Список экзамена на знание ханчи

3500 иероглифов, разбитых на уровни 8-1, от простого к сложному:
  1. 8급 (50 знаков) - дошкольное образование и начальная школа
  2. 7급 (150 знаков) - начальное изучение ханчи
  3. 6급 (300 знаков) - базовое использование ханчи
  4. 5급 (500 знаков) - начальное использования ханчи в образовании
  5. 4급 (1000 знаков) - продвижение от начального уровня до среднего
  6. 3급 (1817 знаков) - уровень чтения прессы и образовательной лексики
  7. 2급 (2355 знаков) - уровень владения ханчи повседневных слов китайского происхождения
  8. 1급 (3500 знаков) - свободное владение классическим языком
  9. Спецуровень 2 (4650 знаков)
  10. Спецуровень (5978 знаков)
Начертания иероглифов даны в соответствии со стандартом Южной Кореи. Начертания на других страницах могут отличаться, см. унификация Хань.
Иероглиф Чтение Значение
Уровень 8
1 학교; exam, school, printing, proof, correction コウ キョウ
2 가르칠; teach, faith, doctrine キョウ
3 아홉; nine キュウ ク
4 나라; country コク
5 군사; army, force, troops, war, battle グン
6 금, 김 [금] 쇠, [김] 성씨; gold キン コン ゴン
7 남녘; south ナン ナ
8 여자; woman, female ジョ ニョ ニョウ
9 해; year, counter for years ネン
10 큰; large, big ダイ タイ
11 동녘; east トウ
12 여섯; six ロク リク
13 일만; ten thousand; 10,000 マン バン
14 어미; mother ボ
15 나무; tree, wood ボク モク
16 문; gate, counter for cannons モン
17 백성; people, nation, subjects ミン
18 북, 배 [북] 북녘, [배] 달아날; north ホク
19 흰; white ハク ビャク
20 아비; father フ
21 넉; four シ
22 뫼; mountain サン セン
23 석; three サン ゾウ
24 날; life, genuine, birth セイ ショウ
25 西 서녘; west, Spain セイ サイ ス
26 먼저; before, ahead, previous, future, precedence セン
27 작을; little, small ショウ
28 물; water スイ
29 집; room, apartment, chamber, greenhouse, cellar シツ
30 열; ten ジュウ ジッ ジュッ
31 다섯; five ゴ
32 임금; king, rule, magnate オウ -ノウ
33 바깥; outside ガイ ゲ
34 달; month, moon ゲツ ガツ
35 두; two, two radical (no. 7) ニ ジ
36 사람; person ジン ニン
37 해; day, sun, Japan, counter for days ニチ ジツ
38 한; one, one radical (no.1) イチ イツ
39 길; long, leader, superior, senior チョウ
40 아우; younger brother, faithful service to elders テイ ダイ デ
41 가운데; in, inside, middle, mean, center チュウ
42 푸를; blue, green セイ ショウ
43 마디; measurement, tenth of a shaku, a little, small スン
44 일곱; seven シチ
45 흙; soil, earth, ground, Turkey ド ト
46 여덟; eight, eight radical (no. 12) ハチ
47 배울; learning, knowledge, school ガク
48 나라이름; Korea カン
49 형; elder brother, big brother ケイ キョウ
50 불; fire カ
Уровень 7
51 집; house, home, family, professional, expert, performer カ ケ
52 사이; interval, space カン ケン
53 강; creek, inlet, bay コウ
54 거/차 수레; car シャ
55 빌; empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum クウ
56 만들; craft, construction, katakana e radical (no. 48) コウ ク グ
57 기록할; scribe, account, narrative キ
58 기운; spirit, mind, air, atmosphere, mood キ ケ
59 사내; male ダン ナン
60 안; inside, within, between, among, house, home ナイ ダイ
61 농사; agriculture, farmers ノウ
62 답할; solution, answer トウ
63 길; road-way, street, district, journey, course, moral, teachings ドウ トウ
64 움직일; move, motion, change, confusion, shift, shake ドウ
65 힘; power, strength, strong, strain, bear up, exert リョク リキ リイ
66 설; stand up, rise, set up, erect リツ リュウ リットル
67 매양; every, each マイ バイ
68 이름; name, noted, distinguished, reputation メイ ミョウ
69 물건; thing, object, matter ブツ モツ
70 모; direction, person, alternative ホウ
71 불/부 아닐; negative, non-, bad, ugly, clumsy フ ブ
72 일; matter, thing, fact, business, reason, possibly ジ ズ
73 위; above, up ジョウ ショウ シャン
74 성씨; surname セイ ショウ
75 누리; generation, world, society, public セイ セ ソウ
76 손; hand シュ ズ
77 시장; market, city, town シ
78 때; time, hour ジ
79 식, 사 [식] 밥, [사] 먹일; eat, food ショク ジキ
80 편안할; relax, cheap, low, quiet, rested, contented, peaceful アン
81 낮; noon, sign of the horse, 11AM-1PM, seventh sign of Chinese zodiac ゴ
82 오른; right ウ ユウ
83 스스로; oneself ジ シ
84 아들; child, sign of the rat, 11PM-1AM, first sign of Chinese zodiac シ ス ツ
85 마당; location, place ジョウ チョウ
86 번개; electricity デン
87 앞; in front, before ゼン
88 온전할; whole, entire, all, complete, fulfill ゼン
89 바를; correct, justice, righteous, 10**40 セイ ショウ
90 발/족할; leg, foot, be sufficient, counter for pairs of footwear ソク
91 왼; left サ シャ
92 곧을; straightaway, honesty, frankness, fix, repair チョク ジキ ジカ
93 평평할; even, flat, peace ヘイ ビョウ ヒョウ
94 아래; below, down, descend, give, low, inferior カ ゲ
95 한나라; Sino-, China カン
96 바다; sea, ocean カイ
97 말씀; tale, talk ワ
98 살; lively, resuscitation, being helped, living カツ
99 효도; filial piety, child's respect コウ キョウ
100 뒤; behind, back, later ゴ コウ
101 노래; song, sing カ
102 입; mouth コウ ク
103 기; national flag, banner, standard キ
104 동, 통 [동] 마을, [통:] 밝을; den, cave, excavation ドウ
105 한가지; same, agree, equal ドウ
106 겨울; winter トウ
107 오를; ascend, climb up トウ ト ドウ ショウ チョウ
108 올; come, due, next, cause, become ライ タイ
109 늙을; old man, old age, grow old ロウ
110 마을; ri, village, parent's home, league リ
111 수풀; grove, forest リン
112 낯; mask, face, features, surface メン ベン
113 목숨; fate, command, decree, destiny, life, appoint メイ ミョウ
114 글월; sentence, literature, style, art, decoration, figures, plan, literary radical (no. 67) ブン モン
115 물을; question, ask, problem モン
116 일백; hundred ヒャク ビャク
117 남편; husband, man フ フウ ブ
118 셈; calculate, divining, number, abacus, probability サン
119 빛; color ショク シキ
120 저녁; evening セキ
121 바; place, extent ショ
122 적을; few, little ショウ
123 수, 삭 [수] 셈, [삭-] 자주; number, strength, fate, law, figures スウ ス サク ソク シュ
124 심을; plant ショク
125 마음; heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61) シン
126 말씀; word, speech, language ゴ
127 그러할; sort of thing, so, if so, in that case, well ゼン ネン
128 있을; possess, have, exist, happen, occur, approx ユウ ウ
129 기를; bring up, grow up, raise, rear イク
130 고을; village, rural community, right village radical (no. 163) ユウ
131 들; enter, insert ニュウ ジュ
132 글자; character, letter, word, section of village ジ
133 할아버지; ancestor, pioneer, founder ソ
134 살; dwell, reside, live, inhabit ジュウ ヂュウ チュウ
135 주인; lord, chief, master, main thing, principal シュ ス シュウ
136 무거울; heavy, important, esteem, respect, heap up, pile up, nest of boxes, -fold ジュウ チョウ
137 종이; paper シ
138 땅; ground, earth チ ジ
139 내; stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47) セン
140 하늘; heavens, sky, imperial テン
141 일천; thousand セン
142 풀; grass, weeds, herbs, pasture, write, draft ソウ
143 마을; village, town ソン
144 가을; autumn シュウ
145 봄; springtime, spring (season) シュン
146 날; exit, leave, go out, come out, put out, protrude シュツ スイ
147 便 편, 변 [편] 편할, [변-] 똥오줌; convenience, facility, excrement, feces, letter, chance ベン ビン
148 여름; summer カ ガ ゲ
149 꽃; flower カ ケ
150 쉴; rest, day off, retire, sleep キュウ
Уровень 6
151 뿔; angle, corner, square, horn, antlers カク
152 각각; each, every, either カク
153 셀; plot, plan, scheme, measure ケイ
154 지경; world, boundary カイ
155 높을; tall, high, expensive コウ
156 공적; achievement, merits, success, honor, credit コウ ク
157 함께; together, both, neither, all, and, alike, with キョウ
158 공평할; public, prince, official, governmental コウ ク
159 과목; department, course, section カ
160 열매; fruit, reward, carry out, achieve, complete, end, finish, succeed カ
161 빛; ray, light コウ
162 공; ball, sphere キュウ
163 이제; now コン キン
164 급할; hurry, emergency, sudden, steep キュウ
165 락, 악, 요 [락] 즐길, [악] 음악, [요] 좋아할; music, comfort ガク ラク ゴウ
166 짧을; short, brevity, fault, defect, weak point タン
167 집; public chamber, hall ドウ
168 대할; correct, right, facing, opposed タイ ツイ
169 세대/대신할; substitute; change; convert; replace; period; age; counter for decades of ages, eras, etc.; generation; charge; rate; fee ダイ タイ
170 그림; drawing, plan ズ ト
171 독, 두 [독] 읽을, [두] 구절; read, study, pronounce ドク トク トウ
172 아이; juvenile, child ドウ
173 무리/같을; etc., and so forth, class (first), quality, equal, similar トウ
174 다스릴; logic, arrangement, reason, justice, truth リ
175 이로울; profit, advantage, benefit リ
176 밝을; bright, light メイ ミョウ ミン
177 들을; hear, ask, listen ブン モン
178 나눌; squad, corps, unit, group ハン
179 돌이킬; anti- ハン ホン タン ホ
180 반; half, middle, odd number, semi-, part- ハン
181 필; departure, publish, emit, start from, disclose ハツ ホツ
182 놓을; set free, release, fire, shoot, emit, banish, liberate ホウ
183 떼; section, bureau, dept, class, copy, part, portion, counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine ブ -
184 나눌; part, minute of time, segment, share, degree, one's lot, duty, understand, know, rate, 1%, chances, shaku/100 ブン フン ブ
185 모일; company, firm, office, association, shrine シャ
186 글; write ショ
187 줄; line, track セン
188 눈; snow セツ
189 성, 생 [성] 살필, [생] 덜; focus, government ministry, conserve セイ ショウ
190 이룰; turn into, become, get, grow, elapse, reach セイ ジョウ
191 사라질; extinguish, blow out, turn off, neutralize, cancel ショウ
192 재주; art, technique, skill, means, trick, resources, magic ジュツ
193 비로소; commence, begin シ
194 몸; somebody, person, one's station in life シン
195 귀신; gods, mind, soul シン ジン
196 새; new シン
197 믿을; faith, truth, fidelity, trust シン
198 약; medicine, chemical, enamel, gunpowder, benefit ヤク
199 약할; weak, frail ジャク
200 일; business, vocation, arts, performance ギョウ ゴウ
201 쓸; utilize, business, service, use, employ ヨウ
202 날랠; courage, cheer up, be in high spirits, bravery, heroism ユウ
203 옮길/운; carry, luck, destiny, fate, lot, transport, progress, advance ウン
204 마실; drink イン オン
205 소리; sound, noise オン イン -ノン
206 뜻; idea, mind, heart, taste, thought, desire, care, liking イ
207 어제; yesterday, previous サク
208 지을; make, production, prepare, build サク サ
209 재주; genius, years old, cubic shaku サイ
210 싸울; war, fighting, battle セン
211 뜰; courtyard, garden, yard テイ
212 차례; No., residence ダイ テイ
213 제목; topic, subject ダイ
214 부을; pour, irrigate, shed (tears), flow into, concentrate on, notes, comment, annotate チュウ
215 모을; gather, meet, congregate, swarm, flock シュウ
216 창문; window, pane ソウ ス
217 맑을; pure, purify, cleanse, exorcise, Manchu dynasty セイ ショウ シン
218 몸; the body, substance, object, reality タイ テイ
219 겉; surface, table, chart, diagram ヒョウ
220 바람; wind, air, style, manner フウ フ
221 다행; happiness, blessing, fortune コウ
222 나타날; present, existing, actual ゲン
223 모양; shape, form, style ケイ ギョウ
224 화할; harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan ワ オ カ
225 모일; meet, party, association, interview, join カイ エ
226 느낄; emotion, feeling, sensation カン
227 강할; strong キョウ ゴウ
228 열; open, unfold, unseal カイ
229 서울; capital, 10**16 キョウ ケイ キン
230 쓸; suffering, trial, worry, hardship, feel bitter, scowl ク
231 예; old コ
232 사귈; mingle, mixing, association, coming & going コウ
233 구분할; ward, district ク オウ コウ
234 고을; county, district グン
235 가까울; near, early, akin, tantamount キン コン
236 뿌리; root, radical, head (pimple) コン
237 등급; class, rank, grade キュウ
238 많을; many, frequent, much タ
239 기다릴; wait, depend on タイ
240 도, 탁 [도] 법도/정도, [탁-] 헤아릴; degrees, occurrence, time, counter for occurrences, consider, attitude ド ト タク
241 머리; head, counter for large animals トウ ズ ト
242 예도; social custom, manners, courtesy, rites レイ ライ
243 법식; example, custom, usage, precedent レイ
244 길; path, route, road, distance ロ ル -
245 푸를; green, chlorine リョク ロク
246 오얏; plum リ
247 눈; eye, class, look, insight, experience, care, favor モク ボク
248 아름다울; beauty, beautiful ビ ミ
249 쌀; rice, USA, metre ベイ マイ メエトル
250 성씨/순박할; crude, simple, plain, docile ボク
251 차례; turn, number in a series バン
252 다를; separate, branch off, diverge, fork, another, extra, specially ベツ
253 병; ill, sick ビョウ ヘイ
254 옷; clothing, admit, obey, discharge フク
255 근본; book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things ホン
256 죽을; death, die シ
257 使 하여금/부릴; use, send on a mission, order, messenger, envoy, ambassador, cause シ
258 돌; stone セキ シャク コク
259 자리; seat, mat, occasion, place セキ
260 빠를; quick, fast ソク
261 손자; grandchild, descendants ソン
262 나무; timber, trees, wood, establish, set up ジュ
263 익힐; learn シュウ ジュ
264 이길; victory, win, prevail, excel ショウ
265 법; style, ceremony, rite, function, method, system, form, expression シキ
266 잃을; lose, error, fault, disadvantage, loss シツ
267 사랑; love, affection, favourite アイ
268 들; plains, field, rustic, civilian life ヤ ショ
269 밤; night, evening ヤ
270 볕; sunshine, yang principle, positive, male, heaven, daytime ヨウ
271 큰바다; ocean, sea, foreign, Western style ヨウ
272 말씀; say, word ゲン ゴン
273 길; eternity, long, lengthy エイ
274 꽃부리; England, English, hero, outstanding, calyx エイ
275 따뜻할; lukewarm, warm, tepid, mild オン ウン
276 멀; distant, far エン オン
277 동산; park, garden, yard, farm エン
278 말미암을; wherefore, a reason ユ ユウ ユイ
279 기름; oil, fat ユ ユウ
280 은; silver ギン
281 의원; medicine イ
282 옷; garment, clothes, dressing イ エ
283 놈; someone, person シャ
284 글; badge, chapter, composition, poem, design ショウ
285 있을; exist, outskirts, suburbs, located in ザイ
286 정할; determine, fix, establish, decide テイ ジョウ
287 아침; morning, dynasty, regime, epoch, period, (North) Korea チョウ
288 겨레; tribe, family ゾク
289 낮; daytime, daylight チュウ
290 친할; parent, intimacy, relative, familiarity, dealer (cards) シン
291 클; plump, thick, big around タイ タ
292 통할; traffic; pass through; avenue; commute; counter for letters, notes, documents, etc. ツウ ツ
293 특별할; special トク
294 행, 항 [행] 다닐, [항-] 항렬; going, journey, carry out, conduct, act, line, row, bank コウ ギョウ アン
295 합할; fit, suit, join, 0.1 ゴウ ガッ カッ
296 향할; yonder, facing, beyond, confront, defy, tend toward, approach コウ
297 부르짖을/이름; mark, sign, symbol, number コウ
298 그림 화/그을; picture, sketch, drawing, stroke, mark, divide ガ カク エ カイ
299 누를; yellow, surname コウ オウ
300 가르칠; instruction, Japanese character reading, explanation, read クン キン
Уровень 5
301 값; price, value カ ケ
302 손; guest, visitor, customer, client キャク カク
303 격식; status; rank; capacity; character; case (law, grammar) カク コウ キャク ゴウ
304 견, 현 [견] 볼, [현:] 뵈올; see, hopes, chances, idea, opinion, look at, visible ケン
305 맺을; tie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten ケツ ケチ
306 결단할; decide, fix, agree upon, appoint ケツ
307 공경할; awe, respect, honor, revere ケイ キョウ
308 고할; revelation, tell, inform, announce コク
309 지날; overdo, exceed, go beyond, error カ
310 과정; chapter, lesson, section, department, division, counter for chapters (of a book) カ
311 관계할; connection, barrier, gateway, involve, concerning カン
312 볼; outlook, look, appearance, condition, view カン
313 넓을; broad, wide, spacious コウ
314 예; old things, old friend, old times, former, ex- キュウ
315 갖출; tool; utensil; means; possess; ingredients; counter for armor, suits, sets of furniture グ
316 판; bureau, board, office, affair, conclusion, court lady, lady-in-waiting, her apartment キョク
317 몸; self コ キ
318 터; fundamentals, radical (chem), counter for machines, foundation キ
319 생각; wish, sense, idea, thought, feeling, desire, attention ネン
320 능할; ability, talent, skill, capacity ノウ
321 둥글; association ダン トン
322 마땅; bear, accept, undertake, just トウ
323 댁/택 집; home, house, residence, our house, my husband タク
324 덕; ethics, morality, virtue トク
325 이를; arrival, proceed, reach, attain, result in トウ
326 홀로; alone, spontaneously, Germany ドク トク
327 밝을; melodious, clear, bright, serene, cheerful ロウ
328 어질; good, pleasing, skilled リョウ
329 나그네; trip, travel リョ
330 지낼; take place, past, history
331 익힐; practice, gloss, train, drill, polish, refine レン
332 일할; thank for, reward for ロウ
333 흐를; current, a sink, flow, forfeit リュウ ル
334 무리; sort, kind, variety, class, genus ルイ
335 뭍; land, six リク ロク
336 바랄; ambition, full moon, hope, desire, aspire to, expect ボウ モウ
337 법; method, law, rule, principle, model, system ホウ ハッ ホッ フラン
338 변할; change, strange ヘン
339 병사; soldier, private, troops, army, warfare, strategy, tactics ヘイ ヒョウ
340 복; blessing, fortune, luck, wealth フク
341 받들; observance, offer, present, dedicate ホウ ブ
342 선비; gentleman, scholar, samurai, samurai radical (no. 33) シ
343 역사; history, chronicle シ
344 섬길; attend, doing, official, serve シ ジ
345 낳을; products, bear, give birth, yield, childbirth, native, property サン
346 서로; inter-, mutual, together, each other, minister of state, councillor, aspect, phase, physiognomy ソウ ショウ
347 장사; make a deal, selling, dealing in, merchant ショウ
348 고울/물고기; fresh, vivid, clear, brilliant, Korea セン
349 신선; hermit, wizard, cent セン セント
350 설, 세, 열 [설] 말씀, [세] 달랠, [열-] 기쁠; opinion, theory, explanation, rumor セツ ゼイ
351 성품; sex, gender, nature セイ ショウ
352 해; year-end, age, occasion, opportunity サイ セイ
353 씻을; wash, inquire into, probe セン
354 묶을; bundle, sheaf, ream, tie in bundles, govern, manage, control ソク
355 머리; neck, counter for songs and poems シュ
356 宿 숙, 수 [숙] 잘, [수-] 별자리; inn, lodging, relay station, dwell, lodge, be pregnant, home, dwelling シュク
357 순할; obey, order, turn, right, docility, occasion ジュン
358 식, 지 [식] 알, [지] 표할; discriminating, know, write シキ
359 신하; retainer, subject シン ジン
360 열매; truth, reality ジツ シツ
361 아이; child, young of animals ジ ニ ゲイ
362 악, 오 [악] 악할, [오] 미워할; bad, evil アク オ
363 맺을; promise, approximately, shrink ヤク
364 기를; foster, bring up, rear, develop, nurture ヨウ リョウ
365 요긴할; need, main point, essence, pivot, key to ヨウ
366 비; rain ウ
367 벗; friend ユウ
368 구름; cloud ウン
369 으뜸; beginning, former time, origin ゲン ガン
370 클; admirable, greatness, remarkable, conceited, famous, excellent イ
371 써; by means of, because, in view of, compared with イ
372 맡길; responsibility, duty, term, entrust to, appoint ニン
373 재목; lumber, log, timber, wood, materials, ingredients, talent ザイ
374 재물; property, money, wealth, assets ザイ サイ ゾク
375 과녁; bull's eye, mark, target, object, adjective ending テキ
376 펼; unfold, expand テン
377 전할; summon, propagate, transmit テン デン
378 법; code, ceremony, law, rule テン デン
379 마디; node, season, period, occasion, verse, clause, stanza, honor, joint, knuckle, knob, knot, tune, melody セツ セチ
380 절, 체 [절] 끊을, [체] 온통; cut, cutoff, be sharp セツ サイ
381 가게; store, shop テン
382 뜻; feelings, emotion, passion, sympathy, circumstances, facts ジョウ セイ
383 調 고를; tune, tone, meter, key (music), writing style, prepare, exorcise, investigate, harmonize, mediate チョウ
384 마칠; graduate, soldier, private, die ソツ シュツ
385 씨; species, kind, class, variety, seed シュ
386 돌; week シュウ
387 고을; state, province シュウ ス
388 알; know, wisdom チ
389 바탕; substance, quality, matter, temperament シツ シチ チ
390 붙을; don, arrive, wear, counter for suits of clothing チャク ジャク
