Upper-Intermediate - Starting a Company in China (D1314)

A:  王先生,幸会!我想注册公司。
Wáng xiānsheng, xìnghuì! wǒ xiǎng zhùcè gōngsī.
Mr. Wang, pleased to meet you! I want to register a company.
B:  您好,潘先生,您想开什么样的公司?
nínhǎo, Pān xiānsheng, nín xiǎng kāi shénmeyàng de gōngsī?
Hello, Mr. Pan. What kind of company do you want to start?
A:  我打算在上海开一个文化交流公司,把中国文化介绍到我们国家。
wǒ dǎsuàn zài Shànghǎi kāi yī ge wénhuà jiāoliú gōngsī, bǎ Zhōngguówénhuà jièshào dào wǒmen guójiā.
We're planning on opening a 'cultural communications' company here in Shanghai. We'd like to introduce Chinese culture in our country.
B:  考虑到设立公司的流程比较繁琐,所以我建议还是让我们公司来代理比较好。你们只要准备好材料就行了。
kǎolǜ dào shèlì gōngsī de liúchéng bǐjiào fánsuǒ, suǒyǐ wǒ jiànyì háishì ràng wǒmen gōngsī lái dàilǐ bǐjiào hǎo. nǐmen zhǐyào zhǔnbèi hǎo cáiliào jiù xíng le.
Considering that the process of opening a company can be long and tedious, I recommend you let our company act as a proxy company on your behalf. You'll only have to prepare all the materials and we'll do the rest.
A:  我还是觉得亲力亲为会更好。一来能多了解中国的制度,二来能多认识一些人,拓展自己的人脉。顺便提高一下自己的中文水平。
wǒ háishì juéde qīnlìqīnwéi huì gèng hǎo. yīlái néng duō liǎojiě Zhōngguó de zhìdù, èrlái néng duō rènshi yīxiē rén, tuòzhǎn zìjǐ de rénmài. shùnbiàn tígāo yīxià zìjǐ de Zhōngwén shuǐpíng.
I still think it'd be better if we did it on our own. For one, we can understand the Chinese system better, and second we can get to know more people and expand our social network. While we're at it, we can improve our Chinese abilities.
B:  哈哈,我很欣赏潘先生的DIY精神。
hāhā, wǒ hěn xīnshǎng Pán xiānsheng de DIY jīngshén.
Haha, I really admire your DIY spirit, Mr. Pan.
A:  您能不能介绍一下设立公司的流程?
nín néngbùnéng jièshào yīxià shèlì gōngsī de liúchéng?
Could you give me a simple introduction to the process of establishing a company?
B:  是这样的。不同的企业类型有不同的流程。如果是独资企业的话,先要把申请报告拿到当地政府审批。然后到工商部门进行查名,名称预登记和开业登记。
shì zhèyàng de. bùtóng de qǐyè lèixíng yǒu bùtóng de liúchéng. rúguǒ shì dúzī qǐyè dehuà, xiān yào bǎ shēnqǐng bàogào ná dào dāngdì zhèngfǔ shěnpī. ránhòu dào gōngshāng bùmén jìnxíng chámíng, míngchēng yù dēngjì hé kāiyè dēngjì.
It's like this. There are different processes for different types of businesses. If you're opening a single-venture enterprise, first you have to submit your application to the local government office where it has to be reviewed and approved. After that, you have to go to the Ministry of Commerce where you'll check for available names, reserve a name and then register the business.
A:  这些需要多长时间?
zhèxiē xūyào duōcháng shíjiān?
How long do these things take?
B:  名称预登记需要5到10个工作日,开业登记的话是15到30个工作日。
míngchēng yù dēngjì xūyào wǔ dào shí gè gōngzuòrì, kāiyè dēngjì dehuà shì shíwǔ dào sānshí gè gōngzuòrì.
Name registration can take anywhere from 5 to 10 business days. Registering the business takes from 15 to 30 business days.
A:  时间这么长!
shíjiān zhème cháng!
That's a long time!
B:  这些都是法定的期限。如果我们代理的话,可以缩短时间。
zhèxiē dōushì fǎdìng de qīxiàn. rúguǒ wǒmen dàilǐ dehuà, kěyǐ suōduǎn shíjiān.
All of these time periods are required by law. If we act as a proxy for you, we can cut down the time.
A:  为什么?
How's that?
B:  我们有自己的渠道嘛。
wǒmen yǒu zìjǐ de qúdào ma.
We have our own channels.
A:  哦,那接下来呢?
ò, nà jiē xiàlái ne?
Oh, then what's next?
B:  接下来就是办各种证,比如工商部门的企业代码,税务部门的税务登记证什么的。然后还需要法人代表资格证明,银行的资信证明,注册资金证明等等。
jiē xiàlái jiùshì bàn gèzhǒng zhèng, bǐrú gōngshāng bùmén de qǐyè dàimǎ, shuìwù bùmén de shuìwù dēngjì zhèng shénme de. ránhòu hái xūyào fǎrén dàibiǎo zīgé zhèngmíng, yínháng de zīxìn zhèngmíng, zhùcè zījīn zhèngmíng děngdeng.
Next is getting a few types of certificates. For example, a business code from the Ministry of Commerce, a tax registration certificate from the Tax Department, etc. After that, you have to get proof of qualification to act as a legal representative, proof of credit from the bank and then register the proof of capital, etc.
A:  看来我这个门外汉要搞定这些东西难度不小啊。王先生,我决定还是你们来代理吧。
kànlai wǒ zhè ge ménwàihàn yào gǎodìng zhèxiē dōngxi nándù bù xiǎo ā. Wáng xiānsheng, wǒ juédìng háishì nǐmen lái dàilǐ ba.
Okay... it seems to me that having us amateurs do these things won't be easy. Mr. Wang, I've decided it would be better if your company goes ahead and acts as a proxy after all.

Key Vocabulary

幸会xìnghuìglad to meet someone
注册zhùcèto register
文化交流wénhuà jiāoliúcultural exchange
设立shèlìto establish
繁琐fánsuǒlong and tedious
代理dàilǐto act as a representative
亲力亲为qīnlìqīnwéion one's own
一来yīláifor one
制度zhìdùsystem, institution
二来èrláifor two
拓展tuòzhǎnto expand
人脉rénmàirelations with others
欣赏xīnshǎngto appreciate
独资企业dúzī qǐyèsingle ownership enterprise
审批shěnpīto examine and approve
工商部门gōngshāng bùménMinistry of Commerce
查名chámíngcheck for names
名称预登记míngchēng yù dēngjìto reserve a name
开业kāiyèto start a business
工作日gōngzuòrìbusiness days
期限qīxiàntime limit
缩短suōduǎnto shorten
企业代码qǐyè dàimǎbusiness code
税务部门shuìwù bùméntax department
税务登记证shuìwù dēngjì zhèngtax registration certificate
法人代表fǎrén dàibiǎolegal representative
搞定gǎodìngto sort out

Supplementary Vocabulary

抽空chōukòngto find time
外资企业wàizīqǐyèforeign-funded enterprise
合资企业hézī qǐyèjoint venture
中外合资zhōngwài hézīChinese-foreign joint venture
外商独资wàishāng dúzīexclusively foreign-owned

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