100 Chinese Characters Most Frequently Used in Korean Words

1 jeok 적(的) = of

beopjjeok 법적(法的) = legal

bipanjeok 비판적(批判的) = critical

bopyeonjeok 보편적(普遍的) = universal

bosujeok 보수적(保守的) = conservative

bubunjeok 부분적(部分的) = partial

bujeongjeok 부정적(否定的) = negative

changjojeok 창조적(創造的) = creative

chegyejeok 체계적(體系的) = systematic

cheolhakjjeok 철학적(哲學的) = philosophical

chunggyeokjjeok 충격적(衝擊的) = shocking

2 in 인(人) = people

aein 애인(愛人) = lover, boyfriend, girlfriend

baegin 백인(白人) = White

heugin 흑인(黑人) = Black

beomin 범인(犯人) = criminal, culprit

gaein 개인(個人) = individual

gunin 군인(軍人) = soldier, military personnel

hangugin 한국인(韓國人) = Korean

ilbonin 일본인(日本人) = the Japanese people

illyu 인류(人類) = humankind

ingan 인간(人間) = human

3 hak 학(學) = learn, study

hakkkyo 학교(學校) = school

hakssaeng 학생(學生) = student

banghak 방학(放學) = vacation

gwahak 과학(科學) = science

cheolhak 철학(哲學) = philosophy

munhak 문학(文學) = literature

gyeongjehak 경제학(經濟學) = economics

jeongchihak 정치학(政治學) = political science, politics

sahoehak 사회학(社會學) = sociology

simnihak 심리학(心理學) = psychology

4 saeng 생(生) = born, live; people

balssaeng 발생(發生) = occurrence

saengil 생일(生日) = birthday

dongsaeng 동생(同生) = younger sibling

ilssaeng 일생(一生) = (in) one’s lifetime

insaeng 인생(人生) = human life, lifetime

chodeunghakssaeng 초등학생(初等學生) = elementary school student

junghakssaeng 중학생(中學生) = junior high school student

godeunghakssaeng 고등학생(高等學生) = high school student

daehakssaeng 대학생(大學生) = university student

sinipssaeng 신입생(新入生) = freshman

5 guk 국(國) = country

daehanminguk 대한민국(大韓民國) = South Korea, Republic of Korea

hanguk 한국(韓國) = South Korea

miguk 미국(美國) = the United States of America

jungguk 중국(中國) = China

yeongguk 영국(英國) = the United Kingdom

oeguk 외국(外國) = foreign country

cheonguk 천국(天國) = paradise, heaven

gungmin 국민(國民) = nation, people

gukjjeok 국적(國籍) = nationality, citizenship

gukkka 국가(國家) = nation, country

gukkki 국기(國旗) = national flag

6 dae 대(大) = big, large, great

daedosi 대도시(大都市) = large city

daehak 대학(大學) = college, university

daejung 대중(大衆) = the (general) public

daeryang 대량(大量) = great quantities

daetongnyeong 대통령(大統領) = president

daebubun 대부분(大部分) = most

daedasu 대다수(大多數) = majority, most

daemun 대문(大門) = main entrance, front gate

choedae 최대(最大) = maximum, the biggest

hwakttae 확대(擴大) = expansion, enlargement

7 ja 자(者) = person

baeuja 배우자(配偶者) = spouse

buja 부자(富者) = rich person

cheolhakjja 철학자(哲學者) = philosopher

choboja 초보자(初步者) = beginner, novice

damdangja 담당자(擔當者) = the person in charge

geulloja 근로자(勤勞者) = worker, laborer

gija 기자(記者) = reporter, journalist

gisuljja 기술자(技術者) = technician, engineer

gwahakjja 과학자(科學者) = scientist

hakjja 학자(學者) = scholar

8 saek 색(色) = color

hinsaek 흰색(흰色) = white

bunhongsaek 분홍색(粉紅色) = pink

chorokssaek 초록색(草綠色) = green

galssaek 갈색(褐色) = brown

geomjeongsaek 검정색(검정色) = black

hoesaek 회색(灰色) = gray

nokssaek 녹색(綠色) = green

noransaek 노란색(노란色) = yellow

paransaek 파란색(파란色) = blue

ppalgansaek 빨간색(빨간色) = red

9 pyo 표(表) = surface, exterior

balpyo 발표(發表) = announcement

daepyo 대표(代表) = representative

pyo 표(表) = table

sapyo 사표(辭表) = letter of resignation

pyohyeon 표현(表現) = expression

pyosi 표시(表示) = expression

pyojeong 표정(表情) = expression, look

pyomyeon 표면(表面) = surface

10 il 일(日) = day

yoil 요일(曜日) = day of the week

iryoil 일요일(日曜日) = Sunday

woryoil 월요일(月曜日) = Monday

hwayoil 화요일(火曜日) = Tuesday

suyoil 수요일(水曜日) = Wednesday

mogyoil 목요일(木曜日) = Thursday

geumyoil 금요일(金曜日) = Friday

toyoil 토요일(土曜日) = Saturday

ilgi 일기(日記) = diary

ilssang 일상(日常) = everyday life

11 sa 사(事) = work

gongsa 공사(工事) = construction work

nongsa 농사(農事) = farming

gisa 기사(記事) = article, news

haengsa 행사(行事) = event, occasion

geomsa 검사(檢事) = (public) prosecutor

hyeongsa 형사(刑事) = (police) detective, investigator

pansa 판사(判事) = judge

sakkeon 사건(事件) = incident, affair, accident

sago 사고(事故) = accident

saeop 사업(事業) = business, enterprise

12 jung 중(中) = center, medium, among

bamjjung 밤중(밤中) = the middle of the night

dojung 도중(途中) = (on) the way

gongjung 공중(空中) = the air

jipjjung 집중(集中) = concentration

jungang 중앙(中央) = the middle

junggan 중간(中間) = the middle, medium

jungdan 중단(中斷) = halt, interruption

jungdok 중독(中毒) = addiction

jungsim 중심(中心) = center, the middle

jungsun 중순(中旬) = the middle ten days of a month

13 jang 장(場) = ground, place

geukjjang 극장(劇場) = theater

golpeujang 골프장( golf 場) = golf course

gongjang 공장(工場) = factory, plant

gongyeonjang 공연장(公演場) = performance hall

gwangjang 광장(廣場) = square, plaza

gyeonggijang 경기장(競技場) = stadium

haesuyokjjang 해수욕장(海水浴場) = beach, bathing resort

hyeonjang 현장(現場) = site, scene

