A | 女士们,先生们,欢迎光临世纪赛马场! |
| nǚshìmen, xiānshēngmen, huānyíng guānglín Shìjì sàimǎ chǎng! |
| Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Century Racetrack! |
A | 现在为您介绍骑师和他们的王牌坐骑!首先出场的是01号,身着红色马甲的王俊飞骑师和他的战马“烈火战车”!这对完美搭档曾经获得过11周冠军。如果看好他们,就赶快投注吧!接下来是…… |
| xiànzài wèi nín jièshào qíshī hé tāmen de wángpái zuòjì! shǒuxiān chūchǎng de shì língyī hào, shēnzhuó hóngsè mǎjiǎ de Wáng Jùnfēi qíshī hé tā de zhànmǎ "Lièhuǒzhànchē" ! zhè duì wánměi dādàng céngjīng huòdé guo shíyī zhōu guànjūn. rúguǒ kànhǎo tāmen, jiù gǎnkuài tóuzhù ba! jiē xiàlái shì...... |
| Right now, I'll introduce the jockeys and their awesome horses! First onto the field is number one. Wearing red riding silks, jockey Wang Junfei and his horse, "Flaming Chariot!" This dynamic duo has already won eleven weekly championships! If you're optimistic about their chances, hurry up and place a bet on them! Next up... |
B | 呼!投注机那里人山人海,还好我手快!买了“东方皇后”。唉,马出来了吗? |
| hū! tóuzhùjī nàlǐ rénshānrénhǎi, háihǎo wǒ shǒukuài! mǎi le "Dōngfānghuánghòu" . ái, mǎ chūlái le ma? |
| Oh, there's a sea of people at the betting machine. Good thing I'm so quick! I bet on "Empress of the Orient." Hey, have the horses come out yet? |
C | 早着呢!司仪还在煽动人下注呢,下注量不够是不会开跑的! |
| zǎo zhe ne! sīyí hái zài shāndòng rén xiàzhù ne, xiàzhù liàng bùgòu shì bùhuì kāipǎo de! |
| It's still too early! The announcer is still telling everyone to go make their bets. If the pool isn't big enough, they won't hold the race! |
B | 我看你买谁了?哟,一下子买了50注啊,而且全押独赢。哥们儿,是不是有什么内幕消息? |
| wǒ kàn nǐ mǎi shéi le? yo, yīxiàzi mǎi le wǔshí zhù a, érqiě quán yā dúyíng. gēmenr, shì bu shì yǒu shénme nèimù xiāoxi? |
| Let me see who you bet on. Oh, you bet 50, and all "to win!" Do you have some inside information, buddy? |
C | 赛场上什么情况都可能发生,内幕消息靠不住。不过我是从来不会买官方推荐的马的,他们的马场八成就是靠这个来挣钱的! |
| sàichǎng shàng shénme qíngkuàng dōu kěnéng fāshēng, nèimù xiāoxi kàobuzhù. bùguò wǒ shì cónglái bùhuì mǎi guānfāng tuījiàn de mǎ de, tāmen de mǎchǎng bāchéng jiùshì kào zhè ge lái zhèngqián de! |
| Anything could happen during the race. Inside information isn't reliable. But I never bet on officially recommended horses. More likely than not, that's how these tracks make their money! |
B | 你买的“小神仙”,听都没听过。有没有戏啊? |
| nǐ mǎi de "Xiǎoshénxiān" , tīng dōu méi tīng guo. yǒu méiyǒu xì a? |
| You bet on "Little Immortal." I've never even heard of him! Does he have a prayer? |
C | 这就叫黑马。大家都看好,还赚什么呀? |
| zhè jiù jiào hēimǎ. dàjiā dōu kànhǎo, hái zhuàn shénme ya? |
| That's why he's called a "dark horse!" If everyone thinks he'll do well, how could you make money on him? |
B | 我看看你这匹的赔率,哟,一赔五,不低啊! |
| wǒ kànkan nǐ zhè pǐ de péilǜ, yo, yī péi wǔ, bù dī a! |
| Let me see your horse's odds. Oh, five to one-- pretty high! |
C | 别啰嗦了,开始了! |
| bié luōsuo le, kāishǐ le! |
| Stop chattering! It's starting! |
B | 啊!好样的,我的东方皇后冲啊,给我冲! |
| à! hǎoyàng de, wǒ de Dōngfānghuánghòu chōng a, gěi wǒ chōng! |
| Oh, good-- my "Empress of the Orient" is surging forward. Surge for me, baby! |
C | “小神仙”给我争气啊! |
| "Xiǎoshénxiān" gěi wǒ zhēngqì a! |
| Make me proud, "Little Immortal!" |
B | 啊?我们的马竟然干上了! |
| ǎ? wǒmen de mǎ jìngrán gànshang le ! |
| Oh! Somehow, our horses are getting it done! |
A | 观众朋友,现在是最后一圈!领骑的是“东方皇后”,紧跟它的是“小神仙”,还有500米,450米…… |
| guānzhòngpéngyou, xiànzài shì zuìhòu yī quān! lǐngqí de shì "Dōngfānghuánghòu" , jǐngēn tā de shì "Xiǎoshénxiān" , hái yǒu wǔbǎi mǐ, sìbǎiwǔshí mǐ...... |
| This is the final lap, ladies and gentlemen. In the lead is "Empress of the Orient," with "Little Immortal" hot on his tail. There are 500 meters left...450... |
B | 天啊!我的心都要跳出来了! |
| tiān a! wǒ de xīn dōu yào tiào chūlai le ! |
| Oh man! My heart is gonna to jump out of my body! |
C | 我都不敢看啦! |
| wǒ dōu bùgǎn kàn la! |
| I don't dare watch! |
A | 最先冲线的是“小神仙”! |
| zuìxiān chōngxiàn de shì "Xiǎoshénxiān" ! |
| First over the line is "Little Immortal!" |