Upper-Intermediate - Pre-natal Checkup (D1099)

A 哇,一大早就有这么多人排队。看来这个医院真不错!
wā, yīdàzǎo jiù yǒu zhème duō rén páiduì. kànlai zhège yīyuàn zhēn bùcuò!
Whoa, it's only dawn and there are already so many people in line. Looks like this hospital is really good!
B 还好昨天我们预约了,不用排那么长的队。我在网上查了好多资料,都说这个医院好呢,特别是赵医生,大家都说她好!
háihǎo zuótiān wǒmen yùyuē le, bùyòng pái nàme cháng de duì. wǒ zài wǎngshàng chá le hǎo duō zīliào, dōu shuō zhège yīyuàn hǎo ne, tèbié shì Zhào yīshēng, dàjiā dōu shuō tā hǎo!
Good thing we made an appointment yesterday. We don't have to stand in such a long line. I looked up a lot of stuff online. They all said that this hospital is good, especially Dr. Zhao. Everyone said she's really great!
C 于小芬,哪位是于小芬?
Yú Xiǎofēn, nǎ wèi shì Yú Xiǎofēn?
Yu Xiaofen, which of you is Yu Xiaofen?
A 老婆,到我们了。
lǎopo, dào wǒmen le.
Hey, babe, we're up.
C 家属在外面等。
jiāshǔ zài wàimian děng.
Your relatives can wait outside.
A 噢。老婆,那你进去吧,我等你。
ō. lǎopo, nà nǐ jìnqù ba, wǒ děng nǐ.
Oh. Go in, babe. I'll wait for you.
D 于小芬,来,坐下吧。
Yú Xiǎofēn, lái, zuòxia ba.
Come here, Yu Xiaofen. Please, have a seat.
B 赵医生,我是特地来找您的,网上都说您好。
Zhào yīshēng, wǒ shì tèdì lái zhǎo nín de, wǎngshàng dōu shuō nín hǎo.
Dr. Zhao, I found out about you online. Everyone says you're the best.
D 谢谢你的信任。最后一次例假是什么时候?
xièxiè nǐ de xìnrèn. zuìhòu yīcì lìjià shì shénme shíhou?
Thank you. When was your last period?
B 11月7号,
shíyī yuè qī hào,
November 7th.
D 那预产期是8月14号。
nà yùchǎnqī shì bā yuè shísì hào.
Your due date is August 14th.
B 医生,我能听听宝宝的心跳吗?
yīshēng, wǒ néng tīng ting bǎobao de xīntiào ma?
Doctor, can I hear the baby's heartbeat?
D 别急,我们先做些常规检查。量一下腰围、臀围和宫高。
bié jí, wǒmen xiān zuò xiē chángguī jiǎnchá. liáng yīxià yāowéi, túnwéi hé gōnggāo.
Don't be in such a hurry-- first, we'll do a routine examination. We'll measure your waist and buttocks, and check out the position of your uterus.
B 噢。
D 家里有什么遗传疾病吗?
jiālǐ yǒu shénme yíchuán jíbìng ma?
Is there a history of congenital disease in your family?
B 没有,我家人都很健康的。
méiyǒu, wǒ jiārén dōu hěn jiànkāng de.
No, my family is very healthy.
D 那就好。你情况不错,不过要控制饮食,肚子上有点儿小肥肉了。
nà jiù hǎo. nǐ qíngkuàng bùcuò, bùguò yào kòngzhì yǐnshí, dùzi shàng yǒudiǎnr xiǎo féiròu le.
That's good. You're looking good, but you do need to control your diet. You have a little bit of flab on your stomach.
B 我婆婆老说我肚子小,怕饿坏了孩子。一个劲儿让我吃老母鸡。
wǒ pópo lǎo shuō wǒ dùzi xiǎo, pà è huài le háizi, yīgejìnr ràng wǒ chī lǎo mǔjī.
My mother-in-law says my stomach is too small. She's afraid the baby will starve. So she's always making me eat more chicken.
D 老人的心情可以理解,不过不科学。下次听孕妇讲座,可以和你婆婆一起来。
lǎorén de xīnqíng kěyǐ lǐjiě, bùguò bù kēxué. xiàcì tīng yùnfù jiǎngzuò, kěyǐ hé nǐ pópo yīqǐ lái.
We can understand why old people feel that way, but it's not scientific. Next time you go to maternity classes, you can bring your mother-in-law along.
B 好,医生说的,她肯定信。
hǎo, yīshēng shuō de, tā kěndìng xìn.
Good. She'll definitely believe it, if a doctor says so.
D 听到了吧,这就是胎心。
tīngdào le ba, zhè jiùshì tāixīn.
Hear that? That's the baby's heart beat.
B 哇,太神奇了!每分钟150次。
wā, tài shénqí le! měifēnzhōng yībǎi wǔshí cì.
Oh, amazing! 150 beats per minute!
D 呵呵,待会儿做B超,你就能看到宝宝了。
hēhē, dāihuǐr zuò B chāo, nǐ jiù néng kàn dào bǎobao le.
Ha ha. In a bit, go do an ultrasound, and you'll be able to see the baby.
B 什么时候做B超?
shénme shíhou zuò B chāo?
When will we do the ultrasound?
D 先拿这些单子去交钱,然后去B超室外面等吧。除了B超,还有些别的检查。
xiān ná zhèxiē dānzi qù jiāoqián, ránhòu qù B chāo shì wàimian děng ba. chúle B chāo, háiyǒu xiē biéde jiǎnchá.
First, take these forms and go pay your bill. Then go wait outside the ultrasound room. In addition to the ultrasound, we need to do a few other tests.
B 老公,我们快去交钱做B超,我要看宝宝。
lǎogong, wǒmen kuài qù jiāoqián zuò B chāo, wǒ yào kàn bǎobao.
Quick, dear. Let's go pay the bill and get an ultrasound. I want to see the baby!
A 我也想看。
wǒ yě xiǎng kàn.
I'd also like to see it.
B B超室也是"男士止步"!快点儿吧,除了B超,还有很多别的检查呢!
B chāo shì yě shì"nánshì zhǐbù"! kuàidiǎnr ba, chúle B chāo, háiyǒu hěnduō biéde jiǎnchá ne!
The ultrasound room is also "Ladies only"! Hurry up-- besides the ultrasound, there are lots of other tests to do.

Key Vocabulary

预约 yùyuē to make an appointment
家属 jiāshǔ family member
特地 tèdì expressly
信任 xìnrèn to have confidence in
例假 lìjià legal holiday (menstrual period)
预产期 yùchǎnqī expected date of childbirth
常规 chángguī routine
腰围 yāowéi waistline
臀围 túnwéi distance around buttocks
宫高 gōnggāo position of the uterus
遗传 yíchuán genetic
控制 kòngzhì to control
一个劲儿 yīgejìnr continuously
孕妇 yùnfù pregnant woman
讲座 jiǎngzuò lecture
胎心 tāixīn fetus' heart
B超 B chāo ultrasound

Supplementary Vocabulary

产检 chǎnjiǎn pre-natal checkup
子宫 zǐgōng uterus
配偶 pèi ǒu spouse
月经 yuèjīng period
特需门诊 tèxū ménzhěn special clinic