炒股 | chǎogǔ | to speculate in the stock market |
有所不知 | yǒusuǒbùzhī | there is something one doesn't know |
随大流 | suídàliú | to do what is popular |
牛市 | niúshì | bull market |
积蓄 | jīxù | to save up |
热衷 | rèzhōng | to really like |
干预 | gānyù | to interfere |
撑腰 | chēngyāo | to support |
亏本 | kuīběn | to lose money (in business) |
追捧 | zhuīpěng | to be very popular |
景气 | jǐngqì | economic prosperity |
投机 | tóujī | to speculate |
套牢 | tàoláo | to be unable to sell stocks because of price drop |
熊市 | xióngshì | bear market |
隐患 | yǐnhuàn | hidden danger |
健全 | jiànquán | without flaws |
决策 | juécè | to determine policy |
奢望 | shēwàng | overly high hopes |
用武之地 | yòngwǔzhīdì | a place of military strength |
瞬息万变 | shùnxīwànbiàn | extremely fast-changing |
停板 | tíngbǎn | a freeze in one stock's trading to prevent rapid change |
执著 | zhízhuó | to refuse to change one's viewpoint |
长线投资 | chángxiàn tóuzī | to be in oversupply |