A | 马总,谢谢你接受《财经日报》的采访。你的公司现在是中国最大的电子商务企业,但是据说你创业时根本不懂互联网。 |
| Mǎ Zǒng, xièxie nǐ jiēshòu《 Cáijīng Rìbào》 de cǎifǎng. nǐ de gōngsī xiànzài shì Zhōngguó zuì dà de diànzǐ shāngwù qǐyè, dànshì jùshuō nǐ chuàngyè shí gēnběn bù dǒng hùliánwǎng. |
| Mr. Ma, thank you for accepting an interview with Finance and Economics Daily. Your company is now China's biggest e-commerce enterprise, yet it is said that when you undertook this venture, you knew nothing about the internet. |
B | 是。那时候互联网在中国刚起步,可是我相信它有很大的潜力。 |
| shì. nà shíhou hùliánwǎng zài Zhōngguó gāng qǐbù, kěshì wǒ xiāngxìn tā yǒu hěn dà de qiánlì. |
| Yes. At that time, the internet was just getting started in China. However, I was convinced that it had huge potential. |
A | 怎么会选择电子商务呢?那时候好多人都做门户网站。 |
| zénme huì xuǎnzé diànzǐ shāngwù ne? nà shíhou hǎo duō rén dōu zuò ménhù wǎngzhàn. |
| How is it that you chose e-commerce? At the time, a lot of people were doing portal websites. |
B | 我一直觉得互联网最大的功能就是联系人,那么为什么不把它用在做生意上呢?所以我想搭建这样一个平台,把卖家和买家连起来。 |
| wǒ yīzhí juéde hùliánwǎng zuì dà de gōngnéng jiùshì liánxì rén, nàme wèishénme bù bǎ tā yòng zài zuò shēngyi shang ne? suǒyǐ wǒ xiǎng dājiàn zhèyàng yī ge píngtái, bǎ màijiā hé mǎijiā lián qǐlai. |
| I've always felt that the biggest function of the internet is to bring people together. So, why not use it for business? That's why I wanted to set up that kind of a platform; to connect the seller with the buyer. |
A | 现在你的商业模式已经很成功了。但是当时根本没人投资,是吧? |
| xiànzài nǐ de shāngyè móshì yǐjīng hěn chénggōng le. dànshì dāngshí gēnběn méi rén tóuzī, shì ba? |
| Your business model has really achieved success now. But at the time, there wasn't a single person willing to invest in it, isn't that right? |
B | 是的。我的概念比较超前,很多人不相信。可是我比较一根筋,别人不投资,我就自己干! |
| shì de. wǒ de gàiniàn bǐjiào chāoqián, hěn duō rén bù xiāngxìn. kěshì wǒ bǐjiào yīgēnjīn, biérén bù tóuzī, wǒ jiù zìjǐ gàn! |
| Yes. My concept was comparatively ahead of its time, a lot of people didn't believe in it. However, I'm quite a stubborn person. If others didn't want to invest, I would do it on my own! |
A | 遇到的最大的挫折是什么呢? |
| yùdào de zuì dà de cuòzhé shì shénme ne? |
| What was the biggest frustration you ran into? |
B | 很多啊。最主要是市场不熟悉这种模式,所以没生意,公司一直在烧钱。但互联网发展得很快,大家很快就开始尝试电子商务了。而且我们能把国内外的买卖双方连接起来,确实给他们带来了好处。 |
| hěn duō a. zuì zhǔyào shì shìchǎng bù shúxī zhèzhǒng móshì, suǒyǐ méi shēngyi, gōngsī yīzhí zài shāoqián. dàn hùliánwǎng fāzhǎn de hěn kuài, dàjiā hěn kuài jiù kāishǐ chángshì diànzǐ shāngwù le. érqiě wǒmen néng bǎ guónèiwài de mǎimài shuāngfāng liánjiē qǐlai, quèshí gěi tāmen dàilái le hǎochu. |
| There were many. The main thing was that the market was not accustomed to this kind of model, therefore there was no business. The company kept burning up money. But the internet developed very quickly, and soon afterward, everyone started giving e-commerce a try. Furthermore, we were able to link up merchants both at home and abroad. This definitely was of benefit to them. |
A | 现在公司的业绩已经很好了,去年还成功上市。为什么不扩大业务范围,做网络游戏、搜索引擎呢? |
| xiànzài gōngsī de yèjì yǐjīng hěn hǎo le, qùnián hái chénggōng shàngshì. wèishénme bù kuòdà yèwù fànwéi, zuò wǎngluò yóuxì, sōusuǒ yǐnqíng ne? |
| Now, the company has achieved a lot--last year it successfully went public. Why have you not expanded the scope of the business to include online games, search engines? |
B | 我一根筋嘛!现在我们有商家的交易网站,也有个人拍卖网站。我想把这些做到最好。 |
| wǒ yīgēnjīn ma! xiànzài wǒmen yǒu shāngjiā de jiāoyì wǎngzhàn, yě yǒu gèrén pāimài wǎngzhàn. wǒ xiǎng bǎ zhèxiē zuò dào zuì hǎo. |
| Because I'm stubborn! We currently have a B2B transaction website, we also have an auction website. We want to make these the best they can be. |
A | 听说你的理想就是营业额超过沃尔玛。 |
| tīngshuō nǐ de lǐxiǎng jiùshì yíngyè é chāoguò Wòěrmǎ. |
| I've heard that your ideal is to have your business revenue surpass that of Walmart. |
B | 哈哈,不是理想,是目标。希望在我任内能实现。 |
| hāhā, bù shì lǐxiǎng, shì mùbiāo. xīwàng zài wǒ rènnèi néng shíxiàn. |
| He he, it's not an ideal, it's a goal. I hope to realize that goal during my time here. |