jeonggeojang 정거장(停車場) = stop

jangso 장소(場所) = place, spot

14 chul 출(出) = come out

suchul 수출(輸出) = exportation, export

jichul 지출(支出) = expense

oechul 외출(外出) = going out

chulgu 출구(出口) = exit, way out

chuljjang 출장(出張) = business trip

chulpan 출판(出版) = publication

chulssan 출산(出産) = childbirth, delivery

chulsseok 출석(出席) = attendance

chultoegeun 출퇴근(出退勤) = commute

churimmun 출입문(出入門) = door, gate

15 oe 외(外) = outside; mother’s side

haeoe 해외(海外) = foreign country, overseas country

jeoe 제외(除外) = exclusion, exception

naeoe 내외(內外) = around, about

sioe 시외(市外) = countryside, outside the city

oebu 외부(外部) = the outside

oegyo 외교(外交) = diplomacy

oemo 외모(外貌) = appearance, look

oehalmeoni 외할머니(外할머니) = one’s mother’s mother

oeharabeoji 외할아버지(外할아버지) = one’s mother’s father

oesamchon 외삼촌(外三寸) = one’s mother’s brother

16 eop 업(業) = work

gieop 기업(企業) = enterprise, corporation

jigeop 직업(職業) = occupation, profession

saneop 산업(産業) = industry

nongeop 농업(農業) = agriculture, farming industry

sangeop 상업(商業) = commerce, business

gongeop 공업(工業) = manufacturing industry

yeongeop 영업(營業) = business

eommu 업무(業務) = work, task, job

eopche 업체(業體) = business, enterprise

eopjjong 업종(業種) = type of business

17 ja 자(自) = by oneself

gakjja 각자(各自) = separately

jasin 자신(自身) = oneself

jagi 자기(自己) = oneself

jabusim 자부심(自負心) = pride, self-esteem

jajonsim 자존심(自尊心) = self-esteem, pride

jache 자체(自體) = itself

jadongcha 자동차(自動車) = car, automobile

jagayong 자가용(自家用) = (one’s own) car

jajeongeo 자전거(自轉車) = bicycle, bike

japangi 자판기(自販機) = vending machine

18 gan 간(間) = between, during

dangbungan 당분간(當分間) = for the time being, for a while

sungan 순간(瞬間) = moment

hansungan 한순간(한瞬間) = a moment

sunsikkkan 순식간(瞬息間) = a brief instant

gigan 기간(期間) = period (of time), term

gonggan 공간(空間) = space

yeongan 연간(年間) = per year

gangyeok 간격(間隔) = interval, space, gap

ganhok 간혹(間或) = sometimes, occasionally

gansik 간식(間食) = snack

19 bu 부(部) = divide; group

bubun 부분(部分) = part

ilbu 일부(一部) = part, portion

jeonbu 전부(全部) = all

naebu 내부(內部) = the inside, interior

oebu 외부(外部) = the outside

budae 부대(部隊) = troops, corps, unit

bujang 부장(部長) = head of department

bupum 부품(部品) = part, component

buseo 부서(部署) = department, division

buwi 부위(部位) = part, region, spot

20 sil 실(實) = truth

hyeonsil 현실(現實) = reality

sasil 사실(事實) = fact, truth

seongsilhada 성실하다(誠實하다) = faithful, sincere

silcheon 실천(實踐) = practice, action

silheom 실험(實驗) = experiment, test

silhyeon 실현(實現) = realization

siljje 실제(實際) = reality

sillyeok 실력(實力) = ability, skill

silsseup 실습(實習) = practice

silssi 실시(實施) = implementation

21 il 일(一) = one, first

il 일(一) = one

jeil 제일(第一) = the first, the most

tongil 통일(統一) = unification, unity

dongilhada 동일하다(同一하다) = same, identical

ilhaeng 일행(一行) = party, company

ilhoeyongpum 일회용품(一回用品) = disposable

iljjuil 일주일(一週日) = a week, one week

ilttan 일단(一旦) = first

iltteung 일등(一等) = first place, the top

irwol 일월(一月) = January

22 so 소(所) = place

jangso 장소(場所) = place, spot

juso 주소(住所) = address

juyuso 주유소(注油所) = gas station

setaksso 세탁소(洗濯所) = laundry

suksso 숙소(宿所) = lodging

yeonguso 연구소(硏究所) = laboratory

sodeuk 소득(所得) = income, profit

sojipum 소지품(所持品) = one’s belongings

somang 소망(所望) = wish, desire

somun 소문(所聞) = rumor, hearsay, gossip

23 ip 입(入) = enter

doip 도입(導入) = introduction

gaip 가입(加入) = joining

guip 구입(購入) = purchase

ibwon 입원(入院) = hospitalization

imnyeok 입력(入力) = entry

ipak 입학(入學) = entrance into a school

ipjjang 입장(入場) = entrance

ipkku 입구(入口) = entrance

ipkkuk 입국(入國) = entrance into a country

ipssa 입사(入社) = joining a company

24 che 체(體) = body

inche 인체(人體) = human body

sinche 신체(身體) = human body

yukche 육체(肉體) = body

mulche 물체(物體) = object

danche 단체(團體) = organization, group

eopche 업체(業體) = business, enterprise

chejung 체중(體重) = (body) weight

cheon 체온(體溫) = body temperature

cheryeok 체력(體力) = physical strength, stamina

chegyeok 체격(體格) = build, physique

25 dae 대(對) = reply; face

sangdae 상대(相對) = opponent, competitor

sangdaebang 상대방(相對方) = the other party, opponent

sangdaejeok 상대적(相對的) = relative

jeolttaejeok 절대적(絶對的) = absolute, unconditional

jeolttaero 절대로(絶對로) = never

bandae 반대(反對) = the opposite

daedap 대답(對答) = answer, reply

daehada 대하다(對하다) = treat

daehwa 대화(對話) = talk

daesang 대상(對象) = object, target

26 sik 식(食) = eat

eumsik 음식(飮食) = food

eumsikjjeom 음식점(飮食店) = restaurant

hansik 한식(韓食) = Korean food

ilssik 일식(日食) = Japanese food

jungsik 중식(中食) = Chinese food

yangsik 양식(洋食) = Western food

sigyok 식욕(食慾) = appetite

sigyongnyu 식용유(食用油) = cooking oil

sikcho 식초(食醋) = vinegar

sikkku 식구(食口) = family (member)

