A | 小赵,你来公司有几个月了,工作都上手了吧? |
| Xiǎo Zhào, nǐ lái gōngsī yǒu jǐ ge yuè le, gōngzuò dōu shàngshǒu le ba? |
| Xiao Zhao, you've been at the company for a few weeks. You're probably getting pretty good at your job, huh? |
B | 嗯,我对公司的财务状况基本熟悉了。但是我觉得公司的开支太高了。而且很多账目不清,这样报税的时候可能会有问题。 |
| ng4, ng4, wǒ duì gōngsī de cáiwù zhuàngkuàng jīběn shúxī le. dànshì wǒ juéde gōngsī de kāizhī tài gāo le. érqiě hěn duō zhàngmù bù qīng, zhèyàng bàoshuì de shíhou kěnéng huì yǒu wèntí. |
| I'm pretty familiar with the company's financial situation. But I think the company's expenses are too high. And a lot of their accounts aren't that clear. There might be some problems when we file our taxes. |
A | 你放心,公司的生意都是合法的。但是我们需要灵活操作,打打擦边球。哪家公司不是这么做的? |
| nǐ fàngxīn, gōngsī de shēngyi dōu shì héfǎ de. dànshì wǒmen xūyào línghuó cāozuò, dǎ da cābiānqiú. nǎ jiā gōngsī bù shì zhème zuò de? |
| Don't worry-- the company's business is completely legal. But we need to work flexibly, and with a lot of finesse [literally, to hit the edge of the table in ping pong --Ed.] Aren't all companies like that? |
B | 但是,国家现在很严格。作为公司的会计,我觉得有必要理清这些糊涂账。 |
| dànshì, guójiā xiànzài hěn yángé. zuòwéi gōngsī de kuàijì, wǒ juéde yǒu bìyào lǐqīng zhèxiē hútuzhàng. |
| But the government is really strict now. As the company's accountant, I think I have to figure out what's going on with these muddled accounts. |
A | 小赵,这个世界有两种人。一种很认真、很努力,但是做不成大事。另外一种人,做事灵活,不用很辛苦,就能赚大钱。我很想帮你做第二种人。 |
| Xiǎo Zhào, zhè ge shìjiè yǒu liǎng zhǒng rén. yī zhǒng hěn rènzhēn, hěn nǔlì, dànshì zuòbuchéng dàshì. lìngwài yī zhǒng rén, zuòshì línghuó, bùyòng hěn xīnkǔ, jiù néng zhuàn dà qián. wǒ hěn xiǎng bāng nǐ zuò dì èr zhǒng rén. |
| Xiao Zhao, there are two kinds of people in this world. One kind of person is very conscientious and very hard working. But they can't achieve anything big. The other kind of person does things nimbly. They don't need to work too hard, and they make great money. I'd like to help you be the second kind of person. |
B | 我......我觉得自己不想做这种人。 |
| wǒ......wǒ juéde zìjǐ bù xiǎng zuò zhèzhǒng rén. |
| I...I don't think I'd like to be that kind of person. |
A | 哦? |
| ó? |
| Huh? |
B | 喂?哪位? |
| wéi? nǎ wèi? |
| Hello? Who is this? |
C | 赵希希,你别敬酒不吃吃罚酒!不该你管的事儿,你少插手!否则别怪我不客气。 |
| Zhào Xīxī, nǐ bié jìngjiǔ bù chī chī fájiǔ! bù gāi nǐ guǎn de shìr, nǐ shǎo chāshǒu! fǒuzé bié guài wǒ bù kèqì. |
| Zhao Xixi, don't make me play hard-ball with you [or, don't refuse a gentle offer in favor of harsh punishment--Ed.]! Don't get involved in things that don't concern you. Otherwise, don't blame me when I'm not so friendly anymore. |
B | 喂,喂,你是谁啊?喂? |
| wéi, wéi, nǐ shì shéi a? |
| Hello? Hello? Who are you? Hello? |