A | 又在淘宝啊? |
| yòu zài Táobǎo a? |
| You're on Taobao again? |
B | 嗯,想买个iPhone. |
| ng4, xiǎng mǎi ge iPhone . |
| Yeah, I want to buy an iPhone. |
A | 这么贵重的东西,你也敢在网上买?我看还是到店里买比较保险。 |
| zhème guìzhòng de dōngxi, nǐ yě gǎn zài wǎngshàng mǎi? wǒ kàn háishì dào diàn lǐ mǎi bǐjiào bǎoxiǎn. |
| You're even going to buy something that expensive online? I'd say buying in a store is safer. |
B | 淘宝挺安全的。上面好多卖家都有实体店。不过网上的价格便宜一两成呢。你看这个8G内存的,才五千多,店里差不多要卖六千。 |
| Táobǎo tǐng ānquán de. shàngmian hǎo duō màijiā dōu yǒu shítǐdiàn. bùguò wǎngshàng de jiàgé piányi yī liǎng chéng ne. nǐ kàn zhè ge bā G nèicún de, cái wǔqiān duō, diàn lǐ chàbuduō yào mài liùqiān. |
| Taobao is quite safe. A lot of the sellers have actual stores, but the online prices are ten to twenty percent cheaper. Look at this 8-gig one. It's just a bit over 5000, but in stores it sells for around 6000. |
A | 我还是觉得不靠谱。你看,有些人卖三千多,有些人却要卖到六千多,多混乱啊。一点儿保障都没有。 |
| wǒ háishì juéde bù kàopǔ. nǐ kàn, yǒuxiē rén mài sānqiān duō, yǒuxiē rén què yào mài dào liùqiān duō, duō hùnluàn a. yīdiǎnr bǎozhàng dōu méiyǒu. |
| I still think it's not reliable. Look, some people sell it for 3000 plus, while others sell it for as much as 6000. It's a mess, and there are no guarantees at all. |
B | 选卖家的时候自己小心点儿就行了。有些卖家,做过几千笔交易,好评率都是百分之百的。肯定信得过。有的还说欢迎到实体店里看呢。这还会有假? |
| xuǎn màijiā de shíhou zìjǐ xiǎoxīn diǎnr jiù xíng le. yǒuxiē màijiā, zuò guo jǐ qiān bǐ jiāoyì, hǎopíng lǜ dōu shì bǎifēnzhībǎi de. kěndìng xìndeguò. yǒude hái shuō huānyíng dào shítǐdiàn lǐ kàn ne. zhè hái huì yǒu jiǎ? |
| If you're careful when you choose your seller you're fine. Some sellers have thousands of sales, with 100% good ratings. Definitely trustworthy. Some even invite you to the store to browse. How could that be fake? |
A | 不好说,现在灌水的人多的是。特别是像这种单价高的东西,卖家骗十几二十个人,就能卷走好多钱。 |
| bùhǎoshuō, xiànzài guànshuǐ de rén duōdeshì. tèbié shì xiàng zhèzhǒng dānjià gāo de dōngxi, màijiā piàn shíjǐ èrshí ge rén, jiù néng juǎnzǒu hǎo duō qián. |
| It's hard to say. These days there are plenty of people artificially inflating these things. Especially on these high-priced items, if a seller can swindle 15 or 20 people, he can make off with a lot of money. |
B | 可是如果我拿不到货,或者觉得质量有问题,卖家是拿不到钱的。因为钱是先付给支付宝的,由他们代管。有问题的话,可以退款,还能举报卖家。 |
| kěshì rúguǒ wǒ nábudào huò, huòzhě juéde zhìliàng yǒu wèntí , màijiā shì nábudào qián de. yīnwèi qián shì xiān fù gěi Zhīfùbǎo de, yóu tāmen dàiguǎn. yǒu wèntí dehuà, kěyǐ tuìkuǎn, hái néng jǔbào màijiā. |
| But if I don't get the merchandise or if I feel there's a problem with the quality, the seller can't get my money. I pay the money to AliPay first, and they hold it. If there's a problem, they can refund my money, and I can also report the seller to the authorities. |
A | 他们会轻易让你退吗?真要退的话,肯定还有一套程序。想想就麻烦,还是到店里买省事。 |
| tāmen huì qīngyì ràng nǐ tuì ma? zhēn yào tuì dehuà, kěndìng hái yǒu yī tào chéngxù. xiǎngxiang jiù máfan, háishì dào diàn lǐ mǎi shěngshì. |
| Will they return your money just like that? If you really want a refund, I bet there's a big long process. Just thinking about it stresses me out. Going to a store saves you the trouble. |
B | 你就是怕上当。我跟你说,我有好几个同事都在淘宝上买过贵的东西,都没问题。而且现在网购已经很成熟了,大多数人都是正经做生意的,不是诈骗犯。 |
| nǐ jiùshì pà shàngdàng. wǒ gēn nǐ shuō wǒ yǒu hǎo jǐ ge tóngshì dōu zài Táobǎo shang mǎi guo guì de dōngxi, dōu méi wèntí. érqiě xiànzài wǎnggòu yǐjīng hěn chéngshú le, dàduōshù rén dōu shì zhèngjing zuò shēngyi de, bù shì zhàpiànfàn. |
| You're just afraid of being duped. I'm telling you, I have a lot of co-workers that have all bought expensive things on Taobao with no problems. Besides, online shopping has already matured. The vast majority of people are doing legitimate business. They're not con artists. |
A | 反正当心点儿总没错。不过,你买好了,告诉我一声。如果东西好,我也去买。 |
| fǎnzhèng dāngxīn diǎnr zǒng méicuò. bùguò, nǐ mǎi hǎo le, gàosu wǒ yī shēng. rúguǒ dōngxi hǎo, wǒ yě qù mǎi. |
| Anyway, just be careful and you should be fine. But if you do buy it, let me know. If it's good, I'll do it too. |
B | 你太不像话了!拿我当试验品! |
| nǐ tài bù xiànghuà le! ná wǒ dàng shìyànpǐn! |
| You're too much, using me as a test subject! |