27 yong 용(用) = use

biyong 비용(費用) = cost, expense

soyong 소용(所用) = use, good

bujagyong 부작용(副作用) = side effect

iyong 이용(利用) = use

hwaryong 활용(活用) = application, practical use

sayong 사용(使用) = use

sinyong 신용(信用) = credit, credibility

yongdo 용도(用途) = use

yongeo 용어(用語) = term, terminology

yongtton 용돈(用돈) = allowance, pocket money

28 jang 장(長) = long; good; chief

yeonjang 연장(延長) = extension, renewal

seongjang 성장(成長) = growth, development

banjang 반장(班長) = class president

bujang 부장(部長) = head of department

gajang 가장(家長) = head of household

gwajang 과장(課長) = section chief

gyojang 교장(校長) = principal

hoejang 회장(會長) = chairman, president

jangjjeom 장점(長點) = advantage, merit

jangnam 장남(長男) = the oldest son

29 seong 성(性) = nature; gender

bonseong 본성(本性) = true character

gaeseong 개성(個性) = individuality, personality

dayangsseong 다양성(多樣性) = diversity

ganeungsseong 가능성(可能性) = possibility

ingansseong 인간성(人間性) = humanity, human nature

iseong 이성(理性) = reason, rationality

iseong 이성(異性) = the opposite sex

seongbyeol 성별(性別) = sex, gender

seongjil 성질(性質) = temper

seongkkyeok 성격(性格) = personality, character

30 jeom 점(點) = dot, point

jeom 점(點) = mole, birthmark

chaijjeom 차이점(差異點) = difference, different point

chojjeom 초점(焦點) = focus

gwanjjeom 관점(觀點) = point of view, viewpoint

gongtongjjeom 공통점(共通點) = a thing in common

munjejjeom 문제점(問題點) = problem

hakjjeom 학점(學點) = credit

jijeom 지점(地點) = point, spot

jeomsim 점심(點心) = lunch

jeomssu 점수(點數) = score, mark

31 mul 물(物) = thing

geonmul 건물(建物) = building

saengmul 생물(生物) = living things, life

samul 사물(事物) = thing, object

inmul 인물(人物) = person, character

dongmul 동물(動物) = animal

singmul 식물(植物) = plant

mulche 물체(物體) = object

mulgeon 물건(物件) = thing, stuff

muljjil 물질(物質) = matter, substance

mulkka 물가(物價) = price

32 sim 심(心) = mind, heart

gwansim 관심(關心) = interest, concern

gyeolssim 결심(決心) = resolution

haekssim 핵심(核心) = core, the point

simjang 심장(心臟) = heart

simni 심리(心理) = psychology, mentality

simnihak 심리학(心理學) = psychology

simnijeok 심리적(心理的) = psychological

yangsim 양심(良心) = conscience

hogisim 호기심(好奇心) = curiosity

yokssim 욕심(欲心) = greed

33 bun 분(分) = divide; minute

bun 분(分) = minute

bubun 부분(部分) = part

bubunjeok 부분적(部分的) = partial

deokppun 덕분(德分) = thanks

gibun 기분(氣分) = feelings, mood

sinbun 신분(身分) = social position

sinbunjjeung 신분증(身分證) = identification card

bulli 분리(分離) = separation

bunseok 분석(分析) = analysis

bunya 분야(分野) = area, field

34 ga 가(家) = house, home; expert

gukkka 국가(國家) = nation, country

eumakkka 음악가(音樂家) = musician

hwaga 화가(畵家) = painter, artist

jakkka 작가(作家) = writer, author

jeonmunga 전문가(專門家) = expert, professional

soseolga 소설가(小說家) = novelist

yesulga 예술가(藝術家) = artist

gagu 가구(家具) = furniture

gajeong 가정(家庭) = home, family

gajok 가족(家族) = family (member)

