Upper-Intermediate - Man-to-Man Advice on Women (D1371)

A:  最近你和你的女朋友怎么样了?
zuìjìn nǐ hé nǐ de nǚpéngyou zěnmeyàng le?
How have things been with you and your girlfriend lately?
B:  哥,我发现潇潇对我爱理不理的,在公司她都不怎么跟我说话。
gē, wǒ fāxiàn Xiāoxiao duì wǒ ài lǐ bù lǐ de, zài gōngsī tā dōu bù zěnme gēn wǒ shuōhuà.
You know, I've started to realize Xiaoxiao is being totally indifferent to me. At work, she doesn't say anything to me.
A:  先等会儿,我接个电话。
xiān děng huǐr, wǒ jiē ge diànhuà.
One minute, I have to take this call.
A:  哦,红红啊,我在桑拿呢,一会儿打给你啊。
ò, Hónghong a, wǒ zài sāngná ne, yīhuǐr dǎ gěi nǐ a.
Oh, Honghong. I'm at the sauna, I'll call you back later.
A:  咳,你啊,就是笨。对女孩子不能急,得慢慢磨。
hāi, nǐ a, jiùshì bèn. duì nǚháizi bùnéng jí, děi mànmān mó.
Hey, don't be stupid. You can't rush things with girls. You have to break them in slowly.
B:  我磨不来。
wǒ mó bu lái.
I can't break her in.
A:  那,选你出差不在公司的时候打个电话给她,记住,就谈工作不谈其他。
nà, xuǎn nǐ chūchāi bù zài gōngsī de shíhou dǎ ge diànhuà gěi tā, jìzhu, jiù tán gōngzuò bù tán qítā.
Well, then when you're out on business and not in the office, give her a call. Remember, only talk about work stuff, nothing else.
B:  嗯,那然后呢?
ng4, nà ránhòu ne?
OK, and then what?
A:  再隔一个礼拜,老样子,打电话谈工作。但可以开始给她带点水果什么的。千万不要多,点到即止。
zài gé yī ge lǐbài, lǎoyàngzi, dǎ diànhuà tán gōngzuò. dàn kěyǐ kāishǐ gěi tā dài diǎn shuǐguǒ shénme de. qiānwàn bùyào duō, diǎndàojízhǐ.
A week later, do the same thing. Give her a call and talk about work. But, now you can start to bring her some fruits and things. However, don't give her too much. Don't go overboard.
B:  嗯。
A:  然后......
And then...
A:  先接个电话。
xiān jiē ge diànhuà.
I have to take this call.
A:  依依呀,嗯,我也想你。我在开会,待会儿打给你啊。
Yīyi ya, ng4, wǒ yě xiǎng nǐ. wǒ zài kāihuì, dāi huǐr dǎ gěi nǐ a.
Yiyi. Yeah, I miss you too. I'm in a meeting, let me call you back in a little while.
B:  哇,你业务好繁忙啊。
wā, nǐ yèwù hǎo fánmáng a.
Wow, you're really busy with work, huh.
A:  咱们继续。听好,关键的来了,完成以上步骤后,一个月不要打电话给她。
zánmen jìxù. tīng hǎo, guānjiàn de lái le, wánchéng yǐshàng bùzhòu hòu, yī ge yuè bù yào dǎ diànhuà gěi tā.
Let's continue. Listen up, this is the most important part. After you've finished that, the next step is to not call her for one month.
B:  哦。
A:  一个月以后再打电话给她,谈谈工作之余也谈谈其他的事,比如兴趣爱好。然后每两个礼拜联系一次。同时,要多去她常去的休闲场所。
yī ge yuè yǐhòu zài dǎ diànhuà gěi tā, tán tan gōngzuò zhīyú yě tán tan qítā de shì, bǐrú xìngqù àihào. ránhòu měi liǎng ge lǐbài liánxì yī cì. tóngshí, yào duō qù tā cháng qù de xiūxián chǎngsuǒ.
After a month, call her again. Talk about work stuff, but continue on about other things, like hobbies she's interested in. After that, contact her once every two weeks. At the same time, go to the places she likes to hang out at often.
B:  为什么啊?
wèishénme a?
Why is that?
A:  笨啊,这样就可以让她感觉到你和她有同样的兴趣爱好。而且,又增加了你们公司外的见面机会。
bèn a, zhèyàng jiù kěyǐ ràng tā gǎnjué dào nǐ hé tā yǒu tóngyàng de xìngqù àihào. érqiě, yòu zēngjiā le nǐmen gōngsī wài de jiànmiàn jīhuì.
Don't be stupid. This way you can make her think you're interested in the same things. Also, you can increase your chances of seeing her outside of the office in person.
B:  哦。
A:  三个月以后,保准你们之间的关系有质的飞跃。到时候,她都离不开你了。
sān ge yuè yǐhòu, bǎozhǔn nǐmen zhījiān de guānxi yǒu zhì de fēiyuè. dào shíhou, tā dōu líbukāi nǐ le.
3 months later, I guarantee there will be an obvious improvement in your relationship. At that point, she won't be able to be without you.
B:  哎呀,听哥一席话,胜读十年书啊,佩服佩服。
āiyā, tīnggēyīxíhuà, shèngdúshíniánshū a, pèifú pèifú.
Wow, I've learned a ton from you today. You're the best.
A:  咳,小意思。
hāi, xiǎo yìsi.
Hey, it's nothing.

Key Vocabulary

爱理不理ài lǐ bù lǐcold, indifferent
to break in
磨不来mó bu láito be unable to break in
to separate
点到即止diǎndàojízhǐto be sensitive to not going overboard
业务yèwùprofessional work
关键guānjiànkey point
步骤bùzhòustep, phase
休闲xiūxiánto enjoy leisure time
保准bǎozhǔnto assure
质的飞跃zhì de fēiyuèqualitative leap
听哥一席话,胜读十年书tīnggēyīxíhuà, shèngdúshíniánshūto learn a lot from what someone says
佩服pèifúto admire
增加zēngjiāto increase

Supplementary Vocabulary

磨刀módāoto sharpen a blade
蜻蜓点水qīngtíngdiǎnshuǐto touch lightly on something
减少jiǎnshǎoto decrease
君子jūnzǐman of good character, gentleman
shèngto be victorious

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