Upper-Intermediate - Dog Meat and Animal Rights (D1119)

A 哇,你说带我下馆子,就是这家酒店啊!号码都排到七十多号了,轮到我们该吃宵夜了吧!
wā, nǐ shuō dài wǒ xià guǎnzi, jiùshì zhè jiā jiǔdiàn a! hàomǎ dōu páidào qīshí duō hào le, lúndào wǒmen gāi chī xiāoyè le ba!
Oh, you said you'd take me out for a bite to eat, and it's this place! Our number is over 70-- by the time they get to us, it'll be a midnight snack!
B 稍安勿躁!这里天天都爆满,我一个礼拜前就订了座位。
shāo ānwùzào! zhèlǐ tiāntiān dōu bàomǎn, wǒ yī ge lǐbài qián jiù dìng le zuòwèi.
Calm down, this place is always hopping. I made reservations a week ago!
A 嗯,好香啊!
ng4, hǎo xiāng a!
Oh, it smells so good!
B 你多吃点儿!俗话说"狗肉滚三滚,神仙站不稳"!
nǐ duō chī diǎnr! súhuà shuō" gǒuròu gǔn sān gǔn, shénxiānzhàn bu wěn"!
Eat more! Doesn't the proverb go "Dog meat is so tasty that even immortals go weak at the knees when they get a whiff!"
A 你说什么!狗肉?怎么不早说!我发誓不吃狗肉的!我自己就养了一条狗,这么可爱的狗狗,你怎么忍心吃呢?
nǐ shuō shénme! gǒuròu? zěnme bù zǎo shuō! wǒ fāshì bù chī gǒuròu de! wǒ zìjǐ jiù yǎng le yī tiáo gǒu, zhème kě ài de gǒugou, nǐ zěnme rěnxīn chī ne?
What are you talking about! Dog meat!? Why didn't you tell me earlier? I definitely won't eat dog meat! I raised a dog myself. How can you be hard-hearted enough to eat such a cute dog!
B 这是圈养的狗,专门用来吃的。不是你家那种宠物狗。我也不忍心吃那样可爱的狗呀。
zhè shì juànyǎng de gǒu, zhuānmén yònglái chī de. bù shì nǐ jiā nà zhǒng chǒngwù gǒu. wǒ yě bù rěnxīn chī nàyàng kě ài de gǒu ya.
These are farm-raised dogs. They're specially raised to be eaten. This isn't the type of dog you raise at home. I couldn't bear to eat such a cute dog, either.
A 我不吃,不管什么狗,我们都要保护。
wǒ bù chī, bùguǎn shénme gǒu, wǒmen dōu yào bǎohù.
I won't eat it. We should protect all dogs, no matter what kind they are.
B 哎,哎,别呀!狗可是冬季滋补的上品,能温暖脾胃。来都来了,你就入乡随俗吧。
ài, ài, bié ya! gǒu kěshì dōngjì zībǔ de shàngpǐn, néng wēnnuǎn píwèi. láidōuláile, nǐ jiù rùxiāngsuísú ba.
Oh, ah! Don't be this way! Dog is a top-shelf nutritious food for the winter. It warms your digestive organs. You're already here-- when in Rome, do as the Romans do!
A 我不吃。我看国家应该立法,禁止这种不人道的行为,还要重罚这样的餐馆和吃客。
wǒ bù chī. wǒ kàn guójiā yīnggāi lìfǎ, jìnzhǐ zhèzhǒng bù réndào de xíngwéi, hái yào zhòngfá zhèyàng de cānguǎn hé chīkè.
I'm not going to eat it. I think the country should immediately make a law to prohibit this kid of inhumane behavior. They should heavily fine this kind of restaurant, and the customers.
B 那你平时吃鸡鸭鱼肉怎么不嫌残忍?它们同样也是动物,也有生命。
nà nǐ píngshí chī jī yā yú ròu zěnme bù xián cánrěn? tāmen tóngyàng yě shì dòngwù, yě yǒu shēngmìng.
How come you aren't usually bothered by the cruelty of eating chickens, ducks and fish? They're also animals, and they're also alive.
A 你不要把这两个混为一谈。人类吃那些动物已经有成百上千年的历史了,早就习惯了,可是狗不一样。人不能为了满足自己的味蕾,什么都吃。好多人就喜欢吃野味,把可爱的动物,还有珍稀动物都变成盘中餐了。我们什么时候能够用和平共存的观念对待动物呢?
nǐ bùyào bǎ zhè liǎng ge hùnwéiyītán. rénlèi chī nàxiē dòngwù yǐjīng yǒu chéngbǎishàngqiān nián de lìshǐ le, zǎo jiù xíguàn le, bù yīyàng. rén bùnéng wèile mǎnzú zìjǐ de wèilěi, shénme dōu chī. hǎo duō rén jiù xǐhuan chī yěwèi, bǎ kě ài de dòngwù, háiyǒu zhēnxī dòngwù dōu biànchéng pánzhōngcān le. wǒmen shénmeshíhòu nénggòu yòng hépínggòngcún de guānniàn duìdài dòngwù ne?
Don't mix these two things together. Humans have eaten those kinds of animals for thousands of years. We got used to it very early on. But dogs are different. People can't eat everything, just to satisfy our taste buds. A lot of people like to eat game animals. They turn cute and even protected animals into a meal! When will people be able to treat animals in the spirit of respect and mutual coexistence?
B 我举双手双脚支持你保护动物的观点!但是你不觉得自己一边说要保护动物,一边吃大鱼大肉有点儿虚伪?
wǒ jǔ shuāngshǒu shuāngjiǎo zhīchí nǐ bǎohù dòngwù de guāndiǎn! dànshì nǐ bù juéde zìjǐ yībiān shuō yào bǎohù dòngwù, yībiān chī dàyúdàròu yǒudiǎnr xūwěi?
I whole-heartedly support your principle of protecting animals. But don't you think it's a little phony of you to say on the one hand that we should protect animals, and on the other hand to feast on fish and meat?
A 至少我有道德底线。我走了!
zhìshǎo wǒ yǒu dàodé dǐxiàn. wǒ zǒu le!
At least I have a moral bottom line! I'm leaving!
B 唉,典型的双重标准!
ài, diǎnxíng de shuāngchóng biāozhǔn!
Perfect example of a double standard!