35 si 시(時) = time; hour

si 시(時) = time, hour, o’clock

dangsi 당시(當時) = (at) that time

dongsi 동시(同時) = the same time

gyosi 교시(校時) = period, class

imsi 임시(臨時) = temporariness

jamsi 잠시(暫時) = (for) a moment

jeukssi 즉시(卽時) = immediately, instantly

pyeongsangsi 평상시(平常時) = ordinary day

sidae 시대(時代) = time(s), period, era, age

sigye 시계(時計) = clock, watch

36 gi 기(氣) = energy, spirit

gonggi 공기(空氣) = air

hyanggi 향기(香氣) = scent, fragrance

bunwigi 분위기(雰圍氣) = atmosphere, mood

hwalgi 활기(活氣) = energy, vitality

mulkki 물기(물氣) = wetness

seupkki 습기(濕氣) = moisture, humidity

gamgi 감기(感氣) = cold, flu

gibun 기분(氣分) = feelings, mood

gihu 기후(氣候) = climate

gion 기온(氣溫) = (atmospheric) temperature

37 dong 동(動) = move

idong 이동(移動) = move, travel

undong 운동(運動) = exercise, workout

undonghwa 운동화(運動靴) = sneakers, running shoes

undongjang 운동장(運動場) = playground

byeondong 변동(變動) = change, fluctuation

jindong 진동(振動) = vibration

budongsan 부동산(不動産) = real estate, property

dongjak 동작(動作) = movement, motion, gesture

dongmul 동물(動物) = animal

dongmurwon 동물원(動物園) = zoo

38 ja 자(子) = son; person; thing

sonja 손자(孫子) = grandson

janyeo 자녀(子女) = children, sons and daughter

jasik 자식(子息) = child, sons and daughters

namja 남자(男子) = man

yeoja 여자(女子) = woman

jeja 제자(弟子) = student, disciple

gwaja 과자(菓子) = cookie

ija 이자(利子) = interest

moja 모자(帽子) = hat, cap

sangja 상자(箱子) = box

39 ji 지(地) = earth, place, ground

beonji 번지(番地) = street address

cheoji 처지(處地) = position, circumstances

gwangwangji 관광지(觀光地) = tourist attraction

jungsimji 중심지(中心地) = center, hub, capital

jibang 지방(地方) = area

jido 지도(地圖) = map

jigu 지구(地球) = the Earth

jiha 지하(地下) = basement, underground

jihacheol 지하철(地下鐵) = subway

jijin 지진(地震) = earthquake

40 mun 문(門) = door; specialty

mun 문(門) = door, gate

ammun 앞문(앞門) = front door

dwinmun 뒷문(뒷門) = rear door

bangmun 방문(房門) = door of a room

changmun 창문(窓門) = window

daemun 대문(大門) = main entrance, front gate

gyomun 교문(校門) = school gate

hyeongwanmun 현관문(玄關門) = front door

jeonmun 전문(專門) = specialty

jeonmunga 전문가(專門家) = expert, professional

41 bal 발(發) = happen; spread

chulbal 출발(出發) = departure

gaebal 개발(開發) = development

balgyeon 발견(發見) = discovery

baljjeon 발전(發展) = development, growth

balpyo 발표(發表) = announcement

balssaeng 발생(發生) = occurrence

balttal 발달(發達) = development, growth

bareum 발음(發音) = pronunciation

42 bul 불(不) = no

bulganeung 불가능(不可能) = impossibility

bulgwa 불과(不過) = only

bulhwakssilhada 불확실하다(不確實하다) = uncertain, unclear

bulman 불만(不滿) = dissatisfaction, complaint

bulpiryohada 불필요하다(不必要하다) = unnecessary, useless

bulbeop 불법(不法) = unlawfulness

bulpyeon 불편(不便) = inconvenience

bulpyeong 불평(不平) = complaint

buran 불안(不安) = anxiety, uneasiness

burwanjeonhada 불완전하다(不完全하다) = incomplete, imperfect

43 haeng 행(行) = walk, go; do

bihaeng 비행(飛行) = flight

bihaenggi 비행기(飛行機) = airplane

ilhaeng 일행(一行) = party, company

yeohaeng 여행(旅行) = travel

eunhaeng 은행(銀行) = bank

haengdong 행동(行動) = act, behavior

haengsa 행사(行事) = event, occasion

haengwi 행위(行爲) = act, action, deed

jinhaeng 진행(進行) = progress

yuhaeng 유행(流行) = in fashion, popular

44 hoe 회(會) = meet, gather

daehoe 대회(大會) = competition, championship

dongchanghoe 동창회(同窓會) = (school) reunion

gihoe 기회(機會) = opportunity, chance

gukoe 국회(國會) = National Assembly

gukoeuiwon 국회의원(國會議員) = member of the National Assembly

gyohoe 교회(敎會) = church

hoegwan 회관(會館) = (meeting) hall

hoegyeon 회견(會見) = interview, press conference

hoehwa 회화(會話) = conversation

hoewon 회원(會員) = member

45 pum 품(品) = goods

bupum 부품(部品) = part, component

ginyeompum 기념품(記念品) = souvenir

hagyongpum 학용품(學用品) = school supplies

hwajangpum 화장품(化粧品) = cosmetics

jaehwaryongpum 재활용품(再活用品) = recyclable materials

jakpum 작품(作品) = work (of art)