391 참, 삼 [참] 참여할, [삼] 석; three, going, coming, visiting サン シン
392 꾸짖을; blame, condemn, censure セキ
393 채울; allot, fill ジュウ
394 물건; goods, refinement, dignity, article, counter for meal courses ヒン ホン
395 붓; writing brush, writing, painting brush, handwriting ヒツ
396 반드시; invariably, certain, inevitable ヒツ
397 해할; harm, injury ガイ
398 될; change, take the form of, influence, enchant, delude, -ization カ ケ
399 본받을; result, effect, effectiveness コウ
400 흉할; villain, evil, bad luck, disaster キョウ
401 옳을; can, passable, mustn't, should not, do not カ コク -
402 더할; add, addition, increase, join, include, Canada カ
403 고칠; reformation, change, modify, mend, renew, examine, inspect, search カイ
404 들; raise, plan, project, behavior, actions キョ
405 갈; gone, past, quit, leave, elapse, eliminate, divorce キョ コ
406 세울; build ケン コン
407 굳셀; healthy, health, strength, persistence ケン
408 물건; affair, case, matter, item ケン
409 가벼울; light, easy, simple, gentle ケイ
410 다툴; emulate, compete with, bid, sell at auction, bout, contest, race キョウ ケイ
411 볕; scenery, view ケイ
412 생각; consider, think over コウ
413 굳을; harden, set, clot, curdle コ
414 굽을/가락; bend, music, melody, composition, pleasure, injustice, fault, curve, crooked, perverse, lean キョク
415 다리; bridge キョウ
416 구원할; salvation, save, help, rescue, reclaim キュウ
417 귀할; precious, value, prize, esteem, honor キ
418 법; standard, measure キ
419 줄; salary, wage, gift, allow, grant, bestow on キュウ
420 김; vapor, steam キ
421 기약할; period, time, date, term キ ゴ
422 재주; skill, art, craft, ability, feat, performance, vocation, arts ギ
423 길할; good luck, joy, congratulations キチ キツ
424 단; podium, stage, rostrum, terrace ダン タン
425 말씀; discuss, talk ダン
426 도읍; metropolis, capital, all, everything ト ツ
427 섬; island トウ
428 떨어질; fall, drop, come down, village, hamlet ラク
429 찰; cool; cold (beer, person); chill レイ
430 헤아릴; quantity, measure, weight, amount, consider, estimate, surmise リョウ
431 거느릴; jurisdiction, dominion, territory, fief, reign リョウ
432 명령할/좋을; orders, laws, command, decree, good レイ
433 재료/헤아릴; fee, materials リョウ
434 말; horse バ
435 끝; end, close, tip, powder, posterity マツ バツ
436 망할; deceased, the late, dying, perish ボウ モウ
437 팔; sell, betray, show off バイ
438 살; buy バイ
439 없을; nothingness, none, ain't, nothing, nil, not ム ブ
440 곱; double, twice, times, fold バイ
441 코; nose, snout ビ
442 쓸; expense, cost, spend, consume, waste ヒ
443 견줄; compare, race, ratio, Philippines ヒ
444 얼음; icicle, ice, hail, freeze, congeal ヒョウ
445 조사할; investigate サ
446 생각; think シ
447 베낄; be photographed, copy, describe シャ
448 상줄; prize, reward, praise ショウ
449 차례; preface, beginning, order, precedence, occasion, chance, incidentally ジョ
450 가릴; elect, select, choose, prefer セン
451 배; ship, boat セン
452 착할; virtuous, good, goodness ゼン
453 보일; show, indicate, point out, express, display ジ シ
454 책상; plan, suggestion, draft, ponder, fear, proposition, idea, expectation, worry, table, bench アン
455 물고기; fish ギョ
456 고기잡을; fishing, fishery ギョ リョウ
457 억; hundred million, 10**8 オク
458 더울; heat, temperature, fever, mania, passion ネツ
459 잎; leaf, plane, lobe, needle, blade, spear, counter for flat things, fragment, piece ヨウ
460 집; roof, house, shop, dealer, seller オク
461 완전할; perfect, completion, end カン
462 빛날; weekday ヨウ
463 목욕할; bathe, be favored with, bask in ヨク
464 소; cow ギュウ
465 수컷; masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence ユウ
466 집; Inst., institution, temple, mansion, school イン
467 원할; petition, request, vow, wish, hope ガン
468 근원; meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness ゲン
469 자리; rank, grade, throne, crown, about, some イ
470 귀; ear ジ
471 인할; cause, factor, be associated with, depend on, be limited to イン
472 재앙; disaster, calamity, woe, curse, evil サイ
473 다시 재/두; again, twice, second time サイ サ
474 다툴; to dispute, fight, contend, strive ソウ
475 쌓을; savings, store, lay in, keep, wear mustache チョ
476 붉을; red セキ シャク
477 머물; halt, stopping テイ
478 잡을; maneuver, manipulate, operate, steer, chastity, virginity, fidelity ソウ サン
479 마칠; end, finish シュウ
480 허물; guilt, sin, crime, fault, blame, offense ザイ
481 그칠; stop, halt シ
482 부를; chant, recite, call upon, yell ショウ
483 쇠; iron テツ
484 처음; first time, beginning ショ
485 가장; utmost, most, extreme サイ シュ
486 빌; celebrate, congratulate シュク シュウ
487 이를; doth, do, send, forward, cause, exert, incur, engage チ
488 칙, 즉 [칙] 법, [즉] 곧; rule, follow, based on, model after ソク
489 남; other, another, the others タ
490 칠; strike, hit, knock, pound, dozen ダ ダース
491 책상/높을; eminent, table, desk, high タク
492 숯; charcoal, coal タン
493 널빤지; plank, board, plate, stage ハン バン
494 질; failure, defeat, reversal ハイ
495 물; river カ
496 찰; cold カン
497 허락할; permit, approve キョ
498 호수; lake コ
499 근심; afflicted, disease, suffer from, be ill カン
500 검을; black, dark, evil, sinister コク
Уровень 4
501 거리; boulevard, street, town ガイ カイ
502 거짓/빌릴; temporary, interim, assumed (name), informal カ ケ
503 볼; oversee, official, govt office, rule, administer カン
504 덜; dwindle, decrease, reduce, decline, curtail, get hungry ゲン
505 외울; lecture, club, association コウ
506 편안할; ease, peace コウ
507 낱; individual, counter for articles コ カ
508 검사할; check, examine ケン
509 이지러질; lack, gap, fail ケツ ケン
510 깨끗할; undefiled, pure, clean, righteous, gallant ケツ
511 경계할; admonish, commandment ケイ
512 글/지날; classic works, pass through ケイ キョウ
513 지경; boundary, border, region キョウ ケイ
514 경사; jubilation, congratulate, rejoice, be happy ケイ
515 맬; person in charge, connection, duty, concern oneself ケイ
516 예; happenstance, especially, intentionally, reason, cause, circumstances, the late, therefore, consequently コ
517 벼슬; bureaucrat, the government, organ カン
518 연구할; research, study キュウ ク
519 구할; request, want, wish for, require, demand キュウ グ
520 구/귀 글귀; phrase, clause, sentence, passage, paragraph, counter for haiku ク
521 집; Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess キュウ グウ ク クウ
522 권리; authority, power, rights ケン ゴン
523 다할; poles, settlement, conclusion, end, highest rank, electric poles, very, extremely, most, highly, 10**48 キョク ゴク
524 금할; prohibition, ban, forbid キン
525 일어날; rouse, wake up, get up キ
526 그릇; utensil, vessel, receptacle, implement, instrument, ability, container, tool, set キ
527 어려울; difficult, impossible, trouble, accident, defect ナン
528 따뜻할; warmth ダン ノン
529 힘쓸; toil, diligent, as much as possible ド
530 성낼; angry, be offended ド ヌ
531 끝; edge, origin, end, point, border, verge, cape タン
532 박달나무; cedar, sandlewood, spindle tree ダン タン
533 끊을; sever, cut off, interrupt ダン
534 홑; one, single, simple タン
535 통달할; accomplished, reach, arrive, attain タツ ダ -
536 멜; carry, bear, undertake タン
537 무리; party, faction, clique トウ
538 띠; belt, girdle, band, strap, zone タイ
539 무리; regiment, party, company, squad タイ
540 인도할; guidance, leading, conduct, usher ドウ
541 감독할; coach, command, urge, lead, supervise トク
542 독; poison, virus, venom, germ, harm, injury, spite ドク
543 구리; copper ドウ
544 콩; beans, pea, midget トウ ズ
545 말; Big Dipper, ten sho (vol), sake dipper, dots and cross radical (no. 68) ト トウ
546 얻을; gain, get, find, earn, acquire, can, may, able to, profit, advantage, benefit トク
547 등잔; lamp, light, counter for lights トウ
548 벌일/그물; gauze, thin silk, Rome, arrange, spread out ラ
549 두; old Japanese coin, both, counter for vehicles, two リョウ
550 고울; lovely, beautiful, graceful, resplendent レイ
551 잇닿을; take along, lead, join, connect, party, gang, clique レン
552 줄; file, row, rank, tier, column レツ レ
553 기록할; copy, write down, record ロク リョ
554 논할; argument, discourse ロン
555 머무를; detain, fasten, halt, stop リュウ ル
556 법; rhythm, law, regulation, gauge, control リツ リチ レツ
557 滿 찰; fill, full, satisfied マン バン
558 줄기; vein, pulse, hope ミャク
559 털; fur, hair, feather, down モウ
560 칠; breed, care for, shepherd, feed, pasture ボク
561 무인; warrior, military, chivalry, arms ブ ム
562 힘쓸; task, duties ム
563 아닐; un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac ミ ビ
564 맛; flavor, taste ミ
565 빽빽할; secrecy, density (pop), minuteness, carefulness ミツ
566 넓을; Dr., command, esteem, win acclaim, Ph.D., exposition, fair ハク バク
567 막을; ward off, defend, protect, resist ボウ
568 방; tassel, tuft, fringe, bunch, lock (hair), segment (orange), house, room ボウ
569 찾을; call on, visit, look up, offer sympathy ホウ
570 짝/나눌; distribute, spouse, exile, rationing ハイ
571 등/배반할; stature, height, back, behind, disobey, defy, go back on, rebel ハイ
572 절; worship, adore, pray to ハイ
573 벌할; penalty, punishment バツ バチ ハツ
574 칠; fell, strike, attack, punish バツ ハツ カ ボチ
575 벽; wall, lining (stomach), fence ヘキ
576 가; edge, margin, side, border ヘン
577 지킬; protect, guarantee, keep, preserve, sustain, support ホ ホウ
578 갚을/알릴; report, news, reward, retribution ホウ
579 보배; treasure, jewel, precious, rare ホウ
580 걸음; step, pace, walk, stroll ホ ブ フ
581 복, 부 [복] 돌아올, [부] 다시; restore, return to, revert, resume フク
582 아내; lady, woman, wife, bride フ
583 부유할; wealth, enrich, abundant フ フウ
584 버금; vice-, assistant, aide, duplicate, copy フク
585 관청; borough, urban prefecture, govt office, representative body, storehouse フ
586 부처; France ブツ フツ
587 갖출; equip, provision, preparation ビ
588 아닐; un-, mistake, negative, injustice, non- ヒ
589 슬플; grieve, sad, deplore, regret ヒ
590 날; fly, skip (pages), scatter ヒ
591 가난할; poverty, poor ヒン ビン
592 스승; expert, teacher, master, model, exemplar, army (incl. counter), war シ
593 사, 시 [사] 절, [시-] 내관; Buddhist temple ジ
594 사례할; apologize, thank, refuse シャ
595 집; inn, hut, house, mansion セキ シャ
596 살, 쇄 [살] 죽일, [쇄-] 빠를; kill, murder, butcher, slice off, split, diminish, reduce, spoil サツ サイ セツ
597 생각; concept, think, idea, thought ソウ ソ
598 상; bed, counter for beds, floor, padding, tatami ショウ
599 항상; usual, ordinary, normal, common, regular, continually, always, long-lasting ジョウ
600 상, 장 [상] 형상, [장-] 문서; form, appearance, shape, official ジョウ
601 베풀; establishment, provision, prepare セツ
602 신성할; holy, saint, sage, master, priest セイ ショウ
603 별; star, spot, dot, mark セイ ショウ
604 소리; sound, voice, noise, tone, music セイ ショウ
605 성할; boom, prosper, copulate セイ ジョウ
606 정성; sincerity, admonish, warn, prohibit, truth, fidelity セイ
607 재; castle ジョウ セイ
608 세금; tax, duty ゼイ
609 형세; forces, energy, military strength セイ ゼイ
610 가늘; dainty, get thin, taper, slender, narrow, detailed, precise サイ
611 흴/바탕; elementary, principle, naked, uncovered ソ ス
612 쓸; sweep, brush ソウ シュ
613 웃을; laugh ショウ
614 이을; continue, carry on, succeed ゾク ショク コウ キョウ
615 풍속; vulgar, customs, manners, worldliness, mundane things ゾク
616 보낼; escort, send ソウ
617 거둘; income シュウ
618 닦을; discipline, conduct oneself well, study, master シュウ シュ
619 줄; impart, instruct, grant, confer ジュ
620 받을; accept, undergo, answer (phone), take, get, catch, receive ジュ
621 지킬; guard, protect, defend, obey シュ ス
622 순수할; genuine, purity, innocence, net (profit) ジュン
623 이을; acquiesce, hear, listen to, be informed, receive ショウ ジョウ
624 베풀; give, bestow, perform, alms シ セ
625 시; poem, poetry シ
626 시험할; test, try, attempt, experiment, ordeal シ
627 볼; inspection, regard as, see, look at シ
628 옳을/이; just so, this, right, justice ゼ シ
629 쉴; breath, respiration, son, interest (on money) ソク
630 아홉째지지/거듭/고할; have the honor to, sign of the monkey, 3-5PM, ninth sign of Chinese zodiac シン
631 깊을; deep, heighten, intensify, strengthen シン
632 눈; eyeball ガン ゲン
633 어두울; darkness, disappear, shade, informal, grow dark, be blinded アン
634 억누를; pressure アツ エン オウ
635 진; fluid, liquid, juice, sap, secretion エキ
636 양; sheep ヨウ
637 같을; likeness, like, such as, as if, better, best, equal ジョ ニョ
638 남을; surplus, excess, remainder ヨ
639 거스를; inverted, reverse, opposite, wicked ギャク ゲキ
640 갈; grind ケン
641 펼; performance, act, play, render, stage エン
642 연기; smoke エン
643 꽃; flourish, prosperity, honour, glory, splendour エイ ヨウ
644 재주; art, craft, performance, acting, trick, stunt ゲイ ウン
645 그르칠; mistake, err, do wrong, mislead ゴ
646 구슬; jewel, ball ギョク
647 갈; journey, travel, chase away, let go, going, before, formerly オウ
648 노래; chant (esp. Noh), folksong, ballad ヨウ
649 용서할/얼굴; contain, form, looks ヨウ
650 인원; employee, member, number, the one in charge イン
651 둥글; yen, circle, round エン
652 할; change, be of use, reach to, do, try, practice, cost, serve as イ
653 지킬; defense, protection エイ エ
654 고기; meat ニク
655 은혜; grace, kindness, goodness, favor, mercy, blessing, benefit オン
656 그늘; shade, yin, negative, sex organs, secret, shadow イン
657 응할; answer, yes, OK, reply, accept オウ ヨウ
658 옳을; righteousness, justice, morality, honor, loyalty, meaning ギ
659 의논할; deliberation, consultation, debate, consideration ギ
660 옮길; shift; move; change; drift; catch (cold, fire); pass into イ
661 더할; benefit, gain, profit, advantage エキ ヤク
662 알; acknowledge, witness, discern, recognize, appreciate, believe ニン
663 끌; pull, tug, jerk, admit, install, quote, refer to イン
664 도장; stamp, seal, mark, imprint, symbol, emblem, trademark, evidence, souvenir, India イン
665 막을; hinder, hurt, harm ショウ
666 장수; commander, general, admiral ショウ ソウ
667 낮을; lower, short, humble テイ
668 적; enemy, foe, opponent テキ
669 밭; rice field, rice paddy デン
670 끊을; discontinue, sever, cut off, abstain, interrupt, suppress, be beyond, without match, peerless, unparalleled ゼツ
671 이을; touch, contact, adjoin, piece together セツ ショウ
672 정사; politics, government セイ ショウ
673 정할; refined, ghost, fairy, energy, vitality, semen, excellence, purity, skill セイ ショウ
674 헤아릴; extent, degree, law, formula, distance, limits, amount テイ
675 건널; to help, aid, relieve, to ferry, cross サイ セイ
676 절제할; system, law, rule セイ
677 지을; made in..., manufacture セイ
678 끌; propose, take along, carry in hand テイ チョウ ダイ
679 제사; ritual, offer prayers, celebrate, deify, enshrine, worship サイ
680 즈음; occasion, side, edge, verge, dangerous, adventurous, indecent, time, when サイ
681 덜; exclude, division (x/3), remove, abolish, cancel, except ジョ ジ
682 지을; create, make, structure, physique ゾウ
683 이를; early, fast ソウ サッ
684 새; bird, chicken チョウ
685 도울; help, rescue, assist ジョ
686 높을; revered, valuable, precious, noble, exalted ソン
687 마루/조상; religion, sect, denomination, main point, origin, essence シュウ ソウ
688 달릴; run ソウ
689 대나무; bamboo チク
690 준할; semi-, correspond to, proportionate to, conform, imitate ジュン
691 무리; masses, great numbers, multitude, populace シュウ シュ
692 더할; increase, add to, augment ゾウ ソウ
693 지탱할; branch, support, sustain, branch radical (no. 65) シ
694 이를; climax, arrive, proceed, reach, attain, result in シ
695 가리킬/손가락; finger, point to, indicate, put into, play (chess), measure (ruler) シ
696 뜻; intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling シ シリング
697 벼슬; post, employment, work ショク ソク
698 나아갈; advance, proceed, progress, promote シン
699 참; truth, reality, Buddhist sect シン
700 버금; next, order, sequence ジ シ
701 살필; guess, presume, surmise, judge, understand サツ
702 비롯할; genesis, wound, injury, hurt, start, originate ソウ ショウ
703 곳; place, locale, department ショ
704 청할; solicit, invite, ask セイ シン ショウ
705 총; gun, arms ジュウ
706 다; collect, overall, altogether ソウ
707 모을; amass, raise, hoard, store チク
708 쌓을/악기; fabricate, build, construct チク
709 벌레; insect, bug, temper チュウ キ
710 충성; loyalty, fidelity, faithfulness チュウ
711 취할; take, fetch, take up シュ
712 헤아릴; fathom, plan, scheme, measure ソク
713 이; tooth, cog シ
714 둘; placement, put, set, deposit, leave behind, keep, employ, pawn チ
715 다스릴; reign, be at peace, calm down, subdue, quell, govt, cure, heal, rule, conserve ジ チ
716 넘을; encroach, invade, raid, trespass, violate シン
717 쾌할; cheerful, pleasant, agreeable, comfortable カイ
718 모습; attitude, condition, figure, appearance, voice (of verbs) タイ
719 거느릴; overall, relationship, ruling, governing トウ
720 退 물러날; retreat, withdraw, retire, resign, repel, expel, reject タイ
721 물결; waves, billows, Poland ハ
722 깨뜨릴; rend, rip, tear, break, destroy, defeat, frustrate ハ
723 포, 보 [포] 펼, [보-] 보시; linen, cloth, spread, distribute フ ホ
724 대포; cannon, gun ホウ
725 쌀; wrap, pack up, cover, conceal ホウ
726 폭/포 사나울; outburst, rave, fret, force, violence, cruelty, outrage ボウ バク
727 표; ballot, label, ticket, sign ヒョウ
728 풍년; bountiful, excellent, rich ホウ ブ
729 한계; limit, restrict, to best of ability ゲン
730 배; navigate, sail, cruise, fly コウ
731 항구; harbor コウ
732 풀; unravel, notes, key, explanation, understanding, untie, undo, solve, answer, cancel, absolve, explain, minute カイ ゲ
733 향기; incense, smell, perfume コウ キョウ
734 시골; country, rural, village キョウ ゴウ
735 빌; false, worthless, empty, hollow キョ コ
736 시험할; verification, effect, testing ケン ゲン
737 어질; intelligent, wise, wisdom, cleverness ケン
738 피; blood ケツ
739 화할; co-, cooperation キョウ
740 은혜; blessing, grace, favor, kindness ケイ エ
741 지킬; safeguard, protect ゴ
742 좋을; fond, pleasing, like something コウ
743 문; door, counter for houses, door radical (no. 63) コ
744 부를; call, call out to, invite コ
745 재화; freight, goods, property カ
746 굳을; assurance, firm, tight, hard, solid, confirm, clear, evident カク コウ
747 돌아올; -times, round, game, revolve, counter for occurrences カイ エ
748 마실; suck, imbibe, inhale, sip キュウ
749 일; entertain, revive, retrieve, interest, pleasure コウ キョウ
750 바랄; hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, Greece, dilute (acid), rare, few, phenomenal キ ケ
751 겨를; spare time, rest, leisure, time, leave of absence カ
752 깨달을; memorize カク
753 새길; engrave, cut fine, chop, hash, mince, time, carving コク
754 대쪽/간략할; simplicity, brevity カン ケン
755 볼; watch over, see カン
756 방패/막을; dry, parch, ebb, recede, interfere, intercede カン
757 달; sweet, coax, pamper, be content, sugary カン
758 감히; daring, brave, bold, sad, tragic, pitiful カン
759 첫째천간/갑옷; armor, high (voice), A grade, first class, former, instep, carapace コウ カン
760 강, 항 [강:] 내릴, [항] 항복할; descend, precipitate, fall, surrender コウ ゴ
761 갱, 경 [갱:] 다시, [경] 고칠; grow late, night watch, sit up late, of course, renew, renovate, again, more and more, further コウ
762 살; reside, to be, exist, live with キョ コ
763 클; gigantic, big, large, great キョ
764 근거; to occupy, take possession of, a base キョ コ
765 막을; repel, refuse, reject, decline キョ ゴ
766 뛰어날; greatness, excellence ケツ
