A | 今天早点儿睡吧!那么早就被那两个老阿姨吵醒了! |
| jīntiān zǎo diǎnr shuì ba! nàme zǎo jiù bèi nà liǎng ge lǎoāyí chǎo xǐng le! |
| Go to bed early tonight! We got woken up so early by those two old women! |
B | 哎!真没办法! |
| āi! zhēn méi bànfǎ! |
| Ah, there's nothing we can do about that. |
A | 老阿姨嘛,懒得跟她们多说。 |
| lǎoāyí ma, lǎn de gēn tāmen duō shuō. |
| I couldn't be bothered to keep talking with those old women. |
B | 多说也没用。就那德行。 |
| duō shuō yě méiyòng. jiù nà déxing. |
| There's no point in talking to them. They're just that way. |
A | 你说不是她们是谁?老爱在楼道上放垃圾,我们贴那句话也是不好意思跟她们直说!怕她们脸上挂不住。 |
| nǐ shuō bù shì tāmen shì shéi? lǎo ài zài lóudào shang fàng lājī, wǒmen tiē nà jù huà yě shì bùhǎoyìsi gēn tāmen zhíshuō! pà tāmen liǎn shàng guàbuzhù. |
| Tell me, if they weren't the ones who did it, who did? Always leaving trash in the corridor-- we stuck up that note because we were embarrassed to say anything to them directly. We didn't want to humiliate them. |
B | 哎,也许我们这种新的沟通方式她们接受不了!她们本来以为乱扔垃圾神不知鬼不觉,这样一贴大家都知道了,她们觉得老脸都丢尽了! |
| āi, yěxǔ wǒmen zhèzhǒng xīn de gōutōng fāngshì tāmen jiēshòubuliǎo! tāmen běnlái yǐwéi luàn rēng lājī shénbùzhīguǐbùjué, zhèyàng yī tiē dàjiā dōu zhīdao le, tāmen juéde lǎoliǎn dōu diū jìn le! |
| Ah, maybe they can't accept this new style of communication. They thought no one would ever know that they leave trash all over the place. When someone puts up something like this, everyone knows what they've been up to. They feel like it's a big loss of face. |
A | 可是我们也没说是她们扔的呀!自己心里有鬼,还想狡辩。 |
| kěshì wǒmen yě méi shuō shì tāmen rēng de yā! zìjǐ xīnliyǒuguǐ, hái xiǎng jiǎobiàn. |
| But we didn't say it was them that threw it! They have guilty consciences, and they still want to quibble. |
B | 想维护自己的面子吧。她们以为不声明一下的话,大家都觉得就是她们做的。 |
| xiǎng wéihù zìjǐ de miànzi ba. tāmen yǐwéi bù shēngmíng yīxià dehuà, dàjiā dōu juéde jiùshì tāmen zuò de. |
| They wanted to protect their own reputations. They figured that if they didn't say something unequivocal, everyone would think it was them who did it. |
A | 跟人吵架就有面子了?我看这样撕破脸,大家都没面子。而且那么早就把别人闹醒,一点儿素质都没有! |
| gēn rén chǎojià jiù yǒu miànzi le? wǒ kàn zhèyàng sīpòliǎn, dàjiā dōu méi miànzi. érqiě nàme zǎo jiù bǎ biérén nào xǐng, yīdiǎnr sùzhì dōu méiyǒu! |
| How dignified is it to argue with people? The way I see it, they showed no consideration for anyone's feelings. Everyone loses face. And waking other people up so early-- it's uncivilized. |
B | 跟她们哪能说得清?不过物业也应该管管,垃圾要及时带下去,扔在楼道多不卫生! |
| gēn tāmen nǎnéng shuōdeqīng? bùguò wùyè yě yīnggāi guǎn guan, lājī yào jíshí dài xiàqu, rēng zài lóudào duō bù wèishēng! |
| How can you explain that to them? Still, the building management should take better care of this. They should immediately take the garbage away. Throwing it in the hallway is so unsanitary! |
A | 就是。垃圾不分类不说,还乱扔,也没人管。大家都缺少这种意识。 |
| jiùshì. lājī bù fēnlèi bù shuō, hái luàn rēng, yě méi rén guǎn. dàjiā dōu quēshǎo zhèzhǒng yìshi. |
| That's for sure. They don't even sort it by type, and then on top of that, they throw it around, and no one takes care of it. Everybody lacks this kind of awareness. |
B | 快收拾收拾睡觉吧,这情况一下子也改变不了。以后我们少跟她们说话就行。 |
| kuài shōushi shōushi shuìjiào ba, zhè qíngkuàng yīxiàzi yě gǎibiànbuliǎo. yǐhòu wǒmen shǎo gēn tāmen shuōhuà jiù xíng. |
| Just tidy up and go to bed now. It's impossible to change this kind of situation all at once. In the future, we'll try to avoid speaking to them, that's all. |
A | 哎,别明天一开门,又是一堆垃圾! |
| āi, bié míngtiān yī kāimén, yòu shì yī duī lājī! |
| Agh, let's hope when we open the door tomorrow there isn't another pile of garbage! |