jepum 제품(製品) = product, goods

sangpum 상품(商品) = product, goods

pumjil 품질(品質) = quality

pummok 품목(品目) = item

sikpum 식품(食品) = food, groceries

46 gyo 교(敎) = teach

gidokkkyo 기독교(基督敎) = Christianity

bulgyo 불교(佛敎) = Buddhism

jonggyo 종교(宗敎) = religion

jonggyojeok 종교적(宗敎的) = religious

daehakkkyosu 대학교수(大學敎授) = professor

gyogwaseo 교과서(敎科書) = textbook

gyohoe 교회(敎會) = church

gyohun 교훈(敎訓) = lesson, moral

gyojae 교재(敎材) = teaching material, textbook

gyojik 교직(敎職) = teaching profession

47 hwal 활(活) = live, vigorous; apply

saenghwal 생활(生活) = life

saenghwalbi 생활비(生活費) = living expenses

saenghwalhwangyeong 생활환경(生活環境) = living condition

hwalbalhada 활발하다(活潑하다) = vigorous, active

hwalbalhi 활발히(活潑히) = actively

hwalgi 활기(活氣) = energy, vitality

hwalttong 활동(活動) = activity

jaehwaryongpum 재활용품(再活用品) = recyclable materials

sasaenghwal 사생활(私生活) = privacy, private life

hwaryong 활용(活用) = application, practical use

48 gi 기(期) = wait; period

gidae 기대(期待) = expectation

chogi 초기(初期) = the early days, early stage

jeonggi 정기(定期) = regular, periodical

jeonggijeok 정기적(定期的) = regular, periodical

sachungi 사춘기(思春期) = adolescence, puberty

sigi 시기(時期) = time, period

donggi 동기(同期) = classmate, colleague

gigan 기간(期間) = period (of time), term

hakkki 학기(學期) = semester

jogi 조기(早期) = an early stage, an early period

49 gi 기(機) = machine

bihaenggi 비행기(飛行機) = airplane

bokssagi 복사기(複寫機) = photocopier

cheongsogi 청소기(淸掃機) = vacuum cleaner

jeonhwagi 전화기(電話機) = telephone set

sajingi 사진기(寫眞機) = camera

seonpunggi 선풍기(扇風機) = electric fan

setakkki 세탁기(洗濯機) = washing machine

gigi 기기(機器) = equipment

gigwan 기관(機關) = organization, institution

gigye 기계(機械) = machine

50 ye 예(豫) = in advance

ilgiyebo 일기예보(日氣豫報) = weather forecast

yebang 예방(豫防) = prevention

yebi 예비(豫備) = reserve

yecheuk 예측(豫測) = prediction, forecast

yego 예고(豫告) = notice

yejeong 예정(豫定) = schedule, plan

yesan 예산(豫算) = budget

yesang 예상(豫想) = expectation, prediction

yeseon 예선(豫選) = the preliminaries

yeseup 예습(豫習) = preparation

51 dae 대(代) = in place of; generation

daekka 대가(代價) = reward

daepyohada 대표하다(代表하다) = represent

daepyojeok 대표적(代表的) = representative, typical

hyeondae 현대(現代) = modern times

hyeondaein 현대인(現代人) = modern man, contemporary man

hyeondaejeok 현대적(現代的) = modern

nyeondae 년대(年代) = (certain times of) age, era

sedae 세대(世代) = generation

sidae 시대(時代) = time(s), period, era, age

sinsedae 신세대(新世代) = new generation

52 wol 월(月) = month; moon

wol 월(月) = month

irwol 일월(一月) = January

iwol 이월(二月) = February

samwol 삼월(三月) = March

sawol 사월(四月) = April

owol 오월(五月) = May

yuwol 유월(六月) = June

chirwol 칠월(七月) = July

wolgeup 월급(月給) = salary, monthly pay

wolsse 월세(月貰) = monthly rent

53 ri 리(理) = arrange; reason; principle

suri 수리(修理) = repair

yori 요리(料理) = cooking, food

yorisa 요리사(料理師) = cook, chef

hamnijeok 합리적(合理的) = rational, reasonable

inyeom 이념(理念) = ideology, principle

isangjeok 이상적(理想的) = ideal

iyu 이유(理由) = reason

simni 심리(心理) = psychology, mentality

simnihak 심리학(心理學) = psychology

simnijeok 심리적(心理的) = psychological

54 pyeon 편(便) = comfortable; side

pyeonanhada 편안하다(便安하다) = comfortable

pyeonhada 편하다(便하다) = comfortable, relaxed

pyeonhi 편히(便히) = comfortably

bulpyeonhada 불편하다(不便하다) = inconvenient

ganpyeonhada 간편하다(簡便하다) = simple, convenient

pyeollihada 편리하다(便利하다) = convenient

pyeon 편(便) = side

hyeongpyeon 형편(形便) = circumstances

hanpyeon 한편(한便) = meanwhile, at the same time

nampyeon 남편(男便) = husband

55 gwan 관(關) = relate; gate

gwallyeon 관련(關聯) = relation, connection

gwangye 관계(關係) = relation, relationship

gwanhada 관하다(關하다) = concerning, regarding

yeongwan 연관(聯關) = relation, connection

gwansim 관심(關心) = interest, concern

gwansimsa 관심사(關心事) = interest, concern

mugwansimhada 무관심하다(無關心하다) = indifferent

gigwan 기관(機關) = organization, institution

hyeongwan 현관(玄關) = (front) door, (front) entrance

hyeongwanmun 현관문(玄關門) = front door

56 do 도(道) = road; skill; Tao

do 도(道) = do , province

boktto 복도(複道) = hallway

cheoltto 철도(鐵道) = train (track), railroad

doro 도로(道路) = road

gosokttoro 고속도로(高速道路) = expressway

hoengdanbodo 횡단보도(橫斷步道) = crosswalk

jihado 지하도(地下道) = underpass

dogu 도구(道具) = tool

hyodo 효도(孝道) = filial duty

taekkwondo 태권도(跆拳道) = taekwondo

57 gam 감(感) = feel

chaegimgam 책임감(責任感) = sense of responsibility

dokkkam 독감(毒感) = flu, influenza