767 검소할; economy, thrifty ケン
768 칠; strike, hit, beat, attack, fight ゲキ
769 격할; violent, get excited, enraged, chafe, incite ゲキ
770 개; dog ケン
771 굳을; strict, hard, solid, tough, tight, reliable ケン
772 거울; mirror, speculum, barrel-head, round rice-cake offering キョウ ケイ
773 기울; lean, incline, tilt, trend, wane, sink, ruin, bias ケイ
774 놀랄; wonder, be surprised, frightened, amazed キョウ
775 닭; chicken ケイ
776 이을; lineage, system ケイ
777 섬돌; storey, stair, counter for storeys of a building カイ
778 이을; succeed, inherit, patch, graft (tree) ケイ
779 철; seasons キ
780 경계할; commandment カイ
781 창고; warehouse, storehouse コ ク
782 외로울; orphan, alone コ
783 곡식; cereals, grain コク
784 곤할; quandary, become distressed, annoyed コン
785 뼈; skeleton, bone, remains, frame コツ
786 구멍; cavity, hole, slit, very, great, exceedingly コウ ク
787 칠; aggression, attack, criticize, polish コウ
788 대롱/주관할; pipe, tube, wind instrument, drunken talk, control, jurisdiction カン
789 쇳돌; ore コウ
790 얽을; posture, build, pretend コウ
791 임금; mister, you, ruler, male name suffix クン
792 무리; flock, group, crowd, herd, swarm, cluster グン
793 굽힐; yield, bend, flinch, submit クツ
794 다할; hard up, destitute, suffer, perplexed, cornered キュウ キョウ
795 책; volume, book, part カン ケン
796 문서; ticket ケン
797 권할; persuade, recommend, advise, encourage, offer カン ケン
798 돌아갈; homecoming, arrive at, lead to, result in キ
799 고를; level, average キン
800 연극/심할; drama, play ゲキ
801 힘줄; muscle, sinew, tendon, fiber, plot, plan, descent キン
802 부지런할; diligence, become employed, serve キン ゴン
803 틀; loom, mechanism, machine, airplane, opportunity, potency, efficacy, occasion キ
804 벼리; chronicle, account, narrative, history, annals, geologic period キ
805 부칠; draw near, stop in, bring near, gather, collect, send, forward キ
806 기이할; strange, strangeness, curiosity キ
807 들일; settlement, obtain, reap, pay, supply, store ノウ ナッ ナ ナン トウ
808 층계; grade, steps, stairs ダン タン
809 무리; on foot, junior, emptiness, vanity, futility, uselessness, ephemeral thing, gang, set, party, people ト
810 도둑; thief, to steal トウ
811 달아날; escape, flee, shirk, evade, set free トウ
812 알; egg, ovum, spawn, roe ラン
813 어지러울; war, disorder, riot, disturb ラン ロン
814 볼; look at, inspect, perceive ラン
815 책략/간략할; abbreviation, omission, outline, shorten, capture, plunder リャク
816 양식; provisions, food, bread リョウ ロウ
817 생각할; prudence, thought, concern, consider, deliberate, fear リョ
818 매울; ardent, violent, vehement, furious, severe, extreme レツ
819 용; dragon, imperial リュウ リョウ ロウ
820 버들; willow リュウ
821 바퀴; wheel, ring, circle, link, loop, counter for wheels and flowers リン
822 떠날; detach, separation, disjoin, digress リ
823 손아래누이; younger sister マイ
824 힘쓸; exertion, endeavour, encourage, strive, make effort, diligent ベン
825 울; chirp, cry, bark, sound, ring, echo, honk メイ
826 본뜰; imitation, copy, mock モ ボ
827 묘할; exquisite, strange, queer, mystery, miracle, excellent, delicate, charming ミョウ ビョウ
828 무덤; grave, tomb ボ
829 춤출; dance, flit, circle, wheel ブ
830 칠; clap, beat (music) ハク ヒョウ
831 터럭; hair ハツ
832 방해할; disturb, prevent, hamper, obstruct ボウ
833 법; pattern, example, model ハン
834 범할; crime, sin, offense ハン ボン
835 말씀; speech, dialect ベン ヘン
836 넓을; universal, wide(ly), generally, Prussia フ
837 엎드릴; prostrated, bend down, bow, cover, lay (pipes) フク
838 겹칠; duplicate, double, compound, multiple フク
839 질; defeat, negative, -, minus, bear, owe, assume a responsibility フ
840 아닐; negate, no, noes, refuse, decline, deny ヒ
841 가루; flour, powder, dust フン デシメートル
842 분할; aroused, resent, be indignant, anger フン
843 비석; tombstone, monument ヒ
844 숨길; mysterious, secret, abstruse ヒ
845 비평할; criticism, strike ヒ
846 실; thread シ
847 쏠; shoot, shine into, onto, archery シャ
848 사사로울; private, I, me シ
849 말씀; words, speech, expression, phrase ジ
850 흩을; scatter, disperse, spend, squander サン
851 코끼리/모양; elephant, pattern after, imitate, image, shape, sign (of the times) ショウ ゾウ
852 상할; wound, hurt, injure, impair, pain, injury, cut, gash, scar, weak point ショウ
853 베풀; proclaim, say, announce セン
854 혀; tongue, reed, clapper ゼツ
855 무리; genus, subordinate official, belong, affiliated ゾク ショク
856 덜; damage, loss, disadvantage, hurt, injure ソン
857 소나무; pine tree ショウ
858 기릴; eulogy ショウ ジュ ヨウ
859 빼어날; excel, excellence, beauty, surpass シュウ
860 엄숙할; quietly, softly, solemnly シュク スク
861 아저씨; uncle, youth シュク
862 받들; adore, respect, revere, worship スウ
863 성씨; family name, surname, clan シ
864 이마; forehead, tablet, plaque, framed picture, sum, amount, volume ガク
865 모양; Esq., way, manner, situation, polite suffix ヨウ ショウ
866 엄할; strictness, severity, rigidity ゲン ゴン
867 더불/줄; participate in, give, award, impart, provide, cause ヨ
868 역, 이 [역] 바꿀, [이:] 쉬울; easy, ready to, simple, fortune-telling, divination エキ イ
869 지경; range, region, limits, stage, level イキ
870 늘일; prolong, stretching エン
871 불탈; burn, blaze, glow ネン
872 납; lead エン
873 인연; hem, margin, reason, cause, karma, fate エン
874 경영할; camp, perform, build, conduct (business) エイ
875 비칠; reflect, reflection, projection エイ
876 맞을; welcome, meet, greet ゲイ
877 미리; relaxed, comfortable, at ease ヨ シャ
878 우편; mail, stagecoach stop ユウ
879 만날; meet, encounter, interview, treat, entertain, receive, deal with グウ
880 넉넉할; tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness ユウ ウ
881 근원; source, origin ゲン
882 도울; abet, help, save エン
883 원망할; grudge, show resentment, be jealous エン オン ウン
884 맡길; committee, entrust to, leave to, devote, discard イ
885 위태할; dangerous, fear, uneasy キ
886 에워쌀; enclose, surround, encircle, preserve, store, keep イ
887 위엄; intimidate, dignity, majesty, menace, threaten イ
888 위로할; consolation, amusement, seduce, cheer, make sport of, comfort, console イ
889 젖; milk, breasts ニュウ
890 선비; Confucian ジュ
891 남길; bequeath, leave behind, reserve イ ユイ
892 놀; play ユウ ユ
893 숨을; hide, conceal, cover イン オン
894 의심할; doubt, distrust, be suspicious, question ギ
895 의지할; reliant, depend on, consequently, therefore, due to イ エ
896 모양; ceremony, rule, affair, case, a matter ギ
897 다를; uncommon, different, queerness, strangeness, wonderful, curious, unusual イ
898 어질; humanity, virtue, benevolence, charity, man, kernel ジン ニ ニン
899 재물; assets, resources, capital, funds, data, be conducive to, contribute to シ
900 姿 모양; figure, form, shape シ
901 윗누이; elder sister シ
902 잔인할/남을; leftover, remain, balance ザン
903 섞일; mixed, blended, mix, mingle ザツ ゾウ
904 베풀; lengthen, counter for bows & stringed instruments, stretch, spread, put up (tent) チョウ
905 꾸밀; dress, pretend, disguise, profess ソウ ショウ
906 창자; intestines, guts, bowels, viscera チョウ
907 장막; notebook, account book, album, curtain, veil, net, tent チョウ
908 권장할; prize, reward, give award to ショウ ソウ
909 장할; big, large, robust, name of tribe ソウ
910 밑; bottom, sole, depth, bottom price, base, kind, sort テイ
911 맞을; suitable, occasional, rare, qualified, capable テキ
912 길쌈할/공적; exploits, achievements, unreeling cocoons セキ
913 도둑; burglar, rebel, traitor, robber ゾク
914 문서; enroll, domiciliary register, membership セキ
915 쌓을; volume, product (x*y), acreage, contents, pile up, stack, load, amass セキ
916 구를; shift, move, turn テン
917 오로지; specialty, exclusive, mainly, solely セン
918 돈; 100th of yen セン
919 꺾을; fold, break, fracture, bend, yield, submit セツ シャク
920 점; point, mark, speck, decimal pt テン
921 점거할/점칠; fortune-telling, divining, forecasting, occupy, hold, have, get, take セン
922 넷째천간/고무래; street; ward; town; counter for guns, tools, leaves or cakes of something; even number; 4th calendar sign チョウ テイ チン トウ チ
923 가지런할; organize, arranging, tune, tone, meter, key (music) セイ
924 고요할; quiet セイ ジョウ
925 임금; sovereign, the emperor, god, creator テイ
926 짤; association, braid, plait, construct, assemble, unite, cooperate, grapple ソ
927 가지; article; counter for articles, clauses, paragraphs, etc.; twig; ray of light ジョウ チョウ デキ
928 밀물; tide, salt water, opportunity チョウ
929 있을; exist, suppose, be aware of, believe, feel ソン ゾン
930 쇠북; spindle, gather, collect ショウ シュ
931 좇을; from, by, since, whence, through ジュウ ショウ ジュ
932 자리; squat, seat, cushion, gathering, sit ザ
933 술; sake, alcohol シュ
934 붉을; vermilion, cinnabar, scarlet, red, bloody シュ
935 두루; circumference, circuit, lap シュウ
936 증명할; proof, evidence, certificate, testify, verify, guarantee, witness ショウ
937 지혜; wisdom, intellect, reason チ
938 기록할; document, records シ
939 가질; hold, have ジ
940 짤; weave, fabric ショク シキ
941 보배; rare, curious, strange チン
942 진칠; camp, battle array, ranks, position, sudden, brief time ジン
943 다할; exhaust, use up, run out of, deplete, befriend, serve ジン サン
944 차, 치 [차] 다를, [치] 어긋날; distinction, difference, variation, discrepancy, margin, balance サ
945 기릴; praise, picture title サン
946 캘; pick, take, fetch, take up サイ
947 책; tome, counter for books, volume サツ サク
948 샘; spring, fountain セン
949 들을; careful enquiry, headstrong チョウ
950 관청; hall, central room チョウ テイ
951 부를; beckon, invite, summon, engage ショウ
952 추/퇴 밀; conjecture, infer, guess, suppose, support, push (for) スイ
953 줄일; shrink, contract, shrivel, wrinkle, reduce シュク
954 나아갈; concerning, settle, take position, depart, study, per シュウ ジュ
955 뜻; purport, gist, elegance, interest, proceed to, tend, become シュ
956 층; stratum, social class, layer, story, floor ソウ
957 바늘; needle, pin, staple, stinger シン
958 잘; sleep, rest, bed chamber シン
959 일컬을; call, name, brand, address, say ショウ
960 탄알; bullet, twang, flip, snap ダン タン
961 탄식할; grief, lamentation タン
962 벗을; undress, removing, escape from, get rid of, be left out, take off ダツ
963 찾을; grope, search, look for タン
964 가릴; select, choose, pick out タク
965 칠; chastise, attack, defeat, destroy, conquer トウ
966 아플; pain, hurt, damage, bruise ツウ
967 던질; throw, discard, abandon, launch into, join, invest in, hurl, give up, sell at a loss トウ
968 싸울; fighting トウ
969 갈래; faction, group, party, clique, sect, school ハ
970 판단할; judgement, signature, stamp, seal ハン バン
971 책; volume, chapter, book, editing, compilation ヘン
972 평할; evaluate, criticism, comment ヒョウ
973 닫을; closed, shut ヘイ
974 세포/여드름; placenta, sac, sheath ホウ
975 터질; bomb, burst open, pop, split バク
976 표할; signpost, seal, mark, stamp, imprint, symbol, emblem, trademark, evidence, souvenir, target ヒョウ
977 피할; evade, avoid, avert, ward off, shirk, shun ヒ
978 피곤할; exhausted, tire, weary ヒ
979 한가할; leisure カン
980 한; regret, bear a grudge, resentment, malice, hatred コン
981 막을; confront, resist, defy, oppose コウ
982 씨; nucleus, core, kernel カク
983 법; constitution, law ケン
984 험할; inaccessible place, impregnable position, steep place, sharp eyes ケン
985 가죽/고칠; leather, skin, reform, become serious カク
986 나타날; manifest, display, evident, clear ケン
987 형벌; punish, penalty, sentence, punishment ケイ
988 혹시; some, one, or, possibly, a certain ワク コク イキ
989 섞일; mix, blend, confuse コン
990 혼인할; marriage コン
991 붉을; crimson, deep red コウ ク
992 빛날; splendor, flower, petal, shine, luster, ostentatious, showy, gay, gorgeous カ ケ
993 고리; ring, circle, link, wheel カン
994 기쁠; delight, joy カン
995 하물며/상황; condition, situation キョウ
996 재; ashes, puckery juice, cremate カイ
997 두터울; thick, heavy, rich, kind, cordial, brazen, shameless コウ
998 기후; climate, season, weather, wait for, expect コウ
999 휘두를; brandish, wave, wag, swing, shake キ
1000 기쁠; rejoice, take pleasure in キ
Уровень 3
1001 시렁; erect, frame, mount, support, shelf, construct カ
1002 아름다울; excellent, beautiful, good, pleasing, skilled カ
1003 집; tower, tall building, palace カク
1004 다리; skids, leg, undercarriage, lower part, base キャク キャ カク
1005 간; liver, pluck, nerve, chutzpah カン
1006 줄기; tree trunk, main part, talent, capability カン
1007 새길; publish, carve, engrave カン
1008 간절할; sociable, kind, courteous, hospitable, cordial コン
1009 거울; specimen, take warning from, learn from カン
1010 강철; steel コウ
1011 벼리; hawser, class (genus), rope, cord, cable コウ
1012 굳셀; sturdy, strength ゴウ
1013 대개; generally, approximately ガイ カイ
1014 낄; jammed in, shellfish, mediate, concern oneself with カイ
1015 덮을; cover, lid, flap ガイ カイ コウ
1016 떨어질; long-distance, spur, fetlock キョ
1017 하늘/마를; drought, dry, dessicate, drink up, heaven, emperor カン ケン
1018 칼; sword ケン
1019 사이 뜰; isolate, alternate, distance, separate, gulf カク
1020 이별할; separation, part, secret ケツ
1021 겸할; concurrently, and, beforehand, in advance ケン
1022 겸손할; self-effacing, humble oneself, condescend, be modest ケン
1023 이랑/잠깐; time, about, toward ケイ キョウ
1024 밭 갈; till, plow, cultivate コウ
1025 굳을; stiff, hard コウ
1026 지름길; path, diameter, method ケイ
1027 기계; contraption, fetter, machine, instrument カイ
1028 시내; valley ケイ
1029 맺을; pledge, promise, vow ケイ
1030 계수나무; Japanese Judas-tree, cinnamon tree ケイ
1031 열; disclose, open, say ケイ
1032 稿 볏짚; draft, copy, manuscript, straw コウ
1033 북; drum, beat, rouse, muster コ
1034 시어미/잠시; mother-in-law コ
1035 골; valley コク
1036 울; weep, moan, wail コク
1037 이바지할; submit, offer, present, serve (meal), accompany キョウ ク クウ グ
1038 공손할; respect, reverent キョウ
1039 바칠; tribute, support, finance コウ ク
1040 두려울; fear, dread, awe キョウ
1041 적을; widow, minority, few カ
1042 자랑할; boast, be proud, pride, triumphantly コ
1043 집; building, mansion, large building, palace カン
1044 꿸; pierce, 8 1/3lbs, penetrate, brace カン
1045 익숙할; accustomed, get used to, become experienced カン
1046 갓; crown, best, peerless カン
1047 너그러울; broad, wide, spacious, vast カン
1048 미칠; lunatic, insane, crazy, confuse キョウ
1049 괴이할; suspicious, mystery, apparition カイ ケ
1050 무너질; demolition, break, destroy カイ エ
1051 견줄; contrast, compare カク コウ
1052 공교로울; adroit, skilled, ingenuity コウ
1053 잡을; arrest, seize, concerned, adhere to, despite コウ
1054 오랠; long time, old story キュウ ク
1055 언덕; hill, knoll キュウ
1056 국화; chrysanthemum キク
1057 활; bow; bow (archery, violin) キュウ
1058 주먹; fist ケン ゲン
1059 귀신; ghost, devil キ
1060 버섯/세균; germ, fungus, bacteria キン
1061 이길; overcome, kindly, skillfully コク
1062 비단; brocade, fine dress, honors キン
1063 새; bird, captive, capture キン
1064 거문고; harp, koto キン ゴン
1065 미칠; reach out, exert, exercise, cause キュウ
1066 바랄; undertake, scheme, design, attempt, plan キ
1067 그; that キ ギ ゴ
1068 경기; capital, suburbs of capital キ
1069 빌; pray, wish キ
1070 말 탈; equestrian, riding on horses, counter for equestrians キ
1071 긴할; tense, solid, hard, reliable, tight キン
1072 허락할; consent, assent, agreement ダク
1073 계집; daughter, girl ジョウ
1074 견딜; -proof, enduring タイ
1075 편안할; rather, preferably, peaceful, quiet, tranquility ネイ
1076 종; guy, slave, manservant, fellow ド
1077 골; brain, memory ノウ ドウ
1078 진흙; mud, mire, adhere to, be attached to デイ ナイ デ ニ
1079 다/차 차; tea チャ サ
1080 단, 란 [단] 붉을, [란] 정성스러울; rust-colored, red, red lead, pills, sincerity タン
1081 다만; however, but タン
1082 아침; daybreak, dawn, morning タン ダン
1083 맑을; thin, faint, pale, fleeting タン
1084 밟을; step, trample, carry through, appraise, evade payment トウ
1085 당나라/당황할; T'ang, China, foreign トウ
1086 당/탕 엿; sugar トウ
1087 대; stand, counter for vehicles ダイ タイ
1088 빌릴; lend タイ
1089 길; route, way, road ト
1090 건널; transit, ford, ferry, cross, import, deliver, diameter, migrate ト
1091 질그릇; pottery, porcelain トウ
1092 칼; sword, saber, knife トウ
1093 복숭아; peach トウ
1094 넘어질; overthrow, fall, collapse, drop, break down トウ
1095 부딪힐; stab, protruding, thrust, pierce, prick, collision, sudden トツ カ
1096 얼; frozen, congeal, refrigerate トウ
1097 이을; entwine, coil around, get caught in ラク
1098 난초; orchid, Holland ラン ラ
1099 난간; column, handrail, blank, space ラン
1100 사내; gentleman ロウ
1101 물결; wandering, waves, billows, reckless, unrestrained ロウ
1102 행랑; corridor, hall, tower ロウ
1103 들보; weir, fish trap, beam, girder リョウ
1104 서늘할; refreshing, nice and cool リョウ
1105 힘쓸; strive, encourage レイ
1106 책력; calendar, era レキ
1107 연이을; party, gang, clique レン
1108 연꽃; lotus レン
1109 단련할; smelt metals, forge, refine レン
1110 그리워할; in love, yearn for, miss, darling レン
1111 찢을; split, rend, tear レツ
1112 고개; peak, summit レイ リョウ
1113 신령; soul, spirit レイ リョウ
1114 이슬; dew, tears, expose, Russia ロ ロウ
1115 화로; fireplace, stove, oven, furnace ロ
1116 祿 녹; fief, allowance, pension, grant, happiness ロク
1117 희롱할; play with, tamper, trifle with ロウ ル
1118 우레; thunder, lightning bolt ライ
1119 의뢰할; rely, depend on, accuse falsely ライ
1120 여러/자주; accumulate, involvement, trouble, tie up, continually ルイ
1121 샐; leak, escape, time ロウ
1122 다락; tower, turret ロウ
1123 인륜; ethics, companion リン
1124 률, 솔 [률] 비율, [솔] 거느릴; ratio, rate, proportion, %, factor, lead, spearhead, command ソツ リツ シュツ
1125 밤; chestnut リツ リ
1126 높을; hump, high, noble, prosperity リュウ
1127 언덕; mausoleum, imperial tomb, mound, hill リョウ
1128 벼슬아치; officer, an official リ
1129 밟을; perform, complete, footgear, shoes, boots, put on (the feet) リ
1130 속; back, amidst, in, reverse, inside, palm, sole, rear, lining, wrong side リ
1131 임할; look to, face, meet, confront, attend, call on リン
1132 삼; hemp, flax, numb マ マア
1133 갈; grind, polish, scour, improve, brush (teeth) マ
1134 장막; curtain, bunting, act of play マク バク
1135 없을; must not, do not, be not バク ボ マク モ ナイ
1136 아득할; vague, obscure, desert, wide バク
1137 늦을; nightfall, night バン
1138 망령될; delusion, unnecessarily, without authority, reckless モウ ボウ
1139 매화; plum バイ
1140 중매; mediator, go-between バイ
1141 보리; wheat バク
1142 맹세; alliance, oath メイ
1143 맏; chief, beginning モウ ボウ ミョウ
1144 사나울; fierce, rave, rush, become furious, wildness, strength モウ
1145 눈멀; blind, blind man, ignoramus モウ
1146 綿 솜; cotton メン
1147 잘; sleep, die, sleepy ミン
1148 면할; excuse, dismissal メン
1149 멸할; destroy, ruin, overthrow, perish メツ
1150 새길; inscription, signature (of artisan) メイ
1151 모양; form, appearance, countenance ボウ バク
1152 그리워할; pining, yearn for, love dearly, adore ボ
1153 꾀할; conspire, cheat, impose on, plan, devise, scheme, have in mind, deceive ボウ ム
1154 화목할; intimate, friendly, harmonious ボク モク
1155 빠질; not, have not, none, to drown, sink ボツ モツ
1156 어두울; ignorance, darkness, get, receive, be subjected to, sustain, Mongolia モウ ボウ
1157 꿈; dream, vision, illusion ム ボウ
1158 貿 무역할; trade, exchange ボウ
1159 무성할; overgrown, grow thick, be luxuriant モ
1160 잠잠할; silent, quiet, still, dark ボク モク
1161 먹; black ink, India ink, ink stick, Mexico ボク
1162 무늬; family crest, figures モン