Key Vocabulary

下馆子 xià guǎnzi to go out for a bite to eat
宵夜 xiāoyè midnight snack
稍安勿躁 shāo ānwùzào calm down
爆满 bàomǎn full to the bursting point
狗肉滚三滚,神仙站不稳 gǒuròu gǔn sān gǔn, shénxiānzhàn bu wěn dog meat is so delicious, even immortals go weak at the knees when they smell it
忍心 rěnxīn to be hard-hearted enough to
圈养 juànyǎng farm-raised
上品 shàngpǐn top quality goods
脾胃 píwèi digestive tract
入乡随俗 rùxiāngsuísú follow local customs
混为一谈 hùnwéiyītán to confuse one thing for another
成百上千 chéngbǎishàngqiān hundreds of
味蕾 wèilěi tastebuds
野味 yěwèi game
和平共存 hépínggòngcún peaceful coexistence
举双手 jǔ shuāngshǒu to raise both hands
大鱼大肉 dàyúdàròu to feast on fish and meat
道德 dàodé ethics
底线 dǐxiàn bottom line
双重标准 shuāngchóng biāozhǔn double standard

Supplementary Vocabulary

放养 fàngyǎng to stock (animals)
虐杀 nǜeshā to kill cruelly
进补 jìnbǔ to nourish, to bolster
佳肴 jiāyáo delicacy
陋习 lòuxí backwards custom