A: | 老公,叫你别喝那么多的,你酒量又不行。 |
| lǎogong, jiào nǐ bié hē nàme duō de, nǐ jiǔliàng yòu bùxíng. |
| Honey, I told you not to drink so much. You know you can't handle it. |
B: | 哎呀,没事儿。才六两。那么多年没见老战友了,那一定要好好庆祝庆祝的嘛。 |
| āiyā, méishìr. cái liù liǎng. nàme duō nián méi jiàn lǎo zhànyǒu le, nà yīdìng yào hǎohāo qìngzhù qìngzhù de ma. |
| Oh, I'm fine. Just a third of a liter. I hadn't seen my war buddies in all these years, so you know we had to properly celebrate. |
A: | 你看你,路都走不稳了。 |
| nǐ kàn nǐ, lù dōu zǒu bu wěn le. |
| Look, you can't even walk steadily. |
B: | 唉?这车钥匙怎么插不进去。老婆你来帮我把车子扶稳了,它老在晃。 |
| ài? zhè chē yàoshi zěnme chā bu jìnqù. lǎopó nǐ lái bāng wǒ bǎ chēzi fú wěn le, tā lǎo zài huàng. |
| Huh? Why won't the car key go in? Dear, help me hold the car steady. It keeps moving. |
A: | 是你的手在晃,再说这也不是咱的车啊。 |
| shì nǐ de shǒu zài huàng, zài shuō zhè yě bùshì zán de chē a. |
| It's your hand that's moving, and this isn't even our car. |
B: | 哦,怪不得呢,还是老婆聪明。我也觉得不对劲,三厢怎么变成两厢了。 |
| ò, guàibude ne, háishì lǎopó cōngming. wǒ yě juéde bù duìjìn, sānxiāng zěnme biànchéng liǎngxiāng le. |
| Oh, no wonder! You got me there. I knew there was something funny about it, changing from a sedan to a hatchback. |
A: | 老公,听我一句。车子我来开吧,你已经醉了。 |
| lǎogong, tīng wǒ yī jù. chēzi wǒ lái kāi ba, nǐ yǐjīng zuì le. |
| Honey, listen to me. Let me drive the car. You're drunk. |
B: | 没事,别婆婆妈妈的,上车。 |
| méishì, bié pópomāmā de, shàngchē. |
| I'm fine. Stop mothering me and get in the car. |
A: | 老公,你要知道,酒后驾车不仅要罚款,还要扣证的。像你这样,醉酒后驾车罪加一等,不仅要罚款和扣证,还要拘留的。而且现在又是严打...... |
| lǎogong, nǐ yào zhīdào, jiǔhòu jiàchē bùjǐn yào fákuǎn, hái yào kòu zhèng de. xiàng nǐ zhèyàng, zuìjiǔ hòu jiàchē zuì jiā yī děng, bùjǐn yào fákuǎn hé to deduct zhèng, hái yào jūliú de. érqiě xiànzài yòu shì yándǎ...... |
| Honey, you know, drunk driving won't just get you a fine. You also lose your license. In your condition, a drunk driver gets charged with a double offense: not only do you get fined and lose your license, you get arrested too. Plus there's a crackdown underway... |
B: | 哎呀,真罗嗦!你看我这不是开得挺好的嘛。 |
| āiyā, zhēn luōsuo! nǐ kàn wǒ zhè bùshì kāi de tǐng hǎo de ma. |
| Geez, what a worry-wart! Look at how well I'm driving. |
A: | 好你个头啊。等出事了就麻烦了。 |
| hǎo nǐ ge tóu a. děng chūshì le jiù máfan le. |
| You call this good driving? You'll be in for it if something happens. |
B: | 别担心,我的驾驶技术你还不清楚吗?上次,多亏我反应快,避免了一次追尾。还有那次...... |
| bié dānxīn, wǒ de jiàshǐ jìshù nǐ hái bù qīngchu ma? shàngcì, duōkuī wǒ fǎnyìng kuài, bìmiǎn le yī cì zhuīwěi. háiyǒu nà cì...... |
| Don't worry. Can't you see my driving skill? Last time, thanks to my lightning reflexes, we avoided rear-ending someone. And then there was that other time... |
A: | 老公,前面有警察! |
| lǎogong, qiánmiàn yǒu jǐngchá! |
| Honey, there are cops up ahead! |
B: | 快,老婆,咱俩换一下位置,快! |
| kuài, lǎopó, zánliǎ huàn yīxià wèizhi, kuài! |
| Quick, dear, let's switch places! Quick! |
A: | 来不及了,警察已经过来了。 |
| láibují le, jǐngchá yǐjīng guòlai le. |
| It's too late. They're already here. |
B: | 啊,这下完了。 |
| à, zhèxià wán le. |
| Oh no, this time I'm really in for it. |