1163 말; not, must not, do not, be not モチ ブツ ボツ
1164 작을; delicate, minuteness, insignificance ビ
1165 꼬리; tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain ビ
1166 닥칠; urge, force, imminent, spur on ハク
1167 엷을; dilute, thin, weak (tea), pampas grass ハク
1168 일반; carrier, carry, all, general, sort, kind ハン
1169 소반; tray, shallow bowl, platter, tub, board, phonograph record バン
1170 밥; meal, boiled rice ハン
1171 뽑을; extract, pull out, pilfer, quote, remove, omit バツ ハイ
1172 꽃다울; perfume, balmy, favorable, fragrant ホウ
1173 무리; comrade, fellow, people, companions ハイ -
1174 밀칠; repudiate, exclude, expel, reject, line up, arrange ハイ
1175 북돋울; cultivate, foster バイ
1176 맏; chief, count, earl, uncle, Brazil ハク
1177 번성할; luxuriant, thick, overgrown, frequency, complexity, trouble ハン
1178 무릇; commonplace, ordinary, mediocre ボン ハン
1179 푸를; blue, green ヘキ ヒャク
1180 셋째 천간/밝을; third class, 3rd, 3rd calendar sign ヘイ
1181 족보; musical score, music, note, staff, table, genealogy フ
1182 기울; supplement, supply, make good, offset, compensate, assistant, learner ホ
1183 복/부 다시/덮을; capsize, cover, shade, mantle, be ruined フク
1184 배; abdomen, belly, stomach フク
1185 새; male mythical bird ホウ フウ
1186 만날; meeting, tryst, date, rendezvous ホウ
1187 봉할; seal, closing フウ ホウ
1188 봉우리; peak, summit ホウ
1189 썩을; rot, decay, sour フ
1190 簿 문서; register, record book ボ
1191 부세; levy, ode, prose, poem, tribute, installment フ ブ
1192 붙을; affixed, attach, refer to, append フ
1193 부칠; adhere, attach, refer to, append フ
1194 뜰; floating, float, rise to surface フ
1195 도울; aid, help, assist フ
1196 부호; token, sign, mark, tally, charm フ
1197 어지러울; distract, be mistaken for, go astray, divert フン
1198 떨칠; stirred up, be invigorated, flourish フン
1199 달릴; run, bustle ホン
1200 떨칠; clear out, sweep away ヒツ フツ ホツ
1201 살찔; fertilizer, get fat, fertile, manure, pamper ヒ
1202 왕비; queen, princess ヒ
1203 계집종; maidservant ヒ
1204 낮을; lowly, base, vile, vulgar ヒ
1205 모래; sand サ シャ
1206 비낄; diagonal, slanting, oblique シャ
1207 제사; enshrine, worship シ
1208 말씀; part of speech, words, poetry シ
1209 간사할; wicked, injustice, wrong ジャ
1210 긴뱀; snake, serpent, hard drinker ジャ ダ イ ヤ
1211 맡을; director, official, govt office, rule, administer シ
1212 깎을; plane, sharpen, whittle, pare, shave サク
1213 수풀; forest, woods シン
1214 서리; frost ソウ
1215 오히려; esteem, furthermore, still, yet ショウ
1216 잃을; miss, mourning ソウ
1217 자세할; detailed, full, minute, accurate, well-informed ショウ
1218 뽕나무; mulberry ソウ
1219 치마; skirt ショウ
1220 갚을; reparation, make up for, recompense, redeem ショウ
1221 모양; statue, picture, image, figure, portrait ゾウ
1222 새, 색 [새] 변방, [색] 막힐; close, shut, cover, block, obstruct ソク サイ
1223 색, 삭 [색] 찾을, [삭] 노; cord, rope, searching, inquiring サク
1224 관청; signature, govt office, police station ショ
1225 천천히할; gradually, slowly, deliberately, gently ジョ
1226 실마리; end of thread, thread, clue ショ チョ
1227 용서할; excuse, tolerate, forgive ジョ ショ
1228 풀; explain シャク セキ
1229 아낄; pity, be sparing of, frugal, stingy, regret セキ
1230 돌; rotation, go around セン
1231 봉선; Zen Buddhism, silent meditation ゼン セン
1232 되살아날; be resuscitated, revived, perilla, shiso ソ ス
1233 호소할; accusation, sue, complain of pain, appeal to ソ
1234 소통할; pass through, note, commentary, estrangement, sparseness, neglect, penetrate ソ ショ
1235 불사를; burn, bake, heat, roast ショウ
1236 송사할; sue, accuse ショウ
1237 인쇄할; printing, print, brush サツ
1238 쇠사슬; chain, irons, connection サ
1239 쇠할; decline, wane, weaken スイ
1240 실어낼; transport, send, be inferior ユ シュ
1241 쓰일; demand, request, need ジュ
1242 다를; particularly, especially, exceptionally シュ
1243 따를; at the mercy of (the waves) ズイ
1244 짐승; beast, animal, bestial ジュウ
1245 드리울; droop, suspend, hang, slouch スイ
1246 장수; commander, leading troops, governor スイ
1247 목숨; longevity, congratulations ジュ ス シュウ
1248 근심; distress, grieve, lament, be anxious シュウ
1249 익을; mellow, ripen, mature, acquire skill ジュク
1250 맑을; graceful, gentle, pure シュク
1251 돌; patrol, go around, circumference ジュン
1252 열흘; decameron, ten-day period, season (for specific products) ジュン シュン
1253 눈 깜짝일; wink, blink, twinkle シュン
1254 펼; mention, state, speak, relate ジュツ
1255 젖을; wet, moist, humid, damp, an illness シツ シュウ
1256 엄습할; attack, advance on, succeed to, pile, heap シュウ
1257 습, 십 [습] 주울, [십] 열; pick up, gather, find, go on foot, ten シュウ ジュウ
1258 오를; rise up ショウ
1259 중; Buddhist priest, monk ソウ
1260 탈; power, multiplication, record, counter for vehicles ジョウ
1261 모실; waiter, samurai, wait upon, serve ジ シ
1262 꾸밀; decorate, ornament, adorn, embellish ショク
1263 삼갈; care, chastity シン
1264 심할; tremendously, very, great, exceedingly ジン
1265 살필; hearing, judge, trial シン
1266 두; pair, set, comparison, counter for pairs ソウ
1267 맑을; gracious, elegant, graceful, refined ガ
1268 언덕; Africa, flatter, fawn upon, corner, nook, recess ア オ
1269 싹; bud, sprout, spear, germ ガ
1270 어금니; tusk, fang, tusk radical (no. 92) ガ ゲ
1271 나; ego, I, selfish, our, oneself ガ
1272 버금; rank, follow ア
1273 언덕; beach ガン
1274 얼굴; face, expression ガン
1275 바위; rock, crag, boulder ガン
1276 가운데; center, middle オウ
1277 우러를; face-up, look up, depend, seek, respect, rever, drink, take ギョウ コウ
1278 슬플; pathetic, grief, sorrow, pathos, pity, sympathize アイ
1279 약, 야 [약] 같을, [야] 반야; young, if, perhaps, possibly, low number, immature ジャク ニャク ニャ
1280 사양할; allow, permit, yield, concede ジョウ
1281 날릴; raise, elevate, hoist, praise, extol, fry in deep fat ヨウ
1282 흙덩이; soil, loam, earth, rich ジョウ
1283 임금/거느릴; honorable, manipulate, govern ギョ ゴ
1284 생각할; recollection, think, remember オク
1285 누를; repress, well, now, in the first place, push, shove, press, seal, do in spite of ヨク
1286 역; station エキ
1287 부릴; duty, war, campaign, drafted labor, office, service, role ヤク エキ
1288 또; also, again エキ ヤク
1289 번역할; translate, decode, encode ヤク
1290 전염병; epidemic エキ ヤク
1291 연할; soft ナン
1292 沿 물을 따라 내려갈; run alongside, follow along, run along, lie along エン
1293 잔치; banquet, feast, party エン
1294 제비; swallow (bird) エン
1295 기쁠; ecstasy, joy, rapture エツ
1296 소금; salt エン
1297 물들; dye, color, paint, stain, print セン
1298 불꽃; inflammation, flame, blaze エン
1299 그림자; shadow, silhouette, phantom エイ
1300 기릴/명예; fame, reputation, praise ヨ
1301 까마귀; crow, raven ウ オ
1302 깨달을; enlightenment, perceive, discern, realize, understand ゴ
1303 옥; prison, jail ゴク
1304 기와; tile, gram ガ
1305 느릴; slacken, loosen, relax, lessen, be moderate, ease カン
1306 욕될; embarrass, humiliate, shame ジョク
1307 하고자 할; longing, covetousness, greed, passion, desire, craving ヨク
1308 욕심; covetousness, greed, passion, desire, craving ヨク
1309 근심; melancholy, grieve, lament, be anxious, sad, unhappy ユウ
1310 깃; feathers; counter for birds, rabbits ウ
1311 어리석을; foolish, folly, absurdity, stupid グ
1312 집; eaves, roof, house, heaven ウ
1313 짝; accidentally, even number, couple, man & wife, same kind グウ
1314 운; rhyme, elegance, tone イン
1315 넘을; surpass, cross over, move to, exceed, Vietnam エツ オツ
1316 거짓; lie, falsehood, deceive, pretend ギ カ
1317 밥통; stomach, paunch, crop, craw イ
1318 이를; reason, origin, history, oral tradition イ
1319 벼리; fiber, tie, rope イ
1320 꾈; entice, lead, tempt, invite, ask, call for, seduce, allure ユウ
1321 넉넉할; abundant, rich, fertile ユウ
1322 오히려; furthermore, still, yet ユウ ユ
1323 어릴; infancy, childhood ヨウ
1324 멀; permanence, distant, long time, leisure ユウ
1325 그윽할; seclude, confine to a room, deep, profound, secluded, faint, dark, tranquil, calm ユウ
1326 부드러울; tender, weakness, gentleness, softness ジュウ ニュウ
1327 윤택할; wet, be watered, profit by, receive benefits, favor, charm, steep ジュン
1328 음란할; lewdness, licentiousness イン
1329 둘째 천간/새; the latter, duplicate, strange, witty, fishhook radical (no. 5) オツ イツ
1330 이미; stop, halt, previously, already, long ago イ
1331 날개; wing, plane, flank ヨク
1332 참을; endure, bear, put up with, conceal, secrete, spy, sneak ニン
1333 편안할; deviate, idleness, leisure, miss the mark, evade, elude, parry, diverge イツ
1334 아홉번째 천간/북방; 9th calendar sign ニン ジン イ
1335 품삯; fare, fee, hire, rent, wages, charge チン
1336 사랑; mercy ジ
1337 자/척 찌를; thorn, pierce, stab, prick, sting, calling card シ
1338 자줏빛; purple, violet シ
1339 잠깐; temporarily, a while, moment, long time ザン
1340 잠길; conceal, hide, lower (voice), hush セン
1341 감출; hide, own, have, possess ゾウ ソウ
1342 오장; viscera, bowels ゾウ
1343 장사지낼; interment, bury, shelve ソウ
1344 풀성할; broom ソウ ショウ チャン
1345 단장할; cosmetics, adorn (one's person) ショウ
1346 손바닥; manipulate, rule, administer, conduct, palm of hand ショウ
1347 어른/길이; length, ten shaku, measure, Mr., Ms., height, stature, all (one has), only, that's all, merely ジョウ
1348 실을; ride, board, get on, place, spread, 10**44, record, publish サイ
1349 마를; tailor, judge, decision, cut out (pattern) サイ
1350 심을; plantation, planting サイ
1351 막을; resist, reach, touch テイ
1352 나타날; renowned, publish, write, remarkable, phenomenal, put on, don, wear, arrival, finish (race), counter for suits of clothing, literary work チョ チャク
1353 발자취; tracks, mark, print, impression セキ
1354 피리; flute, clarinet, pipe, whistle, bagpipe, piccolo テキ
1355 자취; remains, traces, footprint セキ シャク
1356 딸; pinch, pick, pluck, trim, clip, summarize テキ
1357 고요할; loneliness, quietly, mellow, mature, death of a priest ジャク セキ
1358 殿 전각; Mr., hall, mansion, palace, temple, lord デン テン
1359 점점; steadily, gradually advancing, finally, barely ゼン
1360 정수리; place on the head, receive, top of head, top, summit, peak チョウ
1361 깨끗할; pure, clean, unspoiled ジョウ セイ
1362 조정; courts, imperial court, government office テイ
1363 우물; well, well crib, town, community セイ ショウ
1364 칠; subjugate, attack the rebellious, collect taxes セイ
1365 정자; pavilion, restaurant, mansion, arbor, cottage, vaudeville, music hall, stage name テイ チン
1366 곧을; upright, chastity, constancy, righteousness テイ ジョウ
1367 모두; various, many, several, together ショ
1368 가지런할; alike, equal, similar, Saito セイ サイ
1369 비칠; illuminate, shine, compare, bashful ショウ
1370 조세; tariff, crop tax, borrowing ソ
1371 조짐/조; portent, 10**12, trillion, sign, omen, symptoms チョウ
1372 세로; indulge in, give free reign to ジュウ
1373 앉을; sit ザ サ
1374 쇠불릴; cast, mint チュウ シュ シュウ
1375 구슬; pearl, gem, jewel シュ
1376 기둥; pillar, post, cylinder, support チュウ
1377 물가; continent, sandbar, island, country シュウ ス
1378 아뢸/연주할; play music, speak to a ruler, complete ソウ
1379 집; mid-air, air, space, sky, memorization, interval of time チュウ
1380 그루; stocks, stump, shares, stock, counter for small plants シュ
1381 버금; go-between, relationship チュウ
1382 곧; promptly ソク ショク
1383 증세; symptoms, illness ショウ
1384 찔; steam, heat, sultry, foment, get musty ジョウ セイ
1385 일찍; once, before, formerly, ever, never, ex- ソウ ソ ゾウ
1386 미울; hate, detest ゾウ
1387 못; pond, cistern, pool, reservoir チ
1388 갈; of, this シ
1389 가지; bough, branch, twig, limb, counter for branches シ
1390 우레; quake, shake, tremble, quiver, shiver シン
1391 진압할; ancient peace-preservation centers チン
1392 떨칠; shake, wave, wag, swing シン
1393 베풀; exhibit, state, relate, explain チン
1394 다섯째지지/별; sign of the dragon, 7-9AM, fifth sign of Chinese zodiac, shin dragon radical (no. 161) シン ジン
1395 차례; regularity, salary, order チツ
1396 병; rapidly シツ
1397 잡을; tenacious, take hold, grasp, take to heart シツ シュウ
1398 부를; summon, recruit, musical note チョウ チ
1399 이; this, current, next, coming, last, past シ
1400 빌릴; borrow, rent シャク
1401 어긋날; confused, mix, be in disorder サク シャク
1402 도울; help, support, assist, aid サン
1403 푸를; blue, pale ソウ
1404 창성할; prosperous, bright, clear ショウ
1405 곳집; godown, warehouse, storehouse, cellar, treasury ソウ
1406 빚; bond, loan, debt サイ
1407 나물; vegetable, side dish, greens サイ
1408 채색; coloring, paint, makeup サイ
1409 꾀; scheme, plan, policy, step, means サク
1410 아내; wife, spouse サイ
1411 척, 탁 [척] 넓힐, [탁] 박을; clear (the land), open, break up (land) タク
1412 자; shaku, Japanese foot, measure, scale, rule シャク
1413 겨레; grieve, relatives ソク セキ
1414 밟을; step on, trample, practice, carry through セン
1415 옮길; transition, move, change セン
1416 천할; despise, low-life, poverty セン ゼン
1417 얕을; shallow, not deep, superficial セン
1418 통할; penetrate, clear, pierce, strike home, sit up (all night) テツ
1419 밝을; philosophy, clear テツ
1420 막힐; block up, obstruct, stagnant タイ テイ
1421 주춧돌; cornerstone, foundation stone ソ
1422 뛰어넘을; transcend, super-, ultra- チョウ
1423 닮을; resemblance ショウ
1424 재촉할; stimulate, urge, press, demand, incite ソク
1425 닿을; touch, feel, hit, proclaim, announce, conflict, contact ショク
1426 재촉할; sponsor, hold (a meeting), give (a dinner) サイ
1427 따를; chase, drive away, follow, pursue, meanwhile ツイ
1428 기를; livestock, domestic fowl and animals チク
1429 찌를; collide, brunt, highway, opposition (astronomy), thrust, pierce, stab, prick ショウ
1430 취할; get drunk, feel sick, poisoned, elated, spellbound スイ
1431 불; blow, breathe, puff, emit, smoke スイ
1432 곁; side, lean, oppose, regret ソク
1433 어릴; immature, young チ ジ
1434 값; price, cost, value チ
1435 부끄러워할; shame, dishonor チ
1436 옻; lacquer, varnish, seven シツ
1437 침, 심 [침] 잠길, [심-] 성씨; sink, be submerged, subside, be depressed, aloes チン ジン
1438 담글; immersed, soak, dip, steep, moisten, wet, dunk シン
1439 빼앗을; rob, take by force, snatch away, dispossess, plunder, usurp ダツ
1440 탑; pagoda, tower, steeple トウ
1441 끓일; hot water, bath, hot spring トウ
1442 클; peaceful, calm, peace, easy, Thailand, extreme, excessive, great タイ
1443 위태할; almost, quite, really タイ サイ
1444 못; swamp タク
1445 토끼; rabbit, hare ト ツ
1446 토할; spit, vomit, belch, confess, tell (lies) ト
1447 통할; transparent, permeate, filter, penetrate トウ
1448 판목; printing block, printing plate, edition, impression, label ハン
1449 엮을; compilation, knit, plait, braid, twist, editing, completed poem, part of a book ヘン
1450 조각; one-sided, leaf, sheet, right-side kata radical (no. 91) ヘン
1451 치우칠; partial, side, left-side radical, inclining, biased ヘン
1452 허파; lungs ハイ
1453 폐할; abrogate, terminate, discard ハイ
1454 해질; abuse, evil, vice, breakage ヘイ
1455 개; bay, creek, inlet, gulf, beach, seacoast ホ
1456 잡을; catch, capture ホ
1457 단풍; maple フウ
1458 가죽; pelt, skin, hide, leather, skin radical (no. 107) ヒ
1459 입을; incur, cover, veil, brood over, shelter, wear, put on, be exposed (film), receiving ヒ
1460 저; he, that, the ヒ
1461 마칠; the end, finish ヒツ
1462 멜; baggage, shoulder-pole load, bear (a burden), shoulder (a gun), load, cargo, freight カ
1463 어찌; what カ
1464 하례할; congratulations, joy ガ
1465 학; crane, stork カク
1466 땀; sweat, perspire カン
1467 벨; proportion, comparatively, divide, cut, separate, split カツ
1468 머금을; contain, include, hold in the mouth, bear in mind, understand, cherish ガン
1469 빠질; fall into, cave in, fall (castle), slide into カン
1470 항목; paragraph, nape of neck, clause, item, term (expression) コウ
1471 항상; constancy, always コウ
1472 울릴; echo, sound, resound, ring, vibrate キョウ
1473 바칠; offer, present, show, display ケン コン
1474 검을; mysterious, occultness, black, deep, profound ゲン
1475 매달; state of suspension, hang, depend, consult, distant, far apart ケン ケ
1476 구멍; hole, aperture, slit, cave, den ケツ
1477 위협할; threaten, coerce キョウ
1478 저울대; equilibrium, measuring rod, scale コウ
1479 슬기로울; wise ケイ エ
1480 범; tiger, drunkard コ
1481 호걸; overpowering, great, powerful, excelling, Australia ゴウ
1482 클; wide expanse, abundance, vigorous コウ
1483 오랑캐; barbarian, foreign ウ コ ゴ
1484 미혹할; beguile, delusion, perplexity ワク
1485 넋; soul, spirit コン
1486 갑자기; in a moment, instantly, all of a sudden, neglect, disregard コツ
1487 넓을; deluge, flood, vast コウ
1488 재앙; calamity, misfortune, evil, curse カ
1489 바꿀; interchange, period, change, convert, replace, renew カン
1490 돌아올; send back, return カン
1491 거칠; laid waste, rough, rude, wild コウ
1492 임금; emperor コウ オウ
1493 뉘우칠; repent, regret カイ
1494 품을; pocket, feelings, heart, yearn, miss someone, become attached to, bosom, breast カイ エ
1495 얻을; seize, get, find, earn, acquire, can, may, able to カク
1496 그을; divide カク
1497 가로; across, horizontal, lateral オウ コウ
1498 가슴; bosom, breast, chest, heart, feelings キョウ
1499 드물; rare, phenomenal, dilute (acid) キ ケ
1500 희롱할; play, frolic, sport ギ ゲ
1501 물리칠; instead, on the contrary, rather, step back, withdraw, retreat キャク
1502 간음할; wicked, mischief, seduce, rape, noisy カン ケン
1503 목마를; thirsty, parched, yearn, pine カツ
1504 슬퍼할; rue, be sad, sigh, lament ガイ
1505 다; all, everything カイ
1506 빌; beg, invite, ask コツ キツ キ キケ コチ
1507 비단; silk ケン
1508 보낼; dispatch, despatch, send, give, donate, do, undertake ケン
1509 이끌; pull, tug, drag, lead by hand ケン
1510 어깨; shoulder ケン
1511 벼슬; you, lord, secretary, state minister ケイ キョウ
1512 일곱째천간/별; 7th, 7th calendar sign コウ
1513 마침내; end, finally キョウ ケイ
1514 열째천간/북방; 10th calendar sign キ
1515 맬; attach, connect, unite, fasten ケイ
1516 돌아볼; look back, review, examine oneself, turn around コ
1517 마를; wither, die, dry up, be seasoned コ
1518 땅; divination sign, land, earth コン
1519 둘레; enclosure, quarters, fortification, red-light district カク
1520 걸; hang, suspend, depend, arrive at, tax, pour カイ ケイ
1521 흙덩이; clod, lump, chunk, clot, mass カイ ケ
1522 부끄러워할; feel ashamed, shy キ
1523 바로잡을; rectify, straighten, correct, reform, cure, control, pretend, falsify キョウ
1524 들; outskirts, suburbs, rural area コウ
1525 몰; spur a horse on, expel, drive away ク
1526 함께; all, together, accompany ク
1527 개; puppy, dog ク コウ
1528 두려워할; fear, overawed ク
1529 진실로/구차할; any, at all, in the least コウ ク
1530 그; that ケツ クツ
1531 바퀴자국; rut, wheel, track, model, way of doing キ
1532 귀, 구, 균 [귀] 거북, [구] 땅이름, [균] 터질; turtle, tortoise キ キュウ キン
1533 얽을; twist, ask, investigate, verify キュウ
1534 부르짖을; shout, exclaim, yell キョウ
1535 삼갈; discreet, reverently, humbly キン
1536 도끼; axe, 1.32 lb, catty, counter for loaves of bread, axe radical (no. 69) キン
1537 겨우; a wee bit キン ゴン
1538 즐길; agreement, consent, comply with コウ
1539 주릴; hungry, starve キ
1540 어찌; an interjection of surprise カイ ガイ キ
1541 버릴; abandon, throw away, discard, resign, reject, sacrifice キ
1542 몇; how many, how much, how far, how long, some, several キ
1543 이미; previously, already, long ago キ
1544 꺼릴; mourning, abhor, detestable, death anniversary キ
1545 속일; deceit, cheat, delude ギ
1546 어찌; what? ナ ダ
1547 나/내 어찌; Nara, what? ナ ナイ ダイ