ginjanggam 긴장감(緊張感) = tension, feeling of tension

jasingam 자신감(自信感) = (feeling of) confidence

gamdonghada 감동하다(感動하다) = be touched, be moved

gamdongjeok 감동적(感動的) = touching, moving

gamgak 감각(感覺) = sense

gamgi 감기(感氣) = cold, flu

gamjeong 감정(感情) = feelings, emotion

gamjeongjeok 감정적(感情的) = emotional

58 gi 기(記) = record

ilgi 일기(日記) = diary

jeongi 전기(傳記) = biography

gieokada 기억하다(記憶하다) = remember

giho 기호(記號) = sign, symbol

gija 기자(記者) = reporter, journalist

ginyeom 기념(記念) = commemoration

ginyeomil 기념일(記念日) = anniversary

ginyeompum 기념품(記念品) = souvenir

girok 기록(記錄) = record

gisa 기사(記事) = article, news

59 nyeon 년(年) = year, age

cheongnyeon 청년(靑年) = young man, young people

cheongsonyeon 청소년(靑少年) = youth, juvenile

sonyeon 소년(少年) = boy

jungnyeon 중년(中年) = middle age

geumnyeon 금년(今年) = this year

jangnyeon 작년(昨年) = last year

naenyeon 내년(來年) = next year

nyeondae 년대(年代) = (certain times of) age, era

nyeondo 년도(年度) = year

nyeonsaeng 년생(年生) = unit of year you were born

60 seong 성(成) = accomplish

chanseong 찬성(贊成) = agreement, consent

guseong 구성(構成) = composition

wanseong 완성(完成) = completion

hyeongseong 형성(形成) = formation

jaksseong 작성(作成) = drawing up

seonggong 성공(成功) = success

seonggongjeok 성공적(成功的) = successful

seongin 성인(成人) = adult, grown-up

seongjang 성장(成長) = growth, development

seongjeok 성적(成績) = grade, mark

61 tong 통(通) = go through

botong 보통(普通) = average, ordinary

gongtong 공통(共通) = commonness

gongtongjeok 공통적(共通的) = common

gongtongjjeom 공통점(共通點) = a thing in common

gyotong 교통(交通) = traffic

gyotongsago 교통사고(交通事故) = traffic accident

tonggwahada 통과하다(通過하다) = pass, get through

tonghada 통하다(通하다) = go through

tonghaeng 통행(通行) = passing, passage

tongno 통로(通路) = passage, path

62 nae 내(內) = inside

annae 안내(案內) = guidance

gungnae 국내(國內) = the interior of a country

gyonae 교내(校內) = within school, on campus

inae 이내(以內) = within

sillae 실내(室內) = indoor

sinae 시내(市內) = downtown, inside the city

naebu 내부(內部) = the inside, interior

naekkwa 내과(內科) = internal medicine department

naeoe 내외(內外) = around, about

naeyong 내용(內容) = content, substance

63 sin 신(新) = new

choesin 최신(最新) = the latest, the newest

sillang 신랑(新郞) = bridegroom

sinbu 신부(新婦) = bride

singyu 신규(新規) = new

sinhonbubu 신혼부부(新婚夫婦) = newlyweds

sinhonnyeohaeng 신혼여행(新婚旅行) = honeymoon

sinin 신인(新人) = rookie

sinipssaeng 신입생(新入生) = freshman

sinjepum 신제품(新製品) = new product

sinmun 신문(新聞) = newspaper

64 mun 문(文) = letter, writing, culture

nonmun 논문(論文) = thesis, dissertation

jumun 주문(注文) = order

munhwa 문화(文化) = culture

munhak 문학(文學) = literature

munhakjjeok 문학적(文學的) = literary

munhwajae 문화재(文化財) = cultural assets

munjang 문장(文章) = sentence

munjja 문자(文字) = letter

munppeop 문법(文法) = grammar

munseo 문서(文書) = document

65 sa 사(社) = gather; company

sahoe 사회(社會) = society

sahoehak 사회학(社會學) = sociology

sahoejeok 사회적(社會的) = social

sahoejui 사회주의(社會主義) = socialism

bangsongsa 방송사(放送社) = broadcasting company

chulpansa 출판사(出版社) = publisher

hanggongsa 항공사(航空社) = airline

sinmunsa 신문사(新聞社) = newspaper (company)

yeohaengsa 여행사(旅行社) = travel agency

hoesa 회사(會社) = company

66 gong 공(公) = public

gonghae 공해(公害) = (environmental) pollution

gonghyuil 공휴일(公休日) = national holiday

gongju 공주(公主) = princess

gongjungjeonhwa 공중전화(公衆電話) = pay phone, public phone

gongmuwon 공무원(公務員) = public official

gongsik 공식(公式) = official

gongsikjjeok 공식적(公式的) = official, formal

gongwon 공원(公園) = park

gongyeon 공연(公演) = performance

gongyeonjang 공연장(公演場) = performance hall

67 ju 주(主) = host; main

jubu 주부(主婦) = housewife

jugwanjeok 주관적(主觀的) = subjective

juin 주인(主人) = owner, master, landlord

juingong 주인공(主人公) = main character, protagonist

gongju 공주(公主) = princess

ju 주(主) = main

juje 주제(主題) = subject, topic

juro 주로(主로) = mostly, mainly

juyo 주요(主要) = main, major

wiju 위주(爲主) = center

68 sang 상(上) = upper, on, over

choesang 최상(最上) = the best

insang 인상(引上) = raise, rise

isang 이상(以上) = more, above

jeongsang 정상(頂上) = top, summit

josang 조상(祖上) = ancestor

okssang 옥상(屋上) = rooftop

sangbangi 상반기(上半期) = the first half of the year

sasilssang 사실상(事實上) = actually, in fact

sesang 세상(世上) = world

sesange 세상에(世上에) = boy!

69 su 수(數) = count; number

su 수(數) = number

aekssu 액수(額數) = sum (of money)

daedasu 대다수(大多數) = majority, most

dasu 다수(多數) = many, majority

hoessu 횟수(回數) = number (of times)

