A | 老婆,你在那儿干吗啊?我刚出差回来,你也不多陪陪我。 |
| lǎopó, nǐ zài nàr gànmá a? wǒ gāng chūchāi huílai, nǐ yě bù duō péipei wǒ. |
| Darling, what are you doing there? I just got back from a business trip. Why don't you come spend some time with me? |
B | 我在上厕所嘛。 |
| wǒ zài shàng cèsuǒ ma. |
| I'm using the washroom. |
A | 上厕所要这么长时间?等等,你怎么还带着手机? |
| shàng cèsuǒ yào zhème cháng shíjiān? děngdeng, nǐ zěnme hái dài zhe shǒujī? |
| Do you need that long to go to the bathroom? Wait, how come you brought your cell phone? |
B | 我在玩手机游戏。快睡吧,老公,明天还要早起呢。 |
| wǒ zài wán shǒujī yóuxì. kuài shuì ba, lǎogong, míngtiān hái yào zǎoqǐ ne. |
| I'm playing cell phone games. Go to sleep, dear. You need to get up early tomorrow. |
A | 我看你最近有些不对劲儿,是不是有什么事瞒着我? |
| wǒ kàn nǐ zuìjìn yǒuxiē bù duìjìnr, shì bu shì yǒu shénme shì mán zhe wǒ? |
| Something seems not quite right with you lately. Are you hiding something from me? |
B | 你什么意思? |
| nǐ shénme yìsi? |
| What are you talking about? |
A | 我老出差不在家,你是不是外面有人了? |
| wǒ lǎo chūchāi bù zài jiā, nǐ shì bu shì wàimian yǒu rén le? |
| I'm always out on business-- do you have somebody on the side? |
B | 沈佳伟,你莫名其妙!你太欺负人了。你把你老婆当成什么人啊? |
| Shěn Jiāwěi, nǐ mòmíngqímiào! nǐ tài qīfu rén le. nǐ bǎ nǐ lǎopó dàngchéng shénme rén a? |
| Shen Jiawei, you are really baffling! You pick on people in the worst way! What kind of person do you think your wife is? |
A | 是谁的短信?让我看看! |
| shì shéi de duǎnxìn? ràng wǒ kànkan! |
| Who was that text message from? Let me see! |
B | 这是我的隐私。你每天那么多短信,我什么时候看过你的? |
| zhè shì wǒ de yǐnsī. nǐ měitiān nàme duō duǎnxìn, wǒ shénme shíhou kàn guo nǐ de? |
| This is my private matter. You get so many text messages every day. When have I ever looked at yours? |
A | 夫妻间要什么隐私?你别跟我来这套!你如果没什么见不得人的勾当,干嘛不能给我看? |
| fūqī jiān yào shénme yǐnsī? nǐ bié gēn wǒ lái zhè tào! nǐ rúguǒ méi shénme jiànbude rén de gòudàng, gànmá bùnéng gěi wǒ kàn? |
| Why should there be privacy between a husband and wife? Don't try that trick with me! If there's nothing shameful or shady going on, why on earth can't you let me see it? |
B | 佳伟,你太过分了!就来了一条短信,你凭什么就怀疑我有婚外情? |
| Jiāwěi, nǐ tài guòfèn le! jiù lái le yī tiáo duǎnxìn, nǐ píng shénme jiù huáiyí wǒ yǒu hūnwàiqíng? |
| Jiawei, you are just too much! I just got a text message. What makes you suspect that I'm having an affair? |
A | 不是这一条短信的问题。你一直嫌我太老实,没情趣。这我知道。 |
| bù shì zhè yī tiáo duǎnxìn de wèntí. nǐ yīzhí xián wǒ tài lǎoshi, méi qíngqù. zhè wǒ zhīdào. |
| This isn't a problem with a single text message. You've always thought I was too simple and nice-- boring! I know that. |
B | 你又来了!我要跟你说多少遍,我如果嫌跟你生活没意思,那我就不会嫁给你。你要看我短信,喏,你拿去看吧。一条垃圾短信。 |
| nǐ yòu lái le! wǒ yào gēn nǐ shuō duōshǎo biàn, wǒ rúguǒ xián gēn nǐ shēnghuó méi yìsi, nà wǒ jiù bùhuì jiàgěi nǐ. nǐ yào kàn wǒ duǎnxìn, nuò, nǐ náqù kàn ba. yī tiáo lājī duǎnxìn. |
| Here you go again! How many times do I have to tell you, if I thought that living with you was boring, I wouldn't have married you! If you want to see my text message, then look. A piece of spam. |
A | 算了,我不要看。 |
| suànle, wǒ bù yào kàn. |
| Forget it. I don't want to see it. |
B | 沈佳伟,我从来没做过任何对不起你,对不起这个家的事。请你以后不要疑神疑鬼。 |
| Shěn Jiāwěi, wǒ cónglái méi zuò guo rènhé duìbuqǐ nǐ, duìbuqǐ zhè ge jiā de shì. qǐng nǐ yǐhòu bù yào yíshényíguǐ. |
| Shen Jiawei, I've never done anything that would make me ashamed to face your or our family. In the future, please don't be so suspicious. |
A | 别说了,别说了。我累了,我想睡了。 |
| bié shuō le, bié shuō le. wǒ lèi le, wǒ xiǎng shuì le. |
| Stop talking! I'm tired. I want to go to sleep. |