1548 이에; from, possessive particle, whereupon, accordingly ナイ ダイ ノ アイ
1549 번뇌할; angered, filled with hate ノウ
1551 벼; rice plant トウ テ
1552 뛸; hop, leap up, spring, jerk, prance, buck, splash, sputter, snap チョウ
1553 돋울; challenge, contend for, make love to チョウ
1554 칠할; paint, plaster, daub, smear, coating ト
1555 도타울; fervent, kind, cordial, serious, deliberate トク
1556 도타울; industry, kindliness トン タイ ダン チョウ
1557 돼지; pork, pig トン
1558 진칠; barracks, police station, camp, ton トン
1559 둔할; dull, slow, foolish, blunt ドン
1560 오를; leaping up, jumping up, rising, advancing, going トウ
1561 넘칠; excessive, overflow, spread out ラン
1562 노략질할; pillage, rob, graze, skim, sweep over, cheat, hint リャク リョウ
1563 믿을; fact, reality, understand, appreciate リョウ
1564 불쌍히여길; pity, have mercy, sympathise, compassion レン
1565 못할; inferiority, be inferior to, be worse レツ
1566 청렴할; bargain, reason, charge, suspicion, point, account, purity, honest, low price, cheap, rested, contented, peaceful レン
1567 사냥; hunt, field sports リョウ レフ
1568 떨어질; zero, spill, overflow, nothing, cipher レイ
1569 종; slave, servant, prisoner, criminal, follower レイ
1570 鹿 사슴; deer ロク
1571 동료; colleague, official, companion リョウ
1572 마칠; complete, finish リョウ
1573 눈물; tears, weep, cry ルイ レイ
1574 여러; frequently, often, again & again ル
1575 배나무; pear tree リ
1576 이웃; neighboring リン
1577 흩어질; cartoon, involuntarily, unrestrained, in spite of oneself, corrupt マン
1578 거만할; ridicule, laziness マン
1579 없을/속일/그물; net モウ ボウ
1580 아득할; wide, extensive ボウ
1581 바쁠; busy, occupied, restless ボウ モウ
1582 잊을; forget ボウ
1583 묻을; bury, be filled up, embedded マイ
1584 어두울; dark メイ ミョウ
1585 아무; so-and-so, one, a certain, that person ボウ
1586 저물; evening, twilight, season's end, livelihood, make a living, spend time ボ
1587 모을/뽑을; recruit, campaign, gather (contributions), enlist, grow violent ボ
1588 무릅쓸; risk, face, defy, dare, damage, assume (a name) ボウ
1589 업신여길; scorn, despise, make light of, contempt ブ
1590 모; seedling, sapling, shoot ビョウ ミョウ
1591 사당; mausoleum, shrine, palace ビョウ ミョウ
1592 넷째지지/토끼; sign of the hare or rabbit, fourth sign of Chinese zodiac, 5-7AM, east ボウ モウ
1593 안개; fog, mist ム ボウ ブ
1594 다섯째 천간; 5th calendar sign ボ ボウ
1595 미혹할; astray, be perplexed, in doubt, lost, err, illusion メイ
1596 눈썹; eyebrow ビ ミ
1597 민첩할; cleverness, agile, alert ビン
1598 민망할; anxiety, mercy ビン ミン
1599 꿀; honey, nectar, molasses ミツ ビツ
1600 배댈/머무를; overnight stay, put up at, ride at anchor ハク
1601 돌아올; return, answer, fade, repay ヘン
1602 짝; consort, accompany, bring with, companion ハン バン
1603 배반할; disobey, defy, go back on, rebel, rebellion ハン ホン
1604 나라; home country, country, Japan ホウ
1605 곁; bystander, side, besides, while, nearby, third person ボウ
1606 본뜰; emulate, imitate ホウ
1607 잔; counter for cupfuls, wine glass, glass, toast ハイ
1608 뒤칠; flip over, upset, capsize ハン ホン
1609 번거로울; anxiety, trouble, worry, pain, ill, annoy, nuisance, irksome ハン ボン
1610 분별할; discrimination, dispose of, distinguish ベン ヘン
1611 병풍; ヘイ ビョウ
1612 나란히; line up, be in a row, rank with, rival, equal ヘイ ホウ
1613 점; divining, fortune-telling, divination or katakana to radical (no. 25) ボク
1614 벌; bee, wasp, hornet ホウ
1615 나아갈; proceed, get, become, tend フ
1616 무덤; tomb, mound フン
1617 벗; companion, friend ホウ
1618 무너질; crumble, die, demolish, level ホウ
1619 자주; repeatedly, recur ヒン
1620 손; V.I.P., guest ヒン
1621 부를; invite ヘイ
1622 이; this, thus, such, verbal pause シ
1623 속일; lie, falsehood, deceive, pretend サ
1624 버릴; discard, throw away, abandon, resign, reject, sacrifice シャ
1625 여섯째 지지/뱀; sign of the snake or serpent, 9-11AM, sixth sign of Chinese zodiac シ
1626 줄; grant, gift, boon, results シ
1627 같을; becoming, resemble, counterfeit, imitate, suitable ジ
1628 초하루; conjunction (astronomy), first day of month, north サク
1629 상서; auspicious, happiness, blessedness, good omen, good fortune ショウ
1630 맛볼; once, before, formerly, ever, never, ex-, lick, lap up, burn up, taste, undergo, underrate, despise ショウ ジョウ
1631 갈; departed, die セイ
1632 여러; commoner, all, bastard ショ
1633 펼; express, state, relate, narrate ジョ
1634 맹세할; vow, swear, pledge セイ
1635 더울; sultry, hot, summer heat ショ
1636 쪼갤; chop, divide, tear, analyze セキ
1637 예; once upon a time, antiquity, old times セキ シャク
1638 건널; ford stream, wade across ショウ
1639 다스릴; surrogate, act in addition to セツ ショウ
1640 나물; greens, vegetables ソ ショ
1641 떠들; harass, bother, annoy, disturb, agitate, sad, grieved ソウ
1642 밝을; shining, bright ショウ
1643 부를; seduce, call, send for, wear, put on, ride in, buy, eat, drink, catch (cold) ショウ
1644 조; millet ゾク ショク ソク
1645 욀; recite, chant ショウ ジュ ズ
1646 모름지기; ought, by all means, necessarily ス シュ
1647 찾을; search, seek, investigate ソウ シュ シュウ
1648 드디어; consummate, accomplish, attain, commit (suicide) スイ
1649 가둘; captured, criminal, arrest, catch シュウ
1650 졸음; drowsy, sleep, die スイ
1651 누구; who, someone, somebody スイ
1652 비록; although, however スイ
1653 누구; which, how, who ジュク
1654 돌; sequential, follow ジュン
1655 입술; lip シン
1656 따라죽을; martyrdom, follow by resigning ジュン
1657 열한째지지/개; sign of the dog, 7-9PM, eleventh sign of Chinese zodiac ジュツ
1658 화살; dart, arrow シ
1659 매울/여덟째 천간; spicy, bitter, hot, acrid シン
1660 펼; expand, stretch, extend, lengthen, increase シン
1661 새벽; morning, early シン
1662 찾을; inquire, fathom, look for ジン
1663 주릴; starve, hungry, thirst ガ
1664 큰산; point, peak, mountain ガク
1665 기러기; wild goose ガン
1666 뵐; audience, audience (with king) エツ
1667 누를; push, stop, check, subdue, attach, seize, weight, shove, press, seal, do in spite of オウ
1668 재앙; misfortune, disaster, calamity オウ ヨウ
1669 물가; horizon, shore, limit, bound ガイ
1670 액; unlucky, misfortune, bad luck, disaster ヤク
1671 어조사; question mark ヤ ジャ
1672 어조사/잇기; to be (classical) ヤ エ
1673 뛸; leap, dance, skip ヤク
1674 버들; willow ヨウ
1675 어조사; at, in, on, as for オ ヨ
1676 어찌; how, why, then エン
1677 너; you, thou ジョ
1678 輿 수레; palanquin, bier, public opinion, the earth ヨ
1679 나; too much, myself, surplus, other, remainder ヨ
1680 나; beforehand, previous, myself, I ヨ シャ
1681 볼; review, inspection, revision エツ
1682 헤엄칠; swim エイ
1683 읊을; recitation, poem, song, composing エイ
1684 날카로울; pointed, sharpness, edge, weapon, sharp, violent エイ
1685 더러울; dirty, pollute, disgrace, rape, defile オ
1686 즐길; recreation, pleasure ゴ
1687 탄식할; weep, ah, alas ウ オ
1688 나; I, my, our, one's own ゴ
1689 거만할; be proud ゴウ
1690 안을; hug, embrace, possess, protect, lead ヨウ
1691 늙은이; venerable old man オウ
1692 누울; bend down, bow, lie prostrate ガ
1693 가로; say, reason, pretext, history, past, flat sun radical (no. 73) エツ
1694 두려워할; fear, majestic, graciously, be apprehensive イ
1695 흔들; wag, swing, wave, shake, scull ヨウ
1696 허리; loins, hips, waist, low wainscoting ヨウ
1697 멀; far off, distant, long ago ヨウ
1698 떳떳할; commonplace, ordinary, employment ヨウ
1699 또; or again, furthermore, on the other hand ユウ
1700 어조사; going, from ウ ク
1701 더욱; reasonable, just, natural, superb, outstanding, plausible ユウ
1702 이를; say ウン
1703 씨; horizontal, woof, left & right, (parallels of) latitude, prediction イ
1704 어긋날; difference, differ イ
1705 생각할; consider, reflect, think イ ユイ
1706 나을; be superior, heal, more and more, increasingly, finally, beyond doubt ユ
1707 열째 지지/닭; west, bird, sign of the bird, 5-7PM, tenth sign of Chinese zodiac, sake radical (no. 164) ユウ
1708 오직; solely, only, merely, simply ユイ イ
1709 윤달; intercalation, illegitimate throne ジュン
1710 읊을; versify, singing, recital ギン
1711 울; cry, weep, moan キュウ
1712 엉길; congeal, freeze, stiff, be absorbed in ギョウ
1713 마땅할; best regards, good ギ
1714 어조사; sentence particle イ
1715 말 이을; and yet, and then, but, however, nevertheless ジ ニ
1716 오랑캐; barbarian, savage, Ainu イ
1717 셋째 지지/범; sign of the tiger, 3-5AM, third sign of Chinese zodiac イン
1718 혼인; matrimony, marry イン
1719 이; now, here, this, time, year シ ケン
1720 마음대로; selfish, arbitrary シ
1721 술부을; bar-tending, serving sake, the host, draw (water), ladle, scoop, pump シャク
1722 벼슬; baron, peerage, court rank シャク
1723 담; fence, hedge ショウ
1724 재상; superintend, manager, rule サイ
1725 어조사; how, what, alas, question mark, exclamation mark サイ
1726 물방울; drip, drop テキ
1727 훔칠; steal, secret, private, hushed セツ
1728 나비; butterfly チョウ
1729 바로잡을; revise, correct, decide テイ
1730 둑; dike, bank, embankment テイ
1731 조상할; condolences, mourning, funeral チョウ
1732 마를; parch, dry up ソウ
1733 졸렬할; bungling, clumsy, unskillful セツ
1734 도울; assistant, help サ
1735 배; boat, ship シュウ
1736 준걸; sagacious, genius, excellence シュン
1737 좇을; abide by, follow, obey, learn ジュン
1738 줄; presents, send, give to, award to, confer on, presenting something ゾウ ソウ
1739 더딜; late, tardy, slow, delay チ
1740 다만; only, free, in addition シ
1741 조카; niece テツ チツ ジチ イツ イチ
1742 징계할; penal, chastise, punish, discipline チョウ
1743 또; moreover, also, furthermore ショ ソ ショウ
1744 잡을; catch, capture ソク サク
1745 참혹할; sad, pitiful, wretched, cruel サン
1746 부끄러워할; ashamed, humiliated, shameful ザン
1747 화창할; stretch チョウ
1748 물리칠; reject, retreat, recede, withdraw, repel, repulse セキ
1749 천거할; recommend, mat, advise, encourage, offer セン
1750 더할; annexed, accompany, marry, suit, meet, satisfy, attach, append, garnish, imitate テン
1751 뾰족할; be pointed, sharp, taper, displeased, angry, edgy セン
1752 첩; concubine ショウ
1753 갤; clear up セイ
1754 바꿀; exchange, spare, substitute, per- タイ
1755 갈릴; hand over, deliver, substitute テイ
1756 잡을; apprehend, chase タイ
1757 분초; second (1/60 minute) ビョウ
1758 뽑을; extract, selection, summary, copy, spread thin ショウ
1759 촛불; light, candlepower ソク ショク
1760 귀밝을; wise, fast learner ソウ
1761 뽑을; pluck, pull, extract, excel チュウ
1762 추할; ugly, unclean, shame, bad looking シュウ
1763 쫓을; pursue, drive away, chase, accomplish, attain, commit チク
1764 두번째 지지/소; sign of the ox or cow, 1-3AM, second sign of Chinese zodiac チュウ
1765 냄새; stinking, ill-smelling, suspicious looking, odor, savor, fragrance, be fragrant, stink, glow, be bright シュウ
1766 베게; pillow チン シン
1767 떨어질; descend to, lapse into, degenerate ダ
1768 온당할; gentle, peace, depravity ダ
1769 흐릴; voiced, uncleanness, wrong, nigori, impurity ダク ジョク
1770 씻을; laundry, wash, pour on, rinse タク
1771 맡길; requesting, entrusting with, pretend, hint タク
1772 거짓/낳을; nativity, be born, declension, lie, be arbitrary タン
1773 탐할; covet, indulge in タン ドン トン
1774 게으를; neglect, laziness タイ
1775 자못/치우칠; prejudiced, exceedingly ハ
1776 뿌릴; plant, sow ハ バン ハン
1777 잡을; grasp, faggot, bunch, counter for bundles ハ ワ
1778 파할; quit, stop, leave, withdraw, go ヒ
1779 팔; marketing, sell, trade ハン
1780 조개; shellfish バイ
1781 두루; everywhere, times, widely, generally ヘン
1782 비단; cash, bad habit, humble prefix, gift, Shinto offerings of cloth, rope, cut paper ヘイ
1783 덮을; cover, shade, mantle, capsize, be ruined ヘイ ヘツ フツ
1784 배부를; sated, tired of, bored, satiate ホウ
1785 안을; embrace, hug, hold in arms ホウ
1786 폭; hanging scroll, width フク
1787 떠다닐; drift, float (on liquid) ヒョウ
1788 짝; equal, head, counter for small animals, roll of cloth ヒツ
1789 가물; drought, dry weather カン
1790 다; all, same カン ゲン
1791 거리; fork in road, scene, arena, theater コウ
1792 갖출; above-stated, the said, that specific ガイ
1793 열두째 지지/돼지; sign of the hog, 9-11PM, twelfth sign of the Chinese zodiac ガイ カイ
1794 어찌; servant, what, why ケイ
1795 누릴; enjoy, receive, undergo, answer (phone), take, get, catch キョウ コウ
1796 집; flats, counter for houses, eaves ケン
1797 고을; county, district, subdivision ケン
1798 줄; string, cord, samisen music ゲン
1799 싫어할; dislike, detest, hate ケン ゲン
1800 형통할; pass through, go smoothly コウ キョウ ホウ
1801 반딧불이; firefly ケイ
1802 어조사; auxiliary word for euphony or emphasis ケイ
1803 터럭; fine hair, brush, not at all ゴウ コウ
1804 서로; mutually, reciprocally, together ゴ
1805 어조사; question mark, ? コ オ
1806 어두울; dark, evening, dusk コン
1807 기러기; large bird, wild goose, large, great, powerful, prosperous コウ ゴウ
1808 클; vast, broad, wide コウ グ
1809 벼; two-branch tree radical (no. 115) カ
1810 넓힐; broaden, extend, expand, enlarge カク コウ
1811 거둘; harvest, reap カク
1812 둥글; round, full (month), perfection, -ship, pills, make round, roll up, curl up, seduce, explain away ガン
1813 새벽; dawn, daybreak, clear, explicit キョウ ギョウ
1814 제후; marquis, lord, daimyo コウ
1815 헐; break, destroy, censure, be chipped, be scratched, be broken, be ruined キ
1816 빛날; radiance, shine, sparkle, gleam, twinkle キ
1817 이끌; portable, carry (in hand), armed with, bring along ケイ
Уровень 2
1818 부처이름; (used phonetically) カ ケ
1819 가지; handle カ
1820 가, 고 [가] 성씨, [고] 장사; buy, tradesman コ カ
1821 수레; difficult progress カ
1822 절; nursing, attending, entertainer カ ガ キャ ギャ
1823 쌍옥; two pieces of jade joined together カク コク
1824 몽둥이; shield, pole カン
1825 괘이름; northeast (Oriental zodiac), stopping, good radical (no. 138) コン ゴン
1826 오랑캐이름; leather boots, drum, tribe name カツ ガチ セツ ゼチ
1827 칡; arrowroot, kudzu カツ カチ
1828 섭섭할; remorse, regret, be sorry カン
1829 감, 한 [감] 땅이름, [한] 조나라서울; place name, tree cricket カン
1830 곶; headland, cape, spit, promontory コウ
1831 갑옷; Potassium (element), kalium コウ キョウ
1832 지경; boundary キョウ
1833 굳셀; strong キョウ ゴウ
1834 산등성이; mount, hill, knoll コウ
1835 언덕; hill コウ
1836 성씨; Chinese surname, ginger キョウ ガ
1837 높은 땅; high and dry place カイ
1838 클; man with shellfish kanji カイ
1839 구덩이; pit, hole コウ
1840 열쇠/자물쇠; key ケン
1841 홰/하왕이름; measuring box ケツ
1842 뛰어날; hero, heroic, outstanding ケツ ゲチ
1843 높이 들; raise, lift up, surname ケイ ケツ
1844 쉴; recess, rest, relax, repose ケイ
1845 질그릇; porcelain, make clear, distinguish between ケン シン
1846 구슬; red jewel, beautiful jewel ケイ
1847 옥빛; luster of gem エイ ヨウ ケイ キョウ
1848 빛날; brilliance ケイ キョウ エイ ヨウ
1849 경계할; warn, warning ケイ ショウ
1850 품팔; employ, hire コ
1851 못/언덕; swamp, shore コウ
1852 곶, 관 [곶] 땅이름, [관] 꿸; spit, skewer カン ケン セン
1853 창; halberd, arms, festival car, float, tasselled spear radical (no. 62) カ
1854 외; melon カ ケ
1855 과자; candy, cakes, fruit カ
1856 항목/정성; goodwill, article, section, friendship, collusion カン
1857 옥피리; jade tube used as an instrument カン コン
1858 회화나무; type of Japanese pagoda tree カイ
1859 허수아비; large カイ
1860 더부살이; expatriate, person living abroad, temporary home キョウ
1861 아교; glue, isinglass コウ キョウ
1862 목맬; strangle, constrict, wring コウ
1863 땅이름; hill キュウ
1864 살; subscription, buy コウ
1865 갈매기; seagull, tern オウ
1866 옥돌; beautiful black jewel, nine キュウ ク
1867 유럽/칠; Europe オウ
1868 공/국문할; ball キク キュウ
1869 굴; cavern クツ コツ
1870 팔; dig, delve, excavate クツ
1871 우리; sphere, circle, radius, range ケン
1872 대궐; lack, gap, fail, imperial palace ケツ
1873 안방; bedroom ケイ ケ
1874 홀; jade scepter or tablet (authority symbol) ケイ
1875 헤아릴; category, plan, drumstick キ
1876 서옥/홀; square jewel, corner, angle, edge ケイ ケ
1877 별; star, god of literature ケイ キ
1878 아름다운 옥; jewel キン
1879 槿 무궁화; rose of Sharon キン
1880 떨릴; discreet, careful キョウ
1881 천리마; fast horse, talent キ
1882 기린; Chinese unicorn, genius, giraffe, bright, shining キ
1883 키; winnowing キ
1884 늙을; senility キ シ
1885 아름다운 옥; type of jade キ
1886 별이름; pearl that is not quite round キ ケ
1887 준마; fast horse キ
1888 갈림길; branch off, fork in road, scene, arena, theater キ ギ
1889 옥이름; gem, precious stone, jade キ
1890 물이름; name of a Chinese river キ
1891 물이름; name of a Chinese river ギ キ ギン
1892 바둑; chess piece, Japanese chess, shogi キ
1893 바랄; hope for, wish, Hebei province キ
1894 짙을; concentrated, thick, dark, undiluted ノウ
1895 尿 오줌; urine ニョウ
1896 여승; nun ニ
1897 빠질; drown, indulge デキ ジョウ ニョウ
1898 쇠불릴; forge, discipline, train タン
1899 여울; rapids タン
1900 못; deep water, deep タン ジン
1901 쓸개; gall bladder, bravery, courage タン
1902 못; dike, embankment トウ
1903 일; be crowned with, live under (a ruler), receive タイ
1904 터; swamp, wetlands, muddy fields, (kokuji) タイ ダイ
1905 덕; ethics, morality, virtue トク
1906 비칠; shine, illuminate, cover, envelop トウ チュウ ジュ
1907 슬퍼할; lament, grieve over トウ
1908 조아릴; suddenly, immediately, in a hurry, arrange, stay in place, bow, kowtow トン トツ
1909 불빛; fiery トン
1910 도타울; sincere, kind, considerate シュン ジュン トン
1911 사람이름
1912 바를; correct トウ
1913 마룻대; ridgepole, ridge トウ
1914 오동나무; paulownia トウ ドウ
1915 막을; woods, grove ト トウ ズ
1916 나라 이름; surname トウ
1917 베낄; mimeograph, copy トウ
1918 등나무; wisteria トウ ドウ
1919 벗을; naked, nude, uncovered, partially clothed ラ
1920 물이름; Kyoto, the capital ラク
1921 빛날; be sore, inflamed, bleary, fester ラン
1922 쪽; indigo ラン
1923 끌; Latin, kidnap, crush ラツ ラ ロウ
1924 명아주; goosefoot, weed, fallow field ライ リ
1925 수레; counter for large vehicles リョウ
1926 들보; bridge, beam リョウ
1927 밝을; clear, help リョウ
1928 려/리 검은말; black horse リ レイ
1929 농막집; hermitage ロ リョ
1930 성씨/음률; spine, backbone ロ リョ
1931 숫돌; whetstone, polish レイ
1932 달굴; refine metals, kneading over fire レン
1933 잔물결; ripples レン ラン
1934 물이름; name of Chinese river レン
1935 옥소리; sound of jewels レイ
1936 단술; sweet sake レイ ライ
1937 노나라; foolish, Russia ロ
1938 해오라기; heron ロ
1939 성씨; hut ロ
1940 갈대; reed, rush ロ
1941 대바구니; basket, devote oneself, seclude oneself, cage, coop, implied ロウ ル
1942 병 고칠; heal, cure リョウ
1943 멀; distant リョウ
1944 죽일/성씨; weapon of war; logging axe; kill en masse; peeling (paint off a wall, etc); sparse; faded リュウ ル
1945 유황; sulphur リュウ
1946 그릇될; mistake ビュウ ビョウ ミュウ
1947 산이름; place name ロン
1948 네모질; corner, protrusion リョウ ロウ
1949 기린; Chinese unicorn, genius, giraffe, bright, shining リン
1950 문지를; chafe, rub, polish, grind, scrape マ
1951 마귀; witch, demon, evil spirit マ
1952 저릴; measles, paralysis マ バ
1953 꺼풀; membrane マク
1954 오랑캐; barbarian バン
1955 물굽이; gulf, bay, inlet ワン
1956 낳을; bear (children) ベン
1957 오랑캐이름/버선; leather tabi, Tungusic tribe マツ バツ
1958 그물; netting, network モウ
1959 매혹할; fascination, charm, bewitch ミ
1960 낱; sheet of..., counter for flat thin objects or sheets マイ バイ
1961 맥나라; barbarians ハク ミャク
1962 찾을; seek ベキ エキ ミャク
1963 물이름; flood, overflowing ベン メン ビン ミン
1964 힘쓸; look down, diligent フ ベン メン
1965 면류관; crown ベン メン
1966 업신여길; ignore, despise, neglect, ridicule ベツ
1967 꾀; plan, deliberate ボ モ
1968 창; halberd, arms, festival float ム ボウ
1969 띠; miscanthus reed ボウ ミョウ
1970 모자; cap, headgear ボウ モウ
1971 보리/성씨; pupil (eye), moo (cow sound) ボウ ム
1972 화목할; respectful, mild, beautiful ボク モク
1973 씻을; wash モク
1974 별이름; the Pleiades コウ ボウ
1975 내이름/더러운 물; river in Shandong province ブン モン
1976 어지러울; disturb ビン ブン
