nǐ yòng Google sōusuǒ a? wèishénme bù yòng Bǎidù?
You use Google to search? Why don't you use Baidu?
Bǎidù shì jìngjià páimíng. pái zài qiánmian de wǎngzhàn bù shì yīnwèi liúlǎnliàng gāo, dédào wǎngyǒu de rènkě, érshì yīnwèi tāmen shěde huāqián.
Baidu arranges sites by how much the owners have paid. The ones listed at the top are not there because they have a lot of traffic and people approve of them. It's because they are willing to pay a lot of money.
用多了就有窍门了,多看几页就行了呗。我觉得中文搜索还是百度强。内容是Google 的好几倍呢。而且好多新网页第一时间就能搜到,Google就不行。
yòng duō le jiù yǒu qiàomén le, duō kàn jǐ yè jiù xíng le bei. wǒ juéde Zhōngwén sōusuǒ háishì Bǎidù qiáng. nèiróng shì Google de hǎojǐ bèi ne. érqiě hǎo duō xīn wǎngyè dì yī shíjiān jiù néng sōudào, Google jiù bù xíng.
Use it for a while and you'll discover some tricks-of-the-trade. I think that for searching in Chinese, Baidu is still your best bet. It has several times as much content as Google. Plus, a lot of new web pages are immediately available there. Google can't do that.
nǐ bié shàng Google quánqiú wǎngzhàn, shàng Google diǎn cn bù jiù xíng le. Zhōngwén sōusuǒ jiéguǒ yě shì hěn quán de. zuì zhòngyào de shì nèiróng xiāngguāndù bǐjiào gāo. bùguò, yào tīng yīnyuè dehuà, wǒ háishì yòng Bǎidù.
Don't look at Google's website for the entire world. Check out Google.cn, that's good enough. Its Chinese search results are also very complete. Most important, the stuff you find with Google is very relevant. But if you want to listen to music, you should still use Baidu.
duì a, gē chāo quán. wǒ mp sān lǐ de gē dōu shì cóng Bǎidù xiàzǎi xiàlai de. fǎnzhèng wǒ juéde háishì Bǎidù shìhé zánmen Zhōngguórén, shénme xiàzǎi yīnyuè la, tiēbā la, dōu shì wǒmen gǎn xìngqù de.
That's for sure. The selection of songs is amazingly good. All the songs on my MP3 were all downloaded from Baidu. Anyway, I think Baidu is still the most suitable for us Chinese. Downloading songs, forums-- they are the things that we are most interested in.
zhè dàoshì. dàodǐ shì běntǔ gōngsī. dànshì shuōdào chuàngxīn háiyǒu gèxìnghuà de chǎnpǐn, nà juéduì shì Google bǐjiào qiáng, xiàng rìlì, yuèdúqì, wéndàng zhèxiē, Bǎidù gēnběn jiù méiyǒu.
Well, that's true. It is a "native-born" company, after all. But as far as innovation and user-friendliness, Google is absolutely superior. Think of Calendar, Reader, Docs-- Baidu has none of that stuff.
zhèxiē dōngxi tài chāoqián le. zài Měiguó hái kěyǐ, zài Zhōngguó jiù bù xíng, wǒmen de dàduōshù wǎngmín gēnběn bù huì yòng.
These things are too far beyond the needs of the common user. They're OK for America, but not for China. Most of our netizens just can't use them.
shéi shuō de? wǒ bù jiù zài yòng ma?
Who says? I'm using them, aren't I?
nǐ dǒng diànnǎo jìshù, yīngyǔ yòu hǎo. yībān Zhōngguórén nǎr yòngdezháo shénme yuèdúqì?
You understand computer technology, and your English is also good. But how many Chinese really have a need for readers or stuff like that?
ai, zǒngdeláishuō, háishì Zhōngguó hùliánwǎng hángyè zhěngtǐ fāzhǎn bǐjiào màn. hǎo duō wǎngzhàn lián RSS fúwù dōu méiyǒu, jiù gèngbiétán shénme yuèdúqì le. zhè diǎn tǐng kěxī de, qíshí Google de hěn duō chǎnpǐn dōu néng dàdà tígāo wǒmen de gōngzuò xiàolǜ hé gōutōng xiàolǜ, dànshì hǎo duō rén dōu méi jīhuì qù liǎojiě.
Ah, at the end of the day, the development of China's internet industry has been pretty slow. A bunch of websites don't even have RSS-- to say nothing of Reader. It really is a pity, so many of Google's products can increase our work and communication efficiency, but so many people never get a chance to try to understand them.
nà jiùshì bù shíyòng ma. wǒ kàn, Google xiǎng zhànlǐng Zhōngguó shìchǎng, jiù kěndìng yào kāifā yīxiē shìhé wǒmen de chǎnpǐn. dānchún dè bà gěi Měiguó shìchǎng de fúwù bān guòlái shì juéduì xíngbutōng de.
That's because they're not useful. The way I see it, if Google wants to capture the Chinese market, it definitely needs to come up with some products that we can use. Simply importing services unchanged from the American market will definitely not work.
duì. bùguò zhè liǎng jiā hézuò, yīqǐ sōu hái mán yǒu yìsi de.
True. But the two companies co-operating on search--now that's an interesting idea.
tāmen hézuò le?
They're co-operating?
shì a, baigoogledu. yèmiàn de yībiān shì Bǎidù, yī biān shì Google, nǐ kěyǐ tóngshí kàndào liǎng jiā de sōusuǒ jiéguǒ.
Yeah, it's called baigoogledu. Half the web page is Baidu, half is Google. You can see the search results from both companies at the same time.
tiān a, kěndìng yūn sǐ.
Whoa, that's a mind-blower.