Upper-Intermediate - The Mysterious Student Record (D1395)

A:  马上要毕业了。哎,郑景,你工作找好了吗?
mǎshàng yào bìyè le. āi, Zhèng Jǐng, nǐ gōngzuò zhǎo hǎo le ma?
It's almost time for graduation. Hey, Zheng Jing. Have you found a job yet?
B:  我打算留校了。
wǒ dǎsuàn liúxiào le.
I'm planning to work at the school.
A:  真羡慕你啊,我们这帮兄弟还在为明天的饭碗而犯愁呢。那你的档案肯定是留在学校咯?
zhēn xiànmù nǐ a, wǒmen zhè bāng xiōngdì hái zài wèi míngtiān de fànwǎn ér fànchóu ne. nà nǐ de dàng'àn kěndìng shì liú zài xuéxiào lo?
I really envy you. Us group of guys here are still worried sick about how we're going to make a living for ourselves in the future. Your student record is definitely staying with the school then?
B:  可不是嘛,我的档案也跟着我一块儿留校了。
kěbushì ma, wǒ de dàng'àn yě gēn zhe wǒ yīkuàir liúxiào le.
Exactly. My record and I will stay right here at the school.
A:  你知道吗?刘斌这下有点麻烦了,他上学期考试作弊被记了次大过。通报批评不说,还被记录在档案里,可能会拿不到毕业证书。
nǐ zhīdào ma? Liú Bīn zhèxià yǒudiǎn máfan le, tā shàng xuéqī kǎoshì zuòbì bèi jì le cì dàguò. tōngbào pīpíng bùshuō, hái bèi jìlù zài dàng'àn lǐ, kěnéng huì nábudào bìyè zhèngshū.
Did you know, Liu Bin is having a bit of trouble with this. He cheated on his exam last semester and a serious offense was recorded on his record. Not only was he publicly criticized, but it will stay on his record and he might not be able to get his diploma.
B:  那肯定会影响他找工作啊。
nà kěndìng huì yǐngxiǎng tā zhǎo gōngzuò a.
That will definitely have an effect on him getting a job.
A:  哎,就是啊,就算最后找到了一份工作,以后升职肯定也不容易。就好像总有个把柄在人家手里一样。
āi, jiùshì a, jiùsuàn zuìhòu zhǎodào le yī fèn gōngzuò, yǐhòu shēngzhí kěndìng yě bù róngyì. jiù hǎoxiàng zǒng yǒu ge bǎbǐng zài rénjiā shǒulǐ yīyàng.
Agh, you said it. Even if he finds a job in the end, it definitely won't be easy for him to get promoted in the future. It's like other people will always have this to hold against him.
B:  是啊,这档案又不能随便改。我有一朋友,以前在初中时成绩很好,但经常顶撞老师,结果也被记录在档案里,说他品德不好,不尊重师长。好了,就因为这个好几次都没被评上三好学生。
shì a, zhè dàng'àn yòu bù néng suíbiàn gǎi. wǒ yǒu yī péngyou, yǐqián zài chūzhōng shí chéngjì hěn hǎo, dàn jīngcháng dǐngzhuàng lǎoshī, jiéguǒ yě bèi jìlù zài dàng'àn lǐ, shuō tā pǐndé bù hǎo, bù zūnzhòng shīzhǎng. hǎo le, jiù yīnwèi zhè ge hǎo jǐ cì dōu méi bèi píng shàng sānhǎo xuéshēng.
That's right. It's not like you can just change your student record. I have a friend who did really well in middle school, but often contradicted his instructor. In the end, it was recorded in his student record as well, saying that he had bad character and didn't respect the teacher. It was over. Just because of this he wasn't awarded the 'merit student' status more than a few times.
A:  你说档案这东西可真神秘啊,我们自己还从来没见过自己的档案呢。
nǐ shuō dàng'àn zhè dōngxi kě zhēn shénmì a, wǒmén zìjǐ hái cónglái méi jiàn guo zìjǐ de dàng'àn ne.
Don't you think this student record really is a mysterious thing, or what? We've never even seen our own records ourselves.
B:  咱们就老老实实做人吧,一般情况下档案上不会有什么污点的。
zánmen jiù lǎolǎoshíshí zuòrén ba, yībān qíngkuàng xià dàng'àn shàng bù huì yǒu shénme wūdiǎn de.
Just be an honest and good person. In most situations, you won't get any blemishes on your record.
A:  唉,你说,他们会不会把我小学时候的早恋记录到我的档案里啊。
ài, nǐ shuō, tāmen huì bu huì bǎ wǒ xiǎoxué shíhou de zǎoliàn jìlù dào wǒ de dàng'àn lǐ a.
Hey, do you think they'll record my first love on my student record?
B:  哈哈哈,应该不会,不过会把你大学里换了二十多个女朋友这事记录进去。
hā hā hā, yīnggāi bùhuì, bùguò huì bǎ nǐ dàxué lǐ huàn le èrshí duō ge nǚpéngyou zhè shì jìlù jìnqù.
Ha-ha, probably not. But they'll put you changing girlfriends twenty times during university on your record.

Key Vocabulary

留校liúxiàoto work at school
为......而......wèi...... ér......for...to do...
饭碗fànwǎnrice bowl, means of livelihood
犯愁fànchóuto worry about
档案dàng'ànrecord, file
作弊zuòbìto cheat on an exam
记大过jì dàguòto record a serious offense
通报批评tōngbào pīpíngto publicly criticize
毕业证书bìyè zhèngshūgraduation certificate, diploma
把柄bǎbǐngto have a hold over another
顶撞dǐngzhuàngto contradict one's superiors
三好学生sānhǎo xuéshēngstudent award for excellence in character, health and performance
老老实实lǎolaoshíshíhonesty, earnest
污点wūdiǎnblemish, stain
早恋zǎoliànyoung love

Supplementary Vocabulary

手柄shǒubǐnghandle, controller
顶嘴dǐngzuǐto sass

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