1977 미륵; extensive, full, fill, complete ミ ビ
1978 성씨; grieve, be sad, pity ビン ミン
1979 옥돌; stone resembling jade ビン ミン
1980 아름다운 돌; streaks in jade, gem ビン ミン バイ マイ ブン モン
1981 하늘; the autumn sky ビン ミン
1982 화할; gentle and affable
1983 배; liner, ship ハク
1984 반/번 반계[潘溪]; tributary of Wei river in Shaanxi ハン ハ
1985 성씨/뜨물; water in which rice has been washed ハン
1986 옮길; conveyor, carry, transport ハン
1987 바리때; bowl, rice tub, pot, crown ハチ ハツ
1988 바다이름; place name ボツ ホツ
1989 길쌈; spinning ボウ
1990 높은집; disorderly, messy, huge, big ホウ ロウ ル
1991 곁; RHS of character, at same time ボウ ホウ
1992 물어줄; compensation, indemnify バイ
1993 성씨/옷 치렁치렁할; surname, look of a flowing gown ハイ ヒ ベ
1994 배우; haiku, actor ハイ
1995 측백나무; oak, cypress ハク ヒャク ビャク
1996 문벌; clique, lineage, pedigree, faction, clan バツ
1997 뗏목; raft バツ ハツ ボチ
1998 넘칠; pan- ハン ブ フウ ホウ ホン
1999 성씨; bee, law, casting mould ハン
2000 궁벽할; prejudice, bias, rural area ヘキ ヒ ヘイ
2001 성씨; law, rule, rash, hasty ベン ヘン ハン
2002 고깔; valve, petal, braid, speech, dialect, discrimination, dispose of, distinguish, conical cap ベン ヘン
2003 잡을; take; cherish; sheaf; unit of volume (10 koku; 1,800 l) ヘイ
2004 자루; design, pattern, build, nature, character, handle, crank, grip, knob, shaft ヘイ
2005 밝을/불꽃; bright, luminous, glorious, clear ヘイ ヒョウ ホウ
2006 밝을/불꽃; bright, glorious, brilliant
2007 밝을/불꽃; clear & bright ヘイ
2008 아우를; combine ヘイ
2009 클; for the first time, not until ホ フ
2010 도울; help ホ フ
2011 물이름; ホ フ
2012 향기; perfume クク ヒョク フク
2013 꿰맬; sew, stitch, embroider ホウ
2014 녹; stipend, salary ホウ
2015 쑥; sagebrush, wormwood, mugwort ホウ ブ
2016 살갗; skin, body, grain, texture, disposition フ
2017 펼; spread, pave, sit, promulgate フ
2018 가마; kettle, cauldron, iron pot フ
2019 언덕; hill, mound, left village radical (no. 170) フ フウ
2020 스승; tutor フ
2021 향기; perfume フン
2022 아닐/달러; dollar フツ ホチ
2023 붕새; phoenix ホウ
2024 비, 필 [비] 분비할, [필] 스며흐를; ooze, flow, soak in, penetrate, secrete ヒツ ヒ
2025 비적/나눌; negation, wicked person ヒ
2026 도울; help, assist ヒ ビ
2027 삼갈; guard against, take care, caution ヒ
2028 클; large, great, grand, glorious, distinguished ヒ
2029 빛날; refined, gentle ヒン フン
2030 기를; domesticate, raise, keep, feed シ
2031 물이름; name of a Chinese river, snivel シ
2032 부추길; tempt, seduce, instigate, promote サ
2033 용서할; pardon, forgiveness シャ
2034 실; acid, bitterness, sour, tart サン
2035 우산; umbrella サン
2036 인삼; luxurious growth of grass シン サン
2037 꽂을; insert ソウ
2038 상자; box, chest, case, bin, railway car ソウ
2039 학교; school ショウ
2040 상서; congratulations ズイ スイ
2041 펼; stretch, loosen, open, relax, mention ジョ ショ
2042 주석; copper, tin セキ シャク
2043 클; large, great, eminent セキ
2044 밝을; fair, white, clear, discriminate セキ シャク
2045 클; red, anger, ire, surname セキ シャク カク キャク
2046 도리옥; ornamental piece of jade several セン
2047 기울; darning, repair, mend, trim, tidy up, adjust ゼン
2048 옥; beautiful jade, star セン
2049 구슬; fine jade セン ケイ ケ
2050 성씨; type of mugwort セツ
2051 사람이름
2052 가늘; fine, slender, thin kimono セン
2053 두꺼비; toad セン
2054 땅이름; place name セン
2055 햇살 치밀; sunrise セン
2056 불꽃; moderate, alleviate, boil over low heat ショウ
2057 밝을; clear セイ ジョウ
2058 세낼; get, have, obtain セイ シャ
2059 땅이름; place name ショウ
2060 못; marsh, lake, bog, swamp, pond ショウ
2061 이을; introduce, inherit, help ショウ
2062 새집; nest, living quarter in tree
2063 성씨/송나라; dwell, Sung dynasty ソウ
2064 수나라; name of a Chinese dynasty, remains of scarifice, bury, fall, sag ズイ スイ タ ダ
2065 저울눈; measuring unit, 1/16 of a ryou; percent; small; slight シュ
2066 물가; name of a Chinese river シュ
2067 순임금; type of morning glory, rose of Sharon, althea シュン
2068 방패; shield, escutcheon, pretext ジュン
2069 풀이름; type of plant, proper name ジュン シュン
2070 순박할; pure ジュン シュン
2071 참으로; alike, truth ジュン シュン
2072 옥이름; name of a kind of jade シュン
2073 큰 거문고; large koto シツ
2074 노끈; rope, cord ジョウ
2075 되/오를; measuring box, 1.8 liter ショウ
2076 섶; brush, firewood サイ シ
2077 주검; corpse シ
2078 수레앞턱 가로나무; front railing on a carriage ショク シキ
2079 물 맑을; transparent, clear ショク ジキ
2080 번성할; augment, increase, multiply, raise ショク
2081 콩팥; kidney ジン
2082 큰띠; sire, good belt, gentleman シン
2083 즙; juice, broth シン
2084 쥘; grip, hold, mould sushi, bribe アク
2085 가로막을; obstruct, conceal ア アツ エン ヨ
2086 암; cancer, cancerous evil ガン
2087 오리; wild duck, easy mark オウ
2088 거리낄; obstruct, hinder, block, deter ガイ ゲ
2089 쑥; moxa, sagebrush, wormwood, mugwort カイ ゲイ
2090 티끌; dust アイ
2091 이끌; attract, captivate ジャク ジャ
2092 가야; phonetic used in Korean place names ヤ
2093 도울; rise, raise ジョウ ショウ
2094 아가씨; girl, Miss, daughter ジョウ
2095 선비; lad, boy (ancient) ゲン
2096 넘칠; overflowing エン
2097 벼루; inkstone ケン ゲン
2098 못; abyss, edge, deep pool, the depths エン カク コウ
2099 고울; beautiful ケン ゲン
2100 싫어할; get tired of, satiate, bore, dislike, disagreeable, unwelcome エン オン アン オウ ユウ ヨウ
2101 마을; town エン
2102 빛날; bright, glorious, splendid, flame ヨウ ユウ オウ
2103 비칠; sun beginning decline, reflect エイ ヨウ
2104 영, 형 [영] 옥돌/밝을, [형] 의혹할; clear エイ
2105 찰; fullness, enough, pride, satisfy エイ
2106 옥빛; sparkle of jewelry, crystal エイ
2107 맡길/미리; deposit, custody, leave with, entrust to ヨ
2108 성씨; tiny, small, water's edge ゼイ ネイ ゼツ ネチ
2109 슬기; intelligence, imperial エイ
2110 종족이름; vast, expansive, deep, dirty カイ ケ サイ セ ワイ
2111 나라이름/성씨; give, do something for, kingdom of Wu ゴ
2112 오동나무; Chinese parasol tree, phoenix tree ゴ
2113 오/욱 물가; land, shore, Austria オウ イク
2114 보배; rare treasure ギョク ゴク
2115 기름질; fertility ヨウ ヨク オク
2116 평온할; calm オン
2117 막힐; former or literary name for Nann ヨウ ユ
2118 화할; softening, mitigation ヨウ ユ
2119 독; jar, jug, vat オウ
2120 빙그레할; smiling, reed used to cover tatami カン
2121 넓을; flowing full, expanse of water, wide, deep オウ
2122 왕성할; flourishing, successful, beautiful, vigorous オウ キョウ ゴウ
2123 비뚤어질; warp, bend, strained, distort ワイ エ
2124 왜나라; Yamato, ancient Japan ワ イ
2125 요임금; high, far ギョウ
2126 요사할; attractive, bewitching, calamity ヨウ
2127 耀 빛날; shine, sparkle, gleam, twinkle ヨウ
2128 예쁠; beautiful ヨウ チョウ
2129 녹을; melt, dissolve, thaw ヨウ
2130 쇠녹일; fuse, melt ヨウ
2131 패옥소리; ヨウ ユ
2132 쇠북; large bell used as musical instrument ヨウ ユ
2133 쇠녹일; fuse, melt ヨウ
2134 품팔; employ, hire ヨウ チョウ
2135 성씨; name of a Chinese emperor ウ
2136 도울; help, assist ユウ ウ
2137 복; help ユウ ウ
2138 삼갈; grieved, anxious キョク コク ギョク
2139 성할; cultural progress, perfume イク
2140 아침해; rising sun, morning sun キョク
2141 빛날; bright light, sunlight, dazzling イク
2142 빛날; bright, shining, brilliant イク オウ
2143 평지; technique, art, craft, performance, acting, trick, stunt ゲイ ウン
2144 고을이름; dense growth ウツ イ
2145 답답할; gloom, depression, melancholy, luxuriant ウツ
2146 곰; bear ユウ
2147 나라동산; garden, farm, park エン オン
2148 성씨; long kimono エン オン
2149 구슬; large ring of fine jade エン オン カン ゲン
2150 여자; beautiful woman, princess エン
2151 물이름; name of Chinese river イ
2152 벼슬; military officer, jailer, old man, rank イ ジョウ
2153 나라이름; high, large, Kingdom of Wei ギ
2154 가죽; tanned leather radical (no. 178) イ
2155 대답할; affirmative response, relaxed, at ease ユ
2156 곳집; granary, storehouse ユ
2157 느릅나무; elm ユ
2158 넘을; go beyond ユ ヨウ
2159 성씨; an official rank イン
2160 맏; license, sincerity, permit イン
2161 자손; descendent, issue, offspring イン
2162 병기;
2163 녹을; dissolve, melt ユウ
2164 온화할; speak gently, respectful ギン ゴン
2165 성할/은나라; flourishing イン アン
2166 지경; limit, boundary ギン ゴン
2167 매; hawk ヨウ オウ
2168 기쁠; rejoice, enjoy イ
2169 저; Italy, that one イ
2170 두; two ニ ジ
2171 귀고리; ear bauble, hilt ジ
2172 도울; flying, assist, help, respect ヨク
2173 칼날; blade, sword, edge ジン ニン
2174 무게이름; unit of weight イツ
2175 한; number one イチ イツ
2176 줄춤; row or file of dancers イツ イチ
2177 아이밸; pregnancy ニン ジン
2178 불을; nourishing, more & more, be luxuriant, planting, turbidity ジ シ
2179 자석; magnet, porcelain ジ
2180 암컷; feminine, female シ
2181 물을; consult with シ
2182 누에; silkworms サン テン
2183 홀; ceremonial jeweled implement ショウ
2184 성씨; surname, hydropyrum latifalium ショウ ソウ
2185 노루; roebuck, hornless river deer ショウ
2186 농막/씩씩할; level, in the country, manor, village, hamlet ショウ ソ ソウ ホウ
2187 막을; stop, prevent, defeated, dejected ソ ショ
2188 경기; region around the imperial capital, outskirts デン テン
2189 솥; three legged kettle テイ
2190 물가; water's edge, shore, bank テイ
2191 광나무; hardwood, supports, posts テイ チョウ
2192 옥이름; jade tablet テイ チョウ
2193 맑을; sparkle, clear, crystal ショウ
2194 염탐할; spy テイ
2195 드릴; display, offer, present, send, exhibit テイ
2196 나라이름; an ancient Chinese province テイ ジョウ
2197 기; flag, praise セイ ショウ
2198 배; rowboat, small boat テイ
2199 상서; happiness, blessed, good fortune, auspicious テイ
2200 약제; medicine, drug, dose ザイ スイ セイ
2201 나라; nimble, late-going チョウ ジョウ キョウ
2202 낚시; angling, fish, catch, allure, ensnare チョウ
2203 둘; set aside, give up, suspend, discontinue, lay aside, except ソ
2204 성씨; ソウ
2205 복; imperial throne, happiness ソ
2206 새길; carve, engrave, chisel チョウ
2207 모을; rule, synthesize ソウ
2208 옥홀; octagonal piece of jade with hole in middle ソウ ス
2209 머무를; stop-over, reside in, resident チュウ
2210 이랑; before, companion, same kind チュウ
2211 駿 준마; a good horse, speed, a fast person シュン スン
2212 깊을; deep, dredge シュン
2213 높을; high, steep, towering, stern シュン カイ
2214 깊게할; dredge, drag, clean シュン
2215 밝을; シュン
2216 준할; quasi-, semi-, associate ジュン
2217 높을; high, steep シュン
2218 기름; fat, grease, tallow, lard, rosin, gum, tar シ
2219 뜻; delicious, relish, show a liking for, purport, will, clever, expert シ
2220 지초; turf, lawn シ
2221 터; ruins シ
2222 피; millet ショク
2223 올벼; early-maturing rice ショク チョク
2224 나루/진액; haven, port, harbor, ferry シン
2225 성씨/나라이름; Manchu dynasty, name given to naturalized foreigners シン
2226 나아갈/진나라; advance シン
2227 진찰할; checkup, seeing, diagnose, examine シン
2228 티끌; dust, trash, garbage チン ジン
2229 막힐; plug up, obstruct チツ
2230 모을; gather, collect, compile シュウ
2231 가릴; intercept, interrupt, obstruct シャ
2232 밥; eat, drink, swallow サン ソン
2233 빛날; brilliant サン
2234 옥빛; gems, luster of gems, lustrous サン
2235 뚫을; make fire by rubbing sticks サン
2236 옥잔; ceremonial libation cup サン
2237 편지/뽑을; tag, paper money, counter for bonds, placard, bid サツ
2238 절; temple セチ セツ サツ
2239 벨; beheading, kill, murder ザン サン セン ゼン
2240 해 길; long day, clear チョウ
2241 큰바다; ocean ソウ
2242 밝을; patent, clear ショウ
2243 시원할; high and flat, broad, spacious ショウ
2244 풍채; dice, form, appearance, take, gather, coloring サイ
2245 성씨; type of tortoise used for divination サイ
2246 사패지; fief サイ
2247 슬퍼할; be sad, be sorrowful セイ
2248 외짝; vessels, counter for ships, fish, birds, arrows, one of a pair セキ
2249 오를; climb, rise チョク トク
2250 팔찌; bracelet セン
2251 맑을; thoroughly, completely, become clear テツ デチ
2252 거둘; remove, withdraw, disarm, dismantle, reject, exclude テツ
2253 밝을; a sage, wise, sagacious テツ
2254 볼; look at セン
2255 염탐할; spy out, reconnoiter チョウ
2256 맺을; tighten, tie, shut, lock, fasten テイ
2257 그을릴; char, hurry, impatient, irritate, burn, scorch, singe ショウ
2258 초나라/회초리; whip, cane ソ ショ
2259 망볼; scout, sentinel ショウ
2260 나라이름; green caterpillar, Szechwan ショク ゾク
2261 성씨/높을; cliff, bluff, precipice ガイ サイ スイ
2262 달아날; run, go, quick, tend towards スウ ソク
2263 가래나무; Japanese catalpa シュウ
2264 나라이름; place name スウ シュ シュウ
2265 굴대; axis, pivot, stem, stalk, counter for book scrolls ジク
2266 찰; kick シュク シュウ
2267 椿 참죽나무; camellia チン チュン
2268 화할/빌; open sea, offing, rise high into sky チュウ
2269 속마음; inmost, heart, mind, inside チュウ
2270 모을; assemble シュウ シュ
2271 불땔; cook, boil スイ
2272 언덕; tower, soar ジ
2273 꿩; pheasant ジ チ
2274 부탁할; consign, requesting, entrusting with, pretend, hint タク
2275 다듬을; polish タク
2276 여울; open sea タン ダン
2277 즐길; addicted, absorbed in タン
2278 아이밸; womb, uterus タイ
2279 바꿀; exchange ダ エイ エツ タイ
2280 별; pedestal, a stand, counter for machines and vehicles ダイ タイ
2281 태풍; typhoon タイ
2282 언덕; dike, dam, slope, bank ハ ヒ
2283 언덕; heights, slope ハン
2284 으뜸; supremacy, leadership ハ ハク
2285 성씨; swelling, sound of drum ホウ
2286 작을; level, small ヘン
2287 들; two-mat area, approx. thirty-six sq ft ヘイ
2288 펼/가게; shop, store ホ フ
2289 절인 물고기; abalone ホ ホウ
2290 포도; wild grape, Portugal ブ ホ
2291 던질; hurl ホウ
2292 두려워할; dreadful, be frightened, fearful フ ホ
2293 북두자루; ladle, scoop シャク チョウ テキ ヒョウ
2294 성씨; displeasure, proper name ヒョウ フ フウ
2295 도울; help ヒツ
2296 모질; tyrannize, oppress ギャク
2297 편지; letter, writing brush カン
2298 싸움배; warship カン
2299 땅이름; narrow キョウ コウ
2300 넓을; ferry, fog, flowing コウ
2301 높을; high spirits コウ
2302 살구나무; apricot キョウ アン コウ
2303 빛날; suddenly, brighten, illuminate, light up カク
2304 불빛; カク
2305 솥귀; handle ケン
2306 시위; bowstring, chord, hypotenuse ゲン
2307 빛날; shine, glitter, show off, flaunt ケン
2308 고개; steep hill, mountain in Hubei ケン
2309 골짜기; gorge, strait, ravine, isthmus キョウ コウ
2310 꽃다울; fragrant, balmy, favourable ケイ キョウ
2311 성씨; surname, state in today's Hebei ケイ ギョウ
2312 빛날; light, clear ケイ キョウ
2313 물맑을; clear, pure water, lucid, glossy エイ ヨウ ケイ キョウ
2314 모형; mould, type, model ケイ
2315 호경; sword-blade ridges コウ
2316 흴; white, clear コウ
2317 넓을; radiance of gems コウ
2318 해자/호주; moat, ditch, canal, Australia ゴウ コウ
2319 해자; trench, dugout, air raid shelter コウ ゴウ
2320 하늘; sky, big コウ
2321 복; blessing, happiness, prosperity コ
2322 밝을; bright, pure コウ
2323 따를/파랑새; follow コ
2324 심할; cruel, severe, atrocious, unjust コク
2325 물깊을; deep clear water オウ
2326 신발; shoes カ
2327 벚나무/자작나무; birch, dark red カ
2328 탐스러울
2329 불꽃/빛날; shine カン
2330 헛보일; phantasm, vision, dream, illusion, apparition ゲン
2331 굳셀; marking post カン
2332 활, 골 [활] 미끄러울, [골] 익살스러울; slippery, slide, slip, fail exam カツ コツ
2333 밝을; clear コウ
2334 깊을; deep and broad (water) コウ
2335 물이름; name of a Chinese river ワイ エ カイ
2336 전나무; Japanese cypress カイ
2337 돌; round, game, revolve, go around, circumference カイ エ
2338 목구멍; throat, voice コウ
2339 뒤/임금; empress, queen, after, behind, back, later コウ ゴ
2340 공적; meritorious deed, merits, rank クン
2341 질나발; instrument ケン クン
2342 불길; smoke, fog, vapor, cure クン
2343 향풀; a medicinal herb, to cauterize クン
2344 아름다울/표기; good, beautiful, badge キ
2345 아름다울; boasting, fortunate, beautiful コウ キュウ キョウ
2346 오랑캐/가슴; turmoil, Hungary キョウ
2347 공경할; respect, revere, long for キン コン
2348 복희; used in proper names ギ キ
2349 빛날; bright, sunny, prosperous, merry キ
2350 빛날; burn, faint light キ
2351 복; fortunate, auspicious キ
2352 기뻐할; rejoice, like, prefer, exclamation キ
2353 아가씨
2354 아름다울; glad, pleased, rejoice キ
2355 희, 애 [희] 한숨쉴, [애] 트림할; exclamation, burp, belch イ アイ オク
Уровень 1
2356 멍에; vehicle, palanquin, litter, hitch up an animal カ ガ
2357 가사; a coarse camlet ケ カ
2358 가혹할; torment, scold, chastise カ
2359 심을; earnings, work, earn money カ
2360 시집갈; marry into, bride カ
2361 아름다울; applaud, praise, esteem, happy, auspicious カ
2362 성씨; big brother カ コ
2363 꾸짖을; scold, blow on, reprove カ
2364 껍질; husk, nut shell カク コク バイ
2365 삼갈; carefulness カク
2366 간할; admonish, dissuade カン
2367 어려울; difficult, trying, be distressed, parent's funeral ceremony, mourning, perilous カン ケン
2368 竿 장대; pole, rod, scale beam, violin neck カン
2369 산골물; valley river, 10**36 カン ケン
2370 간질
2371 가릴; select カン ケン
2372 간사할; wickedness, mischief, rudeness カン
2373 개간할; ground-breaking, open up farmland コン
2374 갈색/굵은베옷; brown, woollen kimono カツ
2375 다할; end, exhaust ケツ
2376 꾸짖을; hoarse, scold カツ
2377 감질; children's diseases カン
2378 감색; dark blue, navy コン
2379 굽어볼; look, see カン
2380 귤; citrus, orange コン カン
2381 헤아릴; intuition, perception, check, compare, sixth sense カン
2382 견딜; withstand, endure, support, resist カン タン
2383 수문; water gate, lock コウ
2384 갑; box コウ
2385 생강; ginger キョウ コウ
2386 빈속; body cavity コウ
2387 겨; rice bran コウ
2388 슬플; weep, grieve コウ
2389 겨자; mustard, rape, dust, trash, rubbish カイ ケ
2390 낱; counter for articles カ コ
2391 물댈; pour ガイ カイ
2392 성낼; anger, breathlessness ガイ キ ケ キツ
2393 개선할/즐길; victory song ガイ カイ
2394 국; hot soup コウ カン
2395 갹/거 추렴할; contribution for a feast (potluck) キョ
2396 도랑; ditch, canal, lock キョ
2397 거만할; pride, squatting with legs outstretched キョ コ
2398 공경할; respect ケン
2399 힘줄; tendon ケン キン
2400 수건; towel, hanging scroll, width, cloth radical (no. 50) キン フク
2401 겁낼; cowardice, wince, flinch, hesitate, waver キョウ コウ
2402 위협할; threat, long ages コウ ゴウ キョウ
2403 쉴/불시; verse in praise of Buddha, fast, healthy, rest ゲ ケツ ケイ
2404 박수; diviner, medium ゲキ ケキ
2405 흉격; diaphragm カク
2406 격문; written appeal, manifesto ケキ
2407 두견이; cuckoo ケン
2408 꾸짖을; reproach ケン
2409 고치; cocoon ケン
2410 고래; whale ゲイ
2411 목; neck, head ケイ
2412 줄기; stem, stalk ケイ キョウ
2413 경쇠; upside-V-shaped gong ケイ
2414 정강이; leg, shin ケイ
2415 경련; have a cramp ケイ
2416 줄기/막힐; for the most part, close up, flower stem コウ キョウ
2417 굳셀; strong ケイ
2418 깨달을/동경할; yearn for, aspire to, admire ケイ
2419 두근거릴; pulsate, shudder キ
2420 막을; confinement, to tie コ
2421 기름; fat, grease, lard, paste, ointment, plaster コウ
2422 바지; men's formal divided skirt コ ク
2423 허물; sin, crime コ
2424 넓적다리; thigh, crotch コ
2425 고질병; chronic illness コ
2426 칠; torture, beat ゴウ
2427 두드릴; strike, beat, hit コウ
2428 두드릴/조아릴; strike, beat, kow tow, hit, thrash, criticize コウ
2429 울; cry コ
2430 고니/과녁; swan コク コウ
2431 수갑; manacles コク カク
2432 맏/벌레; descendants, elder brother, insect コン
2433 몽둥이; a cane コン
2434 곤룡포; imperial robes コン
2435 빠질; to sink, name of a Chinese river コツ イツ ベキ
2436 팔짱낄; arch, fold arms キョウ コウ
2437 굳을; hard, firm キョウ
2438 낟알; grain (e.g. rice) カ
2439 콩잎; lophanthus rugosus, betony カク スイ
2440 외관; outer box for a coffin カク
2441 둘레; enclosure, quarter, red-light district カク
2442 물댈; pour カン
2443 광대뼈; cheekbone ケン カン
2444 널; coffin, casket カン
2445 묶을; fasten, tie up, arrest, constrict カツ
2446 깎을; scrape off カツ
2447 오줌통; bladder コウ
2448 빌/밝을; wide, worthless コウ
2449 바로잡을; correct, save, assist キョウ オウ
2450 뫼구덩이; hole コウ
2451 선; ruled line ケイ カイ ケ
2452 점괘; a divination sign カ カイ ケ
2453 우두머리; charging ahead of others カイ
2454 속일; kidnap, falsify カイ
2455 어그러질; oppose, disobey カイ
2456 클; wide, large コウ
2457 울릴; roar, thunder, boom resound ゴウ コウ
2458 팔뚝; ability, talent, elbow, arm コウ
2459 교만할; pride, haughtiness キョウ
2460 가마; palanquin, litter キョウ
2461 달밝을; white, shining キョウ コウ
2462 교활할; cunning, sly, crafty, niggardly コウ キョウ
2463 교룡; dragon コウ キョウ
2464 흔들; disturb, throw into confusion カク コウ
2465 아리따울; attractive キョウ
2466 높을; high, boasting キョウ
2467 새소리; bite, gnaw, chew, gear with, dash against コウ ヨウ
