Upper-Intermediate - Pirates under attack! (D1305)

A:  船长,瞭望手报告说发现了无敌号舰队。正朝我们开来。
chuánzhǎng, liàowàngshǒu bàogào shuō fāxiàn le Wúdíhào jiànduì. zhèng cháo wǒmen kāilái.
Captain, the lookout said he’s spotted ‘The Invincible’ and her fleet. They’re coming right for us.
B:  哼!叫大伙儿准备好武器,咱们跟它拼了!转舵!
hēng! jiào dàhuǒr zhǔnbèi hǎo wǔqì, zánmen gēn tā pīn le! zhuǎnduò!
Hmph! Tell the men to prepare the weapons. We're going all out! Turn the rudder!
A:  是!
C:  船长!无敌号打旗说,让我们投降。
chuánzhǎng! Wúdíhào dǎqí shuō, ràng wǒmen tóuxiáng.
Captain! ‘The Invincible’ has raised her flag. They want us to surrender.
B:  让旗手告诉他们,叫他们滚一边去!
ràng qíshǒu gàosu tāmen, jiào tāmen gǔn yībiān qù!
Have the flagman tell them they can get the hell out of here!
D:  华梅,你的船已经被我们包围了。快快投降!
Huáméi, nǐ de chuán yǐjīng bèi wǒmen bāowéi le. kuàikuài tóuxiáng!
Hua Mei, we've already got your boat surrounded. Surrender, now!
B:  哼,老娘我生下来就是海盗,而且这辈子只做海盗。你们就省省心吧。兄弟们,给我使出吃奶的劲儿,击沉无敌号!
hēng, lǎoniáng wǒ shēng xiàlai jiùshì hǎidào, érqiě zhèbèizi zhǐ zuò hǎidào. nǐmen jiù shěngsheng xīn ba. xiōngdì men, gěi wǒ shǐchū chī nǎi de jìnr, jīchén Wúdíhào!
Hmph, this old lady came out of the womb a pirate and in this life, that’s all she’ll ever be. Save your breath. Men, give 'em everything you got. Sink ‘The Invincible’!
E:  是!请船长放心!
shì! qǐng chuánzhǎng fàngxīn!
Aye! We won't fail you, captain!
A:  船长,无敌号越逼越近,看来要肉搏了。
chuánzhǎng, Wúdíhào yuè bī yuè jìn, kànlai yào ròubó le.
Captain, ‘The Invincible’ is closing in on us. It seems they want a bit of the ol' fisticuffs.
B:  哈,好戏要上演了。兄弟们,给我冲!
hā, hǎoxì yào shàngyǎn le. xiōngdì men, gěi wǒ chōng!
Hah, this should be quite the show. Men, attack!
D:  华梅,只要你投降,我保证不杀你!
Huáméi, zhǐyào nǐ tóuxiáng, wǒ bǎozhèng bù shā nǐ!
Hua Mei, as long as you surrender, your life will be spared.
B:  呸,谁信你的鬼话。
pēi, shéi xìn nǐ de guǐhuà.
Bah! Who would believe that nonsense?
D:  好,那就别怪我不客气了,看刀!
hǎo, nà jiù bié guài wǒ bù kèqì le, kàn dāo!
Okay, then the gloves are coming off. Feel my sword!
B:  就你这点儿能耐还想拿下我?今天我要你死得很难看。
jiù nǐ zhè diǎnr néngnài hái xiǎng náxià wǒ? jīntiān wǒ yào nǐ sǐ de hěn nánkàn.
Such little skill and you're still going to try to take me down? Today, I’m going to kill you in a most unpleasant way.
A:  船长,我们胜利了!而且还发现了不少金银珠宝!
chuánzhǎng, wǒmen shènglì le! érqiě hái fāxiàn le bùshǎo jīnyínzhūbǎo!
Captain, victory is ours! Also, we’ve found quite a bit of booty!
B:  哈哈哈,今天的仗打得可真痛快!
hā hā hā, jīntiān de zhàng dǎ de kě zhēn tòngkuai!
Hahaha! Today’s battle was truly satisfying!

Key Vocabulary

pīnto go all out
转舵zhuǎnduòto turn a rudder
打旗dǎqíto raise a flag
投降tóuxiángto surrender
旗手qíshǒuflag bearer
包围bāowéito be surrounded
省心shěngxīnto rest easy
使出shǐchūto exert
吃奶的劲儿chīnǎi de jìnrto exert oneself with all of one's energy
击沉jīchénto attack and sink a boat
to close in on
肉搏ròubóto fistfight
好戏hǎoxìa good play
上演shàngyǎnto perform
保证bǎozhèngto guarantee
拿下náxiàto capture
死得很难看sǐde hěn nánkànto die in an unsightly manner
金银珠宝jīnyínzhūbǎogold, silver and pearl treasure

Supplementary Vocabulary

攻击gōngjīto attack
劫持jiéchíto hijack
勒索lèsuǒto extort

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