A | 开快点儿,你再这么绕来绕去的,我们就要误飞机了! |
| kāi kuài diǎnr, nǐ zài zhème ràoláiràoqù de, wǒmen jiù yào wù fēijī le! |
| Drive faster, if you keep taking the long way around like this, we're going to miss our plane! |
B | 超速要罚款的。我已经很快了! |
| chāosù yào fákuǎn de. wǒ yǐjīng hěn kuài le! |
| If I speed I'll get a ticket. I'm already going very fast! |
C | 下面这么多红绿灯,你干吗不走高架? |
| xiàmian zhème duō hónglǜdēng, nǐ gànmá bù zǒu gāojià? |
| There are so many traffic lights up ahead. Why the heck didn't you take the highway? |
B | 高架上堵车。 |
| gāojià shang dǔchē. |
| The highway is all jammed up. |
A | 下面堵得更厉害!我们是要赶飞机的! |
| xiàmian dǔ de gèng lìhai! wǒmen shì yào gǎn fēijī de! |
| There's more of a traffic jam here! We need to catch a plane! |
B | 我知道。这路我比你们熟多了。 |
| wǒ zhīdào. zhè lù wǒ bǐ nǐmen shú duō le. |
| I know. I know these roads better than you do. |
A | 你快从那些车中间穿过去吧,我们真的很着急! |
| nǐ kuài cóng nàxiē chē zhōngjiān chuān guòqu ba. wǒmen zhēnde hěn zháojí! |
| Weave through the traffic here, we are really getting nervous! |
B | 急也没用,现在不好超车的! |
| jí yě méiyòng, xiànzài bù hǎo chāochē de! |
| There's no point getting anxious, I can't pass here. |
A | 现在好些了,你快踩油门,冲到前面去! |
| xiànzài hǎo xiē le, nǐ kuài cǎi yóumén, chōng dào qiánmian qù! |
| It's better now. Put the pedal to the metal and get up there! |
B | 很危险的,小姐! |
| hěn wēixiǎn de, xiǎojie! |
| It's dangerous, Miss! |
A | 又是红灯,真倒霉。不行,我们实在等不及了,师傅,你直接闯过去吧。 |
| yòu shì hóngdēng, zhēn dǎoméi. bù xíng, wǒmen shízài děngbují le, shīfu, nǐ zhíjiē chuǎng guòqu ba. |
| Another red light! We have the worst luck. This won't do, we really cannot wait. Driver, run the light. |
B | 你说得倒轻巧。又是罚款,又是扣分的,我还要不要吃饭了? |
| nǐ shuō de dào qīngqiǎo. yòu shì fákuǎn, yòu shì kòufēn de, wǒ hái yào bu yào chīfàn le? |
| That's easier said than done. Besides getting fined, I'd also have points deducted. What should I do--not eat? |
C | 没事儿!快点儿!哎哟,飞机马上就要起飞了! |
| méishìr! kuài diǎnr! āiyō, fēijī mǎshàng jiù yào qǐfēi le! |
| Never mind! Hurry up! Yikes, the plane is about to take off! |
B | 明知道要乘飞机,就要早点出发。 |
| míng zhīdào yào chéng fēijī, jiù yào zǎo diǎn chūfā. |
| If you knew you had to catch a plane, you should have left a little earlier. |
A | 还能加速吗?你看,就剩几分钟了! |
| hái néng jiāsù ma? nǐ kàn, jiù shèng jǐ fēnzhōng le! |
| Can you accelerate? Look, we only have a few minutes left to get there! |
B | 马上就到了。放心,误不了的。 |
| mǎshàng jiù dào le. fàngxīn, wùbuliǎo de. |
| We're almost there. Don't worry, you won't miss it. |
C | 如果赶不上,你负责送我们去黄山! |
| rúguǒ gǎnbushàng, nǐ fùzé sòng wǒmen qù Huángshān! |
| If we miss it, then you have to take us to Huangshan! |
B | 行,油钱你们出! |
| xíng, yóu qián nǐmen chū! |
| Fine, if you guys are paying the gas! |
C | 唉,你怎么急刹车啊? |
| āi, nǐ zěnme jíshāchē a? |
| Hey, why are you putting on the brakes? |
B | 喏,那里有摄像头,超速会被拍下来的。 |
| nuò, nàlǐ yǒu shèxiàngtóu, chāosù huì bèi pāi xiàlai de. |
| Look, there is a camera there. If you speed, it takes your picture. |
A | 这么麻烦!急死我了! |
| zhème máfan! jí sǐ wǒ le! |
| What a pain! I'm dying here! |
C | 到了,到了,你快去拿推行李的小车,我去换登机牌! |
| dào le, dào le, nǐ kuài qù ná tuī xíngli de xiǎochē, wǒ qù huàn dēngjīpái! |
| We're here, we're here. You go grab a luggage cart, I'll go check-in. |
A | 好! |
| hǎo! |
| OK! |