Upper-Intermediate - Job Market for Laowai (D1042)

A 小方,你们公司最近在招人吗?
Xiǎo Fāng, nǐ men gōngsī zuìjìn zài zhāorén ma?
Xiao Fang, is your company hiring right now?
B 在招啊。我们公司一直都有人离职,也一直都在招人。怎么?你想跳槽啊?
zài zhāo a. wǒmen gōngsī yīzhí dōu yǒurén lízhí, yě yīzhí dōu zài zhāorén. zěnme? nǐ xiǎng tiàocáo a?
Yes, they are looking for people. Our company has a lot of turnover, and so they are always looking for people. How come? Are you looking to get a better job?
A 不是。我有一个美国朋友,想找工作,让我帮忙问问。
bù shì. wǒ yǒu yī ge Měiguó péngyou, xiǎng zhǎo gōngzuò, ràng wǒ bāngmáng wèn wen.
No. I have a friend from the States that is looking for work. He got me to ask around for him.
B 哦,是这么回事。那他现在在干什么?中文怎么样?
o, shì zhème huí shì. nà tā xiànzài zài gàn shénme? Zhōngwén zěnmeyàng?
Oh, that's what it is. So what is he doing now? How is his Chinese?
A 自由职业,给杂志写写东西,策划些活动什么的。中文嘛,可以说几句简单的。
zìyóu zhíyè, gěi zázhì xiě xie dōngxi, cèhuà xiē huódòng shénme de. Zhōngwén ma, kěyǐ shuō jǐ jù jiǎndān de.
He freelances. He writes for some magazines, does event planning and stuff. His Chinese, well, he can say some simple sentences.
B 那他好像没什么特别的优势。如果期望不是很高,找一份一般的工作还是挺容易的。但是如果想要应聘好的职位,拿高薪,那就困难了。毕竟现在中国高端人才也多,外国人就业不像以前那么容易了。
nà tā hǎoxiàng méi shénme tèbié de yōushì. rúguǒ qīwàng bù shì hěn gāo, zhǎo yī fèn yībān de gōngzuò háishì tǐng róngyì de. dànshì rúguǒ xiǎng yào yìngpìn hǎo de zhíwèi, ná gāoxīn, nà jiù kùnnan le. bìjìng xiànzài Zhōngguó gāoduān réncái yě duō, wàiguórén jiùyè bù xiàng yǐqián nàme róngyì le.
It doesn't sound like he has a real edge. If his expectations aren't too high, it should be pretty easy to get an average sort of job. But if he wants to get hired for a good position with a high salary, that could be difficult. After all, now there are a lot of very highly qualified people in China. It's not as easy as it used to be for foreigners to get a good job.
A 这倒是,还是要靠实力。不过我觉得跨国公司还是比较乐意招外国员工的,至少语言、想法比较相似,沟通起来比较方便。
zhè dàoshì, háishì yào kào shílì. bùguò wǒ juéde kuàguó gōngsī háishì bǐjiào lèyì zhāo wàiguó yuángōng de, zhìshǎo yǔyán, xiǎngfǎ bǐjiào xiāngsì, gōutōng qǐlai bǐjiào fāngbiàn.
That's for sure, after all you have to rely on your actual skills. But I think that multinational corporations are still more willing to hire foreigners. At least their language and viewpoints are similar, and so communication is easier.
B 不见得!现在双语人才这么多,这已经算不上什么优势了。而且好多公司都是同工同酬。除非你是从国外派来的,那么工资福利都很好。如果是一般员工,而且是在国内招的,那和中国人的待遇也差不多。
bùjiànde! xiànzài shuāngyǔ réncái zhème duō, zhè yǐjīng suàn bu shàng shénme yōushì le. érqiě hǎo duō gōngsī dōu shì tónggōngtóngchóu. chúfēi nǐ shì cóng guówài pàilái de, nàme gōngzī fúlì dōu hěn hǎo. rúguǒ shì yībān yuángōng, érqiě shì zài guónèi zhāo de, nà hé zhōngguórén de dàiyù yě chàbuduō.
Not necessarily! Nowadays there are so many bilingual people, it isn't really considered such an advantage anymore. Plus a lot of companies are now 'equal pay for equal work.' Only if you are sent over from overseas will your salary and benefits be very good. If you are just regular staff, and you got the job in-country, then your salary will be about the same as it is for a local Chinese person.
A 我看还是要高一些吧。一个月万把块肯定拿得到。否则和他们自己国家比,这个落差也太大了。
wǒ kàn háishì yào gāo yīxiē ba. yī ge yuè wàn bǎ kuài kěndìng ná de dào . fǒuzé hé tāmén zìjǐ guójiā bǐ, zhè ge luòchā yě tài dà le.
I think it would still be a little higher. You could at least get around 10,000 a month. Otherwise it would just be too much of a drop in comparison with their home countries.
B 入乡随俗,不适应都不行。再说了,现在职场竞争这么激烈,能找到工作就不错了。对了,你朋友在中国待了多久了?
rùxiāngsuísú, bù shìyìng dōu bù xíng. zàishuō le, xiànzài zhíchǎng jìngzhēng zhème jīliè, néng zhǎodào gōngzuò jiù bùcuò le. duìle, nǐ péngyou zài Zhōngguó dāi le duō jiǔ le?
When in Rome. You have no choice but to get used to it. Furthermore, nowadays the job market is so competitive, even finding a job is pretty good. Oh, right--how long has your friend been in China?
A 有一段时间了,前后换过好几份工作。
yǒu yī duàn shíjiān le, qiánhòu huàn guo hǎojǐ fèn gōngzuò.
It's been a while. He's had quite a few jobs.
B 那他应该明白这点。
nà tā yīnggāi míngbai zhè diǎn.
Well, he should understand then.
A 可你也别光泼冷水,有空帮我多留意一下吧。
kě nǐ yě bié guāng pō lěngshuǐ, yǒukòng bāng wǒ duō liúyì yīxià ba.
But don't be such a downer. If you have the time, help me keep an eye out for him.
B 行啊!要么先让他发份简历给我,我看看有没有什么合适的。
xíng a! yàome xiān ràng tā fā fèn jiǎnlì gěi wǒ, wǒ kàn kan yǒu méiyǒu shénme héshì de.
OK. How about you have him send me his resume first, and I'll see if we have anything suitable for him.
A 好。拜托你了。
hǎo. bàituō nǐ le.
Great. Thanks a lot.

Key Vocabulary

招人 zhāorén to be hiring
离职 lízhí to leave your job
跳槽 tiàocáo to switch jobs
策划 cèhuà to plan
自由职业 zìyóu zhíyè Freelancer
优势 yōushì competitive edge
期望 qīwàng hope
应聘 yìngpìn to reply to a job ad
高薪 gāoxīn high salary
高端 gāoduān high-end
就业 jiùyè to work
实力 shílì actual ability
乐意 lèyì to be happy to
跨国公司 kuàguó gōngsī transnational corporation
双语 shuāngyǔ bilingual
同工同酬 tónggōngtóngchóu equal work for equal pay
工资 gōngzī wage
福利 fúlì fringe benefits
待遇 dàiyù compensation
万把块 wàn bǎ kuài about 10000
入乡随俗 rùxiāngsuísú When in Rome...
泼冷水 pō lěngshuǐ to throw cold water on
留意 liúyì to keep an eye out

Supplementary Vocabulary

聘用 pìnyòng to hire
报酬 bàochóu pay
薪酬 xīnchóu salary
预期 yùqī to expect
类似 lèisì similar to