A | 科比,我们没戏了!剩下的干粮两天都支撑不了了,骆驼也走不动了,我全身快散架了。快给我纸和笔,我要立遗嘱。 |
| Kēbǐ, wǒmen méixì le! shèngxià de gānliáng liǎng tiān dōu zhīchēng buliǎo le, luòtuo yě zǒubudòng le, wǒ quánshēn kuài sǎnjià le. kuài gěi wǒ zhǐ hé bǐ, wǒ yào lì yízhǔ. |
| There's no hope, Kobe! The remaining rations won't even support us for the next few days, and our camels can't walk any farther. Soon, I'll be completely exhausted, too. Quick, give me paper and a pen. I'm going to write my will. |
B | 快闭嘴!有力气写遗嘱还不如多赶路呢!天无绝人之路,我们只要朝着太阳的方向走肯定能走出这沙漠! |
| kuài bìzuǐ! yǒu lìqi xiě yízhǔ hái bùrú duō gǎnlù ne! tiānwújuérénzhīlù, wǒmen zhǐyào cháo zhe tàiyáng de fāngxiàng zǒu kěndìng néng zǒuchū zhè shāmò! |
| Oh, shut up! If you have the energy to write a will, you'd be better off getting a move on! There's always a way. We just need to walk in the direction of the sun and we'll definitely be able to get out of this desert. |
A | 老天爷啊,救救我们吧! |
| lǎotiānyé a, jiù jiu wǒmen ba! |
| Please, Lord, save us! |
B | 唉,快看!前面好像有个房子!嗯……好像……好像是个寺庙之类的! |
| āi, kuài kàn! qiánmian hǎoxiàng yǒu ge fángzi! ng4...... hǎoxiàng...... hǎoxiàng shì ge sìmiào zhīlèi de! |
| Hey, quick, look! It looks like there's a house up ahead. Hmm, it looks like...it looks like some kind of temple! |
A | 你别做白日梦了!那肯定是海市蜃楼,你的幻觉罢了!我们走了三天三夜都没看到活的东西了,怎么可能会有房子? |
| nǐ bié zuò báirìmèng le! nà kěndìng shì hǎishìshènlóu, nǐ de huànjué bà le! wǒmen zǒu le sān tiān sān yè dōu méi kàndào huó de dōngxi le, zěnme kěnéng huì yǒu fángzi? |
| Stop day-dreaming! That's definitely a mirage, nothing more than an illusion! We've walked for three days and three nights without seeing any living thing. How could there be a house? |
B | 反正往哪儿走都一样,不如就去那边瞧瞧吧。 |
| fǎnzhèng wǎng nǎr zǒu dōu yīyàng, bùrú jiù qù nàbian qiáo qiao ba. |
| Anyway, it doesn't really matter where we go. We might as well check it out. |
A | 你背我吧,我不行了…… |
| nǐ bēi wǒ ba, wǒ bùxíng le...... |
| Carry me on your back. I can't walk any farther! |
B | 快起来!振作点! |
| kuài qǐlai! zhènzuò diǎn! |
| Get up! Look alive! |
A | 啊!看来不是幻觉,那房子越来越清晰了!难不成这就是传说中的沙漠绿洲?我们有救啦! |
| à! kànlai bù shì huànjué, nà fángzi yuèláiyuè qīngxī le! nánbùchéng zhè jiùshì chuánshuō zhōng de shāmòlǜzhōu? wǒmen yǒujiù la! |
| Oh! It looks like it's not an illusion. That house is getting clearer and clearer! Could it be that this is an oasis, like the ones in legends? There's hope for us yet! |
B | 我说的吧,老天爷是长眼睛的!我们赶紧过去。 |
| wǒ shuō de ba, lǎotiānyé shì zhǎng yǎnjing de! wǒmen gǎnjǐn guòqù. |
| Didn't I tell you? The man upstairs is looking out for us. Let's hurry on over. |
A | 我跟你说,大难不死,必有后福!一回去咱们就去买彩票。 |
| wǒ gēn nǐ shuō, dànànbùsǐ, bìyǒuhòufú, yī huíqù zánmen jiù qù mǎi cǎipiào. |
| I'm telling you, if a big disaster doesn't kill you outright, there's going to be a reward for you afterward! Let's go buy some lottery tickets! |
B | 还是少做你的发财梦吧!唉,你看到了吗?前面好像有很多树,还有井,还有人在卖东西,好像还有好多矮房子,看来是个村庄。 |
| háishì shǎo zuò nǐ de fācáimèng ba! ài, nǐ kàndào le ma? qiánmian hǎoxiàng yǒu hěn duō shù, hái yǒu jǐng, hái yǒu rén zài mài dōngxi, hǎoxiàng hái yǒu hǎo duō ǎi fángzi, kànlai shì ge cūnzhuāng. |
| How about you quit it with your dreams of getting rich! Oh, did you see that? It looks like there's a bunch of trees up ahead, and a well, and people selling stuff. It even looks like there are a bunch of short houses-- it seems like a village! |
A | 我看到了!唉,大兄弟,过来,快过来! |
| wǒ kàndào le! ài, dà xiōngdi, guòlái, kuài guòlái! |
| I can see it! Oh, man, hurry on over! |
B | 唉,过来帮帮我们! |
| ài, guòlái bāng bang wǒmen! |
| Oh, hurry over and save us! |
A | 他们怎么没反应啊?唉,救救我们!大兄弟,救救我们! |
| tāmen zěnme méi fǎnyìng a? ài, jiù jiu wǒmen! dà xiōngdi, jiù jiu wǒmen! |
| How come they're not reacting? Oh, save us! Dude, save us! |
B | 等等!等等!他们......他们怎么都穿着袍子啊,而且都留着辫子? |
| děng deng! děng deng! tāmen...... tāmen zěnme dōu chuān zhe páozi ā, érqiě dōu liú zhe biànzi? |
| Wait a second! How come they're all wearing robes, and they've all got queues? |
A | 什么?!难道......难道我们回到清朝了?完了,完了,全完了! |
| shénme? ! nándào...... nándào wǒmen huídào Qīngcháo le......? wán le, wán le, quán wán le! |
| What? Can it be? No...there's no way we've gone back to the Qing Dynasty, is there? We're doomed! All is lost! |