jaesu 재수(財數) = luck, fortune

jeomssu 점수(點數) = score, mark

sangdangsu 상당수(相當數) = considerable number

sosu 소수(少數) = minority

sutjja 숫자(數字) = number, digit, figure

70 un 운(運) = fortune; carry, move

un 운(運) = luck, fortune

haengun 행운(幸運) = good luck

unban 운반(運搬) = transportation, conveyance

undong 운동(運動) = exercise

undonghwa 운동화(運動靴) = sneakers, running shoes

undongjang 운동장(運動場) = playground

unjeon 운전(運轉) = driving

unjeonja 운전자(運轉者) = driver

unmyeong 운명(運命) = fate

unyeong 운영(運營) = management, operation

71 bo 보(保) = keep, protect

boan 보안(保安) = security

bogwan 보관(保管) = storage

boheom 보험(保險) = insurance

boho 보호(保護) = protection

bojang 보장(保障) = guarantee

bojon 보존(保存) = preservation

bosujeok 보수적(保守的) = conservative

hwakppo 확보(確保) = procurement, guarantee

72 su 수(水) = water

eumnyosu 음료수(飮料水) = drink, beverage

hongsu 홍수(洪水) = flood

hosu 호수(湖水) = lake

hyangsu 향수(香水) = perfume, cologne

sudokkokjji 수도꼭지(水道꼭지) = faucet

sudonmul 수돗물(水道물) = tap water

sujun 수준(水準) = level, standard

suyeong 수영(水泳) = swimming

suyeongbok 수영복(水泳服) = swimsuit

suyeongjang 수영장(水泳場) = (swimming) pool

73 hyeon 현(現) = appear; present

chulhyeon 출현(出現) = appearance, emergence

pyohyeon 표현(表現) = expression

silhyeon 실현(實現) = realization

hyeon 현(現) = current, present

hyeondae 현대(現代) = modern times

hyeondaein 현대인(現代人) = modern man, contemporary man

hyeondaejeok 현대적(現代的) = modern

hyeongeum 현금(現金) = cash

hyeonjae 현재(現在) = the present

hyeonjang 현장(現場) = site, scene

74 jeong 정(定) = decide

bujeong 부정(否定) = denial, negation

bujeongjeok 부정적(否定的) = negative

geungjeongjeok 긍정적(肯定的) = positive, affirmative

gajeong 가정(假定) = supposition, speculation, hypothesis

gyeoljjeong 결정(決定) = decision

gyujeong 규정(規定) = rule, regulation

hwakjjeong 확정(確定) = decision, settlement

iljjeonghada 일정하다(一定하다) = fixed, constant, regular

jeonggi 정기(定期) = regular, periodical

jeonghada 정하다(定하다) = decide, determine

75 choe 최(最) = most

choecho 최초(最初) = the first

choedae 최대(最大) = maximum, the biggest

choedaehan 최대한(最大限) = to the maximum

choegeun 최근(最近) = recent days, lately

choego 최고(最高) = best, highest

choegogeup 최고급(最高級) = top-class

choehu 최후(最後) = the last, the end

choeak 최악(最惡) = the worst

choejeo 최저(最低) = the lowest

choejong 최종(最終) = final

76 sang 상(相) = mutual

sangdae 상대(相對) = opponent, competitor

sangdaebang 상대방(相對方) = the other party, opponent

sangdaejeok 상대적(相對的) = relative

sangdam 상담(相談) = advice, consultation

sangdanghada 상당하다(相當하다) = considerable, sizeable

sangdanghi 상당히(相當히) = considerably, quite

sangdangsu 상당수(相當數) = considerable number

sanggwan 상관(相關) = relation, connection

sanggwaneopssi 상관없이(相關없이) = regardless of

sanggwaneoptta 상관없다(相關없다) = have nothing to do with

77 gwa 과(科) = article, subject

gwa 과(科) = department, major

hakkkwa 학과(學科) = department, major

ankkwa 안과(眼科) = eye clinic

chikkwa 치과(齒科) = dental clinic, the dentist’s

jeongsinkkwa 정신과(精神科) = psychiatric clinic

naekkwa 내과(內科) = internal medicine department

oekkwa 외과(外科) = surgery department

sanbuinkkwa 산부인과(産婦人科) = obstetrics and gynaecology

gwahak 과학(科學) = science

gwahakjja 과학자(科學者) = scientist

78 hwa 화(化) = change

byeonhwa 변화(變化) = change (to)

munhwa 문화(文化) = culture

daejungmunhwa 대중문화(大衆文化) = popular culture

ganghwa 강화(强化) = reinforcement

gukjjehwa 국제화(國際化) = internationalization

hwajang 화장(化粧) = makeup

hwajangji 화장지(化粧紙) = tissue, toilet paper

hwajangpum 화장품(化粧品) = cosmetics

hwajangsil 화장실(化粧室) = restroom, toilet

munhwajae 문화재(文化財) = cultural assets

79 won 원(員) = person

gongmuwon 공무원(公務員) = public official

gukoeuiwon 국회의원(國會議員) = member of the National Assembly

hoewon 회원(會員) = member

inwon 인원(人員) = the number of people

jeomwon 점원(店員) = clerk, shop assistance

jigwon 직원(職員) = employee, staff

yeojigwon 여직원(女職員) = female worker

jongeobwon 종업원(從業員) = employee, worker

sawon 사원(社員) = employee

seonwon 선원(船員) = crewman, sailor

80 jeong 정(正) = correct

jajeong 자정(子正) = midnight

jeongo 정오(正午) = noon

jeongbandae 정반대(正反對) = the exact opposite

jeongdanghada 정당하다(正當하다) = just, right, fair

jeongdap 정답(正答) = correct answer

jeonghwakada 정확하다(正確하다) = accurate, correct

jeonghwaki 정확히(正確히) = exactly

jeongmal 정말(正말) = truth, fact

jeongmallo 정말로(正말로) = really

jeongmun 정문(正門) = front gate

81 ui 의(意) = intention, thought

dongi 동의(同意) = agreement, consent

jui 주의(注意) = care, caution

muuimihada 무의미하다(無意味하다) = meaningless

yuihada 유의하다(留意하다) = beware, be careful

uido 의도(意圖) = intention

uigyeon 의견(意見) = opinion

uiji 의지(意志) = will, volition

uimi 의미(意味) = meaning

uioe 의외(意外) = unexpectedly

uisa 의사(意思) = mind, idea

82 yeo 여(女) = woman

nyeo 녀(女) = daughter

yeoja 여자(女子) = woman

yeodaesaeng 여대생(女大生) = female university student

yeodongsaeng 여동생(女同生) = younger sister

yeohakssaeng 여학생(女學生) = female student

yeojigwon 여직원(女職員) = female worker

yeoseong 여성(女性) = woman, female

yeowang 여왕(女王) = queen

83 bon 본(本) = origin, base

gibon 기본(基本) = basics

gibonjeok 기본적(基本的) = basic, fundamental

geunbon 근본(根本) = root, basis

geunbonjeok 근본적(根本的) = fundamental

bollae 본래(本來) = origin, origination

bonin 본인(本人) = oneself

bonjil 본질(本質) = essence, essentials

bonseong 본성(本性) = true character

84 ryeok 력(力) = strength, power

amnyeok 압력(壓力) = pressure

cheryeok 체력(體力) = physical strength, stamina

pongnyeok 폭력(暴力) = violence

maeryeok 매력(魅力) = charm, attraction

maeryeokjjeok 매력적(魅力的) = charming, attractive

sangsangnyeok 상상력(想像力) = imaginative power

yeonghyangnyeok 영향력(影響力) = influence, clout, leverage

sillyeok 실력(實力) = ability, skill

siryeok 시력(視力) = eyesight, vision

gangnyeokada 강력하다(强力하다) = strong, powerful

85 geum 금(金) = gold; money

geum 금(金) = gold

beolgeum 벌금(罰金) = fine, penalty

geumyoil 금요일(金曜日) = Friday

hyeongeum 현금(現金) = cash

imgeum 임금(賃金) = wage

janghakkkeum 장학금(奬學金) = scholarship

sanggeum 상금(賞金) = prize money

segeum 세금(稅金) = tax, duty

geumaek 금액(金額) = sum (of money)

geumgo 금고(金庫) = safe, strongbox

86 min 민(民) = people

gungmin 국민(國民) = nation, people

imin 이민(移民) = emigration, immigration

jumin 주민(住民) = resident, inhabitant

jumindeungnokjjeung 주민등록증(住民登錄證) = ID (card)

