A | 小姨新年好!恭喜发财,红包拿来! |
| xiǎoyí xīnnián hǎo! gōngxǐ fācái, hóngbāo nálái! |
| Happy New Year, auntie! May you be happy and prosperous! Please give me my red envelope! |
B | 好好好,我最可爱的小娟娟,新年好!小姨祝你新年学习进步,每次考试都得第一名!来,给你个最大的红包!过来给小姨亲一个! |
| hǎo hǎo hǎo, wǒ zuì kě ài de Xiǎo Juānjuan, xīnnián hǎo! xiǎoyí zhù nǐ xīnnián xuéxí jìnbù, měicì kǎoshì dōu dé dì yī míng! lái, gěi nǐ ge zuì dà de hóngbāo! guòlai gěi xiǎoyí qīn yī ge! |
| Great! Happy new year, cute little Juanjuan! Auntie hopes your studies go well in the new year. I hope you are best-in-your-class on every test. Come on, here's the biggest red envelope! Come on over and give your auntie a kiss! |
A | 爷爷奶奶新年好!祝你们身体健康,长命百岁! |
| yéye nǎinai xīnnián hǎo! zhù nǐmen shēntǐ jiànkāng, chángmìngbǎisuì! |
| Happy New Year, grandma and grandpa! Here's wishing you health and long life! |
C | 哟,你瞧,我们小娟娟多懂事啊!呵呵,爷爷奶奶祝你新年快快长大,心想事成!这个大红包给你买学习用品! |
| yō, nǐ qiáo, wǒmen Xiǎo Juānjuan duō dǒngshì a! hēhē, yéye nǎinai zhù nǐ xīnnián kuàikuài zhǎngdà, xīnxiǎngshìchéng! zhè ge dà hóngbāo gěi nǐ mǎi xuéxí yòngpǐn! |
| Oh, look! Our little Juanjuan is so grown-up! Ha ha, your grandma and grandpa hope you grow big and strong in the New Year, and your dreams come true. Here's a big red envelope for you to buy stuff to study with! |
D | 快,娟娟,去亲亲爷爷奶奶!顺便把爷爷的眼镜拿下来擦擦。爷爷高兴啦,没准儿再给你一个红包! |
| kuài, Juānjuan, qù qīn qin yéye nǎinai! shùnbiàn bǎ yéye de yǎnjìng ná xiàlái cā ca. yéye gāoxìng la, méizhǔnr zài gěi nǐ yī ge hóngbāo! |
| Quick, Juanjuan, go kiss your grandma and grandpa! While you're at it, take off Grandpa's glasses and wipe them off. Grandpa's so happy-- maybe he'll give you another red envelope! |
A | 妈妈,今天我收到好多压岁钱。你看! |
| māma, jīntiān wǒ shōudào hǎo duō yāsuìqián. nǐ kàn! |
| Mom, I got a lot of New Year money today. Look! |
D | 交给妈妈好不好?妈妈替你保管,再帮你算算一共有多少。 |
| jiāo gěi māma hǎo bu hǎo? māma tì nǐ bǎoguǎn, zài bāng nǐ suàn suan yīgòng yǒu duōshao. |
| Give it to momma, OK? Momma will take care of it for you. I'll help you take care of it, and help you figure out how much you got in all. |
A | 我自己会算,算好了告诉你。 |
| wǒ zìjǐ huì suàn, suàn hǎo le gàosu nǐ. |
| I can figure it out myself. When I've figured it out, I'll tell you. |
D | 别别别,你全都原封不动交给我,我要做个记录。你小姨最疼你了,你看,一给就给了一千块! |
| bié bié bié, nǐ quán dōu yuánfēngbùdòng jiāo gěi wǒ, wǒ yào zuò ge jìlù. nǐ xiǎoyí zuì téng nǐ le, nǐ kàn, yī gěi jiù gěi le yī qiān kuài! |
| No, no! Give them all to me without opening them. I want to make a record. Your auntie loves you the most. Look, she gave you a thousand RMB! |
A | 啊?一千块,那么多啊!小姨真好! |
| ā? yī qiān kuài, nàme duō a! xiǎoyí zhēn hǎo! |