2468 비둘기; pigeon, dove キュウ ク
2469 망아지; pony, horse, colt ク
2470 마구간; barn, stable キュウ
2471 갈고리; hook, barb, gaff, brackets コウ ク
2472 몸; body ク
2473 시아비; father-in-law キュウ
2474 노래할; extol, declare, express オウ ウ
2475 네거리; crossroads ク
2476 절구; mortar キュウ グ
2477 곱자/모날/법도; ruler, carpenter's square ク
2478 도랑; gutter, ditch, sewer, drain, 10**32 コウ
2479 뜸; moxa cautery, chastisement キュウ ク
2480 때릴; beat, fight with fists, hit, to strike, brawl オウ ク
2481 널; bier, coffin キュウ グ
2482 구기자; quince tree ク コウ
2483 험할; steep ク
2484 도적; bandits, thieves, enemy, invade コウ
2485 때; dirt, grime, earwax コウ ク
2486 원수; foe, enemy, revenge, grudge, feud キュウ グ
2487 토할; vomit, nauseated オウ ク
2488 막힐; rebuke キン
2489 몸; body, self キュウ キョウ
2490 하늘; sky キュウ キョウ
2491 돌볼; look around, regard affectionately ケン
2492 거둘/말; roll, wind, coil, turn pages, roll up sleeves, strip off, be turned, be rolled up ケン
2493 게으를; lose interest in, tire of ケン
2494 넘어질/일어설; stumble ケツ ケイ
2495 안석; table, table enclosure, table or windy radical (no. 16) キ
2496 상자; chest, coffer, tub キ
2497 무너질; crush, smash, break, dissipate カイ エ
2498 책상; desk, table キ
2499 속일; lie, deceive キ
2500 길거리; broad road キ
2501 해바라기/아욱; hollyhock キ
2502 규소; silicon カク キャク ケイ
2503 엿볼; lie in wait, spy on, reconnoiter キ
2504 귤나무; mandarin orange キツ
2505 틈; crevice, fissure, discord, opportunity, leisure ゲキ キャク ケキ
2506 가시; thorn, splinter, spine, biting words, briers キョク
2507 창; halbert, arms ゲキ
2508 이길; victory コク
2509 뵐; see, have an audience with キン
2510 주릴; hunger キン
2511 이불; quilt, bedding キン
2512 웃깃; collar, neck, lapel, one's inner feelings キン
2513 사로잡을; capture, a captive キン
2514 물길을; draw (water), ladle, scoop, pump キュウ
2515 미칠; handle, entertain, thresh, strip ソウ キュウ
2516 자랑할; pride, respect キン キョウ ケイ
2517 뻗칠 긍 / 베풀; span, range, extend over コウ カン セン
2518 나무랄; slander, disparage, censure, criticize キ
2519 살가죽; texture, skin, body, grain キ
2520 굴레; reins, connection キ ハ
2521 구기자; river willow コ キ
2522 비단; figured cloth, beautiful キ
2523 뙈기밭; difference, strange, cripple キ
2524 험할; promontory, cape, spit キ
2525 돌; one period キ ゴ
2526 기생; stretch, singing girl, geisha, prostitute ギ キ
2527 즐길; like, taste, modest シ
2528 재주; deed, skill ギ キ
2529 일할; be imminent カツ ケツ キツ
2530 마실; consume, eat, drink, smoke, receive (a blow) キツ
2531 붙잡을; catch, arrest ダ ナ
2532 잡을; catch, arrest ダ ナ
2533 나약할; weakness, cowardice ダ ジュ ゼン
2534 푸닥거리; exorcism ナ ダ
2535 따뜻할; warm ダン カン ケン ナン
2536 누를; press, print, affix a seal, stamp ナツ ダツ
2537 꾸밀; knead, mix ネツ テツ ネチ
2538 기울; mend, priestly vestments, priest ドウ ノウ
2539 주머니; bag, purse, sack, put in bag ノウ ドウ
2540 비틀; twist, twine, kinky ネン
2541 개흙; black soil ネツ デツ
2542 둔한말; slow horse, foolish fellow ド
2543 쇠뇌; bow (arrow) ド
2544 고름; pus, fester, discharge ノウ ドウ
2545 굽을; bend, train, lithe トウ キョウ コウ ジョウ
2546 말더듬을; stutter トツ
2547 맺을; string, cord, braid, lace, tape, strap, ribbon チュウ ジュウ
2548 숨을; hide, shelter, shield トク
2549 새알; barbarian, egg タン
2550 비단; damask ドン タン
2551 소쿠리; small bamboo basket for holding タン
2552 때릴; whip, flog, strike タツ
2553 황달; jaundice タン
2554 흐릴; cloudy weather, cloud up ドン
2555 이야기; talk タン
2556 맑을; calm, quiet, bland, rocking, rippling, suffice タン セン
2557 가래; sputum, phlegm タン
2558 참담할; calm, quiet, move タン
2559 뒤섞일; mixed, abundant, assorted トウ
2560 아가위; wild pear tree, crabapple tree トウ
2561 사마귀; mantis トウ
2562 칠; thrust, pierce, stab, prick ドウ トウ シュ
2563 자루; sack, bag, pouch タイ ダイ
2564 들; lift, raise タイ
2565 도금할; plating, gilding ト
2566 포도; grape vine, wild grape ドウ トウ
2567 밟을; step on, trample, carry through, appraise, evade payment トウ
2568 도박; gamble, wager, bet ト
2569 빌; pray, entreat, beg, plead, prayer トウ
2570 물결; waves, billows トウ
2571 물넘칠; overflowing トウ
2572 볼; look at, see ト
2573 일; select トウ
2574 죽일; slaughter, butcher, slay ト チョ
2575 찧을; pound, husk トウ
2576 담; fence, railing, enclosure ト
2577 흔들; shake & move トウ チョウ
2578 禿 대머리; become bald, bare, wear out, waste away, little girl employed at a brothel トク
2579 도랑/더럽힐; ditch, sluice, gutter, drain, blaspheme, pollute トク トウ
2580 엉길; primeval chaos トン
2581 큰창자; trunk, torso, hull (ship), hub of wheel ドウ
2582 눈동자; pupil (of eye) ドウ トウ
2583 아플; ache, pain, tingle, fester トウ
2584 동경할; yearn after, long for, aspire to, admire, adore ショウ トウ ドウ
2585 천연두; pox, smallpox トウ
2586 투구; helmet, head piece トウ ト
2587 숨을; flee, escape, shirk, evade, set free トン シュン
2588 볼기; buttocks, hips, butt, rear デン トン
2589 귤나무/등자나무; bitter orange トウ
2590 순라; go around, conceal ラ
2591 소라; small, edible, helical fresh-water mollusk ラ
2592 나환자; leprosy ライ
2593 게으를; languid, be lazy, be negligent ラン ライ
2594 지질; burn ラク カク
2595 낙타; white horse ラク
2596 쇠젖; dairy products, whey, broth, fruit juice ラク
2597 난새; fabulous mythical bird, imperial ラン
2598 물결; large waves ラン
2599 매울; pungent, spicy, harsh, cruel, severe ラツ
2600 어그러질/발랄할; opposed, biased ラツ
2601 대바구니; basket ラン
2602 밀랍; wax, candle, waxy, glazed ロウ
2603 섣달; 12th lunar month ロウ
2604 이리; wolf ロウ
2605 기장; high quality rice リョウ
2606 재주; skill リョウ
2607 마을; rural area リョ ロ
2608 검을; dark, black, many レイ リ
2609 거를; filter ロ リョ
2610 짝; companion, follower リョ ロ
2611 어그러질; perverse, recalcitrant, rebellious レイ ライ
2612 조약돌; small stones レキ
2613 스밀; dropping レキ
2614 가마; palanquin レン
2615 발; bamboo screen, rattan blind レン
2616 염할; dress corpse for burial レン
2617 거둘; tighten, stiffen レン
2618 나이; age レイ
2619 방울; small bell, buzzer レイ リン
2620 옥; prison レイ
2621 쾌할; sturdy, brawny, bold テイ
2622 사로잡을; captive, barbarian, low epithet for the enemy リョ ロ
2623 노략질할; capture, seize リョ ロ
2624 건질; catch fish ロウ リョウ
2625 산기슭; foot of a mountain ロク
2626 푸른돌; satisfactory ロク
2627 귀머거리; deafness, deaf person, deafen ロウ
2628 옥소리; clarity, sound of jewels ロウ
2629 언덕; mound, grave, rice field dike ロウ リョウ
2630 뇌물; bribe ロ
2631 우리; prison, jail, hardness ロウ
2632 돌무더기; many stones ライ
2633 꼭두각시; defeat ライ
2634 애오라지; slightly リョウ
2635 밝을; clear リョウ
2636 횃불; burn, bonfire リョウ
2637 벼슬아치; dormitory, hostel, villa, tea pavillion リョウ
2638 쓸쓸할; lonely リョウ
2639 더러울; narrowness, meanness, humbleness ロウ
2640 보루; fort, rampart, walls, base(ball) ルイ ライ スイ
2641 유리; precious stone, gem, lapis lazuli リュウ ル
2642 혹; lump, swelling リュウ ル
2643 낙숫물; collect, gather, be in arrears リュウ
2644 죽일; kill リク リュウ ロク キョウ ク
2645 벼리; thread, silk cloth リン カン
2646 빠질; sink, ripple リン ロン
2647 떨릴; fear リツ
2648 굴레; halter and bit ロク
2649 갈빗대; rib ロク
2650 찰; cold, strict, severe リン
2651 마름; diamond (shape), water chestnut, rhombus リョウ
2652 모날; angle, edge, corner, power, majesty リョウ ロウ
2653 비단; design, figured cloth, twill リン
2654 능가할/업신여길; endure, keep (rain)out, stave off, tide over, defy, slight, surpass リョウ
2655 다스릴; few, tenth of a bu リ
2656 영리할; clever リ
2657 속; reverse, inside, palm, sole, rear, lining, wrong side リ
2658 걸릴; catch, get リ ラ
2659 울타리; rough-woven fence, bamboo hedge リ
2660 이질; diarrhea リ
2661 속될; rustic, ill mannered リ
2662 도깨비불; phosphorus リン
2663 짓밟을; edge forward, trample リン
2664 비늘; scales (fish) リン
2665 아낄; miserly, stingy, sparing リン
2666 임질/장마; lonely, deserted リン
2667 낟알; grains, drop, counter for tiny particles リュウ
2668 삿갓; bamboo hat, one's influence リュウ
2669 고요할; lonely, quiet バク マク
2670 뱀장어; eel マン バン
2671 덩굴; vine, tendril, influence, connections, good offices, spread, sprawl, thrive, rampant, powerful マン バン
2672 만두; bean-jam dumpling, manjuu マン
2673 끌; pull バン
2674 당길; saw, turn (lathe), grind バン
2675 속일; deception マン モン バン ボン
2676 굽을; curve, stretching a bow ワン
2677 만자; swastika, gammadion, fylfot バン マン
2678 버선; socks ベツ バツ
2679 물거품; splash, suds マツ バツ
2680 지울; rub, paint, erase マツ
2681 멍할; unclear, be astonished ボウ モウ
2682 까끄라기; pampas grass, beard (grain) ボウ コウ モウ
2683 어리석을; be amazed, disgusted, shocked ホウ
2684 갈; go, excel マイ バイ
2685 욕할; abuse, insult バ
2686 그을음; soot, smoke dried バイ マイ
2687 잘; sleep ビ
2688 어두울; dark, foolish マイ バイ
2689 싹; show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt ホウ
2690 곁눈질할; looking askance ベン メン
2691 목화; cotton メン
2692 가는실; fine thread, Burma メン ベン
2693 밀가루; noodles, wheat flour メン ベン
2694 술취할; sweet sake メイ
2695 그릇; dish, a helping, plate ベイ
2696 멸구; injurious parasite メイ ミョウ
2697 바다; dark, ocean メイ
2698 저물; dark メイ ミョウ
2699 소매; sleeve, foot (of hill), edge ベイ ケツ
2700 줄을; decrease モウ コウ
2701 본뜰; rice snacks ボ モ
2702 수컷; male ボ ボウ
2703 찾을; search, imitate, copy モ モウ バク ボ マク
2704 歿 죽을; die ボツ
2705 고양이; cat ビョウ
2706 아득할; darkness, dimly ヨウ
2707 아득할/물질펀할; tiny, boundless ビョウ
2708 그릴; sketch, compose, write, draw, paint ビョウ
2709 속일; slander フ
2710 거칠; turnip ブ ム
2711 이랑; furrow, thirty tsubo, ridge, rib ボウ ホ モ ム
2712 어루만질; stroke, pat, smooth down ブ フ
2713 말; do not, must not, be not, mother radical (no. 80) ブ ム
2714 엄지손가락; thumb ボ
2715 어루만질; disappointment ブ コ
2716 무당; sorcerer, medium, shrine maiden フ
2717 모기; mosquito ブン
2718 쓰러질; flutter, wave, bow to, obey, seduce ヒ ビ ミ
2719 장미/고비; an edible fern ラ ビ
2720 아첨할; flatter, humor, flirt ビ
2721 답답할; be in agony, worry モン
2722 고요할; quiet ヒツ
2723 팔뚝; arm ハク
2724 두드릴; seize, spring upon, strike ハク
2725 얽을; truss, arrest, bind, tie, restrain バク
2726 발; foil, gilt ハク
2727 칠; slap, strike, hit, beat, tell, speak ボク
2728 벗길; ハク
2729 호박; amber ハク
2730 순박할; bark of a tree ボク ハク ホク
2731 지게미; scrap, waste ハク
2732 논박할; refutation, contradiction ハク バク
2733 쟁반; tub ハン
2734 아롱질; spot, blemish, speck, patches ハン
2735 백반; alum バン ハン
2736 얽어맬; bonds, fetters ハン
2737 밭두둑; paddy ridge, levee ハン
2738 서릴; coiled up ハン
2739 나눌; distribute, disseminate, partition, understand ハン
2740 더위잡을; climb, scale ハン
2741 버릴; stir and mix ハン
2742 밟을; epilogue, postscript ハツ バツ
2743 노할; suddenness, rise ボツ ホツ
2744 가물; (god of) drought ハツ バツ
2745 술괼; to brew for the second time ハツ
2746 물뿌릴; pour, splash, water, sprinkle, violent, malignant ハツ
2747 다스릴; brush up, reject, exclude, eliminate, bone plectrum ハツ バチ
2748 헤맬; stray, wander, loiter ホウ
2749 삽살개; shaggy hair or dog ボウ
2750 헐뜯을; slander, disparage, censure, criticize ボウ ホウ
2751 동네; boy, priest's residence, priest ボウ ボッ
2752 오줌통; bladder ボウ ホウ
2753 도울; help ホウ
2754 밝을; bright dawn, daybreak, appear ホウ
2755 기름; obese, fat ボウ
2756 방붙일; rudder, oar, name plate ボウ ホウ
2757 다목; raft, boat ホウ ヘイ
2758 모실; obeisance, follow, accompany, attend on バイ
2759 아기밸; embryo ハイ
2760 물결칠; sound of waves ハイ
2761 어정거릴; wander ハイ
2762 넋; soul, spirit ハク タク
2763 비단; cloth ハク
2764 울타리; clan, enclosure ハン
2765 불을; grow luxuriously バン ハン
2766 돛; sail ハン
2767 불경; Sanskrit, purity, Buddhist ボン フウ
2768 넘칠; spread out, wide ハン
2769 뜰; to drift, float, careless, reckless ハン ホウ
2770 버릇; mannerism, habit, vice, trait, fault, kink ヘキ
2771 쪼갤; break, tear, split ヘキ ヒャク
2772 열; open ヘキ ビャク
2773 엄지손가락; tear up ハク ヒャク ヘキ
2774 구슬; sphere, ball ヘキ
2775 자라; snapping turtle, fresh-water turtle ベツ ヘツ
2776 눈깜짝할; glance at ベツ ヘツ
2777 병; jug ヘイ ビン
2778 떡; rice cake ヘイ ヒョウ
2779 보살; kind of grass, sacred tree ボ
2780 작은성; fort ホ ホウ
2781 보 보 / 스며흐를; whirlpool, undercurrent フク
2782 전복; abalone, puffer fish フク
2783 종; me, I (male), servant, manservant ボク
2784 길; crawl ホク フク
2785 바퀴살 복 /; spoke (wheel) フク
2786 칼날; dagger, sword's point, festival car, float ホウ
2787 봉화; signal fire ホウ
2788 받들; lift up, give, offer, consecrate, sacrifice, dedicate ホウ
2789 막대; rod, stick, cane, pole, club, line ボウ
2790 부의; condolence gift フ
2791 부마; extra horse, imperial son-in-law フ
2792 부고; obituary フ
2793 연꽃; lotus, Mt Fuji フ
2794 육부; viscera, bowels フ
2795 도끼; ax, hatchet フ
2796 부두; wharf フ ホ
2797 분부할/불[吹]; blow, command フ ホ
2798 쪼갤; divide ボウ
2799 구부릴; bend down, lie prostrate フ
2800 알깔; hatch, incubate フ
2801 꾸밀; impersonate, dress up, disguise, thin shingles フン ハン ヘン
2802 눈날릴; atmosphere, fog フン
2803 동이; basin, lantern festival, tray ボン
2804 불사를; burn, kindle, build a fire, boil, cook フン ホン ハン
2805 분부할; give an order, sprout forth フン
2806 뿜을; erupt, spout, emit, flush out フン
2807 忿 성낼; be angry フン
2808 똥; shit, feces, excrement フン
2809 彿 비슷할; dimly フツ
2810 사다리; shelf, ledge, rack, mount, mantle, trellis ホウ
2811 붕사; sound of stones struck together, boron ホウ
2812 묶을; wrap ホウ ヒョウ
2813 헐뜯을; ridicule, slander ヒ ハイ
2814 비상; arsenic ヒ ヘイ
2815 죽은어미; mother ヒ
2816 더러울; lowly, the country, the countryside, be countrified ヒ
2817 비유할; illustrate ヒ
2818 도울; help ヒ
2819 팔; elbow ヒ
2820 지라; spleen ヒ
2821 물총새; kingfisher ヒ
2822 사립문; front door, title page, front page ヒ
2823 쭉정이; empty grain or rice husk, chaff ヒ
2824 저릴; palsy, become numb, paralysed ヒ
2825 비파; glissando on strings, lute ビ ヒ
2826 끓을 비 / 용솟음할; seethe, boil, ferment, uproar, breed フツ
2827 고단할; fatigue ハイ ヘイ
2828 비수; spoon, spoon or katakana hi radical (no. 21) ヒ
2829 바퀴/날; beetle, cockroach ヒ
2830 덮을; protect, shield, defend, eaves, canopy, penthouse, visor ヒ
2831 비단; scarlet, cardinal ヒ
2832 빈소; lying in state, unburied coffin ヒン
2833 물가; beach, sea coast, river bank ヒン
2834 궁녀벼슬이름; bride, marriage ヒン
2835 찡그릴; frown, scowl ヒン
2836 물가/가까울; shore, brink, verge ヒン
2837 기댈; depend, rely, evidence, proof, according to, possess, haunt ヒョウ
2838 적을; a little bit, sometimes サ シャ
2839 사향노루; musk deer ジャ シャ
2840 사당; small shrine シ
2841 비단; gauze, gossamer サ シャ
2842 이을; heir, succeed シ
2843 사치할; extravagance, luxury シャ
2844 춤출 / 사바세상; old woman シャ サ
2845 옮길; move シ
2846 쏟을; evacuation シャ
2847 사자; lion シ
2848 도롱이; straw raincoat サ サイ
2849 산증; colic, stomach ache セン サン
2850 산호; coral, centimeter サン センチ
2851 깎을; cut down サン
2852 뿌릴; scatter, sprinkle, give them the slip サン サツ
2853 죽일; malignant deity, baleful, noxious, strike dead サツ サイ セツ
2854 보살; salvation, Buddha サツ サチ
2855 스밀; imbued with シン
2856 떫을; astringent, harsh, uneven, rough ジュウ シュウ
2857 시원할; refreshing, bracing, resonant, sweet, clear ソウ
2858 날; soar, fly ショウ
2859 잔; cup ショウ
2860 홀어미; widow ソウ
2861 옥새; emperor's seal ジ
2862 아낄; miserly, stingy, sparing ショク
2863 희생; animal sacrifice, offering セイ
2864 생질; nephew セイ ソウ ショウ
2865 풀; tell, 10**24 ジョ ショ
2866 깃들일; live, dwell セイ
2867 무소; rhinocerous サイ セイ
2868 서로; together, mutual, subordinate official ショ ソ
2869 감자; potato ショ
2870 기장; millet ショ
2871 섬; island ショ
2872 새벽; dawn, daybreak ショ
2873 쥐; rat, mouse, dark gray ソ ショ
2874 사위; son-in-law セイ
2875 개펄; lagoon セキ
2876 부채질할; fan, flap, instigate, agitate, bolster up, gulp down セン
2877 무쇠; pig iron セン
2878 선물/반찬; small low table, tray ゼン セン
2879 선, 연 [선] 부러워할, [연:] 무덤길; envious, be jealous, covet セン エン
2880 부채; fan, folding fan セン
2881 샘; gland セン
2882 가루; rubbish, junk, trash, waste, scraps セツ
2883 샐; leak セツ エイ
2884 설, 예 [설] 샐, [예] 퍼질; leak, escape エイ セツ
2885 파낼; dredging, cleaning out セツ チョウ
2886 번쩍일; flash, brandish セン
2887 다죽일; massacre セン
2888 깰; awake, be disillusioned, sober up セイ
2889 퉁소; pan pipes, flute ショウ
2890 흙빚을; model, molding ソ
2891 거스를; go upstream, retrace the past ソ サク
2892 노닐; saunter, loaf ショウ
2893 쓸쓸할; a weed, mugwort, lonely, silent, calm ショウ
2894 피부병; itch ソウ
2895 성길; alienate, rough, neglect, shun, sparse, penetrate ソ ショ
2896 깨어날; be resuscitated, revived ソ コウ
2897 얼레빗; comb (hair) ソ
2898 밤; wee hours, evening, early night ショウ
2899 긁을; to scratch ソウ
2900 속죄할; redeem ショク
2901 겸손할; humble, modest ソン
2902 두려울; fear ショウ
2903 부술; break, smash, broken, busted サイ
2904 뿌릴; sprinkle, wash, free and easy シャ サイ サ セ
2905 모을; gather シュウ
2906 형수; elder brother's wife ソウ
2907 수자리; protection ジュ シュ
2908 뼛골; marrow, pith ズイ
2909 갚을; repay, reward, retribution シュウ シュ トウ
2910 소매; sleeve, wing (building), extension, give cold shoulder シュウ
2911 부끄러울; feel ashamed シュウ
2912 사냥할; hunt, raid, gather シュ
2913 수놓을; embroider, embroidery, ornament シュウ
2914 순수할; pure, unadulterated, select スイ
2915 세울; length, height, warp ジュ
2916 이삭; ear (of grain), head, crest (of wave) スイ
2917 여윌; thin, emaciated, lean, meager ソウ チュウ シュウ チュ
2918 원수; enemy, revenge シュウ
2919 이를; bright and early, long ago, early in life シュク
2920 콩; beans シュク
2921 글방; cram school, private school ジュク
2922 전국술; pure sake, purity, affection ジュン シュン
2923 죽순; bamboo shoot ジュン シュン イン
2924 길들일; get used to, experienced, tamed ジュン シュン クン
2925 무릎; knee, lap シツ
2926 정승; help ジョウ ショウ
2927 감; persimmon シ
2928 숟가락; spoon シ
2929 시집
2930 윗사람죽일; murder one's lord or father シ シイ
2931 시기할; envy, jealousy, doubt サイ
2932 시호; posthumous name エキ シ
2933 승냥이; jackal サイ
2934 불꺼질; cessation ソク
2935 좀먹을; eclipse, occultation, be defective ショク
2936 씻을; wipe, mop, swab ショク シキ
2937 섶; fuel, firewood, kindling シン
2938 빠를; swift, fast ジン
2939 큰조개; clam シン
2940 불탄끝; embers ジン
2941 대궐; eaves, palace, imperial courtesy シン
2942 아이밸; with child, pregnancy シン
2943 읊조릴; moan, groan シン
2944 물을; request, question, investigate ジン シュン シン
2945 다; all, entirely, altogether, completely, use up, run out of, exhaust, befriend, serve シツ シチ
2946 십, 집 [십] 열사람, [집] 세간; utensil, thing, ten ジュウ シュウ
2947 의심할; doubt ガ ゲ
2948 마을; government office ガ ギョ ゴ
2949 벙어리; dumb, mute, become hoarse ア
2950 아까; sudden, abrupt, improvised ガ
2951 흰흙; whitewash アク ア オ
2952 놀랄; surprised, frightened ガク
2953 턱; jaw, chin, gill ガク
2954 늦을; late, quiet, sets (sun) アン
2955 안장; saddle アン
2956 누를; hold, consider, investigate アン
2957 돌; go around, rule, administer アツ カン ワツ
2958 삐걱거릴; squeak, creak, grate アツ
2959 숨을; get dark, gloom, disorder アン オン
2960 암자; hermitage, retreat アン
2961 높을; rise コウ ゴウ
2962 원망할; dissatisfaction, grudge オウ ヨウ
2963 모; rice, seedlings オウ
2964 원앙; female mandarin duck オウ
2965 언덕; cliff, bluff, precipice ガイ ゲ ギ
2966 희미할; dark, not clear アイ
2967 좁을; narrow, obstruct アイ ヤク
2968 아지랑이; mist, haze, fog アイ
2969 잡을; command, dominate, prevent, obstruct ヤク アク
2970 겨드랑이; armpit, side エキ セキ
2971 목맬; strangle イ エイ
2972 앵두; cherry オウ ヨウ
2973 꾀꼬리; nightingale オウ
2974 야유할; tease, play with ヤ
2975 풀무; melting, smelting ヤ
2976 아비; old man, grampa ヤ
2977 꽃밥; pollen pod at tip of stamen, type of tall grass ヤク
2978 물리칠; chase away, steal ジョウ
2979 병/근심할; illness ヨウ
2980 술빚을; brew, cause ジョウ
2981 가려울; itchy ヨウ
2982 헐; swelling, boil, tumor ヨウ
2983 옥; prison, arrest ゴ ギョ
2984 막을; defend, protect, resist, ward off ギョ ゴ
2985 어혈질; hematoma, contusion, extravasated ヨ オ
2986 가슴; timidity, heart, mind, fear, cowardly オク ヨク
