
2929 (surname); founder of Xià Dynasty 1989 B.C.
2930 wěi wilt; 萎缩 wěisuō wither; atrophy [wēi] decline
2931 chàng 惆怅 chóuchàng disconsolate, melancholy
2932 swamp, hollow; 低洼 low-lying
2933 zhù (贮存) store, save
2934 pēng 抨击 pēng attack (verbally)
2935 jūn ancient unit of weight (30 ); 钧座 Your Excellency
2936 xiè (懈怠 xièdài) slack, lax, sluggish
2937 zǎo (洗澡 zǎo) bath
2938 嘀咕 gu whisper [] 嘀嗒 da drip
2939 piē shoot a glance at; 瞥见 piējiàn catch a glimpse of
2940 kān 勘探 exploration; 勘测 survey; 勘误表 errata
2941 jiǒng in a difficult situation; embarrassed
2942 yuàn enclosed garden; zoo; park; center; (surname)
2943 cāo 粗糙 cāo coarse, rough; 糙米 cāo brown rice
2944 méng sprout, bud; 萌发 germinate
2945 () damp; 优渥 yōu () liberal; munificent
2946 zǎo jujube, Chinese date
2947 zhàng 手杖 shǒuzhàng cane, staff, walking stick
2948 wèi 蔚蓝 wèilán azure, sky-blue; 茺蔚 chōngwèi motherwort
2949 shǔ silkworm
2950 褐色 brown
2951 bèi 蓓蕾 bèilěi bud
2952 suddenly
2953 cuì ䷬ Gathering Together
2954 祿 good luck; official's salary in ancient times
2955 chán gluttonous, greedy
2956 kuàng eye socket
2957 obscure, uncertain
2958 zhà 栅栏 zhàlan railings, bars [shān] 栅极 grid
2959 xuàn dazzle; show off, brag, boast
2960 ǒu (呕吐 ǒu) vomit, throw up [òu] (=)
2961 róng 茸茸 róngróng soft & thick (hair, grass, etc.) [rōng] 绿茸茸
2962 shuò large; 硕士学位 shuòshìxuéwèi Master's degree
2963 juān (娟秀 juānxiù) beautiful, graceful
2964 zhǐ 脚趾 jiǎozhǐ toe
2965 yào 钥匙 yàoshi key [yuè] key
2966 tiáo 迢迢 tiáotiáo far away, remote
2967 duó pace, stroll
2968 dǎo 祷告 dǎogào pray; 祈祷 dǎo pray
2969 shú redeem; ransom; atone; 赎买 shúmǎi redeem, buy out
2970 tóng tung tree; 桐油 tung oil
2971 miáo (瞄准 miáozhǔn) aim
2972 suì ear of grain; 穗子 suìzi tassel, fringe; Suì (广州)
2973 huà (桦树 huàshù) birch
2974 péng splash; 澎湃 péngpài surge
2975 (鲤鱼) carp
2976 liāo hold up; sprinkle [liáo] tease, provoke [liào] (=)
2977 shù forgive, pardon, excuse
2978 xūn kind of sweet grass; to smoke, fumigate [xùn] poison by gas
2979 elder sister; 姊妹 mèi sisters [jiě] (=)
2980 kāng chaff
2981 yāo (夭亡 yāowáng, 夭折 yāozhé) die young
2982 (咀嚼 jué) chew, ruminate
2983 bèi 狼狈 lángbèi in a difficult position
2984 béng (short for 不用 yòng) there's no need to
2985 疙瘩 da bump, lump, knot
2986 jiǎn alkali; soda
2987 jiè 告诫 gàojiè warn
2988 báo 冰雹 bīngbáo hail
2989 伤疤, 疤痕 scar
2990 yíng 荧光 yíngguāng fluorescent
2991 da 疙瘩 da pimple, lump [] 瘩背 carbuncle on back
2992 shǐ shit, excrement
2993 bāo to praise
2994 bǐng grasp, hold; master, control, preside over
2995 chuāng 疥疮 jièchuāng scabies; 痔疮 zhìchuāng haemorrhoids
2996 qín birds; 禽兽 qínshòu birds & beasts
2997 忿 fèn indignant; angry
2998 seed
2999 zhàn deep; 湛蓝 azure blue
3000 () no, not
3001 (会晤 huì) meet; 晤面 meet face to face
3002 niǎn grind; crush; flatten; roller
3003 lūn brandish, swing [lún] select
3004 liǎn hold back, restrain; collect
3005 qín 芹菜 qíncài celery
3006 zuàn hold, grip, grasp
3007 牡牛 bull; 牡蛎 oyster; 牡丹 dan tree peony
3008 nüè cruel; 虐待 mistreat
3009 kàng 高亢 gāokàng loud and sonorous, resounding; high (land)
3010 silt; 淤泥 yūní mud, filth; 淤积 silt up
3011 lín fish scale
3012 huì teach, instruct
3013 male servant; fellow; together
3014 cán silkworm
3015 yùn 酝酿 yùnniàng brew, ferment
3016 fēi imperial concubine; wife of prince etc.