| Oh!? A thousand yuan-- so much! Auntie is great! |
D | 小时候,我最护着你小姨了,所以她现在特别疼你。等明年她要是有孩子了,这钱还得返回去。这叫礼尚往来。懂吗? |
| xiǎoshíhou, wǒ zuì hù zhe nǐ xiǎoyí le, suǒyǐ tā xiànzài tèbié téng nǐ. děng míngnián tā yàoshì yǒu háizi le, zhè qián hái děi fǎn huíqù. zhè jiào lǐshàngwǎnglái. dǒng ma? |
| When we were little, I always took the best care of your auntie. So now she loves you dearly. Next year, if she has a child, you'll have to give this money back. That's called, "what goes around, comes around." Do you understand? |
A | 哦,知道啦!妈妈,为什么中国人要给压岁钱,不能像外国人一样互相送礼物呢? |
| ō, zhīdào la! māma, wèishénme zhōngguórén yào gěi yāsuìqián, bùnéng xiàng wàiguórén yīyàng hù xiāng sòng lǐwù ne? |
| Oh, I get it! Momma, why do Chinese people give money to younger people at the New Year? Why don't they give each other gifts, like foreigners do? |
D | 民间传说是为了在年三十晚上赶走一个专门害小孩子的妖怪。长辈给晚辈压岁钱呢,就是送护身符,保平安。后来就变成了新年的习俗,讨个吉利。“发”压岁钱的人呢,来年就能行大运,发大财!而且最好都是新钱,钞票的号码还要相连,表示“连连高升”! |
| mínjiān chuánshuō shì wèile zài niánsānshí wǎnshang gǎnzǒu yī ge zhuānmén hài xiǎoháizi de yāoguài. zhǎngbèi gěi wǎnbèi yāsuìqián ne, jiùshì sòng hùshēnfú, bǎo píng ān. hòulái jiù biànchéng le xīnnián de xísú, tǎo ge jílì. "fā" yāsuìqián de rén ne, láinián jiù néng xíngdàyùn, fādàcái! érqiě zuìhǎo dōu shì xīn qián, chāopiào de hàomǎ hái yào xiānglián, biǎoshì "liánliángāoshēng" ! |
| A folk legend says that it's to scare off a monster that harms little children on the last day before the Lunar New Year. The older generation gives money to the younger generation as a way of protecting them. Later on, it became a New Year custom, something auspicious. People who give out money will be very lucky, and they'll get rich. And it's best if it's new money. The numbers on the money should be in sequence, to show "getting higher all the time." |
A | 真好玩!我也要给爸爸妈妈发压岁钱。祝妈妈永葆青春,祝爸爸财源滚滚! |
| zhēn hǎowán! wǒ yě yào gěi bàba māma fā yāsuìqián. zhù māma yǒngbǎoqīngchūn, zhù bàba cáiyuángǔngǔn! |
| That's really funny! I also want to give my momma and dad some new year money. I hope momma can keep her youthful looks forever, and I hope dad will be rolling in dough! |
E | 哟,这孩子,跟谁学的!哈哈,好,乖女儿,这是爸妈给你的压岁钱!希望你好好学习,天天向上! |
| yō, zhè háizi, gēn shéi xué de! hāhā, hǎo, guāi nǚér, zhè shì bàmā gěi nǐ de yāsuìqián! xīwàng nǐ hǎohāoxuéxí, tiāntiānxiàngshàng! |
| Oh, child, who did you learn that from? Ha-ha, OK, my good little daughter. Here's your New Year money from momma and dad. I hope you study hard, and make great progress. |
A | 谢谢爸爸,这个钱我要自己保管。 |
| xièxie bàba, zhè ge qián wǒ yào zìjǐ bǎoguǎn. |
| Thanks, dad. I'll take care of this money myself. |