Upper-Intermediate - Saved by the Gong: Cutting Open a Frog (D1108)

A 徐小婷,谁跟你一起解剖青蛙?
Xú Xiǎotíng, shéi gēn nǐ yīqǐ jiěpōu qīngwā?
Xu Xiaoting, who is going to dissect the frog with you?
B 林峰。但是他不敢,躲到桌子下面了!
Lín Fēng. dànshì tā bù gǎn, duǒ dào zhuōzi xiàmian le!
Lin Feng. But he's afraid to-- he's hiding under the table!
C 老师,我晕血。我连杀鸡都不敢看。光听鸡的惨叫声都会起鸡皮疙瘩,晚上还做噩梦。
lǎoshī, wǒ yūnxiě. wǒ lián shājī dōu bù gǎn kàn. guāng tīng jī de cǎnjiào shēng dōu huì qǐ jīpí gēda, wǎnshang hái zuò èmèng .
Teacher, I get nauseous at the sight of blood. I don't even dare to watch anyone killing a chicken. I get goose-bumps just at the sound of a chicken's screams of pain, and I have bad dreams at night.
A 林峰,这是上生物课。你快做好准备。把青蛙麻醉,然后固定好。
Lín Fēng, zhè shì shàng shēngwùkè . nǐ kuài zuò hǎo zhǔnbèi. bǎ qīngwā mázuì, ránhòu gùdìng hǎo.
Lin Feng, this is biology class. Quick, get ready. Anesthetize the frog, and then affix it securely.
C 我真的不敢!
wǒ zhēnde bù gǎn!
I really don't dare do it!
D 哈哈,原来林峰是纸老虎啊!平时那么神气,关键时刻就腿软啦!哈哈!
hāhā, yuánlái Lín Fēng shì zhǐlǎohǔ a! píngshí nàme shénqì, guānjiàn shíkè jiù tuǐ ruǎn la! hāhā!
Ha ha, Lin Feng is all hat and no cattle! He's usually so cocky, but when crunch time comes, his legs turn to jelly. Ha ha!
A 同学们不要笑了。林峰,抓紧时间。好,大家现在听老师指挥,一步一步跟着我做。每个动作都要尽量轻,这样才能保证解剖开的青蛙还是活的。
tóngxuémen bùyào xiào le. Lín Fēng, zhuājǐn shíjiān. hǎo, dàjiā xiànzài tīng lǎoshī zhǐhuī, yībù yībù gēn zhe wǒ zuò. měige dòngzuò dōu yào jǐnliàng qīng, zhèyàng cái néng bǎozhèng jiěpōu kāi de qīngwā hái shì huó de.
Don't laugh, students. Lin Feng, make the most of your time. OK, everyone, listen to my instructions, and follow me step by step. You need to do each action as lightly as possible, to make sure that the frog is still alive after you've cut it open.
C 徐小婷,你来吧。我就不参与了。
Xú Xiǎotíng, nǐ lái ba. wǒ jiù bù cānyù le.
Xu Xiaoting, you do it. I'm just not going to do it.
B 好吧好吧。但是你要注意看。要不然我也要跟着你挨批评。
hǎo ba, hǎo ba. dànshì nǐ yào zhùyì kàn. yàoburán wǒ yě yào gēn zhe nǐ áipīpíng.
Fine, fine. But you need to watch closely. Otherwise, I'll be criticized along with you.
A 现在大家左手用镊子夹起青蛙腹部的皮肤,右手用解剖剪剪开皮肤。注意不要剪到肉。
xiànzài dàjiā zuǒshǒu yòng nièzi jiā qǐ qīngwā fùbù de pífū, yòushǒu yòng jiěpōujiǎn jiǎn kāi pífū. zhùyì bùyào jiǎn dào ròu.
Now, everybody use the tweezers in your left hand to pinch the skin on the frog's waist. With your right hand, use the dissection scissors to open the skin. Be careful not to cut any flesh.
B 林峰,你闭什么眼睛啊?好好看我解剖。
Lín Fēng, nǐ bì shénme yǎnjing a? hǎohāo kàn wǒ jiěpōu.
Lin Feng, are you closing your eyes? Watch me do the dissection.
C 我很晕。呃、呃。
wǒ hěn yūn. è, è.
I feel really nauseous. Ugh...Ugh...
A 很好,现在把皮肤与肌肉剥离。再把肌肉剪开。
hěn hǎo, xiànzài bǎ pífū yǔ jīròu bōlí. zài bǎ jīròu jiǎn kāi.
Very good. Now, peel off the skin and muscle, then cut open the muscle.
B 林峰,快看,我剪了!
Lín Fēng, kuài kàn, wǒ jiǎn le!
Quick, Lin Feng, look! I'm cutting!
A 再把肌肉翻向两侧,用大头针固定在解剖盘上。现在,内脏都暴露出来了。
zài bǎ jīròu fān xiàng liǎngcè, yòng dàtóuzhēn gùdìng zài jiěpōupán shàng. xiànzài, nèizàng dōu bàolù chūlái le.
Then, fold the muscles off to the sides. Use the big tacks to fix them to the dissection pan. Now, the organs are completely exposed.
C 啊!

Key Vocabulary

解剖 jiěpōu to dissect
晕血 yūnxiě to get nauseous at the sight of blood
鸡皮疙瘩 jīpí gēda goose-bumps
噩梦 èmèng nightmare
麻醉 mázuì to anaesthetize
固定 gùdìng fixed
纸老虎 zhǐlǎohǔ someone apparently tough who backs down easily
神气 shénqì cocky
指挥 zhǐhuī to direct
参与 cānyù to take part in
挨批评 ái pīpíng to be criticized
镊子 nièzi tweezers
肌肉 jīròu muscle
剥离 bōlí to strip off
大头针 dàtóuzhēn needle with a big tip
内脏 nèizàng organs
暴露 bàolù to reveal

Supplementary Vocabulary

晕车 yūnchē to get carsick
晕船 yūnchuán to get seasick
麻醉师 mázuìshī anesthesiologist
指挥家 zhǐhuījiā conductor
挨骂 áimà to be yelled at
挨打 áidǎ to be beaten
钳子 qiánzi forceps