3017 xuān ancient carriage; lofty; small room; 轩轾 good or bad
3018 jùn prefecture
3019 dùn blunt; dull, stupid
3020 zhàn split, burst
3021 suí 绥靖 suíjìng pacify; appease
3022 guī small door; 闺女 guī girl; daughter
3023 sǔn 竹笋 bamboo shoots
3024 xiōng 匈奴 Xiōng; 匈牙利 Xiōng Hungary
3025 鞠躬 gōng to bow
3026 tuí ruined; 颓丧 tuísàng, 颓唐 tuítáng dejected
3027 liào put down; throw down
3028 diàn (惦记, 惦念) remember with concern
3029 diāo tricky, artful, sly
3030 lóng 喉咙 hóulóng throat
3031 base; semifinished product; blank; unburnt earthen brick
3032 (啼哭 ) cry, wail; crow, caw
3033 hāi hey; 嗨哟 hāiyō heave-ho
3034 gān 尴尬 gāngà awkward, embarrassed
3035 láo 唠叨 láodao chatter [lào] chat
3036 尴尬 gāngà awkward, embarrassed
3037 官吏 guān government official, officer
3038 līn [līng] carry, lift
3039 táng (棠梨 táng) birchleaf pear
3040 cáo trough; groove
3041 Wèi (surname) [] 尉迟 chí (surname)
3042 chōng 憧憬 chōngjǐng long for, look forward to
3043 shì 柿子 shìzi persimmon; 西红柿 hóngshì tomato
3044 shāo take, bring [shào] 捎马子 shàozi saddlebag
3045 chà branch off, fork; 打岔 chà interrupt, cut in
3046 ōu 殴打 ōu beat up, hit
3047 祈祷 dǎo pray
3048 () Go (more commonly known as 围棋 wéi)
3049 (弧形 xíng) arc, curve; 弧光 arc light; 弧度 radian
3050 tān 瘫痪 tānhuàn paralysis
3051 xuē (靴子) boot
3052 fáng 脂肪 zhīfáng fat
3053 páng 彷徨 pánghuáng walk back & forth aimlessly [fǎng] (=仿)
3054 jiàn ravine, gully
3055 jǐng 憧憬 chōngjǐng long for; 憬悟 jǐng wake up to reality
3056 pity, sympathize; give relief
3057 zhà (压榨) press; extract
3058 跋涉 shè trudge, trek
3059 xiàn filling, stuffing
3060 zhé (车辙) rut; rhyme; way
3061 大拇指 thumb
3062 kǎo (拷打) beat, flog, torture; 拷贝(电影) copy
3063 (烯烃 tīng) alkene; olefin
3064 zhān 观瞻 appearance of a place; impression, sight, view
3065 zāi (bookish sentence final partical; exclamation or question)
3066 棘手 thorny, knotty, ticklish
3067 shù gargle
3068 niè alunite; dye black; 涅槃 nièpán nirvana
3069 chú cabinet; 橱窗 chúchuāng showcase; 橱柜 chúguì cupboard
3070 kǎn (门槛儿 ménkǎnr) threshold [jiàn] banisters; cage
3071 tíng graceful
3072 hān foolish, silly, naive, straightforward
3073 waterside [] 浒墅关 (a place)
3074 zāng bribes; stolen goods
3075 hān (drink, etc.) to one's heart's content
3076 niū girl
3077 dōng 咕咚 dōng thump, thud
3078 gài (乞丐 gài) beggar
3079 soak; stain; floodwater
3080 tuo 骆驼 luòtuo camel [tuó] 驼背 hunchback; 锅驼机 locomobile
3081 shuān bolt, plug; 消火栓 fire hydrant
3082 wǎng (惘然 wǎngrán) frustrated, disappointed
3083 kuì to present as a gift; 反馈 fǎnkuì feedback
3084 tián 恬静 tiánjìng tranquil
3085 guī silicon (Si); 硅谷 Guī Silicon Valley
3086 jiá jaw; cheek
3087 lín phosphorus (P)
3088 jiān 歼灭 annihilate
3089 fān 藩篱 hedge, fence
3090 (过滤 guò) filter, strain
3091 chǐ 奢侈 shēchǐ luxurious; extravagant; excessive
3092 篱笆 ba bamboo or twig fence
3093 xiāo 硝石 xiāoshí nitre; saltpetre; 硝烟 gunpowder smoke
3094 lóng 玲珑 línglóng cleverly made; clever & nimble
3095 zhǎn 转辗 zhuǎnzhǎn get around; toss about
3096 duàn satin; 绸缎 chóuduàn silks and satins
3097 kòu invade; invader; bandit
3098 dài danger, dangerous; on the point of, nearly, almost
3099 ān ammonia; 氨基酸 ānsuān amino acid
3100 ǎi 和蔼 'ǎi amiable, friendly
3101 Xuē (surname)
3102 zhuài pull, haul [zhuāi] fling, throw, hurl [] (=)
3103 (青蛙 qīng) frog
3104 kūn ☷ ䷁ The Receptive (Earth)
3105 è shocking
3106 pēi germ; (胚胎 pēitāi) embryo; 胚珠 ovule
3107 簿 book; 电话簿 phone book
3108 tǒng poke; disclose
3109 peaceful; 和睦 amicable, harmonious
3110 lěi 磊落 lěiluò just and honorable
3111 è stop, check, hold back
3112 chuō jab, poke, stab; 戳穿 chuōchuān puncture
3113 tuó 陀螺 top; 陀螺仪 gyroscope
3114 bàng 诽谤 fěibàng slander
3115 nān child; daughter; 囡囡 nānnān little darling [niè] filch
3116 shì bodyguard (piece in 象棋 Chinese Chess)
3117 xùn domesticate; tame and docile
3118 chéng orange (color); 橙子 chéngzi orange (fruit)
3119 àn 黯然 ànrán dim; dejected; 黯淡 àndàn dim; dismal
3120 kuī 管窥 guǎnkuī look thru a bamboo tube; have narrow view
3121 chán 潺潺 chánchán (sound of water:) murmur, babble
3122 thirty (same as 三十 sānshí)
3123 俘虏 captive; take prisoner
3124 suǐ (骨髓 suǐ) marrow
3125 jīng 战战兢兢 zhànzhànjīngjīng trembling with fear
3126 吓唬 xiàhu frighten [xià] (same as , )
3127 shuò new moon
3128 plow; 犁铧 huá plowshare
3129 shù 别墅 biéshù villa
3130 孜孜不倦 juàn hard-working and untiring
3131 wǎn 宛如 wǎn just like; 宛然 wǎnrán as if [yuān] 大宛
3132 zhì () stand erect
