外包 | outsourcing | |
热火朝天 | bustling with activity | |
恰恰 | precisely | |
顺理成章 | to be logical | |
崛起 | ascent | |
产业链 | industry supply-chain | |
不容忽视 | not to be ingored | |
门外汉 | layman | |
初见端倪 | just starting to emerge | |
低端 | low-end | |
高端 | high-end | |
发包商 | company that outsources labor | |
服务商 | service provider | |
趋势 | trend | |
半壁江山 | a part of the whole | |
炒作 | to speculate | |
凭心而论 | to debate conscientiously | |
你死我活 | to fight to the death |