Upper-Intermediate - Love Tangle 2 - A Lover Returns (D1238)

A: 喂?
B: 璐璐,是你吗?
Lùlu, shì nǐ ma?
Lulu, is that you?
A: 你是......?
nǐ shì......?
You are…?
B: 我是冯帅啊!我到北京来出差,你什么时候有空,我们见个面吧。
wǒ shì Féng shuài a! wǒ dào Běijīng lái chūchāi, nǐ shénme shíhou yǒukòng, wǒmen jiàn gè miàn ba.
This is Feng Shuai! I’ve come to Beijing on a business trip. When you’re free, let’s meet up.
A: 我,我最近很忙,没时间。
wǒ, wǒ zuìjìn hěn máng, méishíjiān.
I, uh, I’m very busy these days. I don’t have the time.
B: 我们十年没见了,就算普通同学,你也得招待一下吧。你公司在哪儿,到时候我去接你。
wǒmen shí nián méi jiàn le, jiùsuàn pǔtōng tóngxué, nǐ yě děi zhāodài yīxià ba. nǐ gōngsī zài nǎr, dào shíhou wǒ qù jiē nǐ.
We haven’t seen each other for ten years. Even if we were just regular classmates, you’d still have to show me a good time, right? Where’s your company—when the time comes I’ll go there to pick you up.
A: 我真的不方便。
wǒ zhēnde bù fāngbiàn.
This really doesn’t work for me.
B: 好吧。我不勉强你。不过每天晚上我都会在学校前门的老地方等你。就这样定了,你先忙吧。
hǎo ba. wǒ bù miǎnqiǎng nǐ. bùguò měitiān wǎnshang wǒ dōu huì zài xuéxiào qiánmén de lǎo dìfang děng nǐ. jiù zhèyàng dìng le, nǐ xiān máng ba.
Fine. I won’t twist your arm. But I’ll go to our old place at the front gate of the school every night to wait for you. Let’s leave it at this. Carry on with your business.
B: 璐璐,你终于来了!
Lùlu, nǐ zhōngyú lái le!
Lulu, you’ve finally come!
A: 老同学来出差嘛!我怎么也得尽尽地主之谊。
lǎo tóngxué lái chūchāi ma! wǒ zěnme yě děi jìn jin dìzhǔzhīyí.
An old classmate came on a business trip! Any way you cut it, I had to do my best as a host.
B: 就是就是,我点了你最爱喝的酸梅汤,快喝吧。
jiùshì jiùshì, wǒ diǎn le nǐ zuì ài hē de suānméi tāng, kuài hē ba.
Yes, yes. I ordered your favorite sweet-and-sour plum soup. Quick, drink it up.
A: 听说你在广州发展得很不错啊,祝贺你!
tīngshuō nǐ zài guǎngzhōu fāzhǎn de hěn bùcuò a, zhùhè nǐ!
I hear you’re moving along nicely in Guangzhou. Congratulations!
B: 还行吧,我也算苦尽甘来了。想当年独闯广州,什么苦没吃过。但我心里一直有个坚定的信念......
hái xíng ba, wǒ yě suàn kǔjìngānlái le. xiǎngdāngnián dú chuǎng Guǎngzhōu, shénme kǔ méi chī guo. dàn wǒ xīn lǐ yīzhí yǒu ge jiāndìng de xìnniàn......
I’m doing OK, I guess. You have to go suffer before you get to enjoy the good times. Think of when I ran off alone to Guangzhou back then. I had never suffered. But I always had a firm belief in my heart…
A: 以前同学们就老说你有抱负,是块做生意的料,大家没看走眼。
yǐqián tóngxué men jiù lǎo shuō nǐ yǒu bàofù, shì kuài zuò shēngyì de liào, dàjiā méi kànzǒuyǎn.
In the past, our classmates always said you were ambitious. They said you were made of the right stuff for doing business. They weren’t mistaken.
B: 可是事业上再成功又有什么用呢?身边也没个知冷知热的女人。
kěshì shìyè shàng zài chénggōng yòu yǒu shénme yòng ne? shēnbiān yě méi ge zhīlěngzhīrè de nǚrén.
But no matter how successful you are in your career, what’s the point? I don’t have the woman I love by my side.
A: 怎么会呢?现在年轻女孩子就喜欢你这种事业有成的男人。只要你愿意,还不是随你挑。
zěnme huì ne? xiànzài niánqīng nǚháizi jiù xǐhuan nǐ zhè zhǒng shìyèyǒuchéng de nánrén. zhǐyào nǐ yuànyì, hái bù shì suí nǐ tiāo.
How could that be? These days, young girls like men like you who are successful in their careers. You could have your pick of any one you wanted.
B: 璐璐,难道你不明白吗?我一直放不下你。想当年你父母不同意我们的婚事,我一气之下跑到广州......
Lùlu, nándào nǐ bù míngbai ma? wǒ yīzhí fàngbuxià nǐ. xiǎngdāngnián nǐ fùmǔ bù tóngyì wǒmen de hūnshì, wǒ yīqìzhīxià pǎo dào Guǎngzhōu......
Lulu, can you really not understand? I’ve never been able to let go of you. I’m thinking of when your parents didn’t agree to our marriage, and I ran off to Guangzhou in a fit of anger…
A: 冯帅,你别说了。
Féngshuài, nǐ bié shuō le.
Don’t say any more about this, Feng Shuai.

Key Vocabulary

招待 zhāodài to entertain (guests)
勉强 miǎnqiǎng to force, to twist someone's arm
地主之谊 dìzhǔzhīyì a host's sentiments or friendship
酸梅汤 suānméi tāng sweet-sour plum juice
苦尽甘来 kǔjìngānlái sweetness comes after bitterness
chuǎng to run, to dash
坚定 jiāndìng firm
信念 xìnniàn belief
抱负 bàofù ambition
liào material
看走眼 kànzǒuyǎn to be mistaken
知冷知热 zhīlěngzhīrè to love deeply and tenderly
事业有成 shìyèyǒuchéng successful in one's career
想当年 xiǎngdāngnián to think of those years (long ago)
一气之下 yīqìzhīxià in a fit of rage
放不下 fàngbuxià to be unable to let go

Supplementary Vocabulary

已婚妇女 yǐhūn fùnǚ a married woman
尴尬 gāngà awkward
克服 kèfú to overcome
拼搏 pīnbó to go all-out
报复 bàofù to get revenge
才能 cáinéng talent
体贴 tǐtiē considerate
伴侣 bànlǚ companion
学业有成 xuéyèyǒuchéng to be accomplished in one's studies
暗示 ànshì to hint
观念 guānniàn idea; conception
开通 kāitōng open-minded; to open up

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