A | 沈小姐,您好!欢迎光临飞特尼斯健身房! |
| Shěn xiǎojie, nínhǎo! huānyíngguānglín Fēitènísī jiànshēnfáng! |
| Hi, Miss Shen! Welcome to Fitness Gym! |
B | 你好。给我安排私人教练了吗? |
| nǐhǎo. gěi wǒ ānpái sīrén jiàoliàn le ma? |
| Hi. Have you lined up a personal trainer for me? |
A | 已经安排好了,就是那个帅哥。教得很好,而且特别有耐心。 |
| yǐjīng ānpái hǎo le, jiùshì nà ge shuàigē. jiāo de hěn hǎo, érqiě tèbié yǒu nàixīn. |
| It's all arranged-- it's this handsome guy. He teaches very well, and he's extremely patient. |
B | 嗯,不错。 |
| ng4, bùcuò. |
| Oh, good. |
C | 你好,沈小姐,我叫王明。今天我会带你在健身房逛一圈,了解一下你的情况,然后为你量身制定健身计划。 |
| nǐhǎo, Shěn xiǎojie, wǒ jiào Wáng Míng. jīntiān wǒ huì dài nǐ zài jiànshēnfáng guàng yī quān, liǎojiě yīxià nǐ de qíngkuàng, ránhòu wèi nǐ liángshēn zhìdìng jiànshēn jìhuà. |
| Hi, Miss Shen. I'm Wang Ming. Today I'll take you on a tour of the gym, and get a better understanding of your personal situation. Then I'll design a wellness program for you. |
B | 好啊。不过,王教练,我可不想练成你那样的肱二头肌! |
| hǎo a. bùguò, Wáng jiàoliàn, wǒ kě bù xiǎng liàn chéng nǐ nàyàng de gōngèrtóujī! |
| Good. But, Mr. Wang, I really don't want huge biceps like yours! |
C | 怎么会?我们有好多适合女孩子的项目,比如瑜伽、拉丁舞、跳操,保证你练出和明星一样的魔鬼身材和气质! |
| zénme huì? wǒmen yǒu hǎo duō shìhé nǚháizi de xiàngmù, bǐrú yújiā, lādīngwǔ, tiàocāo, bǎozhèng nǐ liànchū hé míngxīng yīyàng de móguǐ shēncái hé qìzhi! |
| How could that happen? We have a lot of programs suited to ladies, such as yoga, Latin dance, and gymnastics. I guarantee you the hot body and style of a super-star. |
B | 你真会说话!我主要的目的就是减肥。 |
| nǐ zhēn huì shuōhuà! wǒ zhǔyào de mùdì jiùshì jiǎnféi. |
| You sure know how to talk! My main goal is weight loss. |
C | 那你也可以做一些器械运动,像跑步机,踏步机,什么的。 |
| nà nǐ yě kěyǐ zuò yīxiē qìxiè yùndòng, xiàng pǎobùjī, tàbùjī, shénme de. |
| You can use some machines, like the treadmill and the stepper. |
B | 啊哟,我耐力差。 |
| āyō, wǒ nàilì chà. |
| Ah, I have lousy endurance. |
C | 没事儿的。我们会在旁边激励你。 |
| méishìr de. wǒmen huì jīlì nǐ. |
| No problem. We stand by your side and motivate you. |
B | 好吧。对了,你们这里还有什么可以推荐的吗? |
| hǎo ba. duìle, nǐmen zhèlǐ hái yǒu shénme kěyǐ tuījiàn de ma? |
| OK. What else do you recommend I do? |
C | 哦,这个动感单车减肥效果非常好。不过强度很大,一开始最好不要练。 |
| ō, zhè ge dònggǎndānchē jiǎnféi xiàoguǒ fēicháng hǎo. bùguò qiángdù hěn dà, yī kāishǐ zuìhǎo bùyào liàn. |
| Spinning is really good for weight loss. But it's really intense. You don't want to try it when you're just starting to train. |
B | 好,我听你的。 |
| hǎo, wǒ tīng nǐ de. |
| OK, I'll take your word for it. |
C | 沈小姐,有私人教练指导,你的健身效果肯定好! |
| Shěn xiǎojie, yǒu sīrén jiàoliàn zhǐdǎo, nǐ de jiànshēn xiàoguǒ kěndìng hǎo! |
| Miss Shen, with some guidance from a personal trainer, you'll definitely get good fitness results! |
B | 你要说话算话噢。 |
| nǐ yào shuōhuà suàn huà o. |
| Just put your money where your mouth is. |
C | 那是肯定的。如果可以,请来这边付款吧。今天就开始你的健康生活! |
| nà shì kěndìng de. rúguǒ kěyǐ, qǐng lái zhèbiān fùkuǎn ba. jīntiān jiù kāishǐ nǐ de jiànkāng shēnghuó! |
| For sure. If it's OK, please come over here to pay. Your healthy life begins today! |
B | 行! |
| xíng! |
| Great! |
B | 唉?王教练呢?他不是我的私人教练吗? |
| ái? Wáng jiàoliàn ne? tā bù shì wǒ de sīrén jiàoliàn ma? |
| Huh? What about Mr. Wang? Isn't he my personal trainer? |
A | 他同时也是其他会员的“私人”教练啊! |
| tā tóngshí yě shì qítā huìyuán de "sīrén jiàoliàn" a! |
| He's also a "personal trainer" for other people! |
B | 啊?这也叫“私人”啊? |
| ǎ? zhè yě jiào "sīrén" a? |
| What? They call that "personal"? |