A | 你这新车才买了一个月,就被你虐待成这副模样了! |
| nǐ zhè xīn chē cái mǎi le yī gè yuè, jiù bèi nǐ nǜedài chéng zhè fù múyàng le! |
| You've only had this car for a month, and you've already beaten it up like this! |
B | 车买了就要开,又不是拿来做摆设。 |
| chē mǎi le jiùyào kāi, yòu bù shì nálái zuò bǎishè. |
| Once you've bought a car, you need to drive it! You don't just get it to be a decoration. |
A | 我看你肯定去飙车了,右边的后视镜都碎了。 |
| wǒ kàn nǐ kěndìng qù biāochē le, yòubiān de hòushìjìng dōu suì le. |
| Looks to me like you've definitely done some drag-racing. The right mirror is smashed! |
B | 反正上了保险,大不了去修一下,回头找保险公司报销。 |
| fǎnzhèng shàng le bǎoxiǎn, dàbuliǎo qù xiū yīxià, huítóu zhǎo bǎoxiǎngōngsī bàoxiāo. |
| Well, anyway, I've got it insured. The worst that can happen is I'll go get it repaired. Then later I can have the insurance company reimburse me. |
A | 真是服了你了。 |
| zhēnshì fú le nǐ le. |
| I am in awe. |
B | 哎,我带你去兜兜风,怎么样? |
| āi, wǒ dài nǐ qù dōudōu fēng, zěnmeyàng? |
| Hey-- how about I take you for a spin? |
A | 好,坐坐你的新车。 |
| hǎo, zuò zuo nǐ de xīn chē . |
| OK. I'll take a seat in your new car. |
A | 哎,你这车性能不错嘛,光听这引擎声就知道马力十足。 |
| āi, nǐ zhè chē xìngnéng bùcuò ma, guāng tīng zhè yǐnqíngshēng jiù zhīdào mǎlì shízú. |
| Hey, your car performs well. Just listening to the engine I can tell that it's got plenty of horsepower. |
B | 看不出来,你还挺在行的!我这车是改装过的,所以加速特别快!坐好了,我让你感觉一下。 |
| kàn bù chūlái, nǐ hái tǐng zàiháng de! wǒ zhè chē shì gǎizhuāng guò de, suǒyǐ jiāsù tèbié kuài! zuòhǎole , wǒ ràng nǐ gǎnjué yīxià. |
| You're more of an expert than you seem to be! This car is refitted, so it accelerates really quickly. Sit tight-- I'll let you feel it! |
A | 哇,慢点,小心! |
| wā, màndiǎnr, xiǎoxīn! |
| Whoa! Slow down! Be careful! |
B | 没问题,有安全气囊呢。 |
| méiwèntí, yǒu ānquánqìnáng ne. |
| No problem. It has airbags. |
A | 算了吧,你不要命,我还要命呢。开慢点。咦,你一个月就跑了一万公里!你去开拉力赛啦? |
| suàn le ba , nǐ bù yào mìng, wǒ hái yào mìng ne. kāi màn diǎnr. yí, nǐ yī gè yuè jiù pǎo le yīwàn gōngli! nǐ qù kāi lālìsài la? |
| Forget it! Even if you don't want to go on living, I do! Slow down. Wow, you've done ten thousand kilometers in just a month! Did you do some rally racing? |
B | 都是我兄弟们开的。一个个问我借车。 |
| dōu shì wǒ xiōngdì men kāi de. yīgègè wèn wǒ jiè chē. |
| It's all from my buddies. Each and every one of them has asked me to borrow the car. |
A | 他们肯定也喜欢飙车。你们当心点儿,老这样开,很容易磨损发动机的。 |
| tāmen kěndìng yě xǐhuan biāochē. nǐmen dāngxīn diǎnr, lǎo zhèyàng kāi, hěn róngyì mósǔn fādòngjī de. |
| They must also like drag-racing. You should be careful. If you drive like this all the time, it's really easy to wear out the engine. |
B | 你们女孩子啊,就是小心。我玩儿的就是心跳。 |
| nǐmen nǚháizi ā, jiùshì xiǎoxīn. wǒ wánr de jiùshì xīntiào. |
| You girls! You're so cautious. I do this for the thrills. |
A | 好好好,你的车,你自己做主。哎,你的车是手动挡啊? |
| hǎo hǎo hǎo, nǐ de chē, nǐ zìjǐ zuòzhǔ. āi, nǐ de chē shì shǒudòngdǎng a? |
| OK, OK. It's your car, you're the boss. Hey, does your car have manual shifting? |
B | 会开车的人肯定要开手动挡,自动挡哪儿过瘾?一点儿手感也没有。 |
| huì kāichē de rén kěndìng yào kāi shǒudòngdǎng, zìdòngdǎng nǎr guòyǐn? yīdiǎnr shǒugǎn yě méiyǒu. |
| People who can drive definitely want to drive manual. Where's the fun in automatic? It doesn't feel like anything at all. |
A | 我看你是F1看多了。音响是这个键吧?哇,好震撼啊! |
| wǒ kàn nǐ shì F yī kàn duō le. yīnxiǎng shì zhè ge jiàn ba? wā, hǎo zhènhàn ā! |
| The way I see it, you've watched too much F1. Is this the button for the stereo? Whoa, it really vibrates! |