3133 é 巍峨 wēi'é towering, lofty; 峨嵋山 Éméi Shān
3134 gēng the seventh 天干 Heavenly Stem
3135 xián side of a ship; 左舷 port; 右舷 starboard
3136 ān hut; nunnery, Buddhist convent
3137 shù numerous; 庶务 shùwu general affairs
3138 xuàn 绚丽 xuàn brilliant and colorful
3139 tóng () red [tōng] 红彤彤 bright red
3140 expose; sun [bào] 曝光 bàoguāng exposure (in photography)
3141 hàn fierce; brave; 悍然 hànrán brazenly
3142 wǎn sigh; 惋惜 wǎn feel sorry (for)
3143 ào 懊恼 annoyed; 懊丧 dejected; 懊悔 regret
3144 shuān tie, fasten
3145 yàng overflow
3146 kāi wipe
3147 shǎng part of the day; noon
3148 rǎng reject, resist; seize, grab; push up one's sleeves
3149 dài lazy, indolent; insolent
3150 tray, drawer [ti] 抽屉 chōuti drawer
3151 chè clear, limpid
3152 niè (罪孽 zuìniè) evil, sin
3153 wěi 娓娓动听 speak with absorbing interest
3154 liú 肿瘤 zhǒngliú tumor
3155 xuàn 渲染 xuànrǎn apply colors to drawing; exaggerate
3156 convex; 凸透镜 tòujìng convex lens; 凹凸 āo uneven
3157 shān inflame, excite
3158 líng (actor); 伶俐 língli clever; 伶仃 língdīng lonely [līng] 孤伶伶
3159 lán 贪婪 tānlán avaricious
3160 móu 牟利 móu seek profit [] moo (the sound that cows make)
3161 duò rudder; helm; 舵手 steersman, helmsman
3162 ䷚ The Corners of the Mouth; 颐和园
3163 yuán (猿猴) ape; 猿人 ape-man; 北京猿人 Peking Man
3164 cuì 憔悴 qiáocuì wan and sallow; withered
3165 yǒng 踊跃 yǒngyuè leap, jump; enthusiastically
3166 piáo ladle made of a gourd; 瓢虫 piáochóng ladybug
3167 tán phlegm; sputum; 痰盂 tán spittoon
3168 bīn 缤纷 bīnfēn () in riotous profusion
3169 shē (奢侈 shēchǐ) luxurious; extravagant; excessive
3170 xiáo 混淆 hùnxiáo confuse, mix
3171 biě shrivelled, shrunken [biē] 瘪三 biēsān beggar/thief
3172 tiào 眺望 tiàowàng look into distance from high place
3173 mǐn pity, sympathize
3174 bàng clam [Bèng] 蚌埠 Bèngbu
3175 cǎi (理睬 cǎi) pay attention to
3176 chèng balance, scale; steelyard
3177 zòu beat, hit, strike; smash, break
3178 yāng seedling, sprout
3179 líng 菱角 língjiao water chestnut
3180 bàn stumble, trip
3181 nāng [nang] 嘟囔 dūnang mumble
3182 lèng (=) stupified
3183 yáo sacrificial meats; meat dishes
3184 qiào pretty; nimble; sell well
3185 xiá small box, casket
3186 sāi (腮帮子 sāibāngzi) cheek
3187 yīng breast; receive
3188 鴿 鸽子 zi pigeon
3189 secondary rainbow; 霓虹灯 neon light
3190 zhēn to attain (a high level)
3191 xiāo 云霄 yúnxiāo the skies
3192 saw (noun & verb); 锯子 zi saw [] (same as )
3193 narrow; 仄声 oblique tone (any tone besides 平声)
3194 zhǒu elbow
3195 lèi 肋骨 lèi rib
3196 fěi 诽谤 fěibàng slander
3197 zhì 窒息 zhì suffocate
3198 lèi beat a drum; 擂台 arena [lēi] hit [léi] pestle
3199 jiǎ potassium (K)
3200 (a particle which adds a certain mood, like modern )
3201 zhuī 圆锥 yuánzhuī cone; 角锥 jiǎozhuī pyramid shape
3202 Mǐn another name for 福建 Fujian
3203 jiǎng oar
3204 (surname)
3205 犀牛 xīniú rhinoceros
3206 corner, nook; outlying place, border
3207 lào iron (for clothes); brand; bake in pan; 烙铁 iron [luò] 炮烙
3208 dài black pigment for painting eyebrows
3209 gèn extend
3210 duò 懒惰 lǎnduò lazy
3211 luán 山峦 shānluán chain of mountains
3212 嗒嗒 (sound) [] 嗒然 rán () dejected
3213 juè gruff, surly [jué] 倔强 juéjiàng stubborn
3214 xiāo (叫嚣 jiàoxiāo) shout, make noise, clamor
3215 suì evil spirit, ghost
3216 qián (钳子 qiánzi) tongs, pliers, pincers, forceps
3217 Hǎo (surname)
3218 guà trigram or hexagram from the 易经 Book of Changes
3219 nuò cowardly, weak
3220 () tell; 上谕 shàng imperial edict
3221 fèi bark, yap
3222 [ma] 蛤蟆 ma frog, toad
3223 fēn 吩咐 fēn tell
3224 tíng 蜻蜓 qīngtíng dragonfly
3225 zhuó to peck
3226 xiù smell, scent, sniff; 嗅觉 sense of smell
3227 liáo sew; 缭绕 liáorào encircle; linger in the air
3228 打呼噜 lu snore [lǎo] 咕噜肉
3229 huì dirty; abominable
3230 revive, come to; 耶稣 Jesus
3231 shēng Pandean pipe
3232 zhān felt; 毡帽 felt hat
3233 qiào 峭壁 qiào cliff, precipice
3234 zǎi son; young animal, whelp; 崽子 zǎizi (for cursing)
3235 species of oak; pleased
3236 wéi (桅杆 wéigān) mast
3237 Liào (surname)
3238 dié 喋喋不休 chatter [zhá] noise of ducks feeding
3239 be jealous; hate
3240 brilliance of the rising sun
3241 嬉笑 laugh & play; 嬉皮笑脸 grinning; 嬉皮士 hippy
3242 bāi break off with fingers and thumb; 掰腕子 hand wrestling
3243 崎岖 rugged
3244 qiāng (sound:) clang, gong
3245 léng arris, edge; ridge
3246 tuǒ 椭圆 tuǒyuán ellipse
3247 zǎo algae; aquatic plants; literary embellishment
3248 nán 楠木 nanmu
3249 róng (榕树 róngshù) banyan, fig tree; Fuzhou
3250 měng manganese (Mn)
3251 xuàn (昏眩 hūnxuàn) dizzy; 眩晕 xuànyùn vertigo
