Upper-Intermediate - Assembling IKEA Furniture (D1247)

A: 哎,我们还是请别人装吧。自己装实在太累了,还得特地买个工具箱。
āi, wǒmen háishì qǐng biérén zhuāng ba. zìjǐ zhuāng shízài tài lèi le, hái děi tèdì mǎi ge gōngjùxiāng.
Agh, let's hire somebody to build it for us. Building it ourselves is so tiring. Plus you have to buy a tool chest just for this.
B: 宜家的乐趣就是自己装。要不干吗大老远地跑到宜家来买?
Yíjiā de lèqù jiùshì zìjǐ zhuāng. yàobu gànmá dàlǎoyuǎn de pǎodào Yíjiā lái mǎi?
The fun of IKEA is building things yourself. Otherwise, why on earth would anyone go so far away to buy something from IKEA?
A: 好吧好吧,自己装!
hǎoba hǎoba, zìjǐ zhuāng!
Fine, fine. Let's build it ourselves.
B: 今天给你个动手机会。我看说明书,你来装。先把包装拆了,然后把小配件拿出来。
jīntiān gěi nǐ gè dòngshǒu jīhuì. wǒ kàn shuōmíngshū, nǐ lái zhuāng. xiān bǎ bāozhuāng chāi le, ránhòu bǎ xiǎo pèijiàn ná chūlai.
Today is a good chance for you to do-it-yourself. I'll read the instruction manual, and you build it. First, take apart the packaging and then take out the little fittings and accessories.
A: 这个不用你说。接下来呢?
zhè ge bùyòng nǐ shuō. jiē xiàlái ne?
You don't need to say that. What's next?
B: 把小木销装到底板和顶板的眼子里。喏,木销给你。
bǎ xiǎo mùxiāo zhuāng dào dǐbǎn hé dǐngbǎn de yǎnzi lǐ. nuò, mùxiāo gěi nǐ.
Put the small dowels into the eyes in the base board and the top board. Here are the dowels.
A: 好了。这么简单!像小学手工课。还好我们没让别人装。
hǎo le. zhème jiǎndān! xiàng xiǎoxué shǒugōngkè. háihǎo wǒmen méi ràng biérén zhuāng.
OK. It's so simple. It's like shop class in elementary school. Good thing we didn't hire anyone to assemble it.
B: 我说的吧!现在,把背板竖起来,装到底板上。
wǒ shuō de ba! xiànzài, bǎ bèibǎn shù qǐlái, zhuāng dào dǐbǎn shàng.
Didn't I say so? Now, stand the back panel up, and put it into the bottom panel.
A: 你帮我扶一把。扶上面,别让它倒了。好了,轻松搞定!
nǐ bāng wǒ fú yī bǎ. fú shàngmian, bié ràng tā dǎo le. hǎo le, qīngsōng gǎodìng!
Help me support it. Hold the top part, don't let it fall down. OK! All taken care of, and it was easy!
B: 嗯,怎么摇摇晃晃的?
ng5, zěnme yáoyáohuànghuàng de?
Hey, why is it so wobbly?
A: 会吗?你拿个榔头给我,我敲敲紧。这下结实了。你把旁边的两块板拿来。你还是帮我扶一下。还有,螺丝给我。
huì ma? nǐ ná ge lángtou gěi wǒ, wǒ qiāo qiao jǐn. zhèxià jiēshi le. nǐ bǎ pángbiān de liǎng kuài bǎn nálái. nǐ háishì bāng wǒ fú yīxià. háiyǒu, luósī gěi wǒ.
Is it? Give me a hammer. I'll tap it and tighten it up. Now it's more solid. Bring over the two side panels. Help me hold it up. And give me the screws.
B: 哎哎,螺丝歪了,你用螺丝刀拧吧。
ài ài, luósī wāi le, nǐ yòng luósīdāo níng ba.
Hey, hey- the screws are crooked. Use the screwdriver to twist them.
A: 差一点儿,没关系的。
chà yīdiǎnr5, méiguānxi de.
It's a little off. No big deal.
B: 豆腐渣工程!这样会倒的!
dòufuzhā gōngchéng! zhèyàng huì dǎo de!
Shoddy construction! This will fall over!
A: 我做事,你放心吧。现在装中间的隔板。嗯,怎么放不进去啊?
wǒ zuòshì, nǐ fàngxīn ba. xiànzài zhuāng zhōngjiān de gébǎn. ng5, zěnme fàng bu jìnqù a?
When I do things, you can rest easy. Now, let's install the partition in the middle. Huh?! How come it doesn't fit?
B: 侧板歪了,太窄了。我叫你用螺丝刀,你不用。这种东西不能差一分一毫。
cèbǎn wāi le, tài zhǎi le. wǒ jiào nǐ yòng luósīdāo, nǐ bùyòng. zhèzhǒng dōngxi bùnéng chà yīfēnyīháo.
The sides are crooked. It's too narrow. I told you to use the screwdriver, and you didn't. You can't be off on this kind of stuff, even by the tiniest bit.
A: 你帮我把侧板往外撑一点。
nǐ bāng wǒ bǎ cèbǎn wǎng wài chēng yīdiǎn.
Help me push the sideboards out a bit.
B: 不行的。那样整个书柜就歪了。
bùxíng de. nàyàng zhěnggè shūguì jiù wāi le.
It's no good. The entire book case is crooked.
A: 我来撑,你来扶住柜子。呃、呃。
wǒ lái chēng, nǐ lái fú zhù guìzi. è、 è.
I'll push it, you hold it steady. Ugh, ugh.
B: 喂喂喂,你住手!会弄坏的!拆了重装吧。
wèi wèi wèi, nǐ zhùshǒu! huì nònghuài de! chāi le chóngzhuāng ba.
Hey, hey! Hold on! You'll destroy it! Let's take it apart and start again!
A: 哎!白费力气了!我去外面找个工人装。
āi! bái fèi lìqi le! wǒ qù wàimian zhǎo gè gōngrén zhuāng.
Agh! We wasted our energy! I'm going out to find someone to build it for us.

Key Vocabulary

zhuāng to assemble
特地 tèdì expressly
工具箱 gōngjùxiāng tool box
宜家 Yíjiā IKEA (Swedish furniture company)
大老远 dàlǎoyuǎn a long way away
动手 dòngshǒu to start work
说明书 shuōmíngshū instruction manual
包装 bāozhuāng packaging
chāi to tear off, apart
配件 pèijiàn accessory
木销 mùxiāo wooden dowel
底板 dǐbǎn base board
顶板 dǐngbǎn top board
背板 bèibǎn back panel
眼子 yǎnzi socket
手工课 shǒugōngkè shop class
shù vertical
to support
摇摇晃晃 yáoyáohuànghuàng wobbly; to stagger
榔头 lángtou hammer
qiāo to tap
结实 jiēshi sturdy
螺丝 luósī screws
螺丝刀 luósīdāo screwdriver
níng to twist
豆腐渣工程 dòufuzhā gōngchéng shoddy construction (lit. construction like bean curd)
dǎo to collapse
隔板 gébǎn partitions
侧板 cèbǎn side board
wāi crooked
一分一毫 yīfēnyīháo in the slightest way
chēng to prop up
书柜 shūguì book case
住手 zhùshǒu stop what you're doing
重装 chóngzhuāng to re-assemble

Supplementary Vocabulary

安装 ānzhuāng to install
附加 fùjiā attach
拆迁 chāiqiān to dismantle, to raze
木工 mùgōng carpenter
撑伞 chēngsǎn to hold an umbrella

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