A: | 太空,最后的前线,这是进取号的一次航行。它在五年内的任务是探索陌生的世界,寻找新的生命和新的文明,前往人们从未探索过的地方。 |
| tàikōng, zuìhòu de qiánxiàn, zhè shì Jìnqǔhào de yī cì hángxíng. tā zài wǔ nián nèi de rènwu shì tànsuǒ mòshēng de shìjiè, xúnzhǎo xīn de shēngmìng hé xīn de wénmíng, qiánwǎng rénmen cóngwèi tànsuǒ guo de dìfang. |
| Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to seek out new worlds, new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before. |
B: | 你又在那儿做《星际迷航》的白日梦啦。 |
| nǐ yòu zài nàr zuò《 Xīngjìmíháng》 de báirìmèng la. |
| There you are, day-dreaming about Star Trek again! |
A: | 老婆,你就跟我一块儿去参加星迷聚会吧! |
| lǎopó, nǐ jiù gēn wǒ yīkuàir5 qù cānjiā Xīngmí jùhuì ba! |
| Dear, how about coming to the Star Trek convention with me? |
B: | 我跟你说过多少遍了,这种不切实际的东西,我没兴趣。你自己去好了,干吗非要拉着我? |
| wǒ gēn nǐ shuō guo duōshǎo biàn le, zhèzhǒng bù qiè shíjì de dōngxi, wǒ méi xìngqù. nǐ zìjǐ qù hǎo le, gànmá fēi yào lā zhe wǒ? |
| How many times have I told you-- I'm not interested in this kind of unrealistic stuff. Go by yourself. Why do you have to drag me along? |
A: | 那你逛街干吗非要拉着我?你知不知道我当年看完《星际迷航》电影小说,第一次知道了进取号、柯克船长、斯波克,那真叫兴奋啊! |
| nà nǐ guàng jiē gànmá fēi yào lā zhe wǒ? nǐ zhī bu zhīdào wǒ dāngnián kàn wán《 Xīngjìmíháng》 diànyǐng xiǎoshuō, dì yī cì zhīdao le Jìnqǔhào、 Kēkè chuánzhǎng、 Sībōkè, nà zhēn jiào xīngfèn a! |
| Well, why do you always have to take me along when you go window-shopping? Do you know how excited I was back in the days when I saw the Star Trek movies and read the novels, when I first learned about the Enterprise, and Captain Kirk and Spock? |
B: | 那是二十多年前,你还小,我可以理解。可是你现在都那么大了,看那些东西不觉得幼稚啊?你逼着我看那些《星际迷航》电视剧,塑料的太空船、霓虹灯一闪一闪的、太过时了。真搞不懂你迷它什么? |
| nà shì èrshí duō nián qián, nǐ hái xiǎo, wǒ kěyǐ lǐjiě. kěshì nǐ xiànzài dōu nàme dà le, kàn nàxiē dōngxi bù juéde yòuzhì a? nǐ bī zhe wǒ kàn nàxiē《 Xīngjìmíháng》 diànshìjù, sùliào de tàikōngchuán、 níhóngdēng yīshǎn yīshǎn de、 tài guòshí le. zhēn gǎobudóng nǐ mí tā shénme? |
| That was more than twenty years ago, and you were still young. I can understand that. But you're grown up now-- don't you think it's childish to read and watch that stuff? You make me watch those episodes of Star Trek, with their plastic space ships and neon lights flashing. They're too old-fashioned. I really don't know what about them fascinates you much! |
A: | 啊呀,这你就不懂了。《星际迷航》的精髓不是科幻场面,而是宽容和理解。它设置在乌托邦式的未来世界,进取号要探索银河系,寻找新的世界、新的文明,散播和平与理解。 |
| āyā, zhè nǐ jiù bù dǒng le.《 Xīngjìmíháng》 de jīngsuǐ bùshì kēhuàn chǎngmiàn, érshì kuānróng hé lǐjiě. tā shèzhì zài wūtuōbāng shì de wèilái shìjiè, Jìnqǔhào yào tànsuǒ yínhéxì, xúnzhǎo xīn de shìjiè、 xīn de wénmíng, sànbō hépíng yǔ lǐjiě. |
| Aw, you just don't understand. The essence of Star Trek isn't the sci-fi setting, it's tolerance and understanding. It's set in a utopian future, where the Enterprise has to explore the Milky Way galaxy, looking for new worlds and new civilizations, spreading peace and understanding. |
B: | 这多不现实啊? |
| zhè duō bù xiànshí a? |
| How unrealistic is that? |
A: | 你听我说完。进取号上的船员都是什么人?有白人、黑人、亚洲人、苏联人,他们本身就是种族融合的象征!还有,电视史上第一次白人和黑人接吻就是在《星际迷航》里! |
| nǐ tīng wǒ shuōwán. Jìnqǔhào shàng de chuányuán dōu shì shénme rén? yǒu báirén、 hēirén、 Yàzhōu rén、 Sūlián rén, tāmen běnshēn jiùshì zhǒngzú rónghé de xiàngzhēng! háiyǒu, diànshì shǐ shàng dì yī cì báirén hé hēirén jiēwěn jiùshì zài《 Xīngjìmíháng》 lǐ! |
| Let me finish. What kind of people do they have on the Enterprise? There are whites, blacks, Asians, Russians-- they're inherently a symbol of racial blending. And plus, the first televised kiss between a white and a black was on Star Trek! |
B: | 噢,真的啊?不会是斯波克吧? |
| ó, zhēnde a? bùhuì shì Sībōkè ba? |
| Really? It wasn't Spock, was it? |
A: | 不是!你再猜猜。 |
| bùshì! nǐ zài cāi cai. |
| Nope! Guess again! |
B: | 那一定是柯克船长。 |
| nà yīdìng shì Kēkè chuánzhǎng. |
| Well, it had to be Captain Kirk! |
A: | 对,就是他和通讯官乌乎拉。浪漫吧?老婆,你就陪我去星迷聚会吧。就一次! |
| duì, jiùshì tā hé tōngxùnguān Wūhūlā. làngmàn ba? lǎopó, nǐ jiù péi wǒ qù Xīngmí jùhuì ba. jiù yī cì! |
| Yes, it was him and Communications Officer Uhura. Romantic, huh? Just go with me to the Star Trek convention, dear. Just one time! |
B: | 好好好。 |
| hǎo hǎo hǎo. |
| Fine, fine. |
A: | 那你换上乌乎拉的制服试试!我总算没白买。 |
| nà nǐ huàn shàng Wūhūlā de zhìfú shìshi! wǒ zǒngsuàn méi bái mǎi. |
| Then try on Uhura's uniform for me! Turns out, I didn't buy it in vain! |
B: | 你! |
| nǐ! |
| Oh, you! |