Upper-Intermediate - Rating Restaurants on Dianping (D1004)

nǚ ér, nǎli de běnbāngcài zuò de bǐjiào hǎo? wǒmen lǎo tóngxué yào jùhuì.
Hey, where can we get some good Shanghainese food? My old classmates and I are having a get together.
lǎobà, nǐ shàng diǎnpíngwǎng ma.
Dad, just check out Dianping.com.
shénme dōngxi?
diǎnpíngwǎng! shàngmian yǒu wǎngyǒu duì dàdàxiǎoxiǎo jǐ wàn jiā fàndiàn de diǎnpíng. wǒ dōu shì yòng tā zhǎo fàndiàn de. nǐ guòlai kànkan.
Dianping.com! The have evaluations of all kinds of restaurants, written by real people. I use it all the time. Come take a look.
o, jiùshì zhè ge a. zěnme méiyǒu fàndiàn?
Oh, this thing. How come they don't have restaurants?
yǒu a. nǐ kàn zhèr, yǒu cāntīng páiháng, càixì hé dìqū sōusuǒ. nǐ kěyǐ zìjǐ xuǎnzé.
They do! Look they list the restaurants and you can search by type of cuisine and location in the city.
nǐ diǎn zhè ge páiháng kànkan. óyō, pái zài qiánmian de dōu nàme guì! rénjūn xiāofèi dōu yào shàngqiān kuài. dàgài dōu shì cāntīng fùqián zuò de guǎnggào ba.
Look at this list. Oh man, the ones at the top are so expensive, more than 1,000RMB per person. I bet these restaurants are just taking out ads here.
nà nǐ zìjǐ sōu ma. huídào zhǔyè, xiān xuǎn běnbāng càixì, ránhòu xuǎn dìqū. nǐmen dǎsuàn qù nǎli?
Well then, look for yourself. Go back to the homepage, pick Shanghainese food, then pick where in the city you want to eat. Where are you planning to go?
shìzhōngxīn, rénmínguǎngchǎng fùjìn.
Downtown, near People's Square.
nà kuàier chī de dìfang hěn duō. wǒmen xiànzài diǎn sōusuǒ. nǐ kàn, rénmínguǎngchǎng fùjìn de běnbāng fàndiàn dōu chūlái le. bà, nǐ zuò xiàlai màn mān kàn. měi jiā diàn dōu kěyǐ diǎn jìnqu, lǐmiàn jìyǒu wǎngyǒu xiě de diǎnpíng, yě yǒu rénjūnxiāofèi hé tuījiàncài, yǒude hái yǒu zhàopiàn ne. xìnxī mán quán de, yě bǐjiào kèguān.
There's tons of good restaurants in that area. Let's take a look. See, here are all the Shanghainese restaurants near People's Square. Dad, have a seat and take your time. You can go into each restaurant. They have recommendations by real people, the average cost per person, recommended dishes, even pictures. Tons of information, and it's pretty objective.
xiànzài wǎngshàng hái zhēnshì shénme dōu yǒu. ái, zhè ge páilièshùnxù yǒu jiǎngjiu ma?
These days you really can get anything online. Hey, how are these lists organized?
yībān diǎnpíng shùliàng duō de, pái de bǐjiào kào qián.
Usually the best-rated ones are up towards the top.
āi, zěnme tóngyī jiā fàndiàn, yǒuxiērén shuō hǎo, yǒuxiērén shuō nánchī de yàomìng.
Hey, how can some people say this place is great, and then other people say the food at the same place is disgusting?
chī zhè dōngxi, rénzhějiànrén, zhìzhějiànzhì. bùguò rúguǒ hěn duō rén dōu shuō hǎo, jiù shuōmíng zhēnde bùcuò.
Ah, when you eat out there will always be some differences of opinion. Anyway, if a lot of people say a place is good, it's probably really good.
kànlai, lǎobà zhēnshì luòwǔ le. nǚ ér dǒng de bǐ wǒ zhè ge lǎobà hái duō. duìle, zhème duō fàndiàn, rúguǒ yī jiā yī jiā kàn, hái bù kànhuāyǎn?
Looks like your old man is pretty out of touch. My daughter 'gets' this sort of stuff so much more than me. Oh right, looking at so many restaurants in a row, won't your eyes get really tired?
nǐ zài zhèbiān xuǎn yīxià jiàwèi, jiù hǎozhǎo le.
Just pick a price range, here... see?
suíbiàn shénme rén dōu kěyǐ xiě diǎnpíng a?
So anybody off the street can just write a review?
duìā, zhèyàng cái gōngzhèng ma. bà, nǐ zìjǐ kàn a. wǒ hái yǒu shì, děi chūqù yīxià.
Yeah, that's the only way to keep it really legit. Dad, have a look. I have something to do now, I have to go out for a bit.
o. āi, nǐ bié zǒu a. zhèlǐ yǒu ge yōuhuìquàn, zěnme dǎyìn a?
Oh, don't go! They have coupons. How do I print them out?
āiyā, hěn jiǎndān de. nǐzìjǐ nòng ma.
Oh dad, it's really simple. Why don't you try it for yourself?

Key Vocabulary

本帮菜běnbāngcàiShanghainese food
菜系càixìstyle of cuisine
人均消费rénjūn xiāofèiper capita expenditure
讲究jiǎngjiuto be particular about
仁者见仁,智者见智rénzhějiànrén, zhìzhějiànzhìdifferent people have different views
打印dǎyìnto print

Supplementary Vocabulary

最低消费zuìdī xiāofèiminimum expenditure
好评hǎopíngpositive review
差评chàpíngnegative review
家常菜jiāchángcàihome-style cooking
特价菜tèjiàcàispecial of the day
招牌菜zhāopáicàia restaurant's most famous dish