A: | 老公,去年我们把四大佛山都逛了一圈,今年的自驾游准备去哪儿啊? |
| lǎogōng, qùnián wǒmen bǎ sì dà fóshān dōu guàng le yī quān, jīnnián de zìjiàyóu zhǔnbèi qù nǎr a? |
| Hubby, last year we took a trip to each of the 4 great Buddhist mountains. Where are we planning to go on our road-trip this year? |
B: | 去年看了佛教名山,今年要不去感受一下道教,比如湖北的武当山,四大道教名山之首。 |
| qùnián kàn le fójiào míngshān, jīntiān yàobu qù gǎnshòu yīxià Dàojiào, bǐrú Húběi de Wǔdāngshān, sìdà Dàojiào míngshān zhī shǒu. |
| Last year we saw the famous Buddhist mountains. How about this year we experience a bit of Taoism? For example, Wudang Mountain in Hubei; the principle mountain of the four Taoist mountains. |
A: | 什么道教名山,没意思。我想去迪斯尼。 |
| shénme Dàojiào míngshān, méi yìsi. wǒ xiǎng qù Dísīní. |
| Famous Taoist mountains? That's so boring. I want to go to Disneyland. |
B: | 上海的迪斯尼还没造好呢。去香港的话,那消费可高了。武当山很有意思的,那可是我做梦都想去的地方。 |
| Shànghǎi de Dísīní hái méi zào hǎo ne. qù Xiānggǎng dehuà, nà xiāofèi kě gāo le. Wǔdāngshān hěn yǒu yìsi de, nà kě shì wǒ zuòmèng dōu xiǎng qù de dìfang. |
| Shanghai's Disneyland hasn't finished construction yet. If we go to the Hong Kong Disneyland, the cost will be really high. Wudang mountain is really interesting. It's a place I've always dreamed of going to. |
A: | 为什么啊? |
| wèishénme a? |
| Why is that? |
B: | 那里可是武当派的老家,祖师爷是我最崇拜的张三丰。 |
| nàlǐ kěshì Wǔdāngpài de lǎojiā, zǔshīyé shì wǒ zuì chóngbài de Zhāng Sānfēng. |
| It's the home of the Wudang kung-fu clan. That grand master is the one I worship the most, Zhang Sanfeng. |
A: | 我看是你老爸最崇拜的地方吧,怪不得给你起个名字叫陈三丰。 |
| wǒ kàn shì nǐ lǎobà zuì chóngbài de dìfang ba, guàibude gěi nǐ qǐ ge míngzi jiào Chén Sānfēng. |
| I see, it's the place your father worships the most. No wonder he gave you the name Chen Sanfeng. |
B: | 当然,这个是有遗传的嘛。武当山不仅自然景观非常独特,而且人文景观也非常丰富。 |
| dāngrán, zhè ge shì yǒu yíchuán de ma. Wǔdāngshān bùjǐn zìrán jǐngguān fēicháng dútè, érqiě rénwén jǐngguān yě fēicháng fēngfù. |
| Of course. It's been passed on through the generations. Not only is Wudang mountain's natural landscape very distinctive, it has a rich cultural landscape as well. |
A: | 那和国内其他地方的山山水水应该差不多的。 |
| nà hé guónèi qítā dìfang de shānshānshuǐshuǐ yīnggāi chàbuduō de. |
| Then compared to the other beautiful places in China it's probably more or less the same. |
B: | 谁说的,武当山上有两万多间道观呢。而且像太和宫,紫霄宫等建筑,气势很宏大的。最重要的是可以看到武当派的武功,那可是数一数二的。 |
| shéi shuō de, Wǔdāngshān shàng yǒu liǎng wàn duō jiān dàoguàn ne. érqiě xiàng Tàihégōng, Zǐxiāogōng děng jiànzhù, qìshì hěn hóngdà de. zuì zhòngyào de shì kěyǐ kàndào Wǔdāngpài de wǔgōng, nà kě shì shǔyīshǔèr de. |
| Says who? On Wudang mountain there are more than 20,000 Taoist shrines. Also, there's Taihe Palace, Zixiao Palace, etc. The air of the architecture is really grand. Most importantly, you can see Wu style kung-fu. That's what really counts. |
A: | 瞧你说的,像是去过了一样。 |
| qiáo nǐ shuō de, xiàng shì qù guo le yīyàng. |
| Listen to yourself. It's like you've been there before. |
B: | 我老爸告诉我的嘛,他每年都去的。听说他在那边跟了个道长,学太极拳。 |
| wǒ lǎobà gàosù wǒ de ma, tā měinián dōu qù de. tīngshuō tā zài nàbiān gēn le ge dàozhǎng, xué tàijíquán. |
| My father told me all about it. He went there every year. I heard he studied Tai-chi there with a Taoist priest. |
A: | 怪不得他老说抱球啊,云手啊,还说要养气炼丹什么的。 |
| guàibude tā lǎo shuō bàoqiú a, yúnshǒu a, hái shuō yào yǎngqì liàndān shénmede. |
| No wonder he was always talking about 'chi energy balls' and 'tai-chi cloud hand'. He also talked about cultivating his chi, Taoist alchemy, among other things. |
B: | 呵呵,他那是老有所乐嘛。 |
| hēhē, tā nà shì lǎoyǒusuòlè ma. |
| Hehe, that was his way of finding things to do in his old age. |
A: | 那我今年跟你一起去武当山,明年咱们去迪斯尼吧。 |
| nà wǒ jīnnián gēn nǐ yīqǐ qù Wǔdāngshān, míngnián zánmen qù Dísīní ba. |
| Okay then, this year I'll go with you to Wudang Mountain and next year we'll go to Disneyland. |
B: | 你怎么老忘不了迪斯尼啊。 |
| nǐ zěnme lǎo wàngbuliǎo Dísīní a. |
| How is that you just can't seem to forget Disneyland? |