A | 先生,想买什么玉? |
| xiānsheng, xiǎng mǎi shénme yù? |
| Would you like to buy some jade, sir? |
B | 随便看看。 |
| suíbiàn kànkan. |
| I'm just browsing. |
A | 现在经济那么差,楼市、股市跌成这样,倒不如买玉投资。 |
| xiànzài jīngjì nàme chà, lóushì, gǔshì diē chéng zhèyàng, dào bùrú mǎi yù tóuzī. |
| The economy is so lousy these days. The real estate market and the stock market are so low. You'd really be better off investing in jade. |
B | 你是卖玉的,当然这么说喽。 |
| nǐ shì màiyùde, dāngrán zhème shuō lo. |
| You sell jade. Of course you'd say that. |
A | 这可不是我说的。老话不是说嘛,"黄金有价玉无价"。玉是稀有天然资源,买一块,少一块。肯定是保值的。 |
| zhè kě bù shì wǒ shuō de. lǎohuà bùshì shuō ma," huángjīn yǒujià yù wújià". yù shì xīyǒu tiānránzīyuán , mǎi yī kuài, shǎo yī kuài. kěndìng shì bǎozhí de. |
| This isn't just my opinion. Isn't there an old saying that goes "Gold has a price, but jade is priceless?" Jade is a scarce natural resource. Buy a piece, and there's one less. It will definitely hold its value. |
B | 你这儿有什么玉? |
| nǐ zhèr yǒu shénme yù? |
| What jade do you have here? |
A | 和田玉、翡翠、玛瑙都有。 看你喜欢什么。 |
| hétiányù, fěicuì, mǎnǎo dōu yǒu. kàn nǐ xǐhuan shénme. |
| Hotan jade, jadeite, agate. See what you like. |
B | 奥运金牌上镶的是哪种玉? |
| Aòyùn jīnpái shang xiāng de shì nǎ zhǒng yù? |
| What kind of jade is the inlay on the Olympic gold medal? |
A | 是新疆的和田玉。这两年,价钱几乎翻了一倍。现在做什么生意能有这种回报?你看这些,都是和田玉,有喜欢的吗? |
| shì Xīnjiāng de Hétián yù. zhè liǎng nián, jiàqian jīhū fān le yī bèi. xiànzài zuò shénme shēngyi néng yǒu zhèzhǒng huíbào? nǐ kàn zhèxiē, dōu shì Hétián yù, yǒu xǐhuan de ma? |
| That's Hotan jade from Xinjiang. It seems like in the last few years, it's doubled in price. These days, what line of business would give you this kind of return? Have a look at these. They're all Hotan jade. Do you like any of them? |
B | 嗯,这个挂件让我看看。对、对,就是这个观音。 |
| ng, zhè ge guàjiàn ràng wǒ kànkan. duì, duì, jiùshì zhè ge guānyīn. |
| Let me see this amulet. Oh, right -- this is Guanyin. |
C | 先生,请喝茶。 |
| xiānsheng, qǐng hēchá. |
| Please, sir, have some tea. |
A | 你真有眼光。这个挂件不管是玉石本身,还是雕工都绝对一流。 |
| nǐ zhēn yǒu yǎnguāng. zhè ge guàjiàn bùguǎn shì yùshí běnshēn, háishì diāogōng dōu juéduì yīliú. |
| You have good taste. This is not just a piece of jade. The craftsmanship is also absolutely top-drawer. |
B | 漂亮是漂亮,不过我一个大男人,戴首饰好像怪怪的。 |
| piàoliang shì piàoliang, bùguò wǒ yī ge dànánrén, dài shǒushì hǎoxiàng guàiguài de. |
| It is very beautiful. But it would seem sort of strange for a man like me to wear this. |
A | 男人戴玉是身份、地位的象征。以前皇帝都戴玉。而且人和玉讲缘分,我看你和这块玉就特别有缘。 |
| nánrén dài yù shì shēnfèn, dìwèi de xiàngzhēng. yǐqián huángdì dōu dài yù. érqiě rén hé yù jiǎng yuánfèn, wǒ kàn nǐ hé zhè kuài yù jiù tèbié yǒuyuán. |
| For men, wearing jade is a symbol of dignity and status. In the past, emperors would wear jade. And there is a karmic connection between people and jade. I can see that you really have a special connection with this piece. |
B | 这也讲缘分? |
| zhè yě jiǎng yuánfèn? |
| Do people really believe in that? |
A | 当然!每块玉都有自己的能量,像和田玉,它是软玉,能够暖身,帮助你调节体内阴阳平衡。 |
| dāngrán! měi kuài yù dōu yǒu zìjǐ de néngliàng, xiàng Hétián yù, tā shì ruǎnyù, nénggòu nuǎnshēn, bāngzhù nǐ tiáojié tǐnèi yīnyáng pínghéng. |
| Of course! Each kind of jade has its own capabilities. For example, Hotan jade is soft, and can warm you up. It helps you keep your internal yin and yang in balance. |
B | 有那么灵啊?我如果买了,拿去鉴定,不值这个价钱,怎么办? |
| yǒu nàme líng a? wǒ rúguǒ mǎi le, náqù jiàndìng, bùzhí zhè ge jiàqian, zěnme bàn? |
| Is it really that effective? If I get it appraised after buying it, and it's not worth this price, what can I do? |
A | 我们这里绝对不卖假玉,假一罚十。但是老实说,玉石这东西没有一个固定的价格,还是看你自己觉得值不值。 |
| wǒmen zhèlǐ juéduì bù mài jiǎ yù, jiǎ yī fá shí. dànshì lǎoshi shuō, yùshí zhè dōngxi méiyǒu yī ge gùdìng de jiàgé, hái shì kàn nǐ zìjǐ juéde zhí bù zhí. |
| We absolutely do not sell fake jade here. We have a thousand percent money-back guarantee if you buy something fake. But, frankly, jade doesn't really have a fixed price. You should see what you think it's worth. |
B | 这样啊,那跟做股票一样有风险。我再想想吧。 |
| zhèyàng a, nà gēn zuò gǔpiào yīyàng yǒu fēngxiǎn. wǒ zài xiǎngxiang ba. |
| If that's how it is, it's as risky as playing the stock market. I'm going to think about it some more. |
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