3252 xián saliva
3253 yāng calamity; bring disaster to; 遭殃 meet with disaster
3254 qiào 诀窍 juéqiào knack; tricks of the trade
3255 tiè 字帖 tiè book of calligraphy [tiě] note; invitation [tiē] obey
3256 shēng 甥儿 sister's son, nephew; 甥女 sister's daughter, niece
3257 脏腑 zàng internal organs
3258 chú 雏鸟 chúniǎo young bird; nestling, fledgling
3259 suì 隧道 suìdào tunnel
3260 (腋窝 ) armpit; axil
3261 lián sickle
3262 yīn mattress
3263 è 愕然 èrán astounded
3264 荔枝 zhī lychee (fruit)
3265 roll; run over; squeeze out [zhá] roll (steel)
3266 (蘑菇 gu) mushroom
3267 shàn mock, ridicule, abuse; embarrassed
3268 xùn be buried alive with dead; sacrifice oneself
3269 wān 蜿蜒 wānyán wriggle; zigzag, meander
3270 xīn zinc (Zn)
3271 蛤蟆 ma frog [] 蛤蜊 clam
3272 tùn slip out of [tuì] take off, shed; fade
3273 bridle; restrain; 羁绊 bàn yoke; 羁旅 travel
3274 yún rue; 芸香 essence of rue; 芸芸 numerous (F) 芸薹 yúntái rape
3275 dié 间谍 jiàndié spy, secret agent
3276 chù 矗立 chù () stand tall and upright
3277 糟蹋 zāota waste, spoil
3278 jiǒng (炯炯 jiǒngjiǒng) () bright, shining
3279 cèng rub; be smeared with; hang around, loiter
3280 bèng burst, spurt, spout
3281 niǔ 电钮 diànniǔ push-button
3282 fifth of ten 天干 Heavenly Stems
3283 halogen (earth containing salt); thick gravy
3284 () shabby, worn out; my, our (indicating humility)
3285 jǐng 陷阱 xiànjǐng pit, trap
3286 è (厄难 ènàn) disaster
3287 shà a shower; slight, passing
3288 sháo (=𪔓㲈𢨍) (!) (Unihan:) music of the emperor Shun; beautiful
3289 huàn officials
3290 kòu knock; 叩头 kòutóu ( = 磕头 tóu) kowtow
3291 ān (马鞍 'ān) saddle
3292 jiǎo (饺子, 水饺) dumpling, ravioli
3293 dùn 混沌 hùndùn Chaos; innocent as a child
3294 wēi to fondle
3295 xiāng (襄助 xiāngzhù) assist, help
3296 qīng 蜻蜓 qīngtíng dragonfly
3297 bei (similar to ba) [bài] 梵呗 Buddhist chanting
3298 duō 哆嗦 duōsuo tremble, shiver
3299 jiào cellar
3300 qióng vault, dome; the sky
3301 chī (sound of ripping or giggling)
3302 xiào 咆哮 páoxiào roar, thunder; 哮喘 xiàochuǎn asthma
3303 jié 睫毛 jiémáo eyelash
3304 tuò 唾沫 tuòmo, 唾液 tuò saliva
3305 lán late; railing, balustrade
3306 sòu [sou] 咳嗽 sou cough
3307 go against the stream; trace back, recall
3308 cōng 烟囱 yāncōng chimney
3309 shú () who, which, what
3310 hatch, incubate
3311 diān (掂量 diānliang) weigh in the hand
3312 long narrow & low bed; couch
3313 kuà carry on arm or over shoulder; 挎包 kuàbāo satchel
3314 scrupulously and respectfully
3315 shì wipe, rub; 拂拭 shì dust, wipe away
3316 huáng 彷徨 pánghuáng walk back & forth aimlessly
3317 yōng harmony; (surname)
3318 biǎn sign (board or silk banner) with inscriptions of praise
3319 press down, restrain; right falling stroke ()
3320 qiā pinch; dig nails into; pick (flowers); cut off, nip; choke
3321 táng keep out; evade; spread
3322 bāo bud; () luxuriant
3323 chěng show off; carry out (evil design); indulge
3324 liàng dry in air or sun
3325 shān 盘跚 pánshān limp, hobble
3326 míng 幽冥 yōumíng shadowy; the nether world
3327 蝙蝠 biān bat
3328 biān 蝙蝠 biān bat
3329 dòu hole; sinus; (surname)
3330 () auspicious
3331 梧桐 tóng Chinese parasol tree; 魁梧 kuí big & tall
3332 kǎi model; 楷书 regular script (standard calligraphy)
3333 qìn ooze, seep
3334 qīng hydrogen (H)
3335 yíng [ying] 苍蝇 cāngying fly
3336 nìng 泥泞 nínìng muddy
3337 chí 松弛 sōngchí limp, slack; lax
3338 ditch, drain; show disrespect
3339 pài 澎湃 péngpài to surge
3340 窟窿 long hole; cavity; deficit; 石窟 shí grotto
3341 yǐn ancient title for government official; (surname)
3342 Diān short name for 云南 [tián] (=)
3343 liáo 潦草 liáocǎo illegible; sloppy; 潦倒 liáodǎo be frustrated [lǎo] 旱潦
3344 qín capture, catch
3345 jiù blame, fault; 咎由自取 have only oneself to blame
3346 颠簸 diān jolt, bump [] 簸箕 ji dustpan
3347 xiè undress; dirty; desecrate
3348 xīn pervasive fragrance
3349 colt; foal
3350 kuī helmet
3351 zhè [zhe] 甘蔗 gānzhe sugar cane
3352 to plate (cover a surface with metal)
3353 lìn stingy
3354 jiāo heel
3355 big cone-shaped bamboo or straw hat with wide brim
3356 grain
3357 yíng entangle; 萦绕 yíngrǎo hover, linger
3358 (迂回 huí) circuitous
3359 tái (青苔) moss; 苔藓 táixiǎn lichen [tāi] 舌苔 shétāi coating on tongue
3360 gēng thick soup; 调羹 tiáogēng spoon
3361 líng () listen; hear
3362 ǎo short Chinese jacket
3363 () thatch (a roof); puncture vine
3364 kuí 葵花 sunflower
3365 bìn hair on the temples
3366 zhěng 拯救 zhěngjiù rescue, deliver, save
3367 shì rely on, depend on
3368 zhǔ lean on (stick etc.)
