A | 最近我们的销售额一直上不去。作为项目经理,你有没有找过原因? |
| zuìjìn wǒmen de xiāoshòu é yīzhí shàngbuqù. zuòwéi xiàngmù jīnglǐ, nǐ yǒu méiyǒu zhǎo guo yuányīn? |
| Lately we can't seem to increase our sales volume. Those who are project managers, have you found the reason? |
B | 我们的产品和服务都不错,主要问题是推广得不够。我已经提过了,可是公司拿不出更多的宣传费用。 |
| wǒmen de chǎnpǐn hé fúwù dōu bùcuò, zhǔyào wèntí shì tuīguǎng de bùgòu. wǒ yǐjīng tí guo le, kěshì gōngsī nábuchū gèng duō de xuānchuán fèiyòng. |
| Our product and service are all pretty good. The main problem is that we haven't got enough publicity. I've mentioned it before, but the company can't afford to put out more for publicity expenses. |
A | 二八定律你应该知道吧?通常,一个企业80%的利润来自20%的项目,而20%的客户能给公司带来80%的利润。所以你得清楚这最重要的20%是什么。 |
| èrbā dìnglǜ nǐ yīnggāi zhīdào ba? tōngcháng, yī ge qǐyè bǎifēnzhī bāshí de lìrùn láizì bǎifēnzhī èrshí de xiàngmù, ér bǎifēnzhī èrshí de kèhù néng gěi gōngsī dàilái bǎifēnzhī bāshí de lìrùn. suǒyǐ nǐ děi qīngchu zhè zuì zhòngyào de bǎifēnzhī èrshí shì shénme. |
| You probably know the 80/20 rule, right? Generally, 80% of a company's profits come from 20% of its projects. Also, 20% of its customers will provide the company with 80% of its profits. Therefore, you must be very clear on where the most important 20% lies. |
B | 你是说力气要用对地方。 |
| nǐ shì shuō lìqi yào yòng duì dìfang. |
| You are saying we need to direct our efforts in the right place. |
A | 这就对了。我们是小公司,资源有限。所以我们要看清情况,排定主次顺序。 |
| zhè jiù duì le. wǒmen shì xiǎo gōngsī, zīyuán yǒuxiàn. suǒyǐ wǒmen yào kàn qīng qíngkuàng, páidìng zhǔcì shùnxù. |
| That's exactly right. We are a small company, and our resources are limited. Thus we need to analyze the situation, and get our priorities straight. |
B | 嗯,这样看来,我应该调整宣传的策略,针对大客户重点推广。 |
| ng4, zhèyàng kànlai, wǒ yīnggāi tiáozhěng xuānchuán de cèlǜe, zhēnduì dà kèhù zhòngdiǎn tuīguǎng. |
| Uh-huh. Looking at it that way, I should probably adjust our publicity strategy, making the big clients my focus. |
A | 还要针对他们的不同需要。你和你的团队都很有能力,但是分析和优化资源的能力还不足。刚刚说的二八定律你们要好好想想。 |
| hái yào zhēnduì tāmen de bùtóng xūyào. nǐ hé nǐ de tuánduì dōu hěn yǒu nénglì, dànshì fēnxī hé yōuhuà zīyuán de nénglì hái bùzú. gānggāng shuō de èrbā dìnglǜ nǐmen yào hǎohāo xiǎngxiang . |
| And we also need to direct the efforts toward addressing their specific needs. You and your team are very capable, but your analysis and optimization of resources is still not up to par. You really need to consider carefully the 80/20 rule we just talked about. |
B | 是。以前有点儿埋头傻干。其实我们早就该在重点产品和重点客户上下功夫了。 |
| shì. yǐqián yǒudiǎnr máitóu shǎ gàn. qíshí wǒmen zǎo jiù gāi zài zhòngdiǎn chǎnpǐn hé zhòngdiǎn kèhù shang xià gōngfu le. |
| Yes. Before we were kind of spinning our wheels. Actually, we should have been focusing our efforts on our key products and customers. |
A | 当然,二八定律不是魔术。很多具体和复杂的问题还要你们自己去解决。 |
| dāngrán, èrbā dìnglǜ bù shì móshù. hěn duō jùtǐ hé fùzá de wèntí hái yào nǐmen zìjǐ qù jiějué. |
| Of course. The 80/20 rule isn't magic. There are still many specific and complex problems you need to solve for yourselves. |
B | 明白了。 |
| míngbai le. |
| I understand. |
A | 希望你能尽快提高销售额。明天先做一份计划书给我。还有上次说的新产品开发,也快点拿个方案出来。噢,还有质量监控,我也要看你的计划。 |
| xīwàng nǐ néng jǐnkuài tígāo xiāoshòu é. míngtiān xiān zuò yī fèn jìhuà shū gěi wǒ. háiyǒu shàngcì shuō de xīn chǎnpǐn kāifā, yě kuài diǎn ná ge fāng'àn chūlai. ò, háiyǒu zhìliàng jiānkòng, wǒ yě yào kàn nǐ de jìhuà. |
| I hope you will be able to raise the sales volume as quickly as possible. First off, tomorrow get a proposal done up for me. Plus there is that new product launch we mentioned last time--come up with a plan for that in a hurry as well. Oh, there is also quality control. I also want to see your plan. |
B | 好。那我先回去工作了。 |
| hǎo. nà wǒ xiān huíqu gōngzuò le. |
| OK. I'll go get back to work then. |
C | 哎,老板又给了你一大堆任务? |
| ái, lǎobǎn yòu gěi le nǐ yīdàduī rènwu? |
| Sigh, the boss gave you another big task? |
B | 是啊。不过我可以用二八定律。 |
| shì a. bùguò wǒ kěyǐ yòng èrbā dìnglǜ. |
| Yeah. But I can use the 80/20 rule. |
C | 什么东西? |
| shénme dōngxi? |
| What's that? |
B | 凡是老板安排的事情,只有20%是重要的,一定要把这些做好。剩下的80%,凑合就行。 |
| fánshì lǎobǎn ānpái de shìqing, zhǐyǒu bǎifēnzhī èrshí shì zhòngyào de, yīdìng yào bǎ zhèxiē zuò hǎo. shèngxià de bǎifēnzhī bāshí , còuhe jiù xíng. |
| Of all the things the boss wants me to do, only 20% are important. These, I must do well. The leftover 80%, I'll just improvise. |