璐璐: | 冯帅,我们以后别再联系了。我既然结婚了,就要守妇道。 |
| Féng Shuài, wǒmen yǐhòu bié zài liánxì le. wǒ jìrán jiéhūn le, jiù yào shǒu fùdào. |
| Feng Shuai, let's not contact each other anymore. Since I'm married, I have to behave like a proper woman. |
冯帅: | 璐璐,我希望你幸福。不管怎么样,你都是我最爱的女人。以后有什么事,希望你给我打电话。 |
| Lùlu, wǒ xīwàng nǐ xìngfú. bùguǎn zěnmeyàng, nǐ dōu shì wǒ zuì ài de nǚrén. yǐhòu yǒu shénme shì, xīwàng nǐ gěi wǒ dǎ diànhuà. |
| I hope you're happy, Lulu. No matter what, you're the woman I love the most. If anything happens in the future, I hope you'll give me a call. |
沈佳伟: | 怎么这么晚才回来? |
| zěnme zhème wǎn cái huílai? |
| How come you're only getting back now? |
璐璐: | 我跟朋友一起吃饭了。怎么在客厅抽烟啊?你出差回来也不提前打个电话。 |
| wǒ gēn Péngyou yīqǐ chīfàn le. zěnme zài kètīng chōuyān a? nǐ chūchāi huílai yě bù tíqián dǎ ge diànhuà. |
| I had dinner with a friend. How come the living room smells like cigarette smoke? You come back from a business trip and don't even call first. |
沈佳伟: | 我打了,家里没人。 |
| wǒ dǎ le, jiālǐ méi rén. |
| I did call, but there was no one home. |
璐璐: | 那你就不能打我手机? |
| nà nǐ jiù bùnéng dǎ wǒ shǒujī? |
| So you couldn't just call my cell phone? |
沈佳伟: | 打你手机?你就不怕我搅黄了你的好事? |
| dǎ nǐ shǒujī? nǐ jiù bù pà wǒ jiǎohuáng le nǐ de hǎoshì? |
| Call your cell phone? Weren't you afraid I'd mess up your good times? |
璐璐: | 佳伟,你又怎么了?你怎么每次出差回来都想跟我吵架? |
| Jiāwěi, nǐ yòu zěnmele? nǐ zěnme měicì chūchāi huílai dōu xiǎng gēn wǒ chǎojià? |
| Jia Wei, what is it this time? Why is it every time you get back from a business trip you want to fight with me? |
沈佳伟: | 我工作这么累,回来一看,家里空荡荡的,连口热水也没有!我这男人,当得真他妈窝囊! |
| wǒ gōngzuò zhème lèi, huílai yī kàn, jiālǐ kōngdàngdàng de, lián kǒu rèshuǐ yě méiyǒu! wǒ zhè nánrén, dāng de zhēntāmā wōnang! |
| My work is so tiring, and as soon as I come back, the house is completely empty. There's not even any hot water here. I'm a man, and it's like I'm a frickin' good-for-nothing! |
璐璐: | 老公,我这不是不知道你今天回来吗?你还没吃饭吧,我去给你下碗面条。 |
| lǎogong, wǒ zhè bùshì bù zhīdào nǐ jīntiān huílai ma? nǐ hái méi chī fàn ba, wǒ qù gěi nǐ xià wǎn miàntiáo. |
| Dear, didn't we just say I didn't know you'd be coming back today? You probably haven't eaten yet. I'll go make a bowl of noodles for you. |
沈佳伟: | 不用了,我不饿。 |
| bùyòng le, wǒ bù è. |
| Don't bother. I'm not hungry. |
璐璐: | 怎么了佳伟,你是不是最近工作不顺心?看你脾气越来越大了。以前你可不是这样的。 |
| zěnmele Jiāwěi, nǐ shìbushì zuìjìn gōngzuò bù shùnxīn? kàn nǐ píqì yuèláiyuè dà le. yǐqián nǐ kě bùshì zhèyàng de. |
| What is it, Jia Wei? Has your job not been going so well lately? Seems like your temper is getting worse all the time. You really didn't used to be this way. |
沈佳伟: | 没事儿,老婆,我也不好,你一个人在家也挺寂寞的。 |
| méishìr, lǎopó, wǒ yě bù hǎo, nǐ yī ge rén zài jiā yě tǐng jìmò de. |
| It's nothing, dear. I'm at fault too. All alone at home, you must be really lonely. |
璐璐: | 男人以事业为重,你也没办法。佳伟,要不咱要个孩子吧。三口之家,多温馨啊! |
| nánrén yǐ shìyè wéi zhòng, nǐ yě méi bànfǎ. Jiāwěi, yàobu zá yào gè háizi ba. sān kǒu zhī jiā, duō wēnxīn a! |
| Men put their careers first. There's nothing you can do about it. Jia Wei, why don't we have a child? A three-person family is so cozy! |
沈佳伟: | 璐璐,你想要孩子了?不怕耽误工作,身材走样了? |
| Lùlu, nǐ xiǎng yào háizi le? bù pà dānwu gōngzuò, shēncái zǒuyàng le? |
| Now you want a child, Lulu? You're not afraid it will interfere with your job, and ruin your figure? |
相夫教子是女人的本分。迟早要生的。 |
| xiàngfūjiàozǐ shì nǚrén de běnfèn. chízǎo yào shēng de. |
| Helping her husband and raising her children is a woman's proper role. |
沈佳伟: | 真是我的好老婆!来,亲一个! |
| zhēnshì wǒ de hǎo lǎopó! lái, qīn yī ge! |
| You're really a great wife. Come on, kiss me! |
璐璐: | 讨厌!好大的烟味儿! |
| tǎoyàn! hǎo dà de yānwèir! |
| Yuck... you reek of smoke! |