3369 dàn () fear, dread
3370 jiǎo fortunate, lucky [yáo] 僬侥 Jiāo Yáo
3371 diǎn iodine (I); 碘酒 tincture of iodine
3372 xiāo 逍遥 xiāoyáo at ease, unrestrained
3373 dāng 铃铛 língdang small bell [chēng] shallow pan
3374 ài 隘口 àikǒu mountain pass
3375 a kind of ancient cauldron
3376 jiè mustard; 芥子园画谱 [gài] 芥蓝 gàilán cabbage mustard
3377 tuì 蜕化 tuìhuà slough off, exuviate; degenerate
3378 tāo sheath, bow case; conceal; art of war
3379 qiū 蚯蚓 qiūyǐn earthworm
3380 jiǔ fragrant-flowered garlic, Chinese chives
3381 rèn 烹饪 pēngrèn to cook food
3382 yǐn 蚯蚓 qiūyǐn earthworm
3383 xiǎng () entertain, provide food for; (archaic:) pay
3384 () prediction; anxiety; deceive
3385 chān pierce, insert, put in, mix; recommend, assist, support
3386 zhào begin
3387 huáng (弹簧 tánhuáng) spring (mechanical device)
3388 luó 箩筐 large basket [luo] 笸箩 luo shallow basket
3389 yǒu black, dark
3390 dǔn nap
3391 liáo burn [liǎo] singe
3392 drown; be addicted [niào] (=尿)
3393 qiāng choke [qiàng] irritate
3394 huī (variant of huī 'shine')
3395 蚂蚁 ant
3396 niǎn twist with the fingers
3397 qiáo 憔悴 qiáocuì wan and sallow; withered
3398 palpitate with terror; 心有余悸 have lingering fear
3399 哺乳 breast-feed, nurse; 哺育 feed; nurture
3400 gài 灌溉 guàngài irrigate
3401 gěng choke on food; choke with grief/sobs [yǐng] [yìng] [ńg] [ń]
3402 ō Oh [] 喔喔喔 cock-a-doodle-doo
3403 ěr pastry; bait
3404 zhǒu 扫帚 sàozhou broom
3405 chromium (Cr)
3406 chī sneer
3407 garden
3408 bank; low wall; entrenchment
3409 gòu filth
3410 jiū 赳赳 jiūjiū valiant, gallant
3411 诅咒 zhòu swear, curse; 诅盟 méng vow, oath
3412 yǎn cover; suddenly [yān] (=) (=)
3413 yīng warbler; oriole
3414 jiǎn cocoon; callus
3415 chāng 娼妓 chāng prostitute
3416 cuàn (篡夺 cuànduó) usurp; 篡改 cuàngǎi alter, tamper with
3417 笆斗 dǒu round-bottomed basket; 篱笆 bamboo fence
3418 chóu thick; dense
3419 ái () pure white (describes snow)
3420 shelter, shield, protect
3421 cǔn 忖度 cǔnduó speculate, conjecture, surmise
3422 fàn Buddhist; 梵文 Fànwén Sanskrit
3423 chén sincere feeling
3424 bèi () contrary; perverse; 悖谬 () absurd
3425 měng dull, stupid
3426 jué (抉择 jué) () pick, choose
3427 shì bite; ䷔噬嗑
3428 inherit, succeed; heir, descendant
3429 stroke, smooth out with the fingers [luō] rub one's palm along
3430 diāo wither; 凋谢 diāoxiè wither and fall; die of old age
3431 rǒng superfluous; full of trivial details
3432 fěi 斐然 fěirán brilliant (literature); 斐济 Fěi Fiji
3433 tán covered with clouds; 昙花 broad-leaved epiphyllum
3434 jīng (鲸鱼) whale
3435 drag, haul
3436 霹雳 thunderbolt; 晴天霹雳 bolt from the blue
3437 榆树 shù elm
3438 qiáo firewood; 樵姑 qiáo girl who gathers wood
3439 quánjuǎn (=𨤖𠨟) (𢀻)(Unihan:) creep like worm, curl one's body
3440 yān preserve in salt; pickle
3441 wěn 紊乱 wěnluàn disorder, confusion, chaos
3442 sudden; 猝然 rán suddenly; 猝不及防 be taken by surprise
3443 (surname) [] startled
3444 craving; dyspepsic
3445 bǐng () bright, splendid
3446 chá be cut (by broken glass etc.) [chā] 胡子拉碴
3447 () sunlight
3448 bǐng report to superior; petition; receive
3449 chù fear; 怵惕 chù feel apprehensive
3450 () unravel; 络绎不绝 endless stream
3451 juàn thin, tough silk
3452 liè cold; clear
3453 yīng tassel; ribbon
3454 () towering; bald
3455 () next; 翌日 the next day
3456 qiàn beautiful; ask a favor
3457 yáng pretend, fake; 佯笑 pretend to laugh
3458 urgently
3459 胸脯 xiōng chest [] dried meat; preserved fruit
3460 juān 杜鹃 juān cuckoo (bird); azalea (plant)
3461 ōu 海鸥 hǎi'ōu seagull
3462 tiǎn lick
3463 tíng (雷霆 léitíng) thunderbolt
3464 霹雳 thunderbolt; 晴天霹雳 bolt from the blue
3465 bǎn (S) slope; rugged and barren place
3466 菠菜 cài spinach; 菠萝 luó pineapple
3467 zhāo encourage, spur, exhort
3468 蚂蚁 ant [] 蚂蚱 zha locust [] 蚂螂
3469 yán 蜿蜒 wānyán wriggle; meander; 蚰蜒 yóuyán centipede
3470 蜗牛 niú snail
3471 zhūn 谆谆 zhūnzhūn earnestly and tirelessly
3472 a fine sieve; to sift
3473 贿赂 huì bribe
3474 lài leprosy
3475 shè to pardon; amnesty
3476 huàn sick, ailing; 瘫痪 tānhuàn paralysis; 痪病 palsy
3477 qiàng 踉跄 liàngqiàng stagger
3478 liàng 踉跄 liàngqiàng stagger
3479 [pa] 琵琶 pa pipa, kind of musical instrument
3480 琵琶 pa pipa, kind of musical instrument
3481 jiā (used in proper names)
3482 qiū (variant of qiū 'mound'); Surname
3483 méi enzyme; ferment
3484 斡旋 xuán mediate; good offices
3485 sāo scratch
3486 niè nickel (Ni)
3487 Cháng 嫦娥 Cháng'é Goddess of the moon
3488 qiè concubine
3489 cáo 嘈杂 cáo noisy [cāo] 嘈嘈
3490 chā 喳喳 chācha whisper [zhā] 喳喳 zhāzhā bird chatter
3491 (interj.) well, why
3492 匍匐 crawl, creep; lie flat
3493 (山麓 shān) foot of a hill or mountain
3494 thoroughbred horse; virtuous person
3495 nóng (dialect:) you; (poetry:) I
3496 端倪 duān clue; (surname)
3497 crouch, squat; sit
3498 qiāo lift a leg or finger; on tiptoe; stilts
3499 miǎn crown
3500 shave
3501 kuāng rectify; (surname)
3502 huì grass; 花卉 huāhuì ornamental plants
3503 jué faint, lose consciousness
3504 diāo to hold in the mouth
3505 yāo 吆喝 yāohe cry out, shout
3506 sip, taste
3507 níng 叮咛 warn
3508 chuò sip, suck; (啜泣 chuò) sob
3509 瞌睡 shuì sleepy
3510 [chì 炽热 chì red-hot, blazing
3511 chā (喀嚓 chā) crack, snap [] (嚓嚓 ) screech
3512 juān tiny stream, streamlet; pure, clean; select
