Upper-Intermediate - Costume Ball (D1278)

A:  欢迎参加今晚的化妆舞会,女士们,先生们,尽情地释放,尽情地欢乐起来吧!
huānyíng cānjiā jīnwǎn de huàzhuāng wǔhuì, nǚshì men, xiānshēng men, jìnqíng de shìfàng, jìnqíng de huānlè qǐlái ba!
Welcome to tonight's costume ball. Ladies, gentlemen: free yourselves and let the good times roll!
B:  嗨,美丽的兔女郎,有没有兴趣跟猪哥哥跳支舞啊?
hāi, měilì de tùnǚláng, yǒu méiyǒu xìngqù gēn zhū gēge tiào zhī wǔ a?
Hey beautiful bunny lady, would you be interested in a dance with Mr. Pig?
C:  要是你的大鼻子跟圆肚子能缩小的话,我可以考虑看看。
yàoshì nǐ de dà bízi gēn yuán dùzi néng suōxiǎo dehuà, wǒ kěyǐ kǎolǜ kàn kan.
If your big nose and round belly shrank a little bit, I might consider it.
B:  你怎么以貌取人呢?看,我来给你展示一下我的本领!
nǐ zěnme yǐmàoqǔrén ne? kàn, wǒ lái gěi nǐ zhǎnshì yīxià wǒ de běnlǐng!
How can you judge people by appearances? Here, let me give you a display of my powers.
C:  等会儿再说吧。哎,那不是《变形金刚》里的大黄蜂吗?太酷了!
děng huǐr zài shuō ba. ái, nà bùshì《 Biànxíngjīngāng》 lǐ de dàhuángfēng ma? tài kù le!
Maybe in a little bit. Hey, is that Bumblebee from the Transformers? Too cool.
B:  酷什么呀?你看他那样子,笨头笨脑的,连路都走不动。
kù shénme ya? nǐ kàn tā nà yàngzi, bèntóubènnǎo de, lián lù dōu zǒubudòng.
Cool? It's not creative at all. Look at him, that doofus. He can't even move.
C:  你还是先找面镜子照照自己吧。我走了!
nǐ háishì xiān zhǎo miàn jìngzi zhào zhao zìjǐ ba. wǒ zǒu le!
How about you go have a look at yourself in the mirror. I'm out of here.
B:  哎,真伤自尊!
ài, zhēn shāng zìzūn!
Hey, that really hurts!
C:  嗨,大黄蜂,干杯!
hāi, dàhuángfēng, gānbēi!
Hi, Bumblebee. Cheers!
D:  干杯!
C:  你的造型真炫!我太喜欢大黄蜂了,你是世界上最最厉害的。
nǐ de zàoxíng zhēn xuàn! wǒ tài xǐhuan dàhuángfēng le, nǐ shì shìjiè shàng zuì zuì lìhai de.
Your costume is really amazing! I love Bumblebee. You're the coolest in the whole world.
D:  对不起,我得过去跟高贵的公主打个招呼,失陪了。
duìbuqǐ, wǒ děi guòqù gēn gāoguì de gōngzhǔ dǎ ge zhāohu, shīpéi le.
Sorry, I have to go say hello to the noble princess. Excuse me.
C:  不理我?气死我了。今天真是失策,早知道就不搞怪了,也弄个公主造型来吸引一下大家的眼球。哎!
bù lǐ wǒ? qì sǐ wǒ le. jīntiān zhēnshì shīcè, zǎo zhīdào jiù bù gǎoguài le, yě nòng ge gōngzhǔ zàoxíng lái xīyǐn yīxià dàjiā de yǎnqiú. ài!
Ignore me? Now I'm mad. I really screwed up today. I knew not to do a weird one. I should have done a princess costume. That would have gotten some looks. Argh!
E:  怎么在叹气呢?性感的兔女郎,让勇敢的骑士来帮你消除烦恼吧。
zěnme zài tànqì ne? xìnggǎn de tùnǚláng, ràng yǒnggǎn de qíshì lái bāng nǐ xiāochú fánnǎo ba.
What are you sighing for? Sexy bunny lady, let the world's bravest knight dispel your worries.
C:  啊,吸血鬼来了!他要吸我的血。骑士先生,快保护我!用你的剑刺死他!
à, xīxuèguǐ lái le! tā yào xī wǒ de xiě. qíshì xiānsheng, kuài bǎohù wǒ! yòng nǐ de jiàn cì sǐ tā!
Ah, a vampire! He wants to suck my blood. Mr. Knight, hurry up and protect me! Use your sword and stab him to death!
E:  我......我先去一下洗手间!
wǒ...... wǒ xiān qù yīxià xǐshǒujiān!
I... I have to quick go to the bathroom!
C:  哎,你怎么跑了?你这个胆小鬼!
āi, nǐ zěnme pǎo le? nǐ zhè ge dǎnxiǎoguǐ!
Ah, how can you run? You coward!
B:  别怕!我来救你!我是勇敢的猪八戒!谁敢欺负我的兔妹妹,我就跟谁拼了!
bié pà! wǒ lái jiù nǐ! wǒ shì yǒnggǎn de zhūbājiè! shéi gǎn to pick on wǒ de tù mèimei, wǒ jiù gēn shéi pīn le!
Don't be afraid! I'm here to save you! I'm the brave Pigsy! Whoever dares pick on my bunny lady, I'll fight to the death!
F:  我才不吸兔子的血,会得兔流感的!
wǒ cái bù xī tùzi de xiě, huì dé tù liúgǎn de!
I don't suck rabbit blood. I'll get 'rabbit flu'!
C:  哇!猪哥哥,你好了不起!你才是我的白马王子!我们去跳舞吧!
wā! zhū gēge, nǐ hǎo liǎobuqǐ! nǐ cái shì wǒ de báimǎ wángzǐ! wǒmen qù tiàowǔ ba!
Wow! Mr. Pig, you're amazing! You really are my prince charming! Let's go dance!
B:  耶!

Key Vocabulary

化妆舞会huàzhuāng wǔhuìmasquerade
尽情jìnqíngas much as one feels
释放shìfàngto release
兔女郎tùnǚlángbunny lady
缩小suōxiǎoto reduce in size
以貌取人yǐmàoqǔrénto judge people by their appearance
展示zhǎnshìto reveal
本领běnlǐngto reveal
伤自尊shāng zìzūnto hurt
xuànto dazzle
失陪shīpéito excuse
搞怪gǎoguàito do something strange
吸引眼球xīyǐn yǎnqiúto attract
叹气tànqìto sigh
消除xiāochúto eliminate

Supplementary Vocabulary

歇后语xiēhòuyǔa two-part allegorical saying
打扮dǎbànto dress up

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