| 各位观众,晚上好!欢迎收看《今日股市》节目。我是主持人丁艺。 |
| gèwèi guānzhòng, wǎnshang hǎo! huānyíng shōukān 《 Jīnrì gǔshì 》 jiémù. wǒ shì zhǔchírén Dīng Yì. |
| Good evening, everyone! Welcome to "The Market Today." I'm your host, Ding Yi. |
| 首先来看看今天的大盘走势。今天大盘高开低走。 |
| shǒuxiān lái kàn kan jīntiān de dàpán zǒushì. jīntiān dàpán gāokāidīzǒu. |
| First, let's look at the trends in the market index today. Today, the market opened high and then declined. |
| 下午开市后,个股在银行、钢铁和房地产等权重股的带领下纷纷跳水,收盘时沪指失守2000点,较前一交易日跌幅达到3.56%,可以说是,给广大股民带来了一个“黑色星期五”。 |
| xiàwǔ kāishì hòu, gègǔ zài yínháng, gāngtiě hé fángdìchǎn děng quánzhònggǔ de dàilǐng xià fēnfēn tiàoshuǐ, shōupán shí Hùzhǐ shīshǒu liǎng qiān diǎn, jiào qián yī jiāoyìrì diēfú dádào bǎifēnzhī sān diǎn wǔ liù, kěyǐ shuō shì, gěi guǎngdà gǔmín dàilái le yī ge "hēisè xīngqīwǔ" . |
| After the market opened in the afternoon, each stock declined sharply due to the influence of the powerful banking, steel and real estate stocks. At closing time, the Shanghai index had fallen 2000 points, a decline of 3.56% from the previous trading day. It's safe to say that today was a "Black Friday" for most stockholders. |
| 其中地产股的下跌在意料之中,主要是受到销售业绩的影响,房市持续走低。所以地产商在资金上遭受很大压力。机构投资者在中午开始抛盘,后来散户也开始跟进。 |
| qízhōng dìchǎn gǔ de xiàdiē zài yìliàozhīzhōng, zhǔyào shì shòudào xiāoshòu yèjì de yǐngxiǎng, fángshì chíxù zǒudī. suǒyǐ dìchǎnshāng zài zījīn shàng zāoshòu hěn dà yālì. jīgòutóuzīzhě zài zhōngwǔ kāishǐ pāopán, hòulái sǎnhù yě kāishǐ gēnjìn. |
| Today's real estate losses were predictable. They were mainly due to the influence of poor sales and the continued decline in the housing market. So real estate merchants have a lot of funding pressure. Institutional investors started to bail out at mid-day, and later individual investors also began to follow. |
| 但是银行和钢铁股的下跌有些出乎意料。到底是什么原因呢?下面,我们请分析师冯先生来帮我们分析一下。 |
| dànshì yínháng hé gāngtiě gǔ de xiàdiē yǒuxiē chūhūyìliào. dàodǐ shì shénme yuányīn ne? xiàmian, wǒmen qǐng fēnxīshī Féng xiānsheng lái bāng wǒmen fēnxī yīxià. |
| But the drop in the banking and steel industries was somewhat surprising. Why did it happen? Coming up next, Mr. Feng will analyze the situation for us. |