Upper-Intermediate - Argument over Garbage (1) (D1034)

A 怎么了?
zěnme le?
What's going on?
B 你这是什么意思?
nǐ zhè shì shénme yìsi?
What do you mean by this?
A 什么什么意思?
shénme shénme yìsi?
What do you mean, what do I mean?
C 你门上写的是什么?
nǐ mén shàng xiě de shì shénme?
What's this written on your door?
A 没什么问题呀!“亲爱的邻居,请不要把垃圾堵在我家门口”。
méi shénme wèntí ya! "qīn'ài de línjū, qǐng bùyào bǎ lājī dǔ zài wǒ jiā ménkǒu" .
That's nothing to get upset about! "Dear neighbors, please don't block our door with garbage."
B 你话里有话,以为我们听不出来?谁把垃圾堵在你家门口了?
nǐ huàlǐyǒuhuà, yǐwéi wǒmen tīngbuchūlái ? shéi bǎ lājī dǔ zài nǐ jiā ménkǒu le?
There's a hidden implication here! You thought we couldn't figure it out? Who's blocking your door with garbage?
C 就是就是,你这是在说谁呢?你哪只眼睛看见是我们扔的?
jiùshì jiùshì, nǐ zhè shì zài shuō shéi ne? nǐ nǎ zhī yǎnjing kànjiàn shì wǒmen rēng de?
That's right! Who are you talking about? When did you see us throwing that trash?
A 我又没说是你们!有人老乱扔垃圾,我写个条子提醒大家一下不行吗?
wǒ yòu méi shuō shì nǐmen! yǒurén lǎo luàn rēng lājī, wǒ xiě ge tiáozi tíxǐng dàjiā yīxià bùxíng ma?
I didn't say it was you! There was always someone throwing trash. I wrote a little note to remind everyone. I'm not allowed to do that?
B 这层楼除了你,就我们两家,难道还有鬼?你这样写,摆明了就是在说我们!
zhè céng lóu chúle nǐ, jiù wǒmen liǎng jiā, nándào hái yǒu guǐ? nǐ zhèyàng xiě, bǎimíng le jiùshì zài shuō wǒmen!
The two of us are the only other people on this floor besides you. Unless maybe there's a ghost here? The way you wrote this, you're clearly talking about us!
C 有话就明说,还白纸黑字贴在门上,你想给谁看啊?
yǒu huà jiù míngshuō, hái báizhǐhēizì tiē zài mén shàng, nǐ xiǎng gěi shéi kàn a?
If you have something to say, then say it. When you write it down in black and white, who are you hoping will see it?
A 真是“此地无银三百两”!这楼上楼下那么多人,怎么就是说你呢?
zhēnshì "cǐdì wúyín sānbǎi liǎng" ! zhè lóushàng lóuxià nàme duō rén, zěnme jiùshì shuō nǐ ne?
There are so many people above and below us, what makes you think I was talking about you? This is just like the guy who buried three hundred pieces of silver and then left a sign saying, "there is no silver buried here!"
B 看你小子平时斯斯文文的,原来是这种人!
kàn nǐ xiǎozi píngshí sīsīwénwén de, yuánlái shì zhè zhǒng rén!
You normally seem like such a civilized young man, but now we see you as you really are!
C 就是,自己不讲卫生,还赖在别人头上!
jiùshì, zìjǐ bù jiǎng wèishēng, hái lài zài biéren tóu shàng!
That's right. You don't pay attention to basic hygiene, and then try to blame it on others!
A 难道是我吃饱撑着,把垃圾堵在自己家门口?
nándào shì wǒ chībǎochēngzhe , bǎ lājī dǔ zài zìjǐ jiā ménkǒu?
Do you mean to suggest that I've got so much time on my hands that I put garbage on my own doorstep?
B 那也不关我们的事儿!楼道又不是你一家的!放袋垃圾也很正常!
nà yě bù guān wǒmen de shìr! lóudào yòu bù shì nǐ yī jiā de! fàng dài lājī yě hěn zhèngcháng!
That's not our concern! The corridor is not just for you! Putting a bag outside is perfectly acceptable.
C 我告诉你,马上给我撕掉!我们活到这把年纪,还没被人这么欺负过!
wǒ gàosu nǐ, mǎshàng gěi wǒ sī diào! wǒmen huódào zhè bǎ niánjì, hái méi bèi rén zhème qīfu guo!
I'm telling you, take this sign down right now. We've lived to this age and never been harassed like this before!
A 谁把垃圾扔我门口的?有种你就站出来!今天我们把话说清楚!
shéi bǎ lājī rēng wǒ ménkǒu de? yǒuzhǒng nǐ jiù zhàn chūlai! jīntiān wǒmen bǎ huà shuō qīngchu!
Who put the trash in front of our door? Come on, face the music! Let's get this straight, once and for all!
B 就是,哪个缺德鬼扔的?
jiùshì, nǎ ge quēdé guǐ rēng de?
Yeah! Who's the lousy dirt bag who did it?
D 哎呀,老太婆,算了算了,快回去吧!大家都是邻居,这么大吵大闹像什么话?
āiyā, lǎotàipó, suànle suànle , kuài huíqu ba! dàjiā dōu shì línjū, zhème dàchǎodànào xiàng shénme huà?
Oh come on, ma'am, forget it! Go back inside! We're all neighbors here. How can you make such a big racket?
C 现在的年轻人啊!真是没教养!
xiànzài de niánqīngrén a! zhēnshì méi jiàoyǎng!
Young people these days! They're just not raised right!

Key Vocabulary

to block
话里有话 huàlǐyǒuhuà hidden meaning
摆明 bǎimíng to show clearly
白纸黑字 báizhǐhēizì written in black and white
此地无银三百两 cǐdì wúyín sānbǎi liǎng there are no 300 pieces of silver here
斯斯文文 sīsīwénwén civilized
lài to blame
吃饱撑着 chībǎochēngzhe to have nothing better to do
有种 yǒuzhǒng to have guts
缺德鬼 quēdé guǐ public nuisance
大吵大闹 dàchǎodànào kick up a fuss
像话 xiànghuà proper
教养 jiàoyǎng upbringing

Supplementary Vocabulary

误会 wùhuì misunderstanding
隐藏 yǐncáng to hide
讽刺 fěngcì sarcastic
侮辱 wǔrǔ to insult
证据 zhèngjù proof
道德标准 dàodé biāozhǔn moral standards
讲文明 jiǎng wénmíng to be civilized
讲信用 jiǎng xìnyòng to be trustworthy
讲礼貌 jiǎng lǐmào to be polite
冤枉 yuānwang to wrong someone
暗示 ànshì to hint
当面 dāngmiàn to one's face
私底下 sīdǐxià secretly
保密 bǎomì to keep a secret
留面子 liú miànzi to save face
暴露 bàolù to reveal