2987 둑; dam, prevent, stop up エン
2988 언문/속담; proverb ゲン
2989 가릴; cover, conceal エン
2990 문득; cover, suffocate, obstruct エン
2991 엄연할; serious, untouched, solemnly, majestically ゲン
2992 풀; pull out エキ ヤク
2993 솔개; black kite, fireman, hook エン
2994 버릴; throw away エン
2995 대자리; straw mat エン
2996 서까래; rafter, porch テン
2997 불꽃; flame, blaze, glowing, blazing エン
2998 고울; glossy, luster, glaze, polish, charm, colorful, captivating エン
2999 어린아이; sharp (music), baby エイ
3000 이를[至]; visit a temple, arrive, attain ケイ ゲイ
3001 끌; pull, tug, jerk, admit, install, quote, refer to エイ
3002 더러울; dirty アイ エ ワイ
3003 후손; descendant, border エイ
3004 깊을; heart, interior オウ オク
3005 한할; in distress, provoking, irritating, impatient, vexed オウ
3006 다섯사람; five, five-man squad, file, line ゴ
3007 잠깰; awake, understand ゴ
3008 쌓을; pile up ウン
3009 막을; plug up, shut up ヨウ
3010 그릇될; accent, dialect カ
3011 소용돌이; whirlpool, eddy, vortex カ
3012 달팽이; snail カ
3013 순할/아름다울; graceful エン
3014 완연할; address, just like, fortunately エン
3015 즐길; play, take pleasure in, trifle with, make sport of ガン
3016 팔뚝; arm, ability, talent ワン
3017 성; place name ゲン
3018 완고할; stubborn, foolish, firmly ガン
3019 굽을; bend, curve, crooked, perverse, lean, forcibly, against one's will オウ
3020 난쟁이; low, short ワイ アイ
3021 높고클; high ギ
3022 외람할; obscene ワイ
3023 시끄러울; disturb, throw into confusion ジョウ
3024 고요할; quiet ヨウ
3025 기왓가마; kiln, oven, furnace ヨウ
3026 맞을; go to meet, call ヨウ
3027 넉넉할; abundant ジョウ ニョウ
3028 요행; luck, seek, desire ギョウ キョウ
3029 오목할; concave, hollow, sunken オウ
3030 우길; crooked, twisted, distorted, perverted, cross オウ ヨウ イク ユウ
3031 일찍죽을; early death, calamity ヨウ オウ カ
3032 뛸; jump, dance, leap, skip ヨウ
3033 연꽃; lotus ヨウ
3034 용, 이 [용] 풀날, [이:] 버섯; mushroom ジョウ ニュ
3035 솟을; rise, tower ショウ
3036 물 솟을; boil, ferment, seethe, uproar, breed ユウ ヨウ ユ
3037 염려할/나라이름; fear, uneasiness, anxiety, concern, expectation, consideration グ
3038 에돌; roundabout way ウ
3039 부칠; temporary abode, imply, suggest グウ グ ドウ
3040 산굽이; mountain recesses グウ グ
3041 모퉁이; corner, nook グウ
3042 김맬; weed ウン
3043 죽을; fall, die イン ウン
3044 떨어질; fall イン エン ウン
3045 원통할; false charge, hatred エン
3046 원숭이; monkey エン
3047 원앙; male mandarin duck エン オン
3048 시들; wither, droop, lame イ
3049 야유할; pull, tease, play with ヨウ ユウ ユ
3050 유자; citron ユ ユウ ジク
3051 헤엄칠; float, swim ユウ リュウ
3052 놋쇠; brass チュウ トウ
3053 병나을; healing, cure, quench (thirst), wreak ユ
3054 아첨할; flatter ユ
3055 타이를; rebuke, admonish, charge, warn, persuade ユ
3056 밟을; step on ジュウ
3057 깨우칠; metaphor, compare ユ
3058 즐거울; pleasure, happy, rejoice ユ
3059 너그러울; soothe, calm, pacify ユウ
3060 가는베; wool cloth ジュウ
3061 병장기/오랑캐; warrior, arms, barbarian, Ainu ジュウ
3062 그늘; shade, shadow, backing assistance イン オン
3063 읍할; bow with arms folded, come together, assemble イツ ユ シュウ ユウ
3064 가슴; breast, strike ヨウ オウ
3065 굳셀; strong キ ギ
3066 의자; chair イ
3067 비길; mimic, aim (a gun) at, nominate, imitate ギ
3068 정; friendship, intimacy ギ
3069 미끼; food, bait, prey, tempting profit ジ ニ
3070 이모; younger sister テイ イ
3071 상처; injury イ
3072 너; you, thou, second person ジ ニ
3073 늦출; slacken, relax チ シ
3074 다음날; the following, next ヨク
3075 지렁이; earthworm ズ イン
3076 질길; soft, pliable, quiver ジン ニン サ サイ サツ
3077 인, 열, 연 [인] 목구멍, [열] 목멜, [연] 삼킬; throat, choked, smothered, stuffy イン エン エツ
3078 묻힐; sink イン エン
3079 넘칠; overflow, inundate, spill イツ
3080 일, 질 [일] 편안, [질] 질탕; lost, hide, peace, mistake, beautiful, in turn イツ テツ
3081 남을; leftovers, residue, remains ジョウ
3082 아이밸; become pregnant ヨウ
3083 허물; crack, flaw, scratch, speck シ
3084 자세할; offspring (animal), detailed, fine シ
3085 사탕수수; sugar cane シャ ショ
3086 자, 적 [자] 구울, [적] 구울; roast, broil, toast, cauterize シャ セキ
3087 삶을; boil, cook シャ
3088 깔/핑계할; carpet, lend, borrow, make excuses, spread out シャ セキ ジャク
3089 사기그릇; high quality porcelain シ
3090 터질; frying, explosion タク サ サク
3091 구기; ladle, one tenth of a go, dip シャク
3092 불사를; miraculous シャク
3093 너그러울; loose, lenient シャク
3094 씹을; bite シャク
3095 함박꽃; peony シャク
3096 참새; sparrow ジャク ジャン サク シャク
3097 까치; magpie シャク ジャク
3098 잔; sake cup サン セン
3099 사다리; crosspiece サン セン
3100 경계; warning, counsel, presept, needle シン
3101 비녀; ornamental hairpin シン サン
3102 돛대; mast ショウ
3103 장미; water pepper バ ショウ ショク ソウ
3104 漿 즙; a drink ショウ
3105 장; any jam-like or paste-like food ショウ
3106 지팡이; staff, cane ジョウ
3107 장인; artisan, workman, carpenter ショウ
3108 의장; cane, stick ジョウ チョウ
3109 재계할/집; Buddhist food, room, religious purification, worship, avoid, alike サイ
3110 찌끼; dregs, grounds シ サイ
3111 쇳소리; gong ソウ
3112 원숭이/엿볼; aim at, sight, shadow, stalk ソ ショ
3113 돼지; pig, hog チョ
3114 젓가락; chopsticks チョ チャク
3115 씹을; bite, eat ソ ショ
3116 저주할; curse ソ ショ
3117 머뭇거릴; hesitate チョ チャク
3118 집; residence, mansion テイ
3119 씨름; touch, feel, collide with, conflict with テイ
3120 정실; legitimate wife, direct descent (non-bastard) チャク テキ
3121 귀양갈; crime タク チャク
3122 오랑캐; barbarian テキ
3123 자취; mark, print, impression セキ シャク
3124 메울; fill in, fill up, make good テン チン
3125 기록할; paper, label, letter, composition セン
3126 보낼; farewell gift セン
3127 떨; shudder セン
3128 엎드러질/이마; top, peak, summit, upset テン
3129 사람가릴; measure, scales, weigh セン
3130 돌아누울; squeak テン ネン
3131 얽을; wear, wrap, tie, follow around, collect テン デン
3132 마개; plug, bolt, cork, bung, stopper セン
3133 살; arrow セン
3134 가게; fine residence, shop, store テン
3135 미칠; insanity テン
3136 달일; broil, parch, roast, boil セン
3137 앙금; sediment, grounds, dregs, stagnant デン テン
3138 가위; clip, snip, cut セン
3139 담; woollen cloth or rug セン
3140 고칠; amend シュン セン
3141 전자; seal-style characters テン
3142 정할/제사; decision テン デン テイ
3143 끊을; cut off, sever セツ サイ
3144 젖을; moisten, water, soak テン
3145 붙을; sticky, glutinous, greasy, persevere ネン
3146 덩이; lock, fetters, shackles ジョウ
3147 빼어날; bravely volunteer; counter for guns, inksticks, palanquins, rickshaws チョウ テイ
3148 밭두둑; town, village, block, street チョウ
3149 눈동자; pupil of the eye セイ ショウ
3150 닻; anchor, grapnel テイ
3151 함정; sunken trap セイ
3152 못; nail, tack, peg テイ チョウ
3153 편안할; peaceful セイ ジョウ
3154 그림족자; making books or scrolls テイ チョウ トウ
3155 술취할; intoxication テイ
3156 울; bark, chirp, cry テイ
3157 사다리; ladder, stairs, insatiable drinking テイ タイ
3158 공손할; serving our elders テイ ダイ
3159 굽; hoof テイ
3160 조서; imperial edict ショウ
3161 마름[菱]; seaweed, duckweed ソウ
3162 조급할; noisy ソウ
3163 막힐; thwart, separate from, prevent, obstruct, deter, impede ソ
3164 시들; wither, droop, lame チョウ
3165 비웃을; ridicule, insult チョウ トウ
3166 무리; office, official, comrade, fellow ソウ ゾウ
3167 대추; jujube ソウ
3168 거칠; coarse, rough, rugged ソ
3169 조' 비롯할; beginning チョウ ジョウ トウ
3170 만날; encounter, meet, party, association, interview, join ソウ
3171 구유; vat, tub, tank ソウ
3172 고치켤; winding, reel, spin, turn (pages), look up, refer to ソウ
3173 지게미; dregs, sediment, grounds コウ ソウ
3174 빽빽할; density チュウ チョウ
3175 배로실어나를; rowing, scull, paddle ソウ
3176 손톱; claw, nail, talon ソウ
3177 볼; stare, watch, look at, see, scrutinize チョウ
3178 가는대; group, crowd, swarm ゾク ソウ ソク
3179 갑자기; sudden ソツ
3180 발꿈치; heel ショウ
3181 권할; advise, persuade ショウ
3182 종기; tumor, swelling シュ ショウ
3183 자취; remains, clue, footprint ソウ ショウ
3184 꺾을; crush, break, sprain, discourage ザ サ
3185 머뭇거릴; hesitate チュウ チュ シュウ ジュ
3186 몰려들; gather ソウ
3187 벨; death penalty チュウ チュ
3188 지을; make サ サク ソ
3189 자손; lineage, bloodline チュウ
3190 빌; spell, curse, charm, malediction ジュ シュ シュウ ズ
3191 부추길; sic'em, egg on, instigate ゾク ソク ソウ
3192 부엌; kitchen シュウ ズ チュ チュウ
3193 주임금/껑거리끈; harness strap, window チュウ
3194 명주; pongee (a knotted silk cloth) チュウ
3195 글뜻풀; notes, comment, annotate チュウ
3196 마칠; end, finish ドウ シュン
3197 술통; barrel, cask, keg ソン
3198 꾸물거릴; wriggle シュン
3199 빗; comb シツ
3200 기울; thatch, cover, shingle, tile シュウ
3201 즙; soup, juice, broth, sap, gravy, pus ジュウ
3202 여덟치; short, span シ
3203 잡을; gift, seriousness シ
3204 지, 기 [지] 탱자, [기] 탱자; trifoliate orange tree, thorny tree used for hedges キ シ
3205 복; welfare, happiness シ
3206 팔다리; limb, arms & legs シ
3207 성낼; be angry シン
3208 마마; measles, sickness シン チン
3209 책권차례; Japanese book cover チツ
3210 차꼬; fetters シツ
3211 음도; vagina チツ
3212 꾸짖을; scold, reprove シツ シチ
3213 거꾸러질; stumble テツ
3214 갈마들; transfer, alternation テツ
3215 미워할; jealous, envy シツ
3216 나; majestic plural, imperial we チン
3217 짐작할; dip water, estimate シン
3218 맑을; lucidity, be clear, clear, clarify, settle, strain, look grave チョウ
3219 갈래; fork in road, crotch サ シャ サイ
3220 탄식할; lament, grieve, sigh, alas, ah サ シャ
3221 미끄러질; stumble サ
3222 짤; squeeze サク
3223 좁을; narrow, fold, furl, shrug, pucker, shut, close サク
3224 뚫을; chisel サク
3225 지을; composing, editing, compiling, selecting サン セン
3226 모을; editing, compiling サン
3227 반찬; food, offering セン サン
3228 빼앗을
3229 문지를; grate, rub, scratch, scrape, chafe, scour サツ
3230 구덩이; moat, ditch ザン セン
3231 역마을; stop, halt タン
3232 주제넘을; boastfully usurp シン セン
3233 뉘우칠; regret, repent, confess sins ザン サン
3234 참소할; defamation ザン サン
3235 예언; omen シン
3236 창; spear, lance, javelin ソウ ショウ
3237 부을; dilate, distend, bulge, fill out, swell チョウ
3238 창녀; prostitute ショウ
3239 미쳐날뛸; be insane, severe, violence ショウ
3240 공장; workshop ショウ
3241 부스럼; wound, boil, syphilis ソウ ショウ
3242 광대; prostitute, actor ショウ
3243 부두; hold (ship) ソウ
3244 창포; iris ショウ
3245 슬플; sad, pathetic ソウ
3246 넘칠; overflow チョウ
3247 목책; fort サイ
3248 울타리; stockade, fence, weir, entwine around サク サン
3249 쓸쓸할; uncanny, weird, threatening, horrible セイ サイ
3250 여윌; get thin, lose weight, become sterile セキ ジャク
3251 씻을; rinse, wash デキ テキ ジョウ
3252 등마루; stature, height セキ
3253 던질; hit, resign テキ チャク ジャク
3254 밝힐; clarify セン
3255 穿 뚫을; put on (to the feet), dig, pierce, drill セン
3256 멋대로할; self-indulgent セン
3257 숨찰; pant, gasp, breathe hard ゼン セン
3258 바퀴자국; rut, wheel track テツ
3259 엮을; compose, spell, write, bind (books) テイ テツ テチ ゲツ
3260 볼록할; convex, beetle brow, uneven トツ
3261 제비(점대); lottery, raffle セン
3262 다/여러; all セン
3263 아첨할; flatter テン
3264 문서; quire (of paper), bundle of seaweed, counter for screens, notebook チョウ ジョウ
3265 붙일; stick, paste, apply テン チョウ
3266 거듭; tatami, counter for tatami mats, fold, shut up, do away with ジョウ チョウ
3267 편지; label, genealogy, circular チョウ ジョウ
3268 빠를; victory, fast ショウ ソウ
3269 눈물; tears, sympathy テイ
3270 살필; truth, clarity, abandon, give up テイ タイ
3271 담비; marten, sable チョウ
3272 암초; reef, sunken rock ショウ
3273 화약; nitrate, saltpeter ショウ
3274 파리할; get thin ショウ セウ ソウ
3275 초; vinegar サク
3276 파초; banana, plantain ショウ
3277 나무할; woodcutting, lumberjack ショウ
3278 나무끝; treetops, twig ショウ
3279 점점; slightly ソウ ショウ
3280 볶을; broil, parch, roast, fry ソウ ショウ
3281 부탁할; request, send a message ショク
3282 헤아릴; conjecture ソン
3283 떨기/모일; plexus, clump of bushes, thicket ソウ ス
3284 무덤; hillock, mound チョウ
3285 사랑할; affection, love, patronage チョウ
3286 모을/사진찍을; snapshot, take pictures サツ
3287 칠 추 / 방망이; hammer, mallet ツイ
3288 지도리; pivot, door スウ シュ
3289 꼴; grass cutting, hay スウ シュウ ス
3290 떨어질; crash, fall (down) ツイ
3291 미꾸라지; bullhead シュウ シュ
3292 쇠망치; hammer, mallet ツイ タイ
3293 우두머리; chieftain シュウ ジュ
3294 송곳; auger, drill, awl, pyramid, cone スイ
3295 저울추; weight, plumb bob, sinker, spindle スイ
3296 쇠몽치/등골; chinquapin, mallet, spine ツイ スイ
3297 내칠; draw back チュツ
3298 혹; luxury セイ
3299 파리할; becoming emaciated, son スイ
3300 췌장; pancreas, (kokuji) スイ
3301 모을; collect, gather, assemble スイ サイ
3302 장가들; marry, arrange a marriage シュ
3303 푸를/물총새; green, kingfisher スイ
3304 연할; brittle, fragile, easy to beat, sentimental, susceptible ゼイ セイ セツ
3305 슬플; be sad ソク ショク
3306 기[旗]; flag, banner, streamer シ
3307 비웃을; laugh, ridicule シ
3308 치질; piles, hemorrhoids ヂ ジ
3309 사치할; luxury, pride シ
3310 성할; kindling fire シ
3311 어리석을; foolish チ
3312 빽빽할; fine (i.e. not coarse) チ
3313 달릴; run, gallop, sail, drive (a wagon), win (fame), despatch チ ジ
3314 칙서; imperial order チョク
3315 침; needle シン
3316 다듬잇돌; fulling block チン
3317 숨을; hibernation of insects チツ チュウ
3318 저울; balances, scales, steelyard ショウ ヒン ビン
3319 낙타; hunchback, load ダ タ
3320 길고둥글; ellipse ダ タ
3321 게으를; lazy, laziness ダ
3322 침; saliva, sputum ダ タ
3323 비탈질/부처; steep タ ダ イ チ ジ
3324 키; rudder, helm, wheel ダ タ
3325 뽑을; excel in, surpass, pull out, select テキ タク
3326 방울; large hand bell タク
3327 삼킬; drink トン ドン
3328 평탄할; level, wide タン
3329 꺼릴; hesitate, shrink, awe タン タ
3330 터질; be rent, ripped, unravel, run, begin to open, smile タン
3331 노려볼; watch intently タン
3332 탈; board, load (a vehicle), ride トウ
3333 호탕할; cave トウ
3334 방탕할; melt, be charmed, captivated トウ
3335 볼기칠; whip, rod, scourge, crime punishable by flogging チ
3336 이끼; moss, lichen タイ
3337 밟을; trample タイ
3338 일; washing, sieving, filtering, weeding out, luxury タ タイ
3339 버틸; prop up, support, brace チョウ トウ
3340 펼; spread, disperse, vent, set forth チョ
3341 서러워할; be sad, grieve ドウ トウ
3342 통; tub, bucket ヨウ トウ
3343 통; cylinder, pipe, tube, gun barrel, sleeve トウ
3344 무너질
3345 쌓을; piled high タイ ツイ
3346 바랠; fade, discolour タイ トン
3347 넓적다리; thigh, femur タイ
3348 씌울; accumulate, big and long, hackneyed トウ
3349 샘낼; jealous, envy ト ツ
3350 사특할; bad, evil, disaster トク
3351 꼬리/뱀; comma-design ハ
3352 긁을; scratch, crawl ハ
3353 비파; lute ハ ベ ワ
3354 파초; banana バ ハ
3355 파, 피 [파] 절름발이, [피-] 비스듬히설; lame, lameness, odd shoe ハ ヒ
3356 파, 바 [파] 할미, [바] 음역자; old woman, grandma, wet nurse バ
3357 힘들일; manage, do, handle, deal with ハン
3358 비쏟아질; big rain, swamp ハイ
3359 패; label, signboard, medal, mahjong tiles ハイ
3360 거스를; be contrary ハイ ボツ
3361 염불소리; song, ballad バイ
3362 찰[帶]; wear, put on (a sword) ハイ
3363 피; humble, deccan grass ハイ ヒ
3364 불을; swell, get fat, thick ボウ
3365 물소리; turbulent water ホウ ヒョウ
3366 강퍅할; go against, disobey フク ヒョク
3367 채찍; whip, rod, counter for whippings ベン ヘン
3368 속일; deceive ヘン
3369 낮출; degrade, disparage, belittle, demote ヘン
3370 부평초; floating plants ヘイ ヒョウ
3371 죽을; kill, die violent death ヘイ
3372 대궐섬돌; highness, steps (of throne) ヘイ
3373 물집; smallpox, blister ホウ
3374 부엌; kitchen ホウ
3375 도망갈; flee ホ フ
3376 기릴; praise, extol ホウ
3377 도포; coat ホウ
3378 길; crawl, creep ホ
3379 포; dried meat フ ホ
3380 거품; bubbles, foam, suds, froth ホウ
3381 채마밭; garden, field ホ フ
3382 먹일; nurse, suckle ホ
3383 고함지를; bark, roar, get angry ホウ
3384 부들; bullrush, flag, cattail ホ ボ フ ブ
3385 쪼일 폭 /; bleach, refine, expose, air バク ホク ボク
3386 폭, 포 [폭] 폭포, [포] 소나기; waterfall バク ハク ホウ ボウ ホク ボク
3387 표범; leopard, panther ヒョウ ホウ
3388 급할; fast, quick ヒョウ
3389 나부낄; turn over, wave ヒョウ
3390 겁박할; threat ヒョウ
3391 여쭐; salary in rice リン ヒン
3392 풍자할; hint, satirize フウ
3393 헤칠; expose, open ヒ
3394 필; head, counter for animals ヒキ ショ ソ ヒツ
3395 핍박할; urge, force, imminent, spur on フク ヒツ ヒョク ヒキ
3396 모자랄; destitution, scarce, limited ボウ
3397 노을; be hazy, grow dim, blurred カ ゲ
3398 멀; distant カ
3399 두꺼비/새우; shrimp, prawn, lobster カ ゲ
3400 허물; flaw, blemish カ
3401 구렁; valley ガク カク
3402 희롱할; sport with ギャク キャク
3403 학질; ague, intermittent fever ギャク ガク
3404 드물; bird-catching net, rare カン
3405 사나울; rough, clumsy, violent カン
3406 빨래할/열흘; wash カン
3407 다스릴; control, wedge カツ
3408 봉할; shut, seal カン
3409 젖을; immerse カン
3410 난간; pen, corral, cell, jail カン
3411 소리칠; cry, call カン ヤク
3412 함; box (archaic) カン
3413 재갈; horse's bit カン
3414 짤; salty カン ダイ
3415 합; covered utensil コウ
3416 조개; clam コウ
3417 항아리; urn コウ
3418 항문; anus コウ
3419 화할; harmony カイ
3420 뼈; bone, body, corpse ガイ カイ
3421 본보기; square character style, correctness カイ
3422 함께; together カイ
3423 놀랄; be surprised ガイ カイ
3424 게으를; laziness ケ カイ
3425 기침; cough, clear throat カイ ガイ
3426 우연히만날; meet unexpectedly カイ
3427 꾸짖을; censure, criminal investigation ガイ
3428 길잡을; guide, direct, incline to, favor コウ キョウ
3429 잔치할; banquet キョウ
3430 불[吹]; exhale, blow out, deep sigh, hiss, praise, flatter, lie キョ
3431 터; ruins キョ
3432 쉴; exhausted, out of ケツ カイ カツ
3433 자랑할; show off, display, pretend ゲン ケン
3434 어지러울; faint, dizzy ゲン カン
3435 무늬; brilliant fabric design ケン
3436 의기로울; chivalrous person, chivalry, knight-errant, tomboy キョウ キャン
3437 낄; put between, insert, jam, get caught, sandwich キョウ ショウ
3438 좁을; narrow, contract, reduce, tight, limited キョウ コウ
3439 뺨; cheeks, jaw キョウ
3440 가시; thorn, brier, whip ケイ
3441 살별; comet スイ エ ケイ セイ
3442 식혜; vinegar ケイ カイ
3443 풀칠할; paste, glue, sizing コ ゴ コツ
3444 활; arc, arch, bow コ
3445 여우; fox コ
3446 산호; ancestral offering receptacle, coral コ ゴ
3447 호박; jewelled utensil コ
3448 흐릴; all, turbidity コン
3449 홀; mace, baton, scepter コツ
3450 황홀할; fall in love with, admire, grow senile コツ
3451 떠들썩할; resound, reverberate コウ
3452 어지러울; get confused コウ
3453 무지개; rainbow コウ
3454 벼슬; official カン
3455 홀아비; widower, unmarried man カン コン
3456 부를; yell, cry, call, scream, summon カン
3457 기뻐할; greetings, be happy, celebrate カン
3458 교활할; crafty カツ
3459 넓을; wide カツ
3460 빛날; glitter, gleam, twinkle コウ
3461 헤맬; wandering コウ
3462 급할; leisure カン コウ
3463 황홀할; unclear, senile, stupid, joke コウ
3464 어리둥절할; disconcerted, be confused, lose one's head コウ
3465 봉황; female phoenix bird コウ オウ
3466 두려울; fear コウ
3467 재물/뇌물; bribe, board, supply, finance ワイ
3468 가르칠; instruct カイ
3469 회충; intestinal worms カイ ユウ
3470 회; raw fish salad カイ ケ
3471 그림; picture, drawing, painting, sketch カイ エ
3472 그믐; dark, disappear カイ
3473 머뭇거릴; wandering カイ クワイ エ
3474 넓을; wide, large, enlarge カイ ケ
3475 울릴; call コウ
3476 사귈/가로그을; to mix with, to associate with, to join, double X radical (no. 89) コウ ギョウ
3477 삭힐; fermentation コウ
3478 성낼; roar, howl, growl, bellow コウ
3479 만날; meet コウ
3480 썩을; decay, rot, remain in seclusion キュウ
3481 맡을; smell, sniff, scent キュウ
3482 울부짖을; bark, bay, howl, bellow, roar, cry コウ ク
3483 무리; halo, corona, fade ウン
3484 지껄일; noisy, boisterous ケン
3485 부리; beak カイ
3486 풀; grass キ ケ
3487 기; beckon to, command キ
3488 무리; same kind, collect, classify, category, hedgehog イ
3489 숨길/꺼릴; posthumous (real) name キ
3490 불쌍할; relieve, have mercy ジュツ シュツ
3491 흉악할; wickedness キョウ
3492 용솟음칠; gush forth, surge キョウ
3493 기쁠; take pleasure in, rejoice キン ゴン コン
3494 흔적; mark, foot print コン
3495 흠향할; like, admire, willingly, gladly, to quicken キン コン
3496 하품; lack, gap, fail, yawning radical (no. 76) ケツ ケン
3497 흡족할; far and wide コウ
3498 흡사할; just as, as though, fortunately コウ カッ チョウ キョウ
3499 희생; sacrifice ギ キ
3500 꾸짖을; packed, close, pressed, reprove, rebuke, blame キツ キチ
Источник: Намувики

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