3513 废墟 fèi ruins
3514 háo moat, trench
3515 huǒ many, much; (used in place of )
3516 piáo visit prostitutes
3517 ravine, gully; big pool
3518 shú 私塾 shú old-style private school
3519 valley, ravine
3520 jìn keep silent; shiver
3521 diān mountain peak, summit
3522 silks
3523 què 喜鹊 que magpie
3524 tuó carry on the back [duò] 驮子 duòzi pack animal's load
3525 yǔn 陨石 yǔnshí aerolite, stony meteorite; 陨星 meteorite
3526 xiān shovel
3527 chuàng () sorrowful
3528 máo anchor
3529 xiè meet unexpectedly
3530 pīn ( = ) [pàn] abandon
3531 () hand down, bequeath; give, present
3532 chuí beat, thump, pound
3533 wān 豌豆 wāndòu pea
3534 zhé to hibernate; 惊蟄 Waking of Insects
3535 huì last day of a lunar month; dark, obscure; night
3536 Miào (surname) [móu] 未雨绸缪 [miù] 纰缪
3537 ài 暧昧 àimèi ambiguous; shady; dubious
3538 (橘子 zi) tangerine (also written )
3539 xīng 猩猩 xīngxing orangutan; 黑猩猩 chimpanzee
3540 buy
3541 熠熠 glistening, bright
3542 bìn put a corpse in the coffin
3543 bīng 槟榔 bīnglang betel-nut tree [bīn] 槟子 bīnzi
3544 chún 淳朴 chún honest, simple, unsophisticated
3545 copy; trace
3546 jiāo handsome, beautiful
3547 dùn to stew; warm sth. by putting container in hot water [tún] wind & fire; red
3548 (sound:) puff
3549 chì () only; 不啻 chì not less than; as good as; not only
3550 jìn cinder; 灰烬 cinders, ashes
3551 páo 咆哮 páoxiào roar
3552 wán alkane; 甲烷 methane; 乙烷 ethane; 丙烷 propane
3553 mǎo fourth 地支 Earthly Branch; mortise
3554 dié official note, certificate
3555 huá 狡猾 jiǎohuá treacherous, cunning
3556 liú 琉璃 liúli colored glaze; 琉璃瓦 liúli glazed tile
3557 round flat piece of jade with hole in middle
3558 fēi 霏霏 fēifēi (of rain/snow/sleet:) fall thick and fast
3559 疵点 diǎn flaw, fault, defect
3560 wēn acute communicable diseases; plague; 瘟疫 wēn pestilence
3561 pán 蹒跚 limp, hobble (also written 盘跚)
3562 jīn (哀矜) take pity on; (骄矜) arrogant [guān] 矜寡
3563 pán 磐石 huge rock
3564 ancestral temple
3565 happiness; 恭贺新禧 Happy New Year
3566 hoop; 金箍棒 jīngūbàng Sūn kōng's weapon
3567 () suffer from
3568 jùn complete, finish
3569 jiān v. sealed (by); closed; silent
3570 jiāng 缰绳 jiāngsheng reins, halter
3571 liàn 楝树 liànshù chinaberry
3572 fěi 翡翠 fěicuì jadeite; halcyon
3573 bāng clapper
3574 āng 肮脏 āngzang dirty, filthy
3575 dǎn brush lightly, dust
3576 tiǎn thick, abundant; (腼腆 miǎntian) shy
3577 Shùn name of a legendary Chinese monarch
3578 belch; hiccup [] 嗝儿了 die
3579 liú 蒸馏 zhēngliú distillation [liù] to heat in steamer
3580 rùn intercalary; 闰年 rùnnián leap year
3581 qiāo spade, shovel
3582 zhū punish; put to death
3583 真谛 zhēn true meaning
3584 lìn to rent or hire
3585 (跛脚)lame [] (跛踬) stumble
3586 duò stamp one's foot
3587 bié sprain (ankle, wrist); 蹩脚 biéjiǎo inferior, shoddy
3588 zhé sides of a carriage box
3589 dùn ䷠ Retreat
3590 gāo 羊羔 yánggāo lamb
3591 city; 采邑 cài fief; 通都大邑 tōng- metropolis
3592 gěngxíng (=􁆍) (!) (Unihan:) surname; state in today's Hebei
3593 xūn tipsy, drunk
3594 nuò 糯米 nuò glutinous rice
3595 chāi hairpin
3596 gài calcium (Ca)
3597 sodium (Na)
3598 砾石 shí gravel; 瓦砾 rubble
3599 kēng (sound:) clang, clatter
3600 麻痹 paralysis
3601 bàng pound (currency)
3602 lào waterlog
3603 mound, hill; abundant; (radical 170, on LEFT side) (cf. )
3604 Suí Sui Dynasty (581-618)
3605 wén clouds that form decorative patterns
3606 chěng 驰骋 chíchěng () gallop
3607 shù defend, garrison
3608 yàng () illness
3609 lái 招徕 zhāolái solicit, canvass
3610 hān (打鼾 hān) snore
3611 yān handsome, beautiful; 嫣红 bright red
3612 qiàn moat, chasm; 堑壕 qiànháo trench
3613 yǒng figurine buried with dead in ancient tomb
3614 匕首 shǒu dagger
3615 fèng pay, salary
3616 yàn to extend condolences
3617 髮髻 hair worn in a bun or coil
3618 suō make mischief, intrigue, excite
3619 tongue-click; dispute
3620 stingy, miserly
3621 lou (spoken, in suggestion or anticipation) [lóu] 喽罗 outlaw rank and file; lackey
3622 qín to hold in the mouth or the eyes
3623 róu 蹂躏 róulìn trample on; devastate
3624 zhèn relieve, aid; 赈款 zhènkuǎn relief fund
3625 visit, go to; attainments
3626 (蘑菇 gu) mushroom
3627 miǎn childbirth [wǎn] (=)
3628 lofty, towering (mountain); 岌岌 precarious
3629 zhēn (): 一帧油画 an oil painting; 帧频 frame frequency
3630 méi 糜子 méizi broom corn millet [] gruel; 糜烂 rotten
3631 迁徙 qiān move, migrate
3632 pēng (sound of heartbeat)
3633 tòng 哀恸 āitòng profoundly sorrowful
3634 yǒng 怂恿 sǒngyǒng incite, instigate
3635 nǎo 玛瑙 mǎnǎo agate
3636 zhuì 惴惴 zhuìzhuì anxious
3637 mǐn to smooth with a wet brush; close, furl, tuck; sip
3638 ǎo bend & break [ào] 拗口令 tongue-twister [niù] stubborn
3639 chè pull, tug; draw
3640 Shàn (汕头) port of Swatow
3641 and; up to, until
3642 崎岖 rugged
3643 屹立 stand tall as a mountain
3644 juē stick up; break; attack
3645 guī jade tablet used as sceptre by ancient feudal lords
3646 chà branch of a tree [chā] wooden fork; pitchfork
3647 sōu (sound:) whiz
3648 zhàn shed; carriage box; hearse
3649 què 商榷 shāngquè discuss
3650 nián sticky
3651 è 鳄鱼 crocodile, alligator
3652 駿 jùn 骏马 good, fast horse
3653 infuse
3654 zhě pleat, crease
3655 huáng locust
3656 zhù eat into, bore through; (蛀虫 zhùchóng) moth etc.
