A: | 您就是罗经理吧。才貌双全,一看就是做经理的料。 |
| nín jiùshì Luó jīnglǐ ba. cáimàoshuāngquán, yī kàn jiùshì zuò jīnglǐ de liào. |
| You're Miss Luo, the manager right? Both talented AND beautiful. One look at you and it's clear you're management material. |
B: | 杨老板,你过奖了。请坐。 |
| Yáng lǎobǎn, nǐ guòjiǎng le. qǐng zuò. |
| Mr. Yang, you're too kind. Please, sit. |
A: | 您也知道,我们公司这次规模扩大,急需一笔资金。 |
| nín yě zhīdào, wǒmen gōngsī zhècì guīmó kuòdà, jí xū yī bǐ zījīn. |
| As you know, our company is expanding in scale right now. We're in urgent need of some capital. |
B: | 哦,你们的公司介绍和申请信我都看过了。 |
| ò, nǐmen de gōngsī jièshào hé shēnqǐng xìn wǒ dōu kàn guò le. |
| Okay, I've read your company's introduction and application letter. |
A: | 那就好,您看银行什么时候能审批那笔款。 |
| nà jiù hǎo, nín kàn yínháng shénme shíhou néng shěnpī nà bǐ kuǎn. |
| Well that's good. When do you think the bank can look at and approve the loan? |
B: | 你先别急。是这样的,我们银行在每次放贷前都要做些调查。 |
| nǐ xiān bié jí. shì zhèyàng de, wǒmen yínháng zài měicì fàngdài qián dōu yào zuò xiē diàochá. |
| Don't be in a hurry. The way it works is: before our bank gives out a loan, we have to do some investigating. |
A: | 对对对 ,应该的。 |
| duì duì duì , yīnggāi de. |
| Right, right, right. As you should. |
B: | 在调查中,我们发现贵公司已经亏损了三年了,而且多次变更经营项目。这次所谓的规模扩大,可能会留下不少的不良资产。 |
| zài diàochá zhōng, wǒmen fāxiàn guì gōngsī yǐjīng kuīsǔn le sān nián le, érqiě duōcì biàngēng jīngyíng xiàngmù. zhècì suǒwèi de guīmó kuòdà, kěnéng huì liúxià bùshǎo de bùliáng zīchǎn. |
| During our investigation we discovered that your company has already been in the red for three years now and you've changed your business approach many times. This time around, a so-called expansion may leave behind a lot of non-performing assets. |
A: | 哎呀,生意难做啊。现在人民币升值,进出口这行的优势一下子就没了。所以资金周转才碰到了点儿小问题。 |
| āiyā, shēngyì nán zuò a. xiànzài rénmínbì shēngzhí, jìnchūkǒu zhè háng de yōushì yīxiàzi jiù méi le. suǒyǐ zījīn zhōuzhuǎn cái pèngdào le diǎnr xiǎowèntí. |
| Come on, business is rough. The RMB is appreciating right now and the advantages in importing and exporting have disappeared. As far as turning a profit goes, we've just bumped into a few minor problems. |
B: | 从你们的经营状况来看,很难申请到这个额度的贷款。你也知道,银行是要控制风险,控制坏账率的。 |
| cóng nǐmen de jīngyíng zhuàngkuàng láikàn, hěn nán shēnqǐng dào zhè ge édù de dàikuǎn. nǐ yě zhīdào, yínháng shì yào kòngzhì fēngxiǎn, kòngzhì huàizhànglǜ de. |
| Looking at your current state of operation, it would be very difficult to successfully apply for a loan of this amount. As you know, the bank must control risks and also bad credit ratings. |
A: | 我明白,不过希望你们银行能考虑一下我们新的项目。相信我们这次一定能打个翻身仗。 |
| wǒ míngbai, bùguò xīwàng nǐmen yínháng néng kǎolǜ yīxià wǒmen xīn de xiàngmù. xiāngxìn wǒmen zhècì yīdìng néng dǎ ge fānshēnzhàng. |
| I understand, but I hope the bank will consider our new endeavor. You can trust that this time, we'll definitely turn things around for the better. |
B: | 这个 ...... |
| zhè ge ...... |
| Well... |
A: | 哦,对对对 ,我差点忘 了,这是一点儿小意思,您拿着。您看,这事挺麻烦的,让您费心了。 |
| ò, duì duì duì , wǒ chàdiǎn wàng le, zhè shì yīdiǎnr5 xiǎoyìsi, nín ná zhe. nín kàn, zhè shì tǐng máfan de, ràng nín fèixīn le. |
| Oh, right, right, right. I almost forgot. This is a token of my appreciation. Here, take it. You see, this matter has been a lot of trouble and has really been a bother for you. |
B: | 这样吧,你们先做个固定资产抵押评估,我们看实际情况再决定吧。 |
| zhèyàng ba, nǐmen xiān zuò ge gùdìng zīchǎn dǐyā pínggū, wǒmen kàn shíjì qíngkuàng zài juédìng ba. |
| How about this then: you go make a fixed-asset mortgage evaluation. We'll look at the all the facts and then make a decision. |
A: | 好好好 ,我马上叫人做! |
| hǎo hǎo hǎo , wǒ mǎshàng jiào rén zuò! |
| Good, good, good. I'll have someone start on it right away! |