A | 哟,晓芬来啦! |
| yō, Xiǎofēn lái la! |
| Hey, Xiao Fen's arrived! |
B | 我摸摸肚子。这下我可有伴儿了。 |
| wǒ mōmo dùzi. zhèxià wǒ kě yǒu bànr le. |
| Let me rub the belly. This time, I definitely have company. |
A | 你们两个准妈妈好好聊吧。 |
| nǐmen liǎng ge zhǔn māma hǎohāo liáo ba. |
| You two mothers-to-be have a good chat. |
C | 你的肚子大多了,预产期什么时候啊? |
| nǐ de dùzi dà duōle, yùchǎnqī shénme shíhou a? |
| Your belly has gotten a lot bigger. When is your due date? |
B | 五月份。你回来上班了? |
| wǔyuèfèn. nǐ huílai shàngbān le? |
| May. Have you gone back to work? |
C | 没有,婆婆不让。今天来处理点儿事儿。 |
| méiyǒu, pópo bù ràng. jīntiān lái chǔlǐ diǎnr shìr. |
| Nope, my mother-in-law won't let me. I came today to take care of a little business. |
B | 别急,你现在是要好好安胎。你怎么胎教? |
| bié jí, nǐ xiànzài shì yào hǎohāo āntāi. nǐ zěnme tāijiào? |
| Don't be in a hurry. Now, you need to take good care of the unborn baby. How are you teaching the baby? |
C | 还没呢,太早了吧? |
| hái méi ne, tài zǎo le ba? |
| I'm not yet-- it's too early, right? |
B | 不早。我一怀孕就开始胎教了。胎教的好处多着呢,能让宝宝较早地理解语言,跟人交往,而且研究表明,受过胎教的孩子智商、记忆力都比没受过胎教的好! |
| bù zǎo. wǒ yī huáiyùn jiù kāishǐ tāijiào le. tāijiào de hǎochu duō zhene, néng ràng bǎobao jiào zǎo de lǐjiě yǔyán, gēn rén jiāowǎng, érqiě yánjiū biǎomíng, shòu guo tāijiào de háizi zhìshāng, jìyìlì dōu bǐ méi shòu guo tāijiào de hǎo! |
| No. As soon as I got pregnant, I started teaching the baby. There are a lot of advantages to teaching a baby. It'll let the baby understand language, and interact with people. Plus, research indicates that fetuses that were taught have higher IQs and better memories than babies who weren't. |
C | 那你怎么胎教? |
| nà nǐ zěnme tāijiào? |
| How do you teach the baby? |
B | 每天跟他说话,放古典音乐,读唐诗。对了,我们买了个胎教大礼包,天文地理,音乐诗词无所不包! |
| měitiān gēn tā shuōhuà, fàng gǔdiǎn yīnyuè, dú tángshī. duìle, wǒmen mǎi le ge tāijiào dàlǐbāo, tiānwén dìlǐ yīnyuè shīcí wúsuǒbùbāo! |
| I talk to him every day, put on classical music, and read him Tang poems. Oh, right-- we bought a big "Baby Education Gift Set"-- it has everything: astronomy, geography, music and poetry. |
C | 那你家宝宝一出生就该直接上中学了吧?不怕孩子在肚子里就厌学? |
| nà nǐ jiā bǎobao yī chūshēng jiù gāi zhíjiē shàng zhōngxué le ba? bùpà háizi zài dùzi lǐ jiù yànxué? |
| Well, then, isn't your baby going to be in middle school as soon as it's born? Aren't you worried that the baby will start to hate studying while it's in your stomach? |
B | 那怎么会?又不是填鸭式教学,全部是寓教于乐!现在爸爸妈妈都这样,你可不能让宝宝输在起跑线上。 |
| nà zénme huì? yòu bù shì tiányāshì jiàoxué, quánbù shì yùjiàoyúlè! xiànzài bàba māma dōu zhèyàng, nǐ kě bùnéng ràng bǎobao shū zài qǐpǎoxiàn shàng. |
| How could that happen? It's not the cram-method. It's completely mixing work and play. These days, moms and dads all do that. You can't let your little precious lose at the starting line! |
C | 你的宝宝真有文化。回头我再去你家找你取经。 |
| nǐ de bǎobao zhēn yǒu wénhuà. huítóu wǒ zài qù nǐ jiā zhǎo nǐ qǔjīng. |
| Your little baby is really cultured! Sometime soon I'll go over to your house and get some more tips from you. |
B | 没问题!你也赶快开始吧。你家附近有好的幼儿园吗? |
| méiwèntí! nǐ yě gǎnkuài kāishǐ ba. nǐ jiā fùjìn yǒu hǎo de yòuéryuán ma? |
| No problem. You should hurry up and start, too. Is there a good kindergarten near your home? |
C | 有吧。 |
| yǒu ba. |
| I think so... |
B | 这可要搞搞清楚。我为了幼儿园,都搬家了。 |
| zhè kě yào gǎogao qīngchu. wǒ wèile yòu éryuán, dōu bānjiā le. |
| You definitely need to figure that out! I moved, for the sake of a kindergarten. |
C | 啊?就为这个?你还没生呢。 |
| ǎ? jiù wèi zhè ge? nǐ hái méi shēng ne. |
| Huh? Just for that? You still haven't given birth yet. |
B | 到时候就来不及了。孩子的教育一环扣一环。进好的幼儿园,才能进好的小学,最后才有希望考上好的大学。噢,吃燕窝的时间到了。 |
| dào shíhou jiù láibují le. háizi de jiàoyù yīhuánkòuyīhuán. jìn hǎo de yòu éryuán, cái néng jìn hǎo de xiǎoxué, zuìhòu cái yǒu xīwàng kǎoshàng hǎo de dàxué. ò, chī yànwō de shíjiān dào le. |
| When the time comes, it'll be too late. Training kids is a sequence of things. The only way they can get into a good elementary school is by getting into a good kindergarten, and that's the only way they can have any hope of getting into a good college. Oh, it's time for me to eat some swallow's nest. |
C | 有用吗?不会含有激素什么的吧? |
| yǒuyòng ma? bùhuì hányǒu jīsù shénme de ba? |
| Does that work? It couldn't have hormones in it, could it? |
B | 当然有用,对宝宝对妈妈都好。纯天然的优质燕窝怎么会有激素呢?你也去买一点儿吧。要买最好的,差的吃了也没用。 |
| dāngrán yǒuyòng, duì bǎobao duì māma dōu hǎo. chún tiānrán de yōuzhì yànwō zénme huì yǒu jīsù ne? nǐ yě qù mǎi yīdiǎnr ba. yào mǎi zuì hǎo de, chà de chī le yě méiyòng. |
| Yes. It's good for the baby and the momma. How could natural bird's nest have hormones in it? You should also go get some. You need to buy the best. The bad stuff doesn't work. |