3657 () wash rice
3658 taro
3659 broad; vast; common; universal
3660 nóng pus
3661 xuánxuàn (=㳬)(Unihan:) eddy, whirlpool
3662 torch
3663 fēng beacon; 烽火 beacon-fire; flames of war
3664 xiāo flute
3665 yàn inkstone
3666 jué 猖獗 chāngjué be rampant, run wild
3667 珊瑚 shān coral
3668 jiǔ 针灸 zhēnjiǔ acupuncture and moxibustion
3669 tuān 湍急 tuān rapid, swift (current)
3670 瑜伽 jiā Yoga
3671 zhēn discriminate, distinguish
3672 to feed, to rear
3673 畸形 xíng deformity, malformation
3674 椿 chūn (香椿) Chinese toon; (臭椿) tree of heaven
3675 zhōng a cup without a handle
3676 dān 眈眈 dāndān staring, gazing; 虎视眈眈 eye covetously
3677 piǎo glance sideways at
3678 kǎi joyful
3679 窿 lóng 窟窿 long hole; cavity; deficit, debit
3680 jiān writing paper; letter; note
3681 gěng 田埂 tiángěng ridge between fields
3682 yuán wall
3683 woven silk; (绮丽 ) beautiful
3684 fēi 绯红 bright red, crimson
3685 squirt; 哼唧 hēngji mumble
3686 (name of an ancient country); giddap!
3687 qìng use up, exhaust
3688 () big-eared; 耷拉 la droop, hang down
3689 shàn food, imperial meal
3690 huí 茴香 huíxiāng fennel; aniseed
3691 tún young pig; 海豚 hǎitún dolphin; 豚鼠 túnshǔ guinea pig
3692 ruǐ (雄蕊 xióngruǐ) stamen; (雌蕊 ruǐ) pistil
3693 蠕虫 chóng worm; 蠕动 dòng squirm, wriggle
3694 xiē 蝎子 xiēzi scorpion
3695 wēi 蔷薇 qiángwēi rose
3696 earthworm; 蛐蛐儿 qur cricket
3697 zhuó (茁长 zhuózhǎng) luxuriate; appear, emerge; 茁壮 zhuózhuàng sturdy
3698 láng 螳螂 tángláng praying mantis; 蟑螂 zhānglang cockroach
3699 yǎo ladle, bale out
3700 xìn quarrel, dispute
3701 cotton-padded mattress; 被褥 bèi bedding
3702 Jīng 泾河 (name of a river)
3703 méng 柠檬 níngméng lemon
3704 tán (檀香) sandalwood; 檀香扇 sandalwood fan
3705 zhāng 樟脑 zhāngnǎo camphor
3706 chái jackal; 豺狼 cháiláng jackals and wolves
3707 diāo marten
3708 níng 柠檬 níngméng lemon
3709 ái (=) suffer; delay
3710 yuán shafts of cart, neap (tongue of a wagon drawn by a pair of draft animals), yamen
3711 lín 嶙峋 línxún jagged, rugged
3712 È (surname); ( = 湖北 Hubei province)
3713 yīn silent, mute
3714 fēn phenol; 酚醛 phenolic aldehyde
3715 pēi (exclamation) bah! pooh!