jumindeungnokppeonho 주민등록번호(主民登錄番號) = resident registration number

nongmin 농민(農民) = farmer, peasant

simin 시민(市民) = citizen

minjok 민족(民族) = race, people, ethnic group

minjujui 민주주의(民主主義) = democracy

87 seo 서(書) = writing, book

biseo 비서(秘書) = secretary, personal assistant

bogoseo 보고서(報告書) = paper, report

doksseo 독서(讀書) = reading

doseogwan 도서관(圖書館) = library

gyesanseo 계산서(計算書) = check, bill

gyeyaksseo 계약서(契約書) = written contract

gyogwaseo 교과서(敎科書) = textbook

seojeok 서적(書籍) = books

seojeom 서점(書店) = bookstore

seoryu 서류(書類) = document, paper

88 sil 실(室) = room

byeongsil 병실(病室) = hospital room

chimsil 침실(寢室) = bedroom

geosil 거실(居室) = living room

gyosil 교실(敎室) = classroom

hosil 호실(號室) = room number

hwajangsil 화장실(化粧室) = restroom, toilet

jihasil 지하실(地下室) = basement, cellar

miyongsil 미용실(美容室) = beauty parlor

samusil 사무실(事務室) = office

yokssil 욕실(浴室) = bathroom

89 yo 요(要) = necessary

bulpiryohada 불필요하다(不必要하다) = unnecessary, useless

gangyo 강요(强要) = coercion

jungyohada 중요하다(重要하다) = important

jungyosseong 중요성(重要性) = importance

juyo 주요(主要) = main, major

piryo 필요(必要) = need, necessity

suyo 수요(需要) = demand

yocheong 요청(要請) = request

yogu 요구(要求) = demand, ask

yoyak 요약(要約) = summary, summing-up

90 sip 십(十) = ten

sip 십(十) = ten

isip 이십(二十) = twenty

samsip 삼십(三十) = thirty

sasip 사십(四十) = forty

osip 오십(五十) = fifty

yukssip 육십(六十) = sixty

chilssip 칠십(七十) = seventy

palssip 팔십(八十) = eighty

gusip 구십(九十) = ninety

susip 수십(數十) = dozens

91 jak 작(作) = make

jejak 제작(製作) = production

sijak 시작(始作) = beginning

jagyong 작용(作用) = action, effect

bujagyong 부작용(副作用) = side effect

dongjak 동작(動作) = movement, motion, gesture

jageop 작업(作業) = work

jakkka 작가(作家) = writer, author

jakpum 작품(作品) = work (of art)

jaksseong 작성(作成) = drawing up

92 ban 반(反) = reverse, return, opposite

banbok 반복(反復) = repetition

bandae 반대(反對) = the opposite

baneung 반응(反應) = response, reaction

banhada 반하다(反하다) = while, whereas

banmyeon 반면(反面) = (on) the other hand

banseong 반성(反省) = self-reflection, regret

banyeong 반영(反映) = reflection

jeongbandae 정반대(正反對) = the exact opposite

wiban 위반(違反) = violation

93 mu 무(無) = no

muchaegimhada 무책임하다(無責任하다) = irresponsible

ugwansim 무관심(無關心) = indifference

mujokkeon 무조건(無條件) = unconditionally

muri 무리(無理) = excess, immoderation

muryeo 무려(無慮) = as many as

muryo 무료(無料) = no charge

musahada 무사하다(無事하다) = safe, unharmed

musihada 무시하다(無視하다) = ignore

muuimihada 무의미하다(無意味하다) = meaningless

94 gwan 관(觀) = observe, see

gaekkkwanjeok 객관적(客觀的) = objective

jugwanjeok 주관적(主觀的) = subjective

gwallam 관람(觀覽) = watching, viewing

gwallamgaek 관람객(觀覽客) = spectator

gwanchal 관찰(觀察) = observation

gwangaek 관객(觀客) = audience

gwangwang 관광(觀光) = sightseeing

gwangwanggaek 관광객(觀光客) = tourist, sightseer

gwangwangji 관광지(觀光地) = tourist attraction

gwanjjeom 관점(觀點) = point of view, viewpoint

95 hae 해(解) = untie

gyeonhae 견해(見解) = view, opinion

haedap 해답(解答) = answer, solution

haegyeol 해결(解決) = settlement, solution

haeseok 해석(解釋) = interpretation

haeseol 해설(解說) = explanation

haeso 해소(解消) = settlement, solution

ihae 이해(理解) = understanding

ohae 오해(誤解) = misunderstanding

96 beop 법(法) = law; way

beop 법(法) = law

bangbeop 방법(方法) = way, means

bulbeop 불법(不法) = unlawfulness

chiryoppeop 치료법(治療法) = (a method of) treatment

munppeop 문법(文法) = grammar

beobwon 법원(法院) = court

beomnyul 법률(法律) = law

beopchik 법칙(法則) = law, rule

beopjjeok 법적(法的) = legal

97 dong 동(同) = same

gongdong 공동(共同) = association

namdongsaeng 남동생(男同生) = younger brother

yeodongsaeng 여동생(女同生) = younger sister

dongchang 동창(同窓) = alumnus, alumna

dongchanghoe 동창회(同窓會) = (school) reunion

donggi 동기(同期) = classmate, colleague

dongilhada 동일하다(同一하다) = same, identical

dongnyo 동료(同僚) = fellow worker

dongsaeng 동생(同生) = younger sibling

dongsi 동시(同時) = the same time

98 gyo 교(校) = school

hakkkyo 학교(學校) = school

chodeunghakkkyo 초등학교(初等學校) = elementary school

junghakkkyo 중학교(中學校) = junior high school, middle school

godeunghakkkyo 고등학교(高等學校) = high school

daehakkkyo 대학교(大學校) = university

gogyo 고교(高校) = high school

gyobok 교복(校服) = school uniform

gyojang 교장(校長) = principal

gyomun 교문(校門) = school gate

gyonae 교내(校內) = within school, on campus

gyosi 교시(校時) = period, class

99 jeong 정(情) = affection; meaning

jeong 정(情) = affection

aejeong 애정(愛情) = love, affection

dajeonghada 다정하다(多情하다) = kind, friendly

gamjeong 감정(感情) = feelings, emotion

gamjeongjeok 감정적(感情的) = emotional

pyojeong 표정(表情) = expression, look

ujeong 우정(友情) = friendship

yeoljjeong 열정(熱情) = passion, ardor

jeongbo 정보(情報) = information

sajeong 사정(事情) = circumstances, situation, story

100 eo 어(語) = speech, language

eoneo 언어(言語) = language

daneo 단어(單語) = word, vocabulary

hangugeo 한국어(韓國語) = Korean (language)

pyojuneo 표준어(標準語) = standard language

yongeo 용어(用語) = term, terminology

oegugeo 외국어(外國語) = foreign language

yeongeo 영어(英語) = English

ilboneo 일본어(日本語) = the Japanese language

junggugeo 중국어(中國語) = Chinese language

dogireo 독일어(獨逸語) = German

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