A | 老婆,你离预产期还早着呢,干吗急着准备东西。 |
| lǎopó, nǐ lí yùchǎnqī hái zǎo zhe ne, gànmá jí zhe zhǔnbèi dōngxi. |
| Darling, you've still got quite a while before the baby's due. How come you're in such a rush to get everything ready? |
B | 你懂什么?当然得提前准备。我们又没什么经验,到时候手忙脚乱的,肯定弄不好。 |
| nǐ dǒng shénme? dāngrán děi tíqián zhǔnbèi. wǒmen yòu méi shénme jīngyàn, dào shíhou shǒumángjiǎoluàn de, kěndìng nòngbuhǎo. |
| What do you know? Of course I have to get ready ahead of time. We don't have any experience at this. If we're running around willy-nilly, we're sure to screw things up. |
A | 行行行,你挺着个大肚子,慢点儿走。 |
| xíng xíng xíng, nǐ tǐng zhe ge dàdùzi, màn diǎnr zǒu. |
| OK, OK. You're carrying around a big belly. Walk a little slower! |
C | 欢迎光临,我们店提供一站式的母婴服务,可以方便准妈妈们选购。 |
| huānyíng guānglín, wǒmen diàn tígōng yīzhànshì de mǔyīng fúwù, kěyǐ fāngbiàn zhǔn māma men xuǎngòu. |
| Welcome. Our store provides one-stop-shopping for mothers and their babies. We help expecting mothers to make good purchases. |
B | 哎,老公,你看这件连体衣,粉嫩嫩的,好可爱啊。我们给宝宝买一件吧。 |
| āi, lǎogong, nǐ kàn zhè jiàn liántǐyī, fěnnènnèn de, hǎo kě ài a. wǒmen gěi bǎobao mǎi yī jiàn ba. |
| Oh, dear, look at this swaddling clothing [cuddly clothing with no distinct feet--Ed.] It's so soft, and really cute. Let's buy one for the baby! |
A | 还不知道是男是女呢。 |
| hái bù zhīdào shì nán shì nǚ ne. |
| We still don't know if it's a boy or a girl. |
C | 那就买件黄色的,男女都好穿。新生儿就是要穿这种全棉的衣服,手感好,不伤皮肤。哎,其他的婴儿用品需要吗? |
| nà jiù mǎi jiàn huángsè de, nán nǚ dōu hǎo chuān. xīnshēngér jiùshì yào chuān zhèzhǒng quánmián de yīfu, shǒugǎn hǎo, bù shāng pífū. āi, qítā de yīngér yòngpǐn xūyào ma? |
| Then just get a yellow one. It'll be good for a boy or a girl. Newborns should wear this kind of pure cotton clothing. It feels good to the touch, and it won't harm the baby's skin. Oh, do you need anything else for the baby? |
B | 再看看奶瓶、吸奶器什么的吧。我们打算先以母乳喂养为主,再慢慢地喂奶粉。 |
| zài kàn kan nǎipíng, xīnǎiqì shénme de ba. wǒmen dǎsuàn xiān yǐ mǔrǔ wèiyǎng wéi zhǔ, zài mànmàn de wèi nǎifěn. |
| Let's look at the bottles, breast pumps, and stuff like that. At the beginning, we're planning to do mostly breast-feeding. Then, we'll gradually start using formula. |
C | 那就大小奶瓶各买一个。前几个月喝不了多少,就用小的,可以控制食量。这个牌子的口碑很好,是全进口的。 |
| nà jiù dàxiǎo nǎipíng gè mǎi yī ge. qián jǐ ge yuè hēbuliǎo duōshǎo, jiù yòng xiǎo de, kěyǐ kòngzhì shíliàng. zhè ge páizi de kǒubēi hěn hǎo, shì quán jìnkǒu de. |
| Then buy both a big and small bottle. In the early months, the baby won't be able to drink very much, so you can use the small one. You can control the amount the baby drinks. Lots of people say good things about this brand. It's imported. |
B | 怎么是塑料的,会不会对人体有害? |
| zěnme shì sùliào de, huì bu huì duì réntǐ yǒuhài? |
| How come it's plastic? Couldn't that be bad for the baby? |
C | 这是用特殊塑料做成的,不但完全无害,而且结实、耐高温,怎么摔都摔不破。 |
| zhè shì yòng tèshū sùliào zuò chéng de, bùdàn wánquán wúhài, érqiě jiēshi, nài gāowēn, zěnme shuāi dōu shuāi bu pò. |
| This is made of special plastic. Not only is it completely harmless, it's also durable and can stand high temperatures. No matter how you drop it, you can't break it. |
B | 哦。对了,有没有那种里面带有一张小床的婴儿床啊?听说可以当摇篮用,哄孩子睡觉比较方便。 |
| ò. duìle, duìle, yǒu méiyǒu nà zhǒng lǐmiàn dàiyǒu yī zhāng xiǎo chuáng de yīngérchuáng a? tīngshuō kěyǐ dāng yáolán yòng, hǒng háizi shuìjiào bǐjiào fāngbiàn. |
| Hmm. Oh, right-- do you have the kind of crib that has a little bed inside it? I hear you can use that as a cradle, and it's good for rocking a baby to sleep. |
C | 有,就是这种。很实用的。 |
| yǒu, jiùshì zhèzhǒng. hěn shíyòng de. |
| We have that kind-- here it is. It's very practical. |
A | 什么?999,这么贵!一张小床就要上千块,难怪说孩子的钱最好赚啊。 |
| shénme? jiǔbǎi jiǔshí jiǔ, zhème guì! yī zhāng xiǎo chuáng jiùyào shàng qiān kuài, nánguài shuō háizi de qián zuì hǎo zhuàn a. |
| Huh? 999 RMB-- that's so expensive! You can ask more than a thousand RMB just for a little bed?! No wonder people say that it's easier to make money off of kids! |
C | 一分钱一分货。你闻闻,一点油漆味都没有。 |
| yīfēnqián yīfēnhuò. nǐ wén wen, yīdiǎn yóuqī wèi dōu méiyǒu. |
| You get what you pay for. Take a whiff-- it doesn't smell at all like paint. |
A | 老婆,你那清单上还有什么?赶紧买完了回去吧。等下宝宝要抗议了。 |
| lǎopó, nǐ nà qīngdān shàng hái yǒu shénme? gǎnjǐn mǎi wán le huíqu ba. děngxià bǎobao yào kàngyì le. |
| Darling, what else is on your list? Let's hurry up, buy the stuff and go home. The baby is going to start putting up a fight soon. |
B | 又拿宝宝当借口,我看是你的肚子先抗议了吧。 |
| yòu ná bǎobao dāng jièkǒu, wǒ kàn shì nǐ de dùzi xiān kàngyì le ba. |
| There you go using the baby as an excuse again. Looks to me like it's your stomach that's started putting up a fight. |