3716 chì () shout at; 叱咤风云 all powerful
3717 cobalt (Co)
3718 zhēng ancient soldiers' bell-shaped instrument
3719 luó (骡子 luózi) mule
3720 què (measure word for music); cease
3721 陛下 xià Your Majesty
3722 Mǐn (surname)
3723 ǎi () mist, haze
3724 alms bowl
3725 yòu glaze
3726 yǒu tenth of twelve 地支; (component: 'wine vessel')
3727 骨骼 skeleton
3728 diǎn to stand on tiptoe
3729 carp
3730 é (飞蛾 fēi'é) moth
3731 ǒu edible rootstock of lotus
3732 sāo smell of urine; foul smell [sào] shy, bashful
3733 () await [] 万俟 (surname)
3734 broad-mouthed jar; 痰盂 tán spittoon
3735 mǐn 器皿 mǐn household utensils
3736 quán (痊愈 quán) recover from an illness
3737 匍匐 crawl, creep; lie flat
3738 yǒng another name for Ningbo; 甬道 yǒngdào path, corridor
3739 shǔn suck
3740 咔嚓 chā snap; 咔哒 click [] 咔叽 khaki
3741 oh, ah
3742 () younger brother; 唐棣 bush cherry; white poplar
3743 bìng get rid of; dismiss
3744 dùn grain bin [tún] store up; hoard
3745 休憩 xiū take a rest
3746 cháng 徜徉 chángyáng () wander about unhurriedly
3747 dài a sacred mountain in 山东
3748 bǎn slope; rugged and barren place
3749 shuāng (孤孀 shuāng, 孀婺 shuāng) widow
3750 呓语 talk in one's sleep
3751 jié () lonely; 孑孓 jiéjué wiggler
3752 inspire confidence in somebody; 中孚 ䷼ Inner Truth
3753 child
3754 liáo hut
3755 The 6th of the 12 地支 Earthly Branches
3756 huǎng 幌子 huǎngzi shop sign, signboard; pretence
3757 màn curtain
3758 chuí () frontiers, borders
3759 mán deceive [màn] disrespectful
3760 kill, slaughter
3761 蜈蚣 gōng centipede
3762 gōng 蜈蚣 gōng centipede
3763 qiào to pry open
3764 niǎn expel
3765 qiàn alizarin red; madder [] (used in people's names)
3766 茉莉 li jasmine
3767 zhá strips of wood for writing on; 札记 zhá reading notes
3768 an ancient musical wind instrument
3769 jiā cangue; 枷锁 jiāsuǒ yoke, chains, shackles
3770 gān 柑橘 gān citrus; 柑子 gānzi Mandarin orange
3771 Huán (surname)
3772 whetstone; sharpen
3773 Chinese catalpa; cut blocks for printing; 梓里 home town
3774 coconut palm; 椰子 coconut
3775 xiē 楔子 wedge; prologue
3776 jìng 痉挛 jìngluán spasm, convulsions
3777 yān (湮没 yān) fall into oblivion [yīn] (=)
3778 (毗连 lián) adjoin, be adjacent to
3779 () assist
3780 liáo 嘹亮 liáoliàng resonant; loud and clear
3781 (熠煜) shine; 煜煜 dazzling; 煜熠 bright
3782 níng 狞笑 grin hideously; 狰狞 zhēngníng ferocious
3783 zhēng 狰狞 zhēngníng ferocious, savage, hideous
3784 xiá flaw (in piece of jade or in general)
3785 tǐng () boundary of a field [dīng] (in place name)
3786 illness
3787 zhěn rash
3788 zhì 痔疮 haemorrhoids, piles
3789 áo 遨游 áoyóu roam, travel
3790 niè walk on tiptoe; tread; walk with
3791 shàn 赡养 shànyǎng support, provide for
3792 obituary
3793 àng 盎然 àngrán overflowing
3794 蟋蟀 shuài cricket
3795 shuài 蟋蟀 shuài cricket
3796 quán a fragrant herb mentioned in old books
3797 qiàn Gorgon euryale (an aquatic plant); 芡粉 cooking starch
3798 jiē 秫秸 shújiē sorghum stalk
3799 gǎn stalk, stem
3800 shàn write out, copy
3801 gāo 睾丸 gāowán testicle
3802 líng 翎毛 língmáo plume; 翎子 tail feather worn on hat
3803 kuà hip
3804 àn amine
3805 jiù mortar; joint
3806 yīn 氤氲 yīnyūn thick (mist or smoke)
3807 wěi reed
3808 zūn ancient wine vessel
3809 jiá pod
3810 (莅临 lín) arrive, be present
3811 hāo wormwood, artemisia; 茼蒿 tónghāo crowndaisy chrysanthemum
3812 xūn fragrance of flowers; (=) sweet grass
3813 zhàn dip in (ink, sauce, etc)
3814 (老妪 lǎo) () old woman
3815 yán beautiful
3816 蝍蛆 jié centipede; cricket [] maggot
3817 rén Ninth of the ten heavenly stems (天干)
3818 dēng thump, thud; 咯噔 dēng click
3819 diàn rent land; 佃户 diàn tenant farmer
3820 zōng 鬃毛 zōngmáo hair on neck of pig, horse, etc.
3821 褴褛 lán ragged, shabby
3822 completed
3823 dìng 锭子 dìngzi spindle; 钢锭 gāngdìng steel ingot
3824 chán false words; flatter; slander
3825 yàn 谚语 yàn proverb, common saying
3826 nǎn blushing
3827 qiú to collect; to mate, to match; spouse
3828 辘轳 lu windlass, winch
3829 gòu shame; revile
3830 liù saunter, stroll; fill (crevice etc.) [liú] 逗遛 [liū] (=)
3831 residence of high official
3832 (裨益 ) () benefit [] () secondary, minor
3833 qiú chieftan, chief of a tribe, sheik
3834 酗酒 jiǔ excessive drinking
3835 zhē sting; 蜇针 stinger [zhé] 海蜇 hǎizhé jellyfish
3836 yǒng pupa; 蝶蛹 diéyǒng chrysalis
3837 zhǐ ester; 酯酶 zhǐméi esterase
3838 xiān acyl
3839 xiǎn moss; 苔藓 lichen
3840 luán small tinkling bell
3841 jīng lush, luxuriant; essence, cream
3842 zhū ancient unit of weight, 1/24
3843 fǎng boat
3844 pancreas; 胰岛素 insulin; 胰液 pancreatic juice
3845 biāo horse's bit
3846 鞑靼 Tartar
3847 xiǎng () provide with food; entertain
3848 Wǎn (another name for Anhui province)
3849 dòu smallpox
3850 wèi (刺猬 wei) hedgehog
3851 shòu 狩猎 shòuliè hunting
3852 Tóng 潼关 Tóngguān (place name)
3853 zhè 鹧鸪 zhè Chinese francolin; partridge
3854 麒麟 lín Chinese unicorn
3855 龇牙 bare one's teeth
3856 yòu shaddock; pomelo [yóu] 柚木 yóu teak [zhú] 杼柚
3857 ē 婀娜 ēnuó graceful
3858 jiū 啾啾 jiūjiū chirps (sound of birds)
3859 instantly; 伛偻 bent [lóu] 佝偻 gōulóu rickety
3860 () in order to
3861 pair, couple; husband & wife
3862 kàng 伉俪 () married couple
3863 áo giant turtle of legend
3864 jiàn give a farewell dinner; 蜜饯 jiàn candied fruit
3865 jiā 袈裟 jiāshā kasaya (Buddhist monk coat)
3866 táng 螳螂 tángláng (praying) mantis
3867 蝌蚪 dǒu tadpole
3868 dǒu 蝌蚪 dǒu tadpole
3869 běn benzene
3870 须臾 moment, instant
3871 liǔ skein (of silk thread); lock (of hair)
3872 gāo punt-pole
3873 raft
3874 guǐ 10th 天干
3875 chronic, inveterate
3876 scull, sweep
3877 zhèn () I, we (used only by the emperor)
3878 ǎi [ài] (interjection)
3879 jiù stable, pen (for horses etc.); to gather; (surname)
3880 sāi gill
3881 shā 鲨鱼 shā shark

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