A | 刘总,我今天来和你谈谈明年的定单计划,我希望做你们产品在南美的独家代理。 |
| Liú Zǒng, wǒ jīntiān lái hé nǐ tán tan míngnián de dìngdān jìhuà, wǒ xīwàng zuò nǐmen chǎnpǐn zài Nánměi de dújiā dàilǐ. |
| Manager Liu, I've come today to discuss next year's plan for ordering goods with you. I would like to be your company's exclusive agent in South America. |
B | 钱总,我们会议室谈吧!小方,准备投影仪。 |
| Qián Zǒng, wǒmen huìyìshì tán ba! Xiǎo Fāng, zhǔnbèi tóuyǐngyí. |
| Manager Qian, let's talk in the conference room! Miss Fang, get the projector ready. |
A | 不知道刘总这边对做独家代理具体有什么规定? |
| bù zhīdào Liú Zǒng zhèbiān duì zuò dújiā dàilǐ jùtǐ yǒu shénme guīdìng? |
| I don't know what kind of rules you have here about exclusive representation, Manager Liu... |
B | 规定谈不上,我们追求的也是长久的合作关系。对于南美市场,我们希望每年你能有两万台的量。 |
| guīdìng tánbushàng, wǒmen zhuīqiú de yě shì chángjiǔ de hézuò guānxì. duìyú Nánměi shìchǎng, wǒmen xīwàng měinián nǐ néng yǒu liǎng wàn tái de liàng. |
| No rules to speak of. What we want is a long-term cooperative relationship. As far as the South American market is concerned, we hope that you will have a yearly volume of 20,000 machines. |
A | 嗯,几乎翻了一倍,这个我要和我的团队研究一下。不过这个量应该有价格上的支持吧? |
| ng4, jīhū fān le yī bèi, zhè ge wǒ yào hé wǒ de tuánduì yánjiū yīxià. bùguò zhè ge liàng yīnggāi yǒu jiàgé shang de zhīchí ba? |
| Oh, it's almost doubled. I'll need to research this with my team. But there should be some price support for this volume, right? |
B | 当然!首先我们会签署一个全年供货协议价,保证在合同期内,供货价格不变。最近原材料涨价,我们能做出这个承诺是要冒很大风险的,也希望你能看到我们的合作诚意! |
| dāngrán! shǒuxiān wǒmen huì qiānshǔ yī ge quánnián gōnghuò xiéyì jià, bǎozhèng zài hétong qī nèi, gōnghuò jiàgé bùbiàn. zuìjìn yuáncáiliào zhǎngjià, wǒmen néng zuòchū zhè ge chéngnuò shì yào mào hěn dà fēngxiǎn de, yě xīwàng nǐ néng kàndào wǒmen de hézuò chéngyì! |
| Of course! First, we'll sign a full-year supply agreement to guarantee that during the period of the contract, the price will not change. Recently the price of raw materials has gone up. For us to make this kind of agreement entails taking a big risk. We hope you can see how sincerely we want to cooperate with you! |
A | 好!我们最希望有稳定的价格。付款方式我们要求用90天信用证。 |
| hǎo! wǒmen zuì xīwàng yǒu wěndìng de jiàgé. fùkuǎn fāngshì wǒmen yāoqiú yòng jiǔshí tiān xìnyòngzhèng. |
| Great! Above all, we hope for a stable price. We request 90-day letters of credit as a payment system. |
B | 这个嘛,我们根据汇率变动,将利息加到价格里去。 |
| zhè ge ma, wǒmen gēnjù huìlǜ biàndòng, jiāng lìxi jiādào jiàgé lǐ qù. |
| Hmm, about that...we add the interest into the price according to fluctuations in the exchange rate. |
A | 你们有返点或者广告支持吗? |
| nǐmen yǒu fǎndiǎn huòzhě guǎnggào zhīchí ma? |
| Do you have commissions or advertising support? |
B | 我们以物料方式提供广告支持,个别需要现金的项目再单独讨论。相应地,我们也要求你方提供每季一次的市场营销报告,以便我们调整广告支持力度。 |
| wǒmen yǐ wùliào fāngshì tígōng guǎnggào zhīchí, gèbié xūyào xiànjīn de xiàngmù zài dāndú tǎolùn. xiāngyìng de, wǒmen yě yāoqiú nǐfāng tígōng měi jì yī cì de shìchǎng yíngxiāo bàogào, yǐbiàn wǒmen tiáozhěng guǎnggào zhīchí lìdù. |
| We provide promotional materials for advertising support. We can discuss specific projects requiring cash individually. On a related note, we request that you provide a marketing report every quarter so that we can adjust our level of advertising support. |
A | 好!我现在先把这个月的定单下给你。等回国研究了之后,再和你详谈独家代理。 |
| hǎo! wǒ xiànzài xiān bǎ zhè ge yuè de dìngdān xià gěi nǐ. děng huíguó yánjiū le zhīhòu, zài hé nǐ xiáng tán dújiā dàilǐ. |
| Good! Now I'll give you this month's order. After I go home and do some research, I will discuss exclusive representation with you in detail. |
B | 非常好!由你做我们产品的代理一直是我们所希望的啊! |
| fēicháng hǎo! yóu nǐ zuò wǒmen chǎnpǐn de dàilǐ yīzhí shì wǒmen suǒ xīwàng de a! |
| Wonderful! We've always hoped that